Nct One Shot - Tumblr Posts

Navi - m.list
Pairing: Lee Jeno x Fem! Reader
Theme: Hint at college au! This is the same paring from my fic ‘Quiet’, fluff, smut, hint of angst? Crack maybe?
Synopsis: When your boyfriend invites you over to his place only to ignore you to play games with his friends all evening, you decide to go out and celebrate a mutual friend’s birthday instead. Jeno never minds when you go out to clubs and bars… only when a specific Loverboy doesn’t tend to leave your side all evening.
Warnings: Lots of swearing, Probably over use of many variations of ‘fuck’, Big dick! Jeno, Pierced! Jeno, Possessive!Jeno, A hint of angst?, Jealousy, Jaehyun clearly likes you allot regardless of your boyfriend, He’s kind of a subtle dick?, the reader and Jeno are sort of in an argument, Unprotected sex, Exhibitionism ( They fuck in the restrooms and Jaehyun is outside), fluff at the end, Jeno is a smug little shit, marking, idk what else.
Word count: 2,698
Note: Hey my lovelies, another Jeno fic! I’m going to attempt to have all the NCT fics I write to be in the same universe. So, when Set Me Free is released it will fall in with this fic too even though it’s Intern!Mark. I know I said that last Jeno smut would be the one and only smut i do but honestly when inspiration strikes - you just gotta. I made the dividers and the header on Canva. Feel free to send asks about my fic characters. The spice is very brief in this one, i apologise - I didn’t want the smut to be too detailed. It's still my longest of the three i've published so far. I feel like my 'writing rust' is curing slowly? I apologise for any grammatical errors
Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!

“Are you sure the exit is covered, Mark?” Jeno heard through the device in his ear.
“For the last time, Yes,” Mark grumbled in exasperation, as he scanned the surroundings.
Jeno could only chuckle, observing from his characters spot on a nearby rooftop. His thumb slowly moved the left analog stick to change the camera angle and look around once more. “Chenle, on your left - there’s Hyuc-” He abruptly called out, voice raising with the excitement.
“What? Fucking whe- Shit!” Jeno had to pull one of his earphones out at the enraged screech that followed, Chenle shouting for Renjun to come and revive him.
One game soon turned into two, then three, and now four. And it was as if Jeno had forgotten all about you for the moment. You, who was sprawled out on your back, boredly counting each line of profanity you heard your boyfriend boom down his mic. This wasn’t what you had in mind when Jeno asked you to come over after class. You’d hoped that he would opt out of squad night and spend some alone time with you - seeing as you hadn’t really had much time to yourselves since way before the camping trip last month, and whilst you loved his friends like family there was only so much of their company you could take.
You lazily picked your phone up from the floor, responding to a few messages until you hovered over the most recent one. “Coming out tonight? It’s Xiaojun’s birthday.” Your thumbs hesitated in typing out a reply, chin tilting to glance over at your boyfriend, who showed zero signs of stopping his game. As you stood, your knees and ankles groaned in protest from being sprawled out on the fuzzy rug for hours.
“Jen..” You called out, shoulders slumping when the other didn’t respond. “Jen!” You repeated louder, unable to keep the hint of annoyance from your voice. Jeno jumped, he would never admit it but he almost forgot you were there. He removed an earphone, muting his mic to turn toward you.
“Yes, Baby?” He hummed, raising a pierced brow. He hadn’t caught on to the clear boredom in your expression, nor the dejected tone to your voice as you spoke again.
“I’m gonna head out, Ten invited me out for Xiaojun’s birthday.” You explained, Jeno’s eyes creasing at the corners as he smiled at the mention of the two.
“Make sure Ten don’t go home with Johnny again.” Was all he said, already beginning to turn back to his computer.
You couldn’t believe that was all he said, he didn’t even offer to go with you nor drop you off. You stood there for a moment, left eye almost twitching in anger at the whole situation. You weren’t a clingy girlfriend, you never demanded to be with Jeno all the time. It was quite the opposite actually, but there were times when he acted like this and it got to you. All you wanted was some one on one time..
Deciding to forego the impending argument for tonight, you shuffled closer to him to press a kiss to his forehead so you didn’t disturb his game. “You’re coming back here, right?” he mumbled, not even waiting your answer properly before a harsh “You fuck head, Hyuck!” escaped him.
With a mumbled ‘sure’, you gathered your bag and left him to it.

Jeno hadn’t even realised how he was acting. He still continued gaming with the guys for at least two or three more hours. He stretched his arms above his head on a groan, clicking his spine as he twisted in his chair. “Mark, pick another game. This one’s getting too easy to beat you at.” He snickered smugly.
