Mumen Rider - Tumblr Posts
Seven (February 19th, 2016)
So starting off with the first fic I wrote FOR Ao3 waaaay back in 2016. One Punch Man was my jam, and I needed to warm back up to writing.
Fandom: One Punch Man Pairing: Multiple Ships (New One Each Chapter Basically) Warnings/Contents: This also varies from chapter to chapter. Check the notes at the top of each chapter for details. AO3 Link: Word Count: 36,023 (8 chapters) Summary: A fun Seven Deadly Sins AU starring the cast from One Punch Man. There’s smut, there’s feels, theirs plot, all kinds of interest as each chapter focuses on at least one of the sins as they try to gather together to fight a rising enemy.
The thing was…
They didn’t need bodies. Bodies were a luxury, really. The Sins could freely flit around the world, moving across the globe in a split second. They were, essentially, beliefs given life, and thus, technically, omnipresent. They didn’t need to be physical to do their jobs, but most tended to prefer it that way for one reason or another. Physical bodies were for specialized enacting; when a person carried such potential that it was like walking into the most decadent hotel suite that had ever existed. You just wanted to soak in the tub, sleep in the bed, and fuck on every available surface before it was all taken away. Because bodies, like hotels, were temporary. When you found a good one, an exquisite mind and powerful heart teeming with untapped opportunity, you wanted to kick up your heels.
"Yes Sen-" A piece of soap came soaring in a wide arc to smack the young cyborg full on the face, stunning him into silence for a second. It fell into his hand, now imprinted with the vague definition of his features as a scream ran out from inside the locker room.
He frowned upon closer inspection; was that a bite mark embedded deep on the surface of the disfigured soap?
"Genos. Look," Saitama pointed calmly behind him in the doorway, his oval face boasting the same unreadable expression as always, a complete contrast to the chaos unfolding before them.
God was dead, and so were any of their remaining brain cells.
They, as in Metal Bat and Garou, were in the process of bashing each other's brains out in front of the hot tub with nothing but small towels wrapped around their waists, while a scantily clad Mumen Rider tried unsuccessfully to hold them apart. Bang and Atomic Samurai sat impassively in the tub behind them, occasionally commenting on their moves and acting as if nothing was wrong with two extremely buff and hot-headed boys trying their damn hardest to throttle each other. And was a baseball bat even allowed inside a locker room?
"Sensei, should we do something?" Genos asked with a glance at the bald hero.
"Nah, let's just find a place to sit before they burn down the building."
And part of him almost wished they did when Puri Puri Prisoner suddenly strutted in front of them buck-ass nude, heading with questionable intentions straight for Zombieman who was just trying to wash his hair on the bench.
"Hey! Cut it out you idiots! No one wants to deal with you two so just get out!" Another familiar voice rang out above all the noise as Amai Mask stomped over to the teenage brawlers, who were now completely naked and bloody. Neither pair seemed to realize that their towels had long been discarded, and Metal Bat was bleeding heavily from the face while Garou sported a few dark-colored bruises. Metal Bat swung once Amai Mask was within range, spitting out a few colorful curses that would put any sailor to shame as he missed by a hair.
The battle escalated, now a three-way fight as Mumen Rider lay passed out a few feet away, caught in the earlier crossfire. The poor guy would need new glasses once again.
"Here should be a good spot," Saitama said, pointing at a few unoccupied benches further away. It wasn't until a solid ten minutes that he sensed something was off, as if someone was watching him. Turning to the left, he was met with the blank gaze of a man in a furry white suit perched on top of the tiled wall, Watchdog Man.
How long has this guy been watching me?
He gazed back but Watchdog Man refused to look away. Maybe he was in an odd coma or something.
"Sensei what's wrong?" Genos asked, as if sensing his discomfort.
"It's nothing I-" He was interrupted by a war cry as a ninja star suddenly lodged itself in the wall in front of him.
"Saitama! I've tracked you all the way here, now come fight me!" Sonic howled, not even waiting for a reply as he leapt towards him fully clothed from the entrance.
