Chimochiart - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Singularity, Serendipity, Euphoria.

Singularity, Serendipity, Euphoria.

I have no words to express my love for these three songs of our vocal line. I literally listen to Serendipity in the morning, Euphoria when I’m surrounded by joyous feeling inside, and Singularity at night. Can’t wait to hear the one sung by Jin. First fanart in 2018. Do not repost. Thank you Namjoon for your wonderful, golden lyrics throughout the time.

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6 years ago
BTS Seven Deadly Sins AU

BTS Seven Deadly Sins AU

Kim Namjoon (Greed) and Kim Seokjin (Gluttony)

Highly inspired from the masterpiece Welcome Home by @sheepishfiction 

Greed meets gluttony in a casino of course.  Namjoon bets high, and then higher, cards and chips changing hands faster than what Seokjin can keep up with.  Seokjin is content to just watch.  He comes for the seafood buffets, and stays for the generous amounts of free alcohol being served by the scantily dressed ladies on the gambling floor. 

The first pair, Namjoon and Seokjin, is done! I began on starting the draft of the seven boys a month after I read the fic, and I just realized that I drew some of them not exactly as described in the fic (for example like Seokjin here, he isn’t supposed to be sitting with his chips) :’D but I keep on drawing it and I feel content with the result! 

Namjoon here has light blonde hair and is wearing his outfit (my favorite one) at the Golden Disk Awards 2017 while Seokjin has pink hair and wears his initial outfit in DNA (my favorite combination). By the way I have never been to a casino before, so here’s the closest manifestation of how I imagine the setting they are in, complete with the lighting. Don’t forget to read the fic, it’s thrilling and beyond marvelous! I adore the work soooo much!

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6 years ago
This Year Has Been So Meaningful To Me And You Guys Are Also The Ones Who Made It Possible! Here Is Our

This year has been so meaningful to me and you guys are also the ones who made it possible! Here is our lovely Jimin to bedazzle our timeline~

No matter what we’re going through, the light will always be at the end of the tunnel and of course, serendipities alongside every step of our walk. Much love to all of you my dearies!

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6 years ago
Jimins Face Studies! Tracing From Photos Taken By His Fansites And Official Medias! Im Weak From Drawing

Jimin’s face studies! Tracing from photos taken by his fansites and official medias! I’m weak from drawing him TT TT he looks so amazing even if it’s only with the outlines!!

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6 years ago
JIMIN [170222] Gaon Chart Music Awards

JIMIN [170222] Gaon Chart Music Awards

Long time no see, lovelies! I miss all of you on tumblr. This platform has been nothing but my second home. As a comeback present, here’s one piece that I really cherish because I did this when I’m still in my middle stage of stanning the boys. 

Remember that one time Jimin was captured on the camera and then he smiled while his cheeks were glowing like pink glazed donut? He was so adorably shy and beautiful at that moment. After I saw that video, I couldn’t resist to draw him. This angle on that event is one of my favorite.

Also I used a reference from his infamous fansite, but I forgot which picture :( Perhaps it was from You can correct me if I’m wrong. I did this around 1 or 2 years ago and currently I can’t find the picture again.

Even though I drew this using Faber Castell 48 Watercolour Pencils Parrot, I didn’t dare to blend the colors using the water because I did this at my father’s small desk. There’s so many electronic wires around so I won’t take any risk (I’m really a clumsy person!). Hence the blending result isn’t as smooth as the Classic Colour Pencils. But the pigment really pays off and I like it a lot. I hope you enjoy this too. Don’t forget to take care of yourself always, lovelies.

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5 years ago
Kim Namjoon As Marlon Teixeira (work In Progress)

Kim Namjoon as Marlon Teixeira (work in progress)

this is a haute couture pose study. how are you lovelies? the comeback is getting closer omg. idk when will i finish this piece, hopefully life won't interfere as much.

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5 years ago
[bts Haute Couture Series]

[bts haute couture series]

01. Kim Namjoon as Marlon Luiz Teixeira

The real model is Marlon Teixeira (original photo attached), wearing Louis Vuiton and Vitorino Campos. Photographed by Eduardo Rezende and styled by Luis Fiod for Issue Man magazine.

The first name that I thought of when seeing sir Marlon in the original picture was "Namjoon, Namjoon, Namjoon" and I can't help but drawing him. Marlon Teixeira is just visually amazing, and sir Eduardo captured him so well my mouth is gaping everytime I see the picture. I wish I can style myself they way sir Luis styles the models.

Coincidentally, I kinda improved my shading technique on drawing clothes. However I'm still dumb at shading human in this almost realistic drawing style (which doesn't suit me, but I still enjoy the process of going out of my comfort zone.)

