Crankgameplays - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
This Has Prolly Been Done Before But

This has prolly been done before but 🥺🥺🥺


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7 years ago
@crankgameplays I Just Finished Drawing This For You I Know It Suck But Me And My Little Sister Love

@crankgameplays I just finished drawing this for you I know it suck but 🤷🏼‍♀️ me and my little sister love you so much your such an amazing person also can you please say hi to my little sister jourden.

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7 years ago

New IG/Tumblr blogs to follow!

Hello y’all I’m new to tumblr so I would like some blogs to follow :) also, if you have an Instagram that posts the same topics, please feel free to message me the account or post it when you reblog it.

• Markiplier/Jacksepticeye (Darkiplier and Anti)

• CrankGamePlays

• Gotham

• True Blood (The show is old but I’m still in love with it)

• Marvel

Yeah I don’t like much, but reblog/like this if you post the following :) Also drop your IG name so I can give you a follow too!

Much thanks y’all !

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2 years ago

...what if next November for the anniversary I made Unus Annus soaps. One for Mark, one for Ethan, and one for Amy.

I Miss My Emotional Support Existentially Terrifying Little Men Today.

I miss my emotional support existentially terrifying little men today. 😭

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4 years ago
Memento Mori, Unus Annus
Memento Mori, Unus Annus
Memento Mori, Unus Annus
Memento Mori, Unus Annus

Memento Mori, Unus Annus

I've contracted the big sad now that the end for unus annus so close :[

Might spam more art of them idk yet

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4 years ago
-the End Is Near And We Will Welcome It With Open Arms. Unus Annus Will Live In Our Hearts Forever. Memento

-the end is near and we will welcome it with open arms. Unus Annus will live in our hearts forever. Memento Mori

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4 years ago
This Is My Send Off Drawing For Unus Annus. Memento Mori. Unus Annus. Goodbye.

This is my send off drawing for Unus Annus. Memento Mori. Unus Annus. Goodbye.

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3 years ago

[TW for minor body horror near the end]

Unus Annus? More like, help me I’m still mourning. I started this back when they created the Atlantis video, then left it, then made more progress when they posted the actual mer video (non surprisingly that’s my favourite UA video). Then it was left to gather dust again, then I did more just before and after the funeral. Since then I’ve revisited it now and again, but yesterday night I FINALLY finished the animatic! Now I just have to get on with that animation 🥲

Anyway, I will always draw merfolk, and no I will never change.

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“What’s a fate worse than death? Continuing to live.”


“That was pain, this is suffering.”

i think are two of my favorite quotes from unus annus

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Times Arrow Neither Stands Still Nor Reverses, It Merely Marches Forward.
Times Arrow Neither Stands Still Nor Reverses, It Merely Marches Forward.
Times Arrow Neither Stands Still Nor Reverses, It Merely Marches Forward.

Time’s Arrow neither stands still nor reverses, it merely marches forward.

@markiplier @crankgameplays

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“Where am I?” asks the newest ego, standing on unsteady legs. He’d dropped into the void only moments ago.

“We’re in the void,” Dark tells him. He smiles, all teeth and malice. “For now.”

“What am I?” the new ego asks. He stretches, the outlines of his physical form still hazy and blurred. His eyes, or rather, what will eventually solidify into his eyes, search the void for any scrap of reason. He’ll learn soon enough that there is none. Not here.

“You’re whatever you want to be,” Anti laughs. He glitches, ever so slightly, and places a hand on the new ego’s shoulder. It’s not comforting. It’s not meant to be.

“We’ll help you figure it out,” Dark says. His voice reverberates and his aura flexes, filling the infinite space of the void with as much ringing static as it can. The offer of help does not come from a place of compassion.

The thing that will eventually begin to look like Ethan shivers, but grins all the same.

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I Started This Halfway Through The Stream And Its Not As Good As I Would Like But Thats Life I Guess.i

i started this halfway through the stream and it’s not as good as i would like but that’s life i guess. i missed like 90% of the videos, but i like the mystery. unus annus will die and i will never know it in its entirety, and im okay with that.