“You seen Hendery’s story, Jen?” The voice sounded almost devious. As if Jaemin was in on a secret nobody else was.
Instead of answering, his hand swiped up his phone from beside his keyboard and swiftly unlocked it with his thumb. Jeno found Hendery’s profile and tapped on the story. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline. It was you, Xiaojun and Jaehyun. The later, Jeno wasn’t particularly a big fan of… okay that was a massive understatement. Quite frankly, Jeno hated the way the man looked at you. He knew Jaehyun had asked you out a few times, before you and Jeno had gone public, and whilst he knew you turned him down everytime… he also was very much aware of how persistent the older man could be. Not that Jeno didn’t trust you, he trusted you with his life but Jaehyun however? No.
Jeno’s gaze drifted over your frame in the picture, his breath drawing in sharply. “Fuck me…” he cursed. The dress you were wearing had him frozen in place.
A short little black number, ending way too high up your thighs for his liking. Jeno could clearly see from your side pose that it was backless, the halter strings of the dress tied in a perfect bow at the back of your neck. The front? Jeno couldnt even think about the front right now, not when he could clearly see Jaehyun’s eyes were definitely not directed toward the camera lens.
“Bro… you must have done something terrible in your past life.” His friend Donghyuck laughed into his ear. “The dude’s looking at her as if he won a fucking jackpot!”
“Say’s the bitchless one.” Jisung quipped, adding on a rushed defense. “Not that ___’s a bitch, Jeno.”
Jeno could only groan in despair. “What am I meant to do? I don’t even know what club she’s a-”
“Envy. It’s written on the cup, Dumbass.” Jeno glared at his friends icon on the call, then glancing back to the image and sure enough, the black cup in your hand had the club logo printed on the side. “Jeno, you’re designated driver.. And who else.. Mark?”
Mark let out an unsure sound of agreement. “Uh.. yeah, sure. I’m not staying though, got work early in the morning and this internship is kicking my ass. I’ll drop you at the door and pick you up but that’s it.”
Jeno was silently seething, continuing to tap through Hendery’s story as his friends made arrangements. In each one of them, the same guy was always with you. Even when you weren’t in the photograph, Jeno caught sight of you both in the background and with new determination, he shucked off his hoodie to get ready.

You were having a good time. Much better than being ignored by your boyfriend, that’s for sure. Part of you still wished you'd put your foot down and demanded Jeno pay attention to you. He was the one who asked you to go over after all. But, you much preferred dancing with your friends over causing arguments with Jeno.
You were dancing with Ten and Jaehyun when you first spotted the familiar head of black and pink streaked hair. The grinning man approaching the three of you the moment he caught sight.
“Chenle? What are you doing here?” You shouted over the music, eyebrows drawn in confusion.
Honestly, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you’d seen Chenle make an appearance at a night club. The younger shrugged with faux innocence, his grin broadening as his gaze caught sight of someone over your shoulder.
“Ask him.” He simply stated, with the nudge forward of his head being a signal for you to probably turn around.
From the way the colour drained from Jaehyun’s face, however, you weren’t sure you wanted to. You could physically feel the anger radiating from the person behind you - You were 100% certain who it was. It was solidified when a hard chest pressed against your back, hot breath against your ear.
“Yeah, ____. Ask me.” You’d never experience this Jeno yet. This Jeno was mad, His voice sharp and heavy, the emotion making it slightly husky.
Chenle only grinned wider, shooting you a thumbs up as he coaxed your friends to the bar. You didn’t face your boyfriend yet. Unsure of what you might see, if his voice was anything to go by you’d probably fold in thirty seconds flat. Jeno has a special talent in making you fold. Instead, you crossed your arms over your chest, straightening your shoulders. How dare he come and crash your fun? After he ignored you for so many hours.
“Finally remembered you have a girlfriend then?” Was your snarky reply.
You were so glad you weren’t looking at him, from the way a tense silence followed your words. Honestly, you stupidly thought you’d made him speechless. A smirk tugging at the corners of your glossy lips. The triumph didn’t last for long, the victory slowly fading from your face at the almost sinister chuckle.
“Could say the same about you.” Jeno’s clipped tone bit right back, his strong hands settling on your waist. “Someone should tell Jung fucking Yoon-Oh to get his own girlfriend and stop making googly eyes at mine.” Your boyfriend’s gravelly voice rumbled into your ear.
That made you step forward, Jeno’s hands falling away from your waist before he could tighten his hold to stop you. Your mouth opened to speak but your words got stuck in your throat. There he stood, Pink hair swept back in probably the only style he knows how to do himself, black skinny jeans and a dress shirt with only the bottom few buttons done up to leave it open to the bottom of his sternum. He looked mouth watering. You could feel your resolve crumbling bit by bit.