I broke my own promise to post this sooner because I was tired of working from one city to another. I am also easily feverish because of the drastic temperatures of each places I visited. Now I have fully recovered and able to make finishing touch to this piece.

Lovelies, stay healthy no matter what ❤❤❤

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5 years ago

We Don’t Talk Anymore pt. 2 (Jungkook and Jimin)

A small and simple work I did by mixing the acapella and music audio so the lyrics matches my illustration that’s based on their own line if that makes any sense sorry I can’t explain my own thoughts. This has been on my mind since the time the cover was released. 

To all of you Kookmin stans, enjoy. I might make the Vmin one later (with Promise+Scenery) or Namvmin (with 4 O’clock). Stay healthy, lovelies!

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4 years ago
 Vmin 2020.06.03

♡ vmin 2020.06.03 ♡

pandemic era hasn’t been kind to all of us, but at least i cracked a smol smile when suddenly vmin posted.

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4 years ago
littlegingermochipie - ginger


"it was like i just had a very long dream."

ーeren yeager

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4 years ago

zukaang ♡


currently in love with this pairing and addicted to earth tone + pastel in minimalistic outfits. will draw more with this palette ✿

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4 years ago
"you Smoke Too Much, Your Majesty."

"you smoke too much, your majesty."


"you Smoke Too Much, Your Majesty."

"then, do you know the cure for this addiction?"



"no, i don't know about the cure."



"but i know that you might need a bit of distraction."


"you Smoke Too Much, Your Majesty."

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3 years ago

zukaang | polaroid deco stickers edition

finally it’s butter and blush palette for zukaang ♡

inspired by bts photo card deco trend!

i just can’t resist it for real. they’re so adorable.

you can get the wallpaper version here.


just small sweet fanart before i proceed with another set of more serious drawings hehe. miss you, lovelies ♡

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3 years ago
Arafro, For My Beloved @cathymee

arafro, for my beloved @cathymee ♡

Arafro, For My Beloved @cathymee

cathy's works are always a treat for my heart. they found and make beauty in it; be it dark, humorous, or sweet fluffiness, cathy just nailed them all ✨

they're the ones who have been giving me wonderful pieces of lotr fanfictions, and from there i discovered their blog and youtube channel full of wonderful lord of the rings edits 🌼

still hopelessly crying because of their aragorn and frodo video that they made for me. it's a masterpiece because cathy didn't merely make an edit-they really made a whole story. it's just ethereally beautiful ; ;

lord of the rings fans, please visit and give love to cathy's pages of creations. samfro, arawen, merpip, arafro, farwyn, wonderful tributes to every fellowship member, cracks, cathy do deliver them all!

they have been nothing but wonderful and supportive to me. in this post dedicated to you, my dear cathy, i sincerely hope only the best of everything that would always come to you. we're so, so far away, but the feeling of love is ever present and apparent for me.

merin sa haryalye alasse, meleth nin.

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3 years ago
 / Evenfall And Whisperszukaang Week 2021 Day One | / I Need You
 / Evenfall And Whisperszukaang Week 2021 Day One | / I Need You

夕焼けと蜜語 / evenfall and whispers zukaang week 2021 day one | 一人にしないで / i need you

scenic composition study from strange paradise by housekihime

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3 years ago

傷跡とフラクタル / scars and fractals zukaang week 2021 day two | ソウルメイト / soulmate

湖や暑さを惜しむ雲の峰 above the lake, resenting the heat, are the thunderclouds 稲妻を待つたよりかな expecting lightning to pay a visit 稲妻にさとらぬ人の貴さよ how admirable it is, to see lightning and not think that life is fleeting

— matsuo bashō / 松尾 芭蕉

 / Scars And Fractalszukaang Week 2021 Day Two | / Soulmate

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3 years ago

休んだ方がいいよ! / we should take a rest! zukaang week 2021 day three | 文化を共有する / culture sharing

! / We Should Take A Rest!zukaang Week 2021 Day Three | / Culture Sharing
! / We Should Take A Rest!zukaang Week 2021 Day Three | / Culture Sharing
! / We Should Take A Rest!zukaang Week 2021 Day Three | / Culture Sharing
! / We Should Take A Rest!zukaang Week 2021 Day Three | / Culture Sharing
! / We Should Take A Rest!zukaang Week 2021 Day Three | / Culture Sharing

in which fire lord zuko tried earnestly to master several branches of language that's been lost for a century since the genocide of airbenders-

(after all, what could be more difficult than trying to make up for a whole generational wrongdoings while also having a quality time with your loved one?)

-but the avatar, of course, refused to let his dearest turtleduck to work harder than he was already obligated to ✧ ( ु•⌄• )◞

(a/n: heika means your majesty while geshe-la means spiritual teacher. the scroll they're reading was amitayu sutra in tibetan.)

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