At least this one has clothes on, Saitama sighed.
"I'll take care of this Sensei!" Genos zoomed past him, incinerator glowing orange.
"No wait Genos! Don't use your cannons-"
The outer layer of the wall on the opposite side crumbled, leaving charred concrete behind as Sonic bounced around the open area.
"Ah, too late. Well, hopefully he has enough to pay for the repairs."
"Ah shit! You'll pay for that!" Flashy Flash roared as Sonic and Genos barreled into him and knocked him into a bucket of soapy water.
"Wait Flashy Flash!" Child Emperor pleaded, immediately chasing after them with the help of mechanical spider legs that sprouted from his backpack. The bathhouse really needed to upgrade their security. The three of them were now a dizzy blur dancing around the locker room.
Zombieman was sent flying into the wall as they rammed into him blindly, the back of his head hitting the wall with a sickening crack.
"Oh my God you killed him!" Puri Puri Prisoner sobbed in anguish, sprinting after him in all his naked glory.
Truth be told, to Zombieman the brief respite that death offered was far better than the awkward conversation he had been having with the ex-convict after the shittiest pick-up line he had ever heard in his entire immortal life.
"Have you ever been arrested?" Puri Puri Prisoner purred, fluttering his eyelashes at the pale man.
Zombieman furrowed his brows, replying with a very confused and hesitant "No?"
"Why do you ask?" He continued, nearly shuddering at the way the tall hero was eyeing his exposed chest.
"Because it must be illegal to look that good," Puri Puri Prisoner finished, and Zombieman could swear that the world was out to get him.
"Uh thanks," he muttered awkwardly. Never in his life would he have thought he would have be hit on by a criminal hero in the middle of a locker room full of out-of-control men acting like it was the goddamn apocalypse.
Yeah, death sounded good right about now. He would take every precious second enjoying the darkness before he healed and was dragged back into that living nightmare. Perhaps it was time to invest in some therapy.
"Garou, my boy, did you forget every technique I taught you? You're holding your hand wrong. You need to strike with your palm at an angle," Bang corrected as Metal Bat dodged his attack.
"Shut up old man! I wasn't trying to use your stupid technique anyways!" Garou snarled, springing forward again.
"Hey whose side are ya on anyways?"
"Sorry Metal Bat, old men like myself just can't help it," Bang grinned sheepishly.
"You dare turn your back on me?" Amai Mask punched him in the ribs with his momentary distraction, only enraging the seventeen-year-old more.
"I'll rip yer fucking head off you prick!"
"I don't think I ever want to come here again," Saitama said calmly as he watched a fire break out in the wet bathhouse.
A ninja star exploded behind him as Puri Puri Prisoner strutted past his vision.

I’ve finish Episode 9 of One Punch Man, a few days ago but haven’t post anything about One Punch Man on my blog yet, so here it is!
In Episode 9, we see the heroes fighting against the Deep Sea King. One by one, they fall down like sticks until Saitama did his one punch move and that villain gets defeated.
Now, what interests me about this episode is not the fighting scenes.
Mumen Rider is my favourite character in One Punch Man. Even though, he’s not powerful as most of the heroes in this series but his heroic spirit is what makes him shine brighter than the others.
Don’t get me wrong, in terms of fighting, Saitama hands down wins that category and in terms of looks, Genos wins. But this guy, Mumen Rider deserves respect in this episode along with Saitama.
Mumen Rider actually cares for the people, unlike some jerks like that hero testing out his weapons on the meteor and that flashy guy. Sorry for the word jerks, but what they did is mostly for their own interests that is not intended for others.
On a side note, Saitama also did a heroic thing by potraying as a credit-stealing hero. He sacrifice himself so the other heroes won’t be looked down upon in the public eye. It worked and the other heroes got the credit.
Million salutes to the unselfish heroes in the series. Also, I think a word of congrats to Saitama for getting into Class B XD
Also, yay for no more weekly quotas !
Poor Mumen Rider