Morgott - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
"Put These Foolish Ambitions To Rest!"
"Put These Foolish Ambitions To Rest!"
"Put These Foolish Ambitions To Rest!"

"Put these foolish ambitions to rest!"

I had a Morgott phase a while back, but it's expected since he is a scraggly and sad little meow meow.

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1 year ago
Grateful To Have Friends That Not Only Tolerate My Elden Ring Obsession But Actively Encourage It

grateful to have friends that not only tolerate my elden ring obsession but actively encourage it

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11 months ago

morgott and radahn fighting in the opening cut scene is still so funny to me. imagine being radahn and attempting to invade the capital who seemingly has no ruler at the moment and some dude in rags jumps you with his own walking stick.

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11 months ago

It just struck me that narrative wise, Morgott having a heavy tail and Mohg having large wings may not have been a completely random choice on the part of fromsoft....the omen twins were both shackled to the ground in the sewers, one of the two still heavily worships the guilty system none the less. Morgott clearly toiled to keep the crumbling status quo a float, draining him. The tail could represent that he is still shackled in spirit.(Look at his tail 😭)

But the other, Mohg, possesses so rebellious a spirit, his wings symbolizes a strong sense of independence and freedom. Man got out, and unlike his brother said fuck yall and flew away.

It Just Struck Me That Narrative Wise, Morgott Having A Heavy Tail And Mohg Having Large Wings May Not
It Just Struck Me That Narrative Wise, Morgott Having A Heavy Tail And Mohg Having Large Wings May Not

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10 months ago
Morgott And Oleg, But They're Glass.

Morgott and Oleg, but they're glass.

If you're wondering why they look so different from my usual depictions of them, it's because this art is inspired by this marvelous fic (read it, it's really good, the best Morgott ever and so on).

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9 months ago
Watch Your Step, They Are Very Small.

Watch your step, they are very small.

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8 months ago
Wondering How I've Got To A Point In My Life Where I'm Creating A Keynote Presentation To Explain The

wondering how i've got to a point in my life where i'm creating a keynote presentation to explain the lore of elden ring to my friends and it has led me to making this image

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7 months ago

Thinking about this post again so I want to compile some thoughts. There's definitely something to it, I like the idea that the horned nobles and Albinaurics are horned because they are able to 'commune' with The Formless Mother's blood. I wonder if because Albinaurics are man-made creatures, they have a certain ability to adapt to or take on aspects of outer gods, like they are malleable in a way.

When we progress in Varré's quest, after deciding we are worthy enough to become a Pureblood Knight for Mohg, he transfers some of Mohg's blood into us through our finger. I assume this ritual is the same for all that wish to join Mohg, but not everyone can withstand his blood, which has interacted with The Formless Mother in some way. We know this because of what we know of Varré from his armour which says, 'Of the surgeons that were abducted by the Lord of Blood none were able to tame the accursed blood. None but Varré, that is; though he was an exception.' So we know it is possible to 'tame' Mohg's blood, but it is a rare occurrence, it seems few have been able to. Given our Tarnished is able to become Elden Lord, it makes sense they can handle it.

He definitely looks different to Morgott, he's darker and his horns seem more gnarly and concentrated than his twins' horns. It's also interesting thinking about the implications of characters in ER having one or both eyes closed, and his horns pierce through one of his eyes. There is speculation Morgott was also visitied by The Formless Mother because his blood is also set aflame, but he would have rejected her given his loyalty to the Golden Order, so it probably wouldn't have affected his appearance all that much. Given her influence on those who interact with her blood making them sprout horns, I wonder what relation The Formless Mother has to the crucible. Given she has followers even in the Land of Shadows, which holds a lot of reverence to the crucible, I think there is definitely a link there in one way or another.

Small little detail but the hanged bodies in the Mohgwyn palace are all wearing the exact same clothes as the Sanguine Nobels

Small Little Detail But The Hanged Bodies In The Mohgwyn Palace Are All Wearing The Exact Same Clothes
Small Little Detail But The Hanged Bodies In The Mohgwyn Palace Are All Wearing The Exact Same Clothes

Like Mohg, you're not gonna have much of a Dynasty if you keep murdering all your citizens

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6 months ago
Eyewitness Account Of The Fell Omen

eyewitness account of the Fell Omen

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5 months ago
Bad Omen

Bad Omen

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10 months ago
Green Suits You Well Brother-

“Green suits you well brother-”

“It is too tight.”

“…On purpose.”


Morgott tries (forced to) color analysis! Ancient grandpa discovers shampoo

Green Suits You Well Brother-

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7 months ago
When It Comes To Morgott We All Can Agree He Is Just Build... Different (that Shoulders Five Times His

When it comes to Morgott we all can agree he is just build... different✨ (that shoulders five times his head *shivers*) So there are some of my thoughts if u wanna read them because they kinda explain my take on him in this drawing lol

I was thinking recently more about his fur and how it looks on his body. It's patchy, It looks rough and uneven... Even his tail when you look closer, It's shape is more defined by the muscles rather than the hair on it. Every artist drawing him gives him much more fluff and I truly think it's well deserved. And from the game design/lore perspective it's completely understandable. He is made to look grotesque, deformed, aged and ugly even... That's all intended... BUT!

I was thinking... What if it's mostly just lack of... maintenance? Lack of care. Malnourishment and neglect of a kind? We know that the Erdtree has a kind of sickening effects on Omens as well. Mohg is for sure holding up much better and I kind of don't believe they would be so much different from eachother (the influence of Formless Mother on Mohgs looks is after all not entirely known). He has more pride in himself and so he carries himself better than his brother that is still loyal and so close to the Golden Order. Mohg took his chance at getting away from the Erdtree and I think it is obvious that this freedom did him some good. I personally belive that Morgott could also achive such change if it wasn't for his deep rooted loyality to the Order and crippling self-resentment.

So to sum my thoughts up... What if he's just not thriving?

Just imagine this kind of idealistic scenario when he can finally put his needs first. When he can take care of himself or let others care for him. He puts on some more weight, rounding up his already muscular body giving it softer, healthier look. His furr thickens and follows up to the rest of his body not just limbs (could be just as thick as the rest or more like a soft fuzz maybe idk). His posture straightens, as with healthy body comes healthy mind. Of course, he is still an old man at the end of it. The years made their mark on his features and some of them are irreversable. But he is healing~

And I personaly love imaginging him in this healing state that unfortuntly is impossible to get in game. But game is game and fan work is fan work. And in my tiny rotten brain I give him little forehead kisses and tell him how precious he is uwu

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7 months ago
I Like This Wet Cat

i like this wet cat

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6 months ago

Some Morgott through the years concept art (yes the Great Rune does make them bigger)

Some Morgott Through The Years Concept Art (yes The Great Rune Does Make Them Bigger)

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