-n0tamused.angst - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

'Please Wait For Me A Little Longer'

>Warnings: death, blood, description of wounds, character death(reader dies), angst, not really proof read, written before I even played the game so it may be a bit ooc

Characters: Zhongli/Morax x f/Reader

Words: 1,414

'Please Wait For Me A Little Longer'

The field was littered with bodies and discarded weapons; the stench of blood billowed and blew all around through the blades of grass that swayed in the gusts of wind. It was disgusting, grotesque as the new colors of the once green and colorful field became steel and crimson. Trees laid broken in half from the massive strength of the stampede of the armies that galloped the whole place to the ground. Alas, over the centuries of life, Zhongli did not find that disturbing anymore, but in any other circumstances he wouldn't be as panicked as he was now. One person was missing, and he couldn't find her among the living. He wanted to scream his head off with your name on his lips but his throat closed tight and he hardly breathed as he ran through the field, looking over the many faces of the dead, twisted and gray. He ran like never before, his mind running ahead of his movements as he tried remembering if he ever even saw you after the battle began, he wished this was some cruel joke and that you were in the medical wing- a hand suddenly sprouted from the ground and grabbed him by the ankle.

Zhongli stumbles but catches himself, and before even he knows it, his spear digs itself into the head of the person; crunch of bones and squish of the man's insides go flying by Zhongli's ears as his eyes stare widely at the corpse. For a moment your face flashes before his eyes, thinking he had accidentally struck you, but he breathes a silent sigh of relief before another sound reaches his ears. This time he's frozen. Like a battle horn that had sung the death song today, your silent, pain filled moan of his name howls into his eardrum as if you were screaming. He has no time to even pull his spear away before he's spinning to the direction the sound came from- and there he sees you. Your limp body laying among the dead, barely moving, your back turned to him but you knew- you knew the feel of his presence, the smell he carried with him, you knew him.

His weight dropped beside you, and it was like he suddenly turned limp himself, as his eyes glued themselves on the awfully large gash below your ribs, metal shards and a blade sticking from it. Your hands were clutching on it previously, as evident by the cuts on your fingers. Zhongli's breath hitched, but his mind seemed to clear suddenly, an awful and scary realization dawned on him. The calm he found himself in was terrifying. His arms folded underneath you, and as if you were made of the most fragile glass, he brought you into his lap.

"Y/n.. darling.." he called softly, seeing how your lashes barely fluttered, how your eyes stared aimlessly, your pupils blown and tired.

"Zh... Zhongli.." it was death's whisper on your lips, words you managed to get out with the little breath you had in your damaged lungs. The taste of copper and iron stung your tongue and swallowing made it further worse, the sting in your body made it hard to do even the simplest thing as breathing; it was then when you realized your legs had gone completely numb. You could feel nothing but the biting cold.

"What happened to you my dear..? Hey... speak to.. me" he spoke, yet his voice seemed to stammer with the tightness of his throat, almost broken with sadness he felt take hold of his heart. His hand cupped beneath your cheek and his thumb tried to wipe away all the blood that bubbled and poured out of your mouth.

"I don't-.. i don... want to die.." you croaked out suddenly, voice breaking like his heart as you found strength to take hold of his hand. "Please..."

He held you closer, sharing all the warmth he could offer, arm wrapping around you and bringing you further into him. As your figure shivered he tucked your head beneath the crevice of his shoulder and neck. Your pleas echoed in his head, bringing tightness to his chest.

"Hush now... It will be alright. Just stay calm, the healers are already on their way.." he hushed softly to you as his tears threatened to spill with the lie he told. He knew no healers was close by, and he knew even if they were close that no one would be able to save you, not even a god would be... his heart was shattering at your sad flicker of a smile.

"I'll stay here with you, just relax...don't strain yourself" he said as he caressed your cheek. The hairs at the back of his neck rose at their ends at the way you stared through him, even if your eyes searched for him they didn't seem to find him. More rivulets of blood poured down your chin.

"Please... don't let.." he nodded swiftly, holding your head close to his chest as he knew you liked. Remembering all the time you had placed your head over his heart to listen to the steady rhythm he never seemed to lose. Only difference was that you carried your own steady rhythm back then, your own warmth and happiness and hope.

