Moon Sams - Tumblr Posts
This is terrifying and i love it
My thought process
If Moon is going to dematerialize Bloodmoon and then used that material to make Solar.
What if it messes up and Solar & Bloodmoon’s matter just merges.
We get a Blood thirst Solar
W: Blood

And some doodles

{ Tsams Vampire A.U }
Here is my own first Tsams Vampire AU.
And the first design of our dear sun and moon !
(The other will come out.)
What is this AU ?
It’s an AU in where the Humans and Animatronic live together on one Village, except the Celestial Family and the other’s who are (vampire). Quite apart, For some of them They eat and murder human and Animatronics. And other try to live their best with the villagers haha !
Which Designs are ready :
-Sun ✅
-Moon and Old Moon ✅
-Lunar ✅
-Earth. (In progress.)
-Solar (in progress).
-Ruin ✅ :
-Eclipse ✅ :
-Bloodmoon ✅ :
-Evil/Dark sun ✅
-Moon’s Evil sun dimension ✅
-Creator (in progress.)
-Monty and the other (in progress.)

We input Moon–

We all know that some books are written after movies...
And we could possibly write some shows into a book/book series because when watching something that's illogical, we think of rewriting it to be more logical—we normally imagine writing shows as a novel nonetheless if they're logical or not.
And... The Sun and Moon Show exist... (also Murder Drones but that's possibly going to have a second season in it so not right now)
Yeah, we're thinking about writing TSaMS as a novel. The titles going to be unoriginal (Sun and Moon Show the Novel or some shit like that, and we wanna change it so bad but have no ideas) and we might rewrite some parts to fit better with the storyline. We also will have to rewatch... everything. This production (if we start) will most likely take two years as the only plan we have is to rewatch the first video (we haven't fully planned it our yet, but it will mostly be vrchat videos, and the first video is a flashback from [possibly] a few months ago) each day (or a few in one day if possible) and write down their quotes and each action (because we want to be logical). We don't know if that'll be copyright if we do decide to publish said work. We doubt it, though. Besides, we could post it here or onto Quotev—most likely the latter.
There most likely will be every takeover (so far) into separate books, or we will format it in a different way (even though having a video as each chapter may seem short, we've done it and it is about eight pages AT LEAST) as the Ruin & Bloodmoon takeover might be too short for a individual book (however, the time between the takeovers/normal stuff might have to be separated as well). Each chapter will probably be different character's povs, but if a character in a show is shown their pov more than once, then that pov will be seconded (that made no sense, but say it's Moon's pov for one video/chapter then the next video on the channel is based around Moon's pov then it will be Moon again). The pov changes that already happen in the channel's videos will be separate chapters (most likely, unless the chapter is too short for our liking [if the chapter is one page long at most, even if it's slightly on the backside of the page, then it's too short for our liking. We have a plan for that though if this happens]).
Anyways, that's our plan. Time to put a shit ton of tags so people can see it.
Yeah sometimes it fells like Moon cares more about Solar than his own family..
If this happen, I hope it can make Moon change his mind.
Random scenario daydreaming gave me this quote.
read right to left

Sun has captured Moon, and won’t abandon him. Not like old moon had. Sun questions Moon, and gives him an interesting assumption.
Though to be honest, it truly does feel like Moon cares more about Solar than his own family.
[Moon and Sun are bickering]
Sun's cat: *Throws a bottle off wine off the counter, it shatters*
Moon: YOU PIECE OF *Bleep*
Moon, trying not to laugh; What's wrong, Jack?
Jack, sobbing and swollen; Bhee..
Moon, wheezing; Did you eat a bee.?
Jack; *Nods*
Moon, throwing Eclipse over his shoulder like a towel; Come here, you tree
Eclipse; *Kicks his stomach*
Eclipse; Put me down you fucking blueberry!
Is Eclipse Okay Yet!? It's Been Months!
Chapter 1 - Stubbornness Leads You Nowhere
[ AO3 LINK ] - [ CH 2 ]
Word Count ; 2022
Date ; 2024-04-03
AU ; The Oil Au
Notes ; Eclipse is not okay yet.
Takes place after finding out Ruin was evil, before Solar's death.

