My Therapist Was Right - Tumblr Posts
Struggling lately with finding the motivation to do things which is especially rough when I’ve built so much of my self-worth and fulfillment on being able to do things well. When working full time, near the end it just felt like burn out but now that I’m venturing back into furthering my education it’s just been getting worse. I feel bad because I’m not completing anything and I don’t want to complete anything because I feel bad. Searching for that magic solution that will stop the cycle.
Chat….is it quirky and deep or psychologically concerning to read HARDCORE smut while listening to the worlds most depressing music ever composed??? Asking for a friend.
“If I stop writing
Someone will become better than I
And I will no longer be a poet
But a girl that tried”
- Bree Murillo, Chapters of a Teenage Girl