Celestia, he wanted to weep with you. But he didn't dare make your last moments more sorrowful than they already were.

"I will not. I'm staying right here.. How about I tell you a story while we wait..hm?" he felt you weakly nod, eagerly so, and he tried to get his throat to let him breathe, his adam's apple bobbing with anxiety he attempted to refuse to feel.

"I never told you about this story.. It is about a man; who was quite different from the standards his residency had written out. He didn't like change much and did everything to keep things running smoothly, his heart laid where his business and career were, duty and work were his girl and wife. He became rejected from the others due to this, as he grew quite detached.. yet there was reasoning to all his hard work, my dear. All the time he spent building his work, all the countless hours he had spent working were so his beloved could be happy.. a girl he had met not too long ago- you hear?- he.. he fell for her. Like a meteor from the sky.. He loved her so much. He loved her like the oceans loved the moon, and the way flowers loved the sun. And he would have done everything to see her smile and laugh, to see her safe and looked after-"

Your skin felt cold beneath his fingertips, and your eyes were fixated on his face suddenly. His thumb continued to caress your cheek, the softest of smiles stretched on his face. No.


"-and he had her for a while. Those times were the happiest moments the man had ever lived through. He never wanted to leave them. He never did. The woman was so kind to him, so sweet and gentle and she knew all his weakest and softest spots, and she was the person he could rely on with even his darkest secrets he had kept buried for years long. He loved her, my dear, do you hear me..?"


Your breathing had stopped with a shudder, your body becoming even heavier in his arms.

"He did everything for her, everything to see her smile- Oh, how he loved her smile..... Before that, before he met her, no one loved him. But with her, he knew- he was loved, she loved him like he loved her and more...Yet.. soon came fate, knocking on the door of their happy lives, and it took her away. The woman he loved so much so, even more than his duty and work. Fate took her away.... it took her away.. you hear..? they...took you away, my darling-" his tears finally spilled from his eyes, and he doubled over your body that had gone cold minutes ago.

Zhongli would have done anything to turn back time, and be with you again. To feel your warmth, see your smile, hear your laugh and to feel your lips on his. But like the ocean can't have the moon, he couldn't reach you anymore - no matter how much he wanted to.

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11 months ago

'Please cannot fix'

'Please Cannot Fix'

Content: angst, character death, gn reader, possible grammar mistakes

Words: 1167

A/N: to that one person said I wouldn't do it - here you go. Suffer with me now.

'Please Cannot Fix'

Once mighty and flamboyant  Galaxy Ranger, now nothing but a desperate pile in the mud. The rain hails down onto him like acid, unrelenting as it bashes his back and makes him sink further into the ground. BootHill’s breath is heavy and ragged as he has long lost his voice, crying out to you to keep awake, to hold on until you’re both back at the base, he has already contacted a doctor through a built in radio - why didn’t you listen?

Leftover footprints had long since been washed away, eradicating the proof of his attempts at keeping you alive, as if he never tried.

You had pleaded with him to slow down, he was jostling you too much, doing too much, and you never saw him this panicked. His eyes could barely handle looking at the red gushing out of your wounds and onto the cold iron of his body. He didn’t listen, and kept going, his feet leaping and swallowing the ground under him with sloppy expertise, kicking up rocks and mud before it could stick to him. One of his hands mussed up your nape, patting the skin and pushing your head closer against him until he could feel your breath on his actual skin - on what little he had to feel with.  “Just a little more, sugar-” he’d say, turn after turn, thunder growling behind him. Moments feel like minutes, and he swears he can run faster, but he can’t -

“BootHill, stop-!” he froze, his eyes escaping whatever daze his mind spun him into, darting to look at your begging ones. Tears or rain, it made your nose red and your lips quivered with the weight of your words. “Let me go..”  You breathed it out, cupping his cheek and turning him to face you, forcing him to feel the fleeting warmth of your palm, it prevented him from running. However, he doesn’t stop moving, he consciously, simply cannot, and for once his artificial body agrees with his organic one; and neither listens to your wishes for him to stop carrying you. “I-I can’t- are you crazy?!” he blurts out sharply, but his face betrays the anger of his tone, his eyes, as wide as yours, show the man crazed with fear of losing something precious beyond life itself. 