The sound of rain splashing against the window was the only sound in the room. Not even pained breathing could overtake the peace that held the air captive.
Eclipse tried his damn near hardest to get up, only to sink back into his seat. It hurt too much. All of it hurt too much. He had been alone in the back of the arcade again for a very long two days. Eclipse groaned and rubbed the sore area to try and soothe it enough to get up, but to no avail. In fact, the pressure made it worse.
If only someone were there to pick him up and carry him somewhere comfy, like a nice soft bed. Hell, even a bench or couch was better than this old worn desk chair. Eclipse hated to admit it, but he needed someone to come help him. At this point, he'd willingly get on his knees and beg if he could.
Sadly though, his body would not leave him alone, and so he had no choice but to sit. He reached a hand up to grab onto the desk and push himself toward the light switch. Surprisingly enough, the chair still rolled, even with a broken wheel. But sadly, it didn't make it all the way to the other end of the room. Eclipse groaned and took off his shoe, throwing it at the light switch. He missed, and tried again with the other one. Missed again.
He grumbled in defeat and opted instead to simply shield his eyes from the light. He considered for a moment, pinging someone for help with his predicament, but ultimately decided against it. Not long later, his lack of sleep caught up with him and he was out cold.
Solar sighed as he followed close behind Moon, "Are you sure he's actually in here?" Moon nodded, "He can't have gone anywhere else. Besides, the computer said he was throwing a tantrum or something in here last he was seen."
As they entered into the back room of the arcade, immediately something felt different. The lights in the hall were off, and the silence was eerie. Moon went through first, immediately slamming the door to the repair room open. Moon promptly stated the following, "You've had your sulking time, I need you to come help with something." Solar immediately followed Moon.
At about the same time, both of them registered the fact that Eclipse was dead asleep in a very shitty chair, completely silent. Solar and Moon looked at eachother for a minute, before Solar decided to take charge. He walked forward and shook Eclipse's shoulder firmly. Lucky for him, this was enough to rouse the other animatronic from his slumber. "Wake up, sleeping beauty." Solar smiled.
Moon had to do his best to stifle his laughter, seeing as Solar just couldn't resist an opportunity to lightly insult Eclipse. Eclipse found himself looking up at Solar, his eyes had a lifeless glare. Moon almost immediately noticed something was wrong, and stepped closer. "Eclipse, wake your ass up." Eclipse groaned as the pain from just hours ago finally hit him like a train.
"I'm up, what do you want?" He managed to wheeze out to Moon. Moon frowned and crouched a bit, blocking the light from Eclipse's eyes. "I need you to help me with something, but first I want you to explain why you think it's okay to just disappear into one room for days on end without saying anything?" Sitting himself upright with a wince, Eclipse moved to rub the sleep from his eyes. "Simple answer, I wanted something, I got what I wanted, then I got stuck."
"Stuck, what do you mean stuck?" Solar chimed in, walking over to inspect the back of Eclipse's faceplate for any idea as to what was going on. Eclipse, rather surprisingly, didn't fight back. "The little cretin that rebuilt me had the bright idea of making it..." Eclipse hissed mid-sentence, another wave of pain shot through him, "impossible for me to function without suffering." Eclipse stated it as such a fact that it made Moon's blood boil. He knew Ruin was a prick, but to give someone chronic pain, let alone to such severe amounts? That's just plain awful.
Moon thought for a moment, then promptly hooked his hands under Eclipse's arms and yanked him from the chair, no real regard for how he felt. "Come on, you tree." Moon grunted as he threw the taller animatronic over his shoulder. He began walking to the daycare. Eclipse's response to this? Struggling to get free, of course! He was stubborn, that was one thing you could never take from an Eclipse. Hell, even Solar was stubborn, and he was practically the polar opposite of all other Eclipses. Eclipse kicked Moon in the stomach and cried out, "Put me down, you fucking blueberry!"
After realizing Moon wouldn't give in, Eclipse instantly looked towards Solar, hissing out, "Help me out of this you useless-" he grunted, struggling to find an insulting nickname to use against Solar, "thing!" Solar choked for a moment in an attempt to stifle his laughter. "Moon, you owe me like seven hundred dollars. Eclipse, with very little respect, I refuse to help you. Besides, seeing you helpless is kind of funny to me."
Eclipse groaned and mumbled, though what he said when unheard. He felt his face begin to heat up from embarrassment. This new emotion led to him pressing his entire body into a smaller state, knees bent in, shoulders raised and arms crossed, head pulled closer to his body.
Only a few minutes passed and Eclipse found himself on Moon's couch, being guarded by Solar as Moon was in another room to retrieve god knows what. Eclipse sat with his legs spread out, and his arms crossed over his chest, attempting to put a barrier between himself and Solar without looking like some scared kid. For a moment, Eclipse forgot Solar was there, being lost in his thoughts. It wasn't long before he was brought back to reality by a surge of pain so bad he thought he would die. He hissed and tensed up, leaning forward.
