Snowstorm - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
I Know That Ill Be Fine.
I Know That Ill Be Fine.
I Know That Ill Be Fine.
I Know That Ill Be Fine.
I Know That Ill Be Fine.
I Know That Ill Be Fine.
I Know That Ill Be Fine.
I Know That Ill Be Fine.

I know that I’ll be fine.

for @gameofshipschallenges Until Hell Freezes Over event

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5 months ago
..for You, My Heart Moves From Cold To Fire.
..for You, My Heart Moves From Cold To Fire.

 “..for you, my heart moves from cold to fire.” 

jon & dany meet again. [ x ]

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5 months ago

the snowstorm vibes 👌

The Snowstorm Vibes
The Snowstorm Vibes

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5 months ago
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The
Instead Of Struggling To Survive Essos As A Princess In Exhile, Daenerys Is A Dragon Raised Amongst The

Instead of struggling to survive Essos as a princess in exhile, Daenerys is a dragon raised amongst the wolves of the North.                 Daenerys Targaryen Week || Alternate Universe

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5 months ago
A String That Pulled MeOut Of All The Wrong Arms, Right Into That Dive BarSomething Wrapped All Of My
A String That Pulled MeOut Of All The Wrong Arms, Right Into That Dive BarSomething Wrapped All Of My
A String That Pulled MeOut Of All The Wrong Arms, Right Into That Dive BarSomething Wrapped All Of My
A String That Pulled MeOut Of All The Wrong Arms, Right Into That Dive BarSomething Wrapped All Of My
A String That Pulled MeOut Of All The Wrong Arms, Right Into That Dive BarSomething Wrapped All Of My
A String That Pulled MeOut Of All The Wrong Arms, Right Into That Dive BarSomething Wrapped All Of My

A string that pulled me Out of all the wrong arms, right into that dive bar Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire Chains around my demons Wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold Tied me to you

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5 months ago

Virginia Woolf to Vita Sackville-West (c. October 1928)


Phoebe Bridgers, Moon Song


Franz Kafka (misattributed)


Leo Brynielsson, The Moon Has Fallen


Mitski, Happy


Richard Siken, Anyway


Richard Monckton Milnes, Lady Moon


Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Hymn to the Moon


It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) dir. Frank Capra


Rumi, Some Kiss We Want


George R. R. Martin, A Game of Thrones


Margaret Atwood, Owl and Pussycat, Some Years Later

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5 months ago


↳ house targaryen: aemon & naerys // jon & daenerys

They were not the little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. “I’m prince Aemon the Dragonknight,” Jon would call out.

The sister of King Aegon the Unworthy and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight was beautiful as well, but hers was a very fine and delicate beauty, almost unworldy. She was a wisp of a woman, smaller even than Dany (to whom she bears a certain resemblence), very slender, with big purple eyes and fine, pale, porcelain skin, near translucent.

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10 years ago
Bye Bye Car #Buffalo #snowstorm

Bye bye car #Buffalo #snowstorm

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10 years ago
Leaning Against The Snow!! Look How High That Is!! Attempted To Shovel... Useless. #Buffalo #snowstorm

Leaning against the snow!! Look how high that is!! Attempted to shovel... Useless. #Buffalo #snowstorm #wgrzsnow

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5 years ago
Small House Down The Valley Buried In Snow.

Small House Down The Valley Buried In Snow.

Chertsey, Lanaudière, Québec, Canada 2019

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5 years ago
With A Snowstorm Of 60cm; Even Canadian Big Crows Sometimes Need A Short Rest Under A Near Spruce.

With a snowstorm of 60cm; even Canadian Big Crows sometimes need a short rest under a near spruce.