“He-He didn’t touch me.” You choked out. “He’s just a friend, Jen.”
Your voice didn’t sound like you, it was breathy and low but somehow he heard you. Jeno’s facial features were set in a hard line, stormy with jealousy, the constant flashing lights around you reflecting off his eyebrow piercing. His jaw flexed.
“To you, yes. But to him? Baby, when you showed up here looking like fucking aphrodite in that dress… he probably thought it was his birthday.” He said tautly.
You didn’t have anything to say to that. You couldn’t dispel Jeno’s worries either. Whilst you had definitely noticed how the man in question hadn’t left you alone all night, you’d done nothing to try and put any distance toward you. Your anger at your boyfriend had clouded your judgement - your mind telling you that Jaehyun was just acting as a comforting friend and listening ear. Though with the amount of times he’s still asked you out and the amount of ‘jokes’ he makes hinting at you being ‘too good’ for Jeno, you can’t say you blame your boyfriend for his blatant dislike. In his defense, Jeno had voiced his insecurities surrounding the man many times to you and you knew it was something he was very much bothered about.
At the thought, your anger dissipated like a deflating balloon. If you’d just spoken to Jeno in the first place then you probably wouldn’t be in this situation. The apology died on your lips when both sides of your face was firmly cupped and Jeno leant in. His nose brushing yours as his almost possessive gaze met your startled one.
“Mine. ____ you’re mine.” He spoke through gritted teeth, his statement firm. You didn’t disagree anyway.
“Only yours.” Your instant reply had his shoulder relaxing only slightly.
The tension was thick and neither of you had leant away. It was as if a rubber band had snapped when your lips met, hungry and claiming. Hands all over each other desperate to find purchase.

That was how you found yourself in your current state. Pressed against the locked door to the club restroom with your dress bunched around your waist. Your high heels dug into the backs of Jeno’s thighs as each hard drive forward thudded your back louder against the wood. Jeno couldn't help but admire your smudged lip gloss, the rest of which he was sure to be smeared along his neck, the base of his cock, and his own lips. Eyeliner and mascara streaked further down your cheeks with each pleasured sob.
Jeno’s firm grip on your thighs hoisted you against the door, he made no effort at all to silence your cries and moans. He didn’t want to this time. You were his and right now he really hoped Jaehyun was waiting outside for the restrooms to be unoccupied. With a deep moan of his own, his teeth reattached to your neck. It was as if he thought the bruises he marred your skin with would have faded in the last thirty seconds, his teeth pulling at the skin over them.
“Say it again, Baby. Please.” He uttered breathlessly, delivering a particularly firm thrust.
Your words were incoherent, you may aswell have been babbling total nonsense. This man had filled you to the brim, pounding the same spot over and over enough for you to see stars. An elongated whine left you, fingernails gripping at Jeno’s back underneath his shirt. Your thighs shook in his hands.
“Yours. Jen-no! Always… Always yours.” You cried out, almost letting out a scream when he tilted your hips for the right angle.
“Oh god… oh g-god!” Your sobs were like music to his ears, your pleas and praises fuelling his speed.
Jeno lifted his head, sweat beading his brow as he kissed away your tears. His chest was flushed red from exertion. You tried to hold on longer, you really did but your orgasm crashed down on you almost abruptly, dragging a filthy, loud, wanton moan of his name from your throat.
“Shit…” Jeno swore as you clamped down around him almost in a death grip, prompting his own release.
You felt like your whole body was twitching in the aftershocks. You almost flinched at the sensitivity of Jeno’s piercing dragging against your sensitive parts as he slowly pulled out. The both of you were panting heavily like you’d run a London marathon. You made no effort to move and clean up yet, opting to draw Jeno’s torso into your body in a tight embrace.
“I’m sorry for playing on your insecurities.” You admitted sheepishly into his ear. “I was just so annoyed.”
A soft hum in reply was heard, the sound still lightly vibrating his chest. “Why were you annoyed?”
“You invited me over to just ignore me for hours. I just wanted some quality time with you.” Your confession had Jeno’s mind clicking everything into place.
“Oh… I didn’t think of it like that. ____ I just always want you around. I hate it when you go back to your apartment.” He lifted his head from where it was nuzzled comfortably against your marked chest.
Your tongue darted out to nervously wet your lips, your right shoulder lazily lifting in thought. “Okay…” You started off, slowly. “Then… What if I didn’t?” You offered tentatively.
Jeno didn’t say anything as he processed your words, his lips pulling into the first smile he had directed at you all evening. “Then… I’d clear out half of the closet space for you… maybe get you a key cut.”
“I’d like that.” His smile was contagious as hell, the corners of your mouth pulling up into an expression to match his own.