Solar crouched next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't fall off the couch on me. I don't wanna have to pick you back up." Eclipse groaned and rolled his head to the side so he could look Solar in the eyes. The pity that met his gaze made him want to gag. Eclipse grabbed Solar's wrist and pushed him away, but this only made Solar more insistent, now putting both hands on Eclipse's shoulders.
He pushed Eclipse back far enough that he was leaning into the backrest, the cushion enveloping both sides of him. He didn't fight back this time, nor did he immediately spring up the second Solar released him. This position was comfortable, and actually helped a bit now that he wasn't folded right over the painful area. Solar seemed to notice this by the way his face flashed into a knowing smile.
Moon came back with a heated blanket, promptly tossing it right over Eclipse. Solar and Moon sat on the other couch, Moon eating a bag of chips. Eclipse, having only gotten a few hours of sleep in the fazcade, soon passed out again, not even laying down. He looked awfully peaceful while he slept, so much so you would have never thought he was the villain in the story. Solar promptly snapped a picture for later.
Eclipse woke to the sound of Moon's voice. "So what if he's been sleeping for two days!? Let him rest! He may be our mortal enemy but that doesn't mean we can just take away his basic fucking needs! How would you feel if I woke you up from a much needed nap!?"
"Moon I need to clean the blanket it hasn't been washed in a week!"
"You can wash it when he's done using it, instead of waking him up to steal it from him!"
He opened his eyes to see Sun and Moon standing in the kitchen, bickering, Sun had a half empty bottle if wine in hand and Moon was standing in his way of getting out from behind the island. Eclipse groaned and sat up, causing both the twins to fall silent.
"Quit your fucking fighting, you'll wake the damn dead with all that noise." In the blink of an eye, Moon was standing over Eclipse with one hand on his faceplate, looking him over. "Eclipse! It's been two days, are you okay!?"
"I'm fine, Moon. Get your damn hands off me!" Eclipse growled, moving to stand up. Moon promptly pushed him back onto the couch, hissing at him, "Stay down and just relax for five minutes. Last I checked, you don't have anywhere you need to be, so just chill. Me and Sun will bring you what you need, just take it easy for the day."
"Very funny. I don't need your damn pity, and I certainly don't care for sitting down and taking a damn break." Eclipse spat as he tried once again to worm his way off the couch. He made it about two inches from his seat before he was pushed right back onto the sofa. He chuckled, "You just aren't gonna give up, are you, Moon? You going to keep me here as your little couch prisoner? God you're annoying." Moon sighed, "I don't want you to get up unless you absolutely have to right now, your body needs time to rest. Besides, you deserve to take a break once in a while."
"Well aren't you just peachy?" Eclipse taunted Moon as he tried to get up again. As assumed, his attempts were pointless. Moon ended up putting Sun on guard duty while he left to get dinner. Sun, to nobody's surprise, was freaking out the entire time.
Come dinnertime, Eclipse found himself sat between Sun and Moon. He was given food that he didn't actually end up touching. Unlike the rest of the celestials, he hasn't been built with basic needs in mind. While he had the systems to eat, he couldn't open his mouth. This often led to him going to get food to cure his hunger, only to end up giving away the food he made so it wouldn't be wasted. Eclipse tried to express this issue to Moon on multiple occasions, but he didn't ever end up finishing his sentences due to either being ignored or interrupted.
After dinner, Moon led Eclipse to the guest room, tossing him a brand new pair of pajamas, still had the tags and everything. The outfit was rather soft to the touch, and somehow just the perfect size.
Unlike Moon or Sun, his clothing wasn't cemented onto his body, so he definitely was able to spend his time appreciating other outfits. He looked in the mirror at the way the pajamas fit him, and he smiled softly at how perfect this seemed. After a little longer of admiring his new sleepwear, Moon interrupted him.
"Come on, go to bed. I want to turn all the lights out now, and to do that everyone needs to be in bed." Moon stated this rather calmly as he pushed Eclipse into the bed. He handed Eclipse the remote to the TV and then left, turning out the lights. Moon was rather surprised when he shut the door and went up the stairs, only to hear the Bluey intro song of all things. He hadn't taken Eclipse to be someone who even watched TV, let alone kid's cartoons.
Eclipse wriggled himself under the covers, feeling himself become engulfed with warmth. He pulled one of the pillows out from under his head and then decided to turn on a show. After a long time searching, he settled on Bluey. He wasn't exactly in the mood for anything serious, and all the other kids shows were- to put it kindly -obnoxious. After a few hours, Eclipse ended up trailing right back to sleep, pressed against the pillow as though it were a living thing.
Hey, you, how dare you leave this in the replies

Moon, trying not to laugh; What's wrong, Jack?
Jack, sobbing and swollen; Bhee..
Moon, wheezing; Did you eat a bee.?
Jack; *Nods*
Joe Mama - Madilyn Mei
I know it's not an official song but it fit him wayyyy too well. Also hate posting multi-platform but I want all my friends to see it and some of them don't have certain socials..