Monkey Ball - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
FRIDAY'S FEATURE STREAM: Monkey Balls To The Walls, Almost Literally I'm Playing Through Some Custom

FRIDAY'S FEATURE STREAM: monkey balls to the walls, almost literally – i'm playing through some custom levels that my brother and i made over 15 years ago for an obscure Wii marble roller called Marble Saga: Kororinpa. my wrist hurts just thinking about it

this unassuming looking marble game features not only a full 3D level editor, but even the ability to roll up walls by tilting the Wii remote sideways. you bet your ass we abused the hell out of this mechanic in our levels… and every other mechanic in the game too.

7PM Central tomorrow @

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1 year ago

new stream archive! in which i play an obscure Wii marble roller with a full 3D level editor, and rediscover all of the levels that me and my brother made to get on each others' nerves.

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6 months ago

hoping to play the rest of the new monkey ball tonight! i LOVED the first half so i can't wait to see just how far they push the challenges in the second half... 👀

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6 months ago

In which we play the other half of the new Monkey Ball, with the game's most dastardly stages and difficult challenges! It's everything I love from the series... including the pain.

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