Jeno quickly cleaned you both up after that with a mutual agreement that you should both go home and shower. His large hand wrapped tightly in your own. You both looked a disheveled mess, your panda eyes and his wrinkled shirt and messy hair. However, you’d made yourselves presentable enough to make it to the car. His free hand twisted the lock on the door, pulling it open to the stunned faces of your friends. None of them said anything but judging from the smirks and snickers, you’d surely get drilled in the group chat later.
One face stuck out to Jeno amongst them all. The one closest to the door. The number one cause for his possessive streak this evening and whilst you were off saying goodbye to your friends, Jeno leaned in slightly for only Jaehyun to hear him.
“Game Over, Loverboy.”
fic boost!

Navi - m.list
Pairing: Lee Jeno x Fem! Reader
Theme: Hint at college au! This is the same paring from my fic ‘Quiet’, fluff, smut, hint of angst? Crack maybe?
Synopsis: When your boyfriend invites you over to his place only to ignore you to play games with his friends all evening, you decide to go out and celebrate a mutual friend’s birthday instead. Jeno never minds when you go out to clubs and bars… only when a specific Loverboy doesn’t tend to leave your side all evening.
Warnings: Lots of swearing, Probably over use of many variations of ‘fuck’, Big dick! Jeno, Pierced! Jeno, Possessive!Jeno, A hint of angst?, Jealousy, Jaehyun clearly likes you allot regardless of your boyfriend, He’s kind of a subtle dick?, the reader and Jeno are sort of in an argument, Unprotected sex, Exhibitionism ( They fuck in the restrooms and Jaehyun is outside), fluff at the end, Jeno is a smug little shit, marking, idk what else.
Word count: 2,698
Note: Hey my lovelies, another Jeno fic! I’m going to attempt to have all the NCT fics I write to be in the same universe. So, when Set Me Free is released it will fall in with this fic too even though it’s Intern!Mark. I know I said that last Jeno smut would be the one and only smut i do but honestly when inspiration strikes - you just gotta. I made the dividers and the header on Canva. Feel free to send asks about my fic characters. The spice is very brief in this one, i apologise - I didn’t want the smut to be too detailed. It's still my longest of the three i've published so far. I feel like my 'writing rust' is curing slowly? I apologise for any grammatical errors
Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!

“Are you sure the exit is covered, Mark?” Jeno heard through the device in his ear.
“For the last time, Yes,” Mark grumbled in exasperation, as he scanned the surroundings.
Jeno could only chuckle, observing from his characters spot on a nearby rooftop. His thumb slowly moved the left analog stick to change the camera angle and look around once more. “Chenle, on your left - there’s Hyuc-” He abruptly called out, voice raising with the excitement.
“What? Fucking whe- Shit!” Jeno had to pull one of his earphones out at the enraged screech that followed, Chenle shouting for Renjun to come and revive him.
One game soon turned into two, then three, and now four. And it was as if Jeno had forgotten all about you for the moment. You, who was sprawled out on your back, boredly counting each line of profanity you heard your boyfriend boom down his mic. This wasn’t what you had in mind when Jeno asked you to come over after class. You’d hoped that he would opt out of squad night and spend some alone time with you - seeing as you hadn’t really had much time to yourselves since way before the camping trip last month, and whilst you loved his friends like family there was only so much of their company you could take.
You lazily picked your phone up from the floor, responding to a few messages until you hovered over the most recent one. “Coming out tonight? It’s Xiaojun’s birthday.” Your thumbs hesitated in typing out a reply, chin tilting to glance over at your boyfriend, who showed zero signs of stopping his game. As you stood, your knees and ankles groaned in protest from being sprawled out on the fuzzy rug for hours.
“Jen..” You called out, shoulders slumping when the other didn’t respond. “Jen!” You repeated louder, unable to keep the hint of annoyance from your voice. Jeno jumped, he would never admit it but he almost forgot you were there. He removed an earphone, muting his mic to turn toward you.
“Yes, Baby?” He hummed, raising a pierced brow. He hadn’t caught on to the clear boredom in your expression, nor the dejected tone to your voice as you spoke again.
“I’m gonna head out, Ten invited me out for Xiaojun’s birthday.” You explained, Jeno’s eyes creasing at the corners as he smiled at the mention of the two.
“Make sure Ten don’t go home with Johnny again.” Was all he said, already beginning to turn back to his computer.
You couldn’t believe that was all he said, he didn’t even offer to go with you nor drop you off. You stood there for a moment, left eye almost twitching in anger at the whole situation. You weren’t a clingy girlfriend, you never demanded to be with Jeno all the time. It was quite the opposite actually, but there were times when he acted like this and it got to you. All you wanted was some one on one time..