“No, no, move yer hands away, I can’t see” he grumbles with a tangible tension in his jaw, shaking his head, flicking raindrops from the tips of his hair. 

“Please..BootHill..I don’t want this sight to be my last-! Please, put me down” you argued, lungs feeling heavy and full of holes that let the rain in. They burned for life, for air, they sought to be engulfed in warmth of the space ship once more, to breathe in the metallic scent that fill the room as BootHill cleaned his iron from the rain. Just once more. But you knew such a future was only a dream behind your heavy lidded eyes that were harder to pry apart every blink.  “Please..just hold me..” you muttered with defeat in your tone, and perhaps it was that which stopped BootHill at long last, or the sight of the bridge that had been split and broken before him, with the raging wide river threatening to swallow the earth itself around it.

He slowly lowered himself to the ground, you in his lap, and his eyes bubbling up with what you could call tears. Translucent blue in color and greasy in texture, his tears fell for you. One metal and freezing hand goes on top of the biggest wound on your torso, pushing down to stop the bleeding. 

BootHill never felt more hopeless and useless than he did now. He tried and failed. And most heartbreaking of all, he didn’t protect you when he needed to. When he should have.

The rain fell harder after that. Your body absorbede the cold of it and grew heavier in his lap.

The wind howled over his head and went right through him too.


Your face was the palest he had ever seen.

Your lips blue.

Eyes shut.

Hair slicked back with how many times he ran his fingers through it, keeping it from your face. Keeping you tidy.

You were limp and heavy, and you were still.. whole, as whole as you could be. He had cried all the tears he had within him, and he struggled to breathe for even longer. Feeling raw and more human than he did even before being turned into this walking machinery. 

You had held his face, and you apologized to him, and asked him to smile, you asked him to deliver you one more charming line - and he failed you in that too.


The silence was unbearable, and the cacophony even worse. Now, in the confined space of his ship, he cracked his voice raw open as he glared at the little hologram of the doctor that turned him into this walking tin can.

BootHill couldn’t stand the sound of his own voice that fluctuated higher with the flare of his anger, every sentence more distraught than the last. It got to the point the Doctor on the receiving end had gone silent as a grave, realizing the futility of trying to speak over BootHill. 

‘Bring them back’, he pleaded, hovering over the hologram, making himself feel greater, stronger, and more in control. 

‘If you could turn me into this with just ma head alone, you can help them as well!’ he argued, teeth grit together and showing off their points. Like a cornered dog he clawed and bit and held the last pieces of hope in his maw. ‘They’re whole, jus’ a few scratches-’ he added in haste, and the doctor began shaking his head.

‘Please, Doctor, you’ve gotta’ he stared at the flickering hologram, feeling something akin to acid rise in his throat, sick at the thought of denial. No, he wouldn’t give up on you. ‘Why not?! Because they’re not as loud as I am?! What is the reason?!’. He tried to argue and reason with the other man, and when he ran out of reasons he began to repeat the ones he already mentioned.

‘WHY NOT YOU IDIOT?!’ he shouted, now on his knees before the system table in front of him, the hologram now looking much larger than his own figure. His elbows still rested on the table and he felt like strangling the man in front of him through the hologram itself.

He could see the Doctor’s face fall, disappointed at best. And he heard him sigh. 

“BootHill. I can’t do it, and I won’t try it.”

The hologram flickered, and then went out, allowing the dark of the spaceship to swallow him whole. Trickles of oil began to seep through cracks in his metalwork, and more of his tears began to bubble up in his eyes. Like claws, his hands fell over his face, muffling a choked cry of anguish.

'Please Cannot Fix'

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.

-Tags: @prettyliliy @nvuy @lofasofabread @teanypaws @molotto

(I just tagged everyone who showed interest when I talked about this idea, pls lemme know if you don't want the tag/want to be removed from the post <3)

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