Mobius Band - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago

Math! It's delicious !

I generally adhere to the "traditional" classification of limericks; that is, the poem must be dirty, perverted, somehow sex-related, or simply gross to qualify as a "proper" limerick. However, every once in a while I come across a "clean" limerick that I like so much that I have to make an exception. The anonymous poem below is one of such exceptions.

A mathematician named Klein

Thought the Möbius loop was divine.

Said he: "If you glue

The edges of two,

You'll get a weird bottle like mine."

If you are not familiar with the concept Klein bottles or Möbius loops, I highly suggest utilizing Google and/or Wikipedia as they are quite weird and a lot of fun (and you can easily make yourself a Möbius loop to play with!).

For further reading: Acme Klein Bottles has a whole page of Klein bottle cartoons and limericks. It's awesome; you should check it out.

I will formally conclude this post with some spiffy Möbius loop/Klein bottle animation.

Möbius loop

Klein bottle

Klein bottle with highlighted Möbius loop

And finally, a Klein bottle hat that I might just have to order for myself...

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12 years ago

So, my Calculus professor DID say it was ok to put notes on a single-sided 8 1/2 by 11" inch piece of paper...

…which I cut in half…and turned into a Mobius strip…so TECHNICALLY its still only one side, right?

So, My Calculus Professor DID Say It Was Ok To Put Notes On A Single-sided 8 1/2 By 11" Inch Piece Of

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12 years ago
Science-ify Your Breakfast With A Mbius Bagel
Science-ify Your Breakfast With A Mbius Bagel

Science-ify your breakfast with a Möbius bagel

You’ve probably heard of a Möbius strip before - it’s a continuous shape that only has one side and one edge. You can make one pretty easily by cutting a strip of paper, giving it a half twist, and taping the ends together to form a loop. However, if you want to really impress, make a Möbius bagel. By following the instructions, you can cut your bagel (or your donut!) into two interlocking bagel halves. From now on, eat your breakfast like a Scientist!

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