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11 months ago


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5 years ago

Toshiro Hitsugaya x sad and lost reader

Hello there dear reader I hope you have a wondeful day. if not I hope this helps at least to make you feel a bit better and smile~ As always I do not own Bleach or its characters. This is just fanmade and I do not make or intend to earn any money with it. If you like this story please support the manga and the anime of this great work called Bleach. This story is only written to make people smile. Trigger warnings: Mentions of death and bullying as well as fire and getting lost A part from that honestly a lot of fluff. Have fun ^-^ Oh and I would be so happy about comments and votes. Also english is not my first language please tell me were I made mistakes! Thanks beforehand^^ Now really have fun ^~^

It was cold horribly cold, and you were scared so, so scared. It was in the mid of the night and you were wandering around in the soul society. You were still an inductee in the academy and honestly you were not supposed to wander around. You would get in quiet some trouble if someone should catch you, but you needed to get out of there. Away, just away from it all. Away from the memories, the pictures, the nightmares. You thought a walk would calm your nerves, but you were still so in thoughts that you did not notice that your environment became foreign for you until you realized you were utterly and completely lost. Standing in a huge forest with not the slightest direction. You were wandering since the late afternoon in this forest without finding your way. The lessons ended near to noon today because of some reason you have long forgotten. You had fallen asleep from exhaustion, since you had trouble to sleep ever since...since then. You had woken up from a horrible nightmare and went for the walk. Now it was probably near midnight maybe even later and it was snowing since hours. You were freezing. Your clothes were not meant for this kind of weather. There had been sunshine but now it was snowing and storming since hours. Your hands were beginning to get blue and you were not even sure if you did feel your toes anymore the way you should. Your teeth were shattering, and you were beginning to wonder if you would find your way back or if you would freeze out here. How was this forest so huge and how did you manage to get this lost? You began to see black dots but tried to walk on, you knew you could not stop walking, you would be dead when you stopped, but your body was slowly given up. “Some please help me...” You whispered already too weak to scream anymore. Suddenly you heart a voice. That was not possible was your mind playing tricks on you? There again “Hey, you! Hey are you alright? Hey what the hell are you doing here?!” Without a warning your body was swanked around, and two turquoise eyes were looking straight at your soul. “Geez, you are freezing. What the hell are you doing out here!? Do you have a death wish or something!” “Please…” was the only thing you managed to say, before stumbling a bit. Before you stand a young man with spiky white hair and   turquoise eyes. “You are an inductee?” Your clothes were the proof for that. “Honestly, you are not even aloud to be here” He was clearly annoyed with you, but you could not care less you were so thankful he was there. You now probably won't have to die out here. You wanted to say something to apologize, but your vision was getting more blurry and you lost your balance again. You were sure to fall to the hard ground, but the impact never came. The stranger had caught you in his arms and to your great shock pulled you in his chest” You are way to cold” he sounded concerned. Suddenly there was a scarf around your neck. It was warm and you were thankful for it. Normally you would have blushed because of the action but you were too cold for that. Now that you were close to his chest you realized you were a bit shorter then him, but even more important you finally noticed what he was wearing, making clear to you that you were in huge and you meant really huge trouble. He was not only wearing the black cloth of a Shinigami but also white and there is only one rank who was allowed to wear that. A captain.... The young man before you was a captain. You were too exhausted to ask yourself what a captain was doing here, but you still worried about being punished. But what should you do, everything was so blurry... “I-”you started but he interrupted you. “Stop talking idiot you are wasting your energy and you need every bit of it. You are more than lucky you are not already dead. You are cold as ice and your lips and hands are blue. I bet you do not even feel your fingers or toes anymore.” At first, he sounded annoyed and angry but to the end his voice became softer warmer. “I guess it can't be helped. I need to get you out of here.” He sighed and simply picked you up. You were too weak to protest in anyway. You felt your eyes closing but he shook you “Listen, you need to stay awake. This is no good, in your state we never make it back. Neither to the academy or to the quarters.” You began to become scared, would you die after all. You tried so hard to stay awake, but it was so hard. A small whimper escapes your lips “I... want...I want to live...” His eyes became determined at this “and you will. Just stay awake and keep looking and me. Do not give up, just don’t give up” He was already running with you in his arms. Everything was a mess for you, the only thing you could clearly see was his face. His eyes looked in front of you and his lips were