Minjoon - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Чимина очень тронул комплимент Намджуна

Сначала на промоушене Джун сказал, что очаровательной чертой Чимина он считает его глаза, которые исчезают во время улыбки. А спустя время, на фансайне Чимин сказал, что считает эту часть милой, потому что, когда он смотрит на Джуна, его глаза исчезают из-за улыбки.

/At the beginning of the promotion, Joon said that he considers his eyes a charming feature of Jimin. The past time, in Fansine, Jimin said that he believes that this is part sweet, because he looks at Joon, his eyes disappear due to a smile/


🐥: мои глаза... не маленькие ㅠㅠ /my eyes... are not small ㅠㅠ/  

🐨: это твоё очарование! твои глаза, умеющие исчезать! /that’s your charm! your eyes that disappear!/   

🐥: если ты говоришь это, то я должен начать с самого начала так 😌🎶 /if you say that then I have to start off from the beginning like /

🐨: я думаю, что всё лучше понемногу /I think everything is best in moderation/  

🐨: потому что, как бы широко мы ни открывали глаза, мы не сможем конкурировать с Чонгуком и Тэхёном... / because, no matter how wide we open our eyes, we can’t beat jungkook or taehyung.../

🐨: он действительно красив, не так ли?  /he’s really handsome isn’t he?/


👩‍💼: Какая часть в Чимине милая?

🐥: По моему мнению...

🐥: Когда я смотрю на Намджуна,-

🐥: Я думаю, это мило, когда мои глаза исчезают из-за улыбки.

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5 years ago

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0owRYUFCto)

Minjoon Home

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5 years ago

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVkgQoPOuVM)

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4 years ago
Just Missing Minjoon As Always.

Just missing Minjoon as always.

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4 years ago
Their Smiles WOULD Look Good In Any Media

Their smiles WOULD look good in any media

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4 years ago

Everyone says there are two sides to every story. Well there are definitely two sides to Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin.

Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon
Everyone Says There Are Two Sides To Every Story. Well There Are Definitely Two Sides To Kim Namjoon

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4 years ago

Is there a time when Namjoon doesn’t think Jiminie is cute

Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute
Is There A Time When Namjoon Doesnt Think Jiminie Is Cute

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4 years ago

Just remember this Namjoon and Jimin exist

Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist
Just Remember This Namjoon And Jimin Exist

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4 years ago
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell
You Can Tell Us, We Pinky Promise Not To Tell

You can tell us, we pinky promise not to tell

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3 years ago

Just to make you smile (Please excuse the quality of the video)

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5 years ago


My name is Catarina. I just wanted to go over a few things at the start of this blog.

This is a Jimin focused blog, but I want it to be very clear that I love all the other members with all my heart. My babies.

Do not hate on my blog or my followers please. It will not be accepted. If you hate it that much, go look at something else.

Please feel free to ask or send me anything! My inbox is open to all who need it.

I'm always open to suggestions!

I also have a blog called @btsangeljiminie. I moved here because I wanted to have a focused blog and commit to something, instead of being all over the place. Feel free to go follow me over there as well!

I will try my very best to post consistently, and keep updates on my fanfics or asks or stuff like that!!

Thank you for your support!!!

La Revedere!!

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5 years ago


So, if anyone ever wanted to know what my top ships are:

OT7 (Bangtan family is life, and shipping is never an excuse to discredit it)

MinJoon (gOD I'm so SOFT for these two)

Yoonkook (they make my insides melt I ship it so much)


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4 years ago

the best bonsai papa in the world 🥺🖤

Kim Namjoon (27), Bonsai Papa Nickname: Namujoon
Kim Namjoon (27), Bonsai Papa Nickname: Namujoon
Kim Namjoon (27), Bonsai Papa Nickname: Namujoon
Kim Namjoon (27), Bonsai Papa Nickname: Namujoon
Kim Namjoon (27), Bonsai Papa Nickname: Namujoon

Kim Namjoon (27), Bonsai Papa 🌳 Nickname: Namujoon

+ Bonus:


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7 years ago

Talking Moni and giggly Mini 😆  // © なおhope!

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