Momentomori - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I’m so proud of all of you. Welcome to the Beginning. It was never the end.

Im So Proud Of All Of You. Welcome To The Beginning. It Was Never The End.

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4 years ago
Momento Mori.This Is My Persona, Ive Been Drawing All Stream And Just... This Has Been Terrifying And

Momento Mori. This is my persona, I’ve been drawing all stream and just... This has been terrifying and a freeing 12 hours to have experienced. I needed to get this out. This feeling of freedom and sorrow. A bittersweet goodbye to this era. Thank you Mark and Ethan. Thank you. 

This year is not what I planned. I loved you in the beginning. I loved Unus Annus so much and months in, when Covid hit I fell into a horrible loop. I was unable to follow along anymore and well, In this past week I managed to start watching some more again. I missed the smiled and I wish I could have seen so much more but life happens and as much as I wish I cant turn back this clock. No one can.

I’ve been here for the hours of this stream, I hope I can make up for the time lost but its too late. I loved you but its time to say goodbye. Good Bye Unus Annus. Thank You. I adored you.

Momento Mori

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4 years ago
Thank You, Unus Annus. You Made The Year A Little More Durable. Thank You. And Goodbye. Momento Mori.

Thank you, Unus Annus. You made the year a little more durable. Thank you. And goodbye. Momento Mori.

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4 years ago
Momento Mori.This Is My Persona, Ive Been Drawing All Stream And Just... This Has Been Terrifying And

Momento Mori. This is my persona, I’ve been drawing all stream and just... This has been terrifying and a freeing 12 hours to have experienced. I needed to get this out. This feeling of freedom and sorrow. A bittersweet goodbye to this era. Thank you Mark and Ethan. Thank you. 

This year is not what I planned. I loved you in the beginning. I loved Unus Annus so much and months in, when Covid hit I fell into a horrible loop. I was unable to follow along anymore and well, In this past week I managed to start watching some more again. I missed the smiled and I wish I could have seen so much more but life happens and as much as I wish I cant turn back this clock. No one can.

I’ve been here for the hours of this stream, I hope I can make up for the time lost but its too late. I loved you but its time to say goodbye. Good Bye Unus Annus. Thank You. I adored you.

Momento Mori

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4 years ago

It’s been a hell of a year. A lot has happened for all of us, a lot has happened for me. I’ve taken opportunities, I’ve let some slip by. I’ve lost a lot, without getting a chance to say goodbye. Without getting a chance to be there in the way I would’ve liked. While it’s bittersweet, I’m glad I got to be here and say goodbye with you guys. It’s something special to be able to just be together as a way of saying goodbye, without worrying about having to give some sort of memorable speech to make the moment special. Again, it’s been a hell of a year, and I’m glad I got to spend it with you guys.

Momento mori, unus annus; momento vive

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4 years ago
Thank You For Your Love And The Joy You Brought Me, Farewell My Friends And Goodbye

Thank you for your love and the joy you brought me, Farewell my friends and goodbye 

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