pressed together. A few times you nearly lost your consciousness “Stay, with me! Just a bit longer” he pulled you even closer to his chest. Suddenly the storm got weaker and eventually seemed to just stop and it got darker. A cave? He set you down. “stay awake. Don't you dare and die on me.” He vanished out of your few for a moment and then you heard him say something and there was a fire. A small campfire. He put more wood on it to make it bigger than he came back to you and brought you closer to the fire. It got warmer but you were still cold. So cold. He kneeled before you and made you look at him “I apologize in advance, but when you want to live you need to get your wet clothes of and both of us know, you can hardly move on your own.” He blushed while saying that. You just nodded weakly. You knew he was right. Even when you did not like the idea, you knew it would be stupid to protest. “Thank-you for not making me force you out of them” he sounded relieved. He helped you out of your clothes except for your underwear, what was to your luck at least somewhat dry. You were so embarrassed and thankful you were too cold to blush. To your relieve but also great surprise he took of his white haori and wrapped you in it. Then without a word he brought you both even closer to the fire and pulled you against his chest wrapping his arms around your torso and tangled his legs with yours. Your head fell from exhaustion against his chest, but he shook you awake “I am sorry, but you cannot sleep just yet. You just must fight a bit longer, until you are warmer. I kept the storm out of here, but you need to stay awake.” “I... I ...can’t „you muttered weakly. “You have to” you heard whisper him whisper something and warmth was taking over your body. Was that a healing kido? Slowly you began to feel your toes and fingers again and it the beginning it hurt, badly. You tried your best not to whimper or anything not wanting to seem weak in front of him or annoy him any further with that. “I am sorry. Just endure it for a bit longer. It will stop soon and then I will let you sleep.” He promised putting his chin on your head. The gesture made you feel save. After a few more minutes the pain faded, and you tried to move your fingers and toes. Relieve washed over you as you were able to. “See you are going to be okay.” He gently spoke to you, a bit like he was speaking to a child, but you could not care less. Actually, it made you feel better. Because you had felt like a lost child. Lost, alone and near to death just like your younger version before she found you, but know she was gone. She was gone and you had not been able to save her. No at the end it had been her who saved you, even when everything happened because of you and now you nearly wasted your life. The life she gave hers for. A broken sob escaped your lips. “Oi, do not cry. You'll be okay. You are alright. Everything will be alright so please stop crying.” He sounded a bit helpless and you really felt sorry for him, but you just could not stop crying. Suddenly he turned you around and pulled you again against his chest, wrapping his arms around you. “You need to stop crying. You are way too weak right now, you should not waste so much energy.” He made you look up and put his forehead against yours so that you had to look at him, while he strokes your tears away. His arresting eyes seemed to see through you, it felt like he could read your mind if he wanted to. His eyes were determined, yet warm and full of protectiveness. You felt like you were drowning in his eyes and after some time you calmed down. “Now, this is better.” He wrapped you again in his arms. “What is your name?” “(f/n), Sir” “And your last name?” You shook your head “I do not have one, never had, taicho.” “A strange young woman, you are” To your surprise he began to stroke your head” Now, the more important question. What were you doing out there?” You kept silent. Not knowing what to say. Now that you were still alive you knew you were in some other kind of trouble. You tried to turn away from him not being able to stand up to his gaze. “(f/n)” he slightly growled making you flinch. He then sighed and turned you around “Listen, you do not make anything better for yourself when you do not talk to me. Also, I have a feeling that this is about more than you just deciding to walk around in a snow storm in a place you are not allowed to go.” “I did not mean to... I got lost...and, and it was not snowing, well at least than...” he did not say a word, he just looked at you with somewhat reassuring eyes and nodded from time to time, to make clear you should continue. You did not know, why but you told him, told him everything. Even what you had not told your senseis about the Incident that took the life of your dear friend. You even told him of your past. Explained how she saved you when you were still children. How you came to the academy and how she was a real genius in honestly everything, while you kept messing up. How she always told you that you were just failing because you were scared of it and of the people around you, you had not the best experiences of people when you were a child, and that you two would become great Shinigami one day and how you would be at each other’s side. You also told him about some guys and girls from the academy who were above you. How they decided to pick on you and make your life a living hell. How your friend stood up for you and tried to protect you. How the guys and girls got into trouble and nearly got dispelled from the academy, because of it and how they threaded you. You told him of the fire, how you both somehow woke up far too late and how she pushed you outside before everything broke down on her. How you tried to free her but were not strong enough. How no kido seemed to work out and how you heard her scream from pain until she had lost the fight. You did not stop to try to get her out until you were pulled away from the flames. You had spent days in bed to recover from injuries but never really slept because her screams and the fire were haunting you. How you came back to the lessons and the people made fun of the death of your friend and how you realized that they had something to do with it but were too scared of them to tell anyone, since they were much stronger and older, and the teachers believed them because of their family status.  