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this is the funniest thing they’ve ever done

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4 years ago

it’s gone. just like that. gone.

Everything went by so fast; it’s crazy. Now everything feels like it’s slowed down. I’m so thankful I made so many friends around unus annus and that I found such a big welcoming community. So genuinely, thank you.

the clock finally hit 0.

💀momento mori💀

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8 years ago

D_WI - Ethan Nestor (Crankgameplays)

Requested by Anonymous: Can you do a what dating crankgameplays would be like please I understand if you can’t. 

I sure can, who doesn’t love our blue boy. Also has one swear word but other than that it’s clear. Enjoy!


- Competing with Chica for his love

- Being in livestreams with him 

- You, Amy and Kathryn being squad goals

 - Hanging out in the office with the others 

- Singing duets with Ethan 

- Pranks until you drop 

- Intense af Mario Kart competitions 

- If you go abroad he would be constantly texting you 

- Counting down the days until you get back 

- Skype every night 

- Being the only person able to keep up with his hyperness 

- The others think you’re all innocent and cute 


- You stub your toe on one of the office chairs 

- And out comes the most creative and intense string of swearing they’ve ever hear 

- There’s a shocked silence, then Mark breaks out into a grin 

- “Can we keep her?” 

- So many puns 

- Netflix binging in the evening 

- Regular Harry Potter reruns 

- Piggybacks all day every day 

- Quite a touchy couple 

- Constant hand holding 

- Sometimes it’s the whole hand, sometimes just a few fingers 

- 2 am conversations are a regular occurrence 

- “If you turned into a giant marshmallow and then ate a marshmallow, would it be cannibalism?” “Ethan go the fuck to sleep” 

- A loving smile appearing on his face when he sees you interact with kids 

- Giving each other random dares the whole time 

- Neither of you ever failed a dare 

- That is until you dared Ethan to go a whole week without any form of physical contact with you 

- He didn’t even last two days 

- You now own quite a few of his shirts 

- Cute gifts at every celebration 

- Unsuccessful baking 

- Stopping him from running across the road when there’s a tiny gap 

- Having a minor heart attack every time he does something impulsive and dangerous 

- You’re the wittiest person he knows 

- Being referred to as “Mum and Dad” in the fandom 

- Supporting him in everything he does and vice versa

- Literally the other halves of each other

Where can I buy an Ethan

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7 years ago

Pillow fort - Ethan Nestor

Anonymous asked: Can you do one where the reader has the apartment to her self and she doesn’t wanna be alone so she calls Ethan?

Sure thing, hope you like it! Also thank you all so much for the overwhelming response to my last CrankGamePlays post, I have no idea why it got such a large response! Let me know if you want a part two!


“Josh is here, I’m going! See ya later!” Your flat mate Elodie shouted from the other side of the apartment, followed by the sound of the door closing, leaving a slightly disturbing silence behind her. You glanced around, looking for something to do when you realised just how long it had been since you were last home alone. Usually Elodie or one of your other friends was here, or you were at the office with the team.

Suddenly, an idea came into your head and you picked up your phone, clicking on the contact labelled ‘My Bestest Bud In The Whole Entire Universe’ (you can guess who chose the name). After a few rings, you heard a voice on the other end of the line.

“Suuuuuuuh dude!” It said, making you roll your eyes.

“Hey Eth. What’re you up to?” You replied.

“Nothin’ really, just chilling at home. You?”

“Same as you. Anyway, Elodie’s gone out with Josh so I’m home alone and I was wondering if you wanted to come over.”

“Is this the real-life version of the ‘my parents aren’t home’ meme?” Ethan asked, laughing at his own joke.

“Haha, very funny Nestor. So, yes or no?”

“I’m on my way already.”

“No you’re not, you’re still in the same position you were when I called.”

“…that is correct. But I’m about to be on my way!”

