Nakba 1948 - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Palestinians in the 1948-occupied territory march to the sites of the pre-1948 villages of Hawsha and Kasyer marking the 76th anniversary of the ongoing Palestinian Nakba, today.

The March of Return occurs yearly as a commemoration of the Nakba, the “catastrophe” in Arabic, when armed militias, which would later become the Israeli military, expelled 75% of Palestinians from their homes and lands to establish the State of Israel.

Each year, Palestinians commemorate the Nakba in this symbolic demonstration at the site of a city or town that Israel destroyed in 1948, honoring the Palestinians who were violently uprooted and demanding that one day all Palestinians in exile can return.

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6 months ago

Zionists Morphing Into Nazis

Zionists Morphing Into Nazis

Zionists Morphing Into Nazis

During the Holocaust, Nazis would paint the Star of David on the homes of Jewish people – marking them for forced eviction.

Zionists do the same to Palestinians. The Star of David marks a Palestinian home for eviction, and then destruction.

Ousman Noor

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5 months ago

A Foreign Fighter and War Criminal

A Foreign Fighter And War Criminal
A Foreign Fighter And War Criminal

An Israeli-American soldier, notice the US flag on his uniform, posted on Instagram that he will be to Gaza again soon.

(He was in Gaza city back in February).

“They’re letting me loose in Gaza again soon. Every Palestinian wins a surprise 5.56 to the f***** head”.

“Palestine can suck my fu**ing balls.”

“Fu*k Gaza and fu*k Palestine.”

“Y’all don’t deserve shift but death.”

Younis Tirawi

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8 months ago

Keir Starmer: Israel Has The Right To Kill

Keir Starmer: Israel Has The Right To Kill

These so-called leaders keep giving Israel the green light to commit genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

They supply that Rogue state with weapons to commit genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Then they consistently validate that pariah's genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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Take note of how Israeli apologists always believe that injustices of the past make it okay to murder enormous numbers of people in the present. This "two wrongs make a right attitude" is a sure sign that the person in question flunked their kindergarten level ethics class.

How old is the Jewish religion? How old is Islam? How old is “Palestine”? Which religion inhabited that area of the planet first?

You might want to learn what genocide actually is before posting the usual shite.

How Old Is The Jewish Religion? How Old Is Islam? How Old Is Palestine? Which Religion Inhabited That

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Note how in this argument, the importance of lived experience and material suffering is emphasized, but only for Israelis. The experience and suffering of the millions of people being starved and bombed to death doesn't count here. This continues the trend of Arab people's lives and wishes being discounted by zionists since the Nakba in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon started 76 years ago.

not sorry i’m going to listen to israelis over any diaspora jew when it comes to i/p when they’re the ones getting rockets thrown at them and are trying to rehabilitate from a literal pogrom.

i can’t comprehend that anyone would think that their opinion on the matter is more important or more correct than israelis lived experience. all they accomplish is fueling the ongoing fire that is demonizing israel. and i’m not referring to listening to israeli organizations.

i’m saying id rather speak to a literal israeli person who is affected by the war, which might i remind everyone is beyond gaza.

everyone seems to forget displaced israelis, many of which have lost everything. i’m going to listen to them. i’m going to listen to the israeli archeologist and the israeli defense expert. hell, i’ll listen to the israeli high schooler over a random diaspora jew adult. i’d much rather learn about how they’re doing from them.

idk i’ve been seeing too many diaspora acting like this war has a material affect on us. (and when i say material i mean im not israeli so the antisemitism i face in new york is very different from the antisemitism israelis face (which is terrorist groups attacking them)).

ok i’ll shut up now byeee

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8 months ago

A Plea for Peace: End the Romanticization of Victimhood

Give Israelis and Palestinians a Chance for Coexistence

Content Warning: Mentions of violence and historical atrocities

For too long, people from the outside have romanticized the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a gladiatorial arena, a reality show, or a competition of values. By romanticizing victimhood and choosing sides, you allow governments and dictators to stay in power. Your inconsistent support, favoring one side's victimhood over the other, makes it impossible for those of us, both Jews and Arabs, who want to live in peace to actually achieve that goal.

The West and East have chosen politicians on both sides who oppress the weak, buy warfare from them, and lack empathy. Yet for centuries, Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully in many areas, and there are still those among us who have never stopped hoping for that reality, even in the face of atrocities like the Nakba, Sabra and Shatila and many other horrendous crimes to the one side and bus bombings, rape crimes, and the horrific events of October 7th, where Jewish Arab supporters were slaughtered and burned alive on the other. Brainwashed-hurting-people are hurting people. By dehumanizing each side for its barbaric acts you leave them lonely and hurting, which leads to more extremism.

We are all being brainwashed, and as time goes on, more Jews and Arabs are losing hope, allowing pain and hatred to consume us, and enabling the rise of fanatic politicians who further fuel this cycle. But we are all just people who want to live. If the East and West truly wanted us to find a solution, they would invest in mutual education and acknowledgment of each nation's pain, helping us learn about our shared Semitic Abrahamic roots, rather than selling both of us more weapons.

Many Arabs in Israel-Palestine are not just our cousins, but our sisters and brothers. Not all Jews fled when the Romans came; some of them became Christian and then Muslim. Some of them are the Palestinians of today! And the other part is our closest cousins. Our DNA is so similar; there are no closer ethnicities in the world. The world plays savior while pushing us to fight harder, funding narratives of hate and promoting xenophobia and antisemitism on both sides.

We are all children of the same God, the last remaining Semitic peoples. Please, world, support new leadership on both sides! Invest in peace, not war. Give the Jews and Arabs who want peace a chance to achieve it. Strengthen us, and give the next generations of Semites a chance to live with dignity, compassion, respect, and mutual love.

Since the British Mandate pitted us against each other, as they did in India and Pakistan and so many other places, where colonial empires left the people to fight each other - "proving" the "barbarity of the locals" in comparison to the supremacy of the colonials, the biggest world powers have used our conflict to prove their own strength, choosing a side as if we were gladiators in a ring. Please, stop this game of money, power, and manipulation. No one should have to die anymore. Life is already too short! Palestinians and Israelis should be free together, from this war, from these separative beliefs, from the hatred, to live and move freely, to marry each other freely. To have one shared government that represents us all equally with dignity - with no more brainwashing and separation. This is what I pray for. No occupation nor any slaughter or rape of any kind. We should not fall into traps; if all people open their eyes, politicians lose their power. With the help of decent, honest allies from the world, this is achievable, slowly but surely. This should be the reality. Where all kids know both languages in an Arab-Jewish state, celebrating together, growing and then aging together with the deepest respect for all the mutual and all the unique, beautiful differences. Looking into Arabs' eyes, I see the eyes of my family members. You are not that different. I want peace with you .

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