How you were scared that they might one day kill you too. How it was your fault your friend died and how days became weeks and how you decided to go for a walk just around the academy to get away from it all. That you got lost and everything until he found you. At the end you realized you began to cry again. “Geez, you are troublesome. I cannot even be mad at you. Still it was naive from you to just wander around like this and to not ask anyone for help. I understand why you did not, but honestly what were you planning to do in the end? Just hoping they might leave you alone one day?” He sighed “I guess it can't be helped. I will bring you back and we will find out who was responsible for that fire. Also, I will put an end to this people picking on you. Such cowards hurting someone younger and weaker than themselves. Also, for your punishment from now on you will be doing extra training. We will meet once a week to train, if you still want to become a Shinigami and for fill the dream you both had for the both of you. By the way I will tell not a single soul where I have found you. Be thankful for that, normally you would get dispelled from the academy or worse. We will make something up in the morning.” “Huh?” Was your only brilliant answer but who could blame you. He seemed to really believe you. Also, a captain going so far out of his way to help a mere inductee? That was seriously something unheard of.  More importantly how was getting the possibility to train with a captain a punishment?! Of course, that would mean more training but only the thought that he was willing to give some of his time, and you knew captains are really, busy, even so he just heard from your very own mouth that you were a complete failure. You just could not make any sense out of it. A shiver ran through your body, you were still quiet cold.  You were pulled closer to his chest as he had noticed that shiver too and he began to rub your arms in an attempt to get you a bit warmer. “Did I not make myself clear?” he asked you in a teasing tone. “B-but why...I do not understand…” You stuttered a bit overwhelmed with everything. “Firstly, it is the duty of the strong to protected those who are in need of protection, secondly as a captain I cannot let an inductee and promising new Shinigami making herself go through the suffer and pain you are feeling, watching you giving up on yourself. We would lose a good Shinigami, I cannot let that happen. You may think of yourself to be a failure, but you are wrong. I see the same potential in you, your friends must have seen. You are a fighter; most people would had already given up out there, but you did not. Also, when you cried you lost control over your spiritual pressure and even though you are quite weak right now because of what you went to it was strong enough to put someone who is not a Shinigami out of his balance, which is already quite impressive for an inductee of the first year. I wonder how none of your teachers noticed that and helped you out it is quite clear you do not know how to control it yet.” He sounded annoyed and you really hoped his annoyance was directed at your sensei’s and not at you. “So, do we have a deal?” He asked you shortly after. You nodded, only an idiot would decline that. “Good, it is Toshiro Hitsugaya by the way. I am the captain of the 10th division. Call me Captain Hitsugaya, Taicho what you like more. Oh, and when we are alone you are allowed to call me Toshiro.” You looked up stunned. You have heard of THE captain Hitsugaya, the young genius, the really, really strong young genius. Also, you were quite sure you heard mummers that there were really, and you meant really few people who were allowed or more precisely tolerated to call him by his first name. “Thank-you, Tai-Toshiro…” You blushed lightly. “It is quite alright. You seem to really need a friend and I would be glad to become one for you.” At this you began to cry, yet again. “Now, now, no more crying.” He hushed you. “Thank-you, thank-you so much…” You sniffed. “It is alright, everything is alright now. Oh and (f/n) do not dare to blame you for her death for a second longer, it was not your fault.” You cried even harder at that and were thankful for his strong arms wrapping themselves around you, bringing you in a close warm hug. “Common stop crying, how do you want to come in my squad when you cry all day.” He lightly joked and let go of you a bit to strike your tears away. You gasped as he let himself fall with you to the ground “Sleep now. Your body is warm enough now and you really need it.” As if his words were a command you felt your eyes close and you drifted off to sleep. “Who have thought a simple training trip would end up like this. I am just glad I collected some firewood in advance.” You heard Toshiro mutter before your world became silent and sleep took over.

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