Deciding to forego the impending argument for tonight, you shuffled closer to him to press a kiss to his forehead so you didn’t disturb his game. “You’re coming back here, right?” he mumbled, not even waiting your answer properly before a harsh “You fuck head, Hyuck!” escaped him.
With a mumbled ‘sure’, you gathered your bag and left him to it.

Jeno hadn’t even realised how he was acting. He still continued gaming with the guys for at least two or three more hours. He stretched his arms above his head on a groan, clicking his spine as he twisted in his chair. “Mark, pick another game. This one’s getting too easy to beat you at.” He snickered smugly.
“You seen Hendery’s story, Jen?” The voice sounded almost devious. As if Jaemin was in on a secret nobody else was.
Instead of answering, his hand swiped up his phone from beside his keyboard and swiftly unlocked it with his thumb. Jeno found Hendery’s profile and tapped on the story. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline. It was you, Xiaojun and Jaehyun. The later, Jeno wasn’t particularly a big fan of… okay that was a massive understatement. Quite frankly, Jeno hated the way the man looked at you. He knew Jaehyun had asked you out a few times, before you and Jeno had gone public, and whilst he knew you turned him down everytime… he also was very much aware of how persistent the older man could be. Not that Jeno didn’t trust you, he trusted you with his life but Jaehyun however? No.
Jeno’s gaze drifted over your frame in the picture, his breath drawing in sharply. “Fuck me…” he cursed. The dress you were wearing had him frozen in place.
A short little black number, ending way too high up your thighs for his liking. Jeno could clearly see from your side pose that it was backless, the halter strings of the dress tied in a perfect bow at the back of your neck. The front? Jeno couldnt even think about the front right now, not when he could clearly see Jaehyun’s eyes were definitely not directed toward the camera lens.
“Bro… you must have done something terrible in your past life.” His friend Donghyuck laughed into his ear. “The dude’s looking at her as if he won a fucking jackpot!”
“Say’s the bitchless one.” Jisung quipped, adding on a rushed defense. “Not that ___’s a bitch, Jeno.”
Jeno could only groan in despair. “What am I meant to do? I don’t even know what club she’s a-”
“Envy. It’s written on the cup, Dumbass.” Jeno glared at his friends icon on the call, then glancing back to the image and sure enough, the black cup in your hand had the club logo printed on the side. “Jeno, you’re designated driver.. And who else.. Mark?”
Mark let out an unsure sound of agreement. “Uh.. yeah, sure. I’m not staying though, got work early in the morning and this internship is kicking my ass. I’ll drop you at the door and pick you up but that’s it.”
Jeno was silently seething, continuing to tap through Hendery’s story as his friends made arrangements. In each one of them, the same guy was always with you. Even when you weren’t in the photograph, Jeno caught sight of you both in the background and with new determination, he shucked off his hoodie to get ready.

You were having a good time. Much better than being ignored by your boyfriend, that’s for sure. Part of you still wished you'd put your foot down and demanded Jeno pay attention to you. He was the one who asked you to go over after all. But, you much preferred dancing with your friends over causing arguments with Jeno.
You were dancing with Ten and Jaehyun when you first spotted the familiar head of black and pink streaked hair. The grinning man approaching the three of you the moment he caught sight.
“Chenle? What are you doing here?” You shouted over the music, eyebrows drawn in confusion.
Honestly, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you’d seen Chenle make an appearance at a night club. The younger shrugged with faux innocence, his grin broadening as his gaze caught sight of someone over your shoulder.
“Ask him.” He simply stated, with the nudge forward of his head being a signal for you to probably turn around.
From the way the colour drained from Jaehyun’s face, however, you weren’t sure you wanted to. You could physically feel the anger radiating from the person behind you - You were 100% certain who it was. It was solidified when a hard chest pressed against your back, hot breath against your ear.
“Yeah, ____. Ask me.” You’d never experience this Jeno yet. This Jeno was mad, His voice sharp and heavy, the emotion making it slightly husky.
Chenle only grinned wider, shooting you a thumbs up as he coaxed your friends to the bar. You didn’t face your boyfriend yet. Unsure of what you might see, if his voice was anything to go by you’d probably fold in thirty seconds flat. Jeno has a special talent in making you fold. Instead, you crossed your arms over your chest, straightening your shoulders. How dare he come and crash your fun? After he ignored you for so many hours.
“Finally remembered you have a girlfriend then?” Was your snarky reply.
You were so glad you weren’t looking at him, from the way a tense silence followed your words. Honestly, you stupidly thought you’d made him speechless. A smirk tugging at the corners of your glossy lips. The triumph didn’t last for long, the victory slowly fading from your face at the almost sinister chuckle.
“Could say the same about you.” Jeno’s clipped tone bit right back, his strong hands settling on your waist. “Someone should tell Jung fucking Yoon-Oh to get his own girlfriend and stop making googly eyes at mine.” Your boyfriend’s gravelly voice rumbled into your ear.
That made you step forward, Jeno’s hands falling away from your waist before he could tighten his hold to stop you. Your mouth opened to speak but your words got stuck in your throat. There he stood, Pink hair swept back in probably the only style he knows how to do himself, black skinny jeans and a dress shirt with only the bottom few buttons done up to leave it open to the bottom of his sternum. He looked mouth watering. You could feel your resolve crumbling bit by bit.
“He-He didn’t touch me.” You choked out. “He’s just a friend, Jen.”
Your voice didn’t sound like you, it was breathy and low but somehow he heard you. Jeno’s facial features were set in a hard line, stormy with jealousy, the constant flashing lights around you reflecting off his eyebrow piercing. His jaw flexed.
“To you, yes. But to him? Baby, when you showed up here looking like fucking aphrodite in that dress… he probably thought it was his birthday.” He said tautly.
You didn’t have anything to say to that. You couldn’t dispel Jeno’s worries either. Whilst you had definitely noticed how the man in question hadn’t left you alone all night, you’d done nothing to try and put any distance toward you. Your anger at your boyfriend had clouded your judgement - your mind telling you that Jaehyun was just acting as a comforting friend and listening ear. Though with the amount of times he’s still asked you out and the amount of ‘jokes’ he makes hinting at you being ‘too good’ for Jeno, you can’t say you blame your boyfriend for his blatant dislike. In his defense, Jeno had voiced his insecurities surrounding the man many times to you and you knew it was something he was very much bothered about.
At the thought, your anger dissipated like a deflating balloon. If you’d just spoken to Jeno in the first place then you probably wouldn’t be in this situation. The apology died on your lips when both sides of your face was firmly cupped and Jeno leant in. His nose brushing yours as his almost possessive gaze met your startled one.
“Mine. ____ you’re mine.” He spoke through gritted teeth, his statement firm. You didn’t disagree anyway.
“Only yours.” Your instant reply had his shoulder relaxing only slightly.
The tension was thick and neither of you had leant away. It was as if a rubber band had snapped when your lips met, hungry and claiming. Hands all over each other desperate to find purchase.

That was how you found yourself in your current state. Pressed against the locked door to the club restroom with your dress bunched around your waist. Your high heels dug into the backs of Jeno’s thighs as each hard drive forward thudded your back louder against the wood. Jeno couldn't help but admire your smudged lip gloss, the rest of which he was sure to be smeared along his neck, the base of his cock, and his own lips. Eyeliner and mascara streaked further down your cheeks with each pleasured sob.
Jeno’s firm grip on your thighs hoisted you against the door, he made no effort at all to silence your cries and moans. He didn’t want to this time. You were his and right now he really hoped Jaehyun was waiting outside for the restrooms to be unoccupied. With a deep moan of his own, his teeth reattached to your neck. It was as if he thought the bruises he marred your skin with would have faded in the last thirty seconds, his teeth pulling at the skin over them.
“Say it again, Baby. Please.” He uttered breathlessly, delivering a particularly firm thrust.
Your words were incoherent, you may aswell have been babbling total nonsense. This man had filled you to the brim, pounding the same spot over and over enough for you to see stars. An elongated whine left you, fingernails gripping at Jeno’s back underneath his shirt. Your thighs shook in his hands.
“Yours. Jen-no! Always… Always yours.” You cried out, almost letting out a scream when he tilted your hips for the right angle.
“Oh god… oh g-god!” Your sobs were like music to his ears, your pleas and praises fuelling his speed.
Jeno lifted his head, sweat beading his brow as he kissed away your tears. His chest was flushed red from exertion. You tried to hold on longer, you really did but your orgasm crashed down on you almost abruptly, dragging a filthy, loud, wanton moan of his name from your throat.
“Shit…” Jeno swore as you clamped down around him almost in a death grip, prompting his own release.
You felt like your whole body was twitching in the aftershocks. You almost flinched at the sensitivity of Jeno’s piercing dragging against your sensitive parts as he slowly pulled out. The both of you were panting heavily like you’d run a London marathon. You made no effort to move and clean up yet, opting to draw Jeno’s torso into your body in a tight embrace.
“I’m sorry for playing on your insecurities.” You admitted sheepishly into his ear. “I was just so annoyed.”
A soft hum in reply was heard, the sound still lightly vibrating his chest. “Why were you annoyed?”
“You invited me over to just ignore me for hours. I just wanted some quality time with you.” Your confession had Jeno’s mind clicking everything into place.
“Oh… I didn’t think of it like that. ____ I just always want you around. I hate it when you go back to your apartment.” He lifted his head from where it was nuzzled comfortably against your marked chest.
Your tongue darted out to nervously wet your lips, your right shoulder lazily lifting in thought. “Okay…” You started off, slowly. “Then… What if I didn’t?” You offered tentatively.
Jeno didn’t say anything as he processed your words, his lips pulling into the first smile he had directed at you all evening. “Then… I’d clear out half of the closet space for you… maybe get you a key cut.”
“I’d like that.” His smile was contagious as hell, the corners of your mouth pulling up into an expression to match his own.
Jeno quickly cleaned you both up after that with a mutual agreement that you should both go home and shower. His large hand wrapped tightly in your own. You both looked a disheveled mess, your panda eyes and his wrinkled shirt and messy hair. However, you’d made yourselves presentable enough to make it to the car. His free hand twisted the lock on the door, pulling it open to the stunned faces of your friends. None of them said anything but judging from the smirks and snickers, you’d surely get drilled in the group chat later.
One face stuck out to Jeno amongst them all. The one closest to the door. The number one cause for his possessive streak this evening and whilst you were off saying goodbye to your friends, Jeno leaned in slightly for only Jaehyun to hear him.
“Game Over, Loverboy.”

Navi - m.list
Pairing: Lee Jeno x Fem! Reader
Theme: Hint at college au! This is the same paring from my fic ‘Quiet’, fluff, smut, hint of angst? Crack maybe?
Synopsis: When your boyfriend invites you over to his place only to ignore you to play games with his friends all evening, you decide to go out and celebrate a mutual friend’s birthday instead. Jeno never minds when you go out to clubs and bars… only when a specific Loverboy doesn’t tend to leave your side all evening.
Warnings: Lots of swearing, Probably over use of many variations of ‘fuck’, Big dick! Jeno, Pierced! Jeno, Possessive!Jeno, A hint of angst?, Jealousy, Jaehyun clearly likes you allot regardless of your boyfriend, He’s kind of a subtle dick?, the reader and Jeno are sort of in an argument, Unprotected sex, Exhibitionism ( They fuck in the restrooms and Jaehyun is outside), fluff at the end, Jeno is a smug little shit, marking, idk what else.
Word count: 2,698
Note: Hey my lovelies, another Jeno fic! I’m going to attempt to have all the NCT fics I write to be in the same universe. So, when Set Me Free is released it will fall in with this fic too even though it’s Intern!Mark. I know I said that last Jeno smut would be the one and only smut i do but honestly when inspiration strikes - you just gotta. I made the dividers and the header on Canva. Feel free to send asks about my fic characters. The spice is very brief in this one, i apologise - I didn’t want the smut to be too detailed. It's still my longest of the three i've published so far. I feel like my 'writing rust' is curing slowly? I apologise for any grammatical errors
Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!

“Are you sure the exit is covered, Mark?” Jeno heard through the device in his ear.
“For the last time, Yes,” Mark grumbled in exasperation, as he scanned the surroundings.
Jeno could only chuckle, observing from his characters spot on a nearby rooftop. His thumb slowly moved the left analog stick to change the camera angle and look around once more. “Chenle, on your left - there’s Hyuc-” He abruptly called out, voice raising with the excitement.
“What? Fucking whe- Shit!” Jeno had to pull one of his earphones out at the enraged screech that followed, Chenle shouting for Renjun to come and revive him.
One game soon turned into two, then three, and now four. And it was as if Jeno had forgotten all about you for the moment. You, who was sprawled out on your back, boredly counting each line of profanity you heard your boyfriend boom down his mic. This wasn’t what you had in mind when Jeno asked you to come over after class. You’d hoped that he would opt out of squad night and spend some alone time with you - seeing as you hadn’t really had much time to yourselves since way before the camping trip last month, and whilst you loved his friends like family there was only so much of their company you could take.
You lazily picked your phone up from the floor, responding to a few messages until you hovered over the most recent one. “Coming out tonight? It’s Xiaojun’s birthday.” Your thumbs hesitated in typing out a reply, chin tilting to glance over at your boyfriend, who showed zero signs of stopping his game. As you stood, your knees and ankles groaned in protest from being sprawled out on the fuzzy rug for hours.
“Jen..” You called out, shoulders slumping when the other didn’t respond. “Jen!” You repeated louder, unable to keep the hint of annoyance from your voice. Jeno jumped, he would never admit it but he almost forgot you were there. He removed an earphone, muting his mic to turn toward you.
“Yes, Baby?” He hummed, raising a pierced brow. He hadn’t caught on to the clear boredom in your expression, nor the dejected tone to your voice as you spoke again.
“I’m gonna head out, Ten invited me out for Xiaojun’s birthday.” You explained, Jeno’s eyes creasing at the corners as he smiled at the mention of the two.
“Make sure Ten don’t go home with Johnny again.” Was all he said, already beginning to turn back to his computer.
You couldn’t believe that was all he said, he didn’t even offer to go with you nor drop you off. You stood there for a moment, left eye almost twitching in anger at the whole situation. You weren’t a clingy girlfriend, you never demanded to be with Jeno all the time. It was quite the opposite actually, but there were times when he acted like this and it got to you. All you wanted was some one on one time..
Deciding to forego the impending argument for tonight, you shuffled closer to him to press a kiss to his forehead so you didn’t disturb his game. “You’re coming back here, right?” he mumbled, not even waiting your answer properly before a harsh “You fuck head, Hyuck!” escaped him.
With a mumbled ‘sure’, you gathered your bag and left him to it.

Jeno hadn’t even realised how he was acting. He still continued gaming with the guys for at least two or three more hours. He stretched his arms above his head on a groan, clicking his spine as he twisted in his chair. “Mark, pick another game. This one’s getting too easy to beat you at.” He snickered smugly.
“You seen Hendery’s story, Jen?” The voice sounded almost devious. As if Jaemin was in on a secret nobody else was.
Instead of answering, his hand swiped up his phone from beside his keyboard and swiftly unlocked it with his thumb. Jeno found Hendery’s profile and tapped on the story. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline. It was you, Xiaojun and Jaehyun. The later, Jeno wasn’t particularly a big fan of… okay that was a massive understatement. Quite frankly, Jeno hated the way the man looked at you. He knew Jaehyun had asked you out a few times, before you and Jeno had gone public, and whilst he knew you turned him down everytime… he also was very much aware of how persistent the older man could be. Not that Jeno didn’t trust you, he trusted you with his life but Jaehyun however? No.
Jeno’s gaze drifted over your frame in the picture, his breath drawing in sharply. “Fuck me…” he cursed. The dress you were wearing had him frozen in place.
A short little black number, ending way too high up your thighs for his liking. Jeno could clearly see from your side pose that it was backless, the halter strings of the dress tied in a perfect bow at the back of your neck. The front? Jeno couldnt even think about the front right now, not when he could clearly see Jaehyun’s eyes were definitely not directed toward the camera lens.
“Bro… you must have done something terrible in your past life.” His friend Donghyuck laughed into his ear. “The dude’s looking at her as if he won a fucking jackpot!”
“Say’s the bitchless one.” Jisung quipped, adding on a rushed defense. “Not that ___’s a bitch, Jeno.”
Jeno could only groan in despair. “What am I meant to do? I don’t even know what club she’s a-”
“Envy. It’s written on the cup, Dumbass.” Jeno glared at his friends icon on the call, then glancing back to the image and sure enough, the black cup in your hand had the club logo printed on the side. “Jeno, you’re designated driver.. And who else.. Mark?”
Mark let out an unsure sound of agreement. “Uh.. yeah, sure. I’m not staying though, got work early in the morning and this internship is kicking my ass. I’ll drop you at the door and pick you up but that’s it.”
Jeno was silently seething, continuing to tap through Hendery’s story as his friends made arrangements. In each one of them, the same guy was always with you. Even when you weren’t in the photograph, Jeno caught sight of you both in the background and with new determination, he shucked off his hoodie to get ready.

You were having a good time. Much better than being ignored by your boyfriend, that’s for sure. Part of you still wished you'd put your foot down and demanded Jeno pay attention to you. He was the one who asked you to go over after all. But, you much preferred dancing with your friends over causing arguments with Jeno.
You were dancing with Ten and Jaehyun when you first spotted the familiar head of black and pink streaked hair. The grinning man approaching the three of you the moment he caught sight.
“Chenle? What are you doing here?” You shouted over the music, eyebrows drawn in confusion.
Honestly, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you’d seen Chenle make an appearance at a night club. The younger shrugged with faux innocence, his grin broadening as his gaze caught sight of someone over your shoulder.
“Ask him.” He simply stated, with the nudge forward of his head being a signal for you to probably turn around.
From the way the colour drained from Jaehyun’s face, however, you weren’t sure you wanted to. You could physically feel the anger radiating from the person behind you - You were 100% certain who it was. It was solidified when a hard chest pressed against your back, hot breath against your ear.
“Yeah, ____. Ask me.” You’d never experience this Jeno yet. This Jeno was mad, His voice sharp and heavy, the emotion making it slightly husky.
Chenle only grinned wider