“Cool, let yourself in when you arrive.”

“Okay byeeeeeeee!” He exclaimed before hanging up, leaving you to raid the fridge because that boy can eat.


If the sound of the lock clicking open hadn’t alerted you to Ethan’s arrival, his grand entrance certainly did. You were sitting on the couch, your back towards the door, scrolling on your phone when there were heavy footsteps and a cry of “INCOMING!”, shortly followed by a dip in the cushions as a second person appeared next to you.

“Took you long enough,” you greeted, barely flinching at his extravagance.

“Yeah, well I was leaving home when I saw a really fluffy pupper and I couldn’t just ignore it!”

“Fair enough. Anyways, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

“I asked you first.”

“Well I asked you second.”

“My point exactly.” “…you got me.” Ethan conceded and glanced around the room, trying to decide what to do. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he leapt up off the couch.

“By golly I’ve got it!” He exclaimed in a British accent, making you raise an eyebrow as you waited for him to explain. However, due to your probably-too-long friendship, you simply followed his gaze and came to the same conclusion as he did.

“Pillow fort?”

“Hell yeah pillow fort!”

The two of you set to work gatherings pillows, blankets and chairs to construct your cosy den in front of your TV. After 15 minutes you secured the last sheet and stood back to admire your work.

“That looks rather good, if I do say so myself.” Ethan said, resuming his British accent.

“Oh yes, it looks absolutely spiffing!” You joined him, making the two of you laugh at your voices.

“After you m’lady.” He gestured to the entrance with one arm.

“Why thank you kind sir.” You curtsied before climbing in and lying down on the floor of pillows and waiting for Ethan to join you. As he settled himself in, you flicked through the movie choices before stopping on the first Harry Potter movie. An idea popped into your head, and you turned to Ethan, a big grin on your face.

“Harry Potter movie marathon?”

“Oh hell yeah!” He exclaimed, prompting you to leave the fort and put in the first DVD. As it loaded you went into your kitchen to get snacks, bringing out packs of crisps, two bags of popcorn and the ingredients for hot chocolate. As you put the mugs in the microwave to heat them you saw Ethan crawling out of the fort to join you, stopping to take a few pictures of it before entering the room.

He leant against the counter, watching as you moved around, preparing the drinks, a small smile appearing subconsciously on his face.

“You need any help?”

“I think I’m good,” you answered just as the microwave beeped loudly at you, signalling the end of the heating. “Can you bring the snacks and I’ll bring the drinks.”

“Okie dokie.” The two of you returned to the fort and repositioned yourselves before you hit play, signalling the beginning of a long night.


About half way through the second movie, you started throwing popcorn in the air and tried to catch it in your mouth, Ethan watching you in amusement.

“Try me,” he said, and you complied, throwing a piece at his mouth which he caught with ease.

“My turn,” you said, handing him the bag, marking the start of your new game which had you both grinning and laughing by the time you got to the end of the bag. When that happened, Ethan returned his attention to the movie whilst you observed him for a few more moments, watching as he gazed attentively at the screen with a child-like wonder as Harry fought the basilisk, a small smile appearing subconsciously on your face.

— —

At some point late at night (or early in the morning, hard to tell) you started feeling sleepy, finding it harder to pay attention to the film, your mind becoming more occupied by thoughts of rest, the blanket draped over you adding to your weariness. You felt yourself nodding off slowly, until you gave in and let your mind switch off as you fell asleep.

Ethan, on the other hand, was still very much awake but noticed your sleeping form next to him. He let his body take over as he pulled the blanket on top of you higher up so you would be warmer, but as he released it he felt your fingers wrap around two of his, holding him there. He looked at your face to see if he had woken you but discovered you were still slumbering peacefully.

Unable to bring himself to pull his hand away, he used his free hand to grab the remote and turn off the TV before positioning himself next to you, and without realising what he was doing he draped an arm across your waist as you moved closer to the new heat source, making him blush slightly before closing his eyes and joining you in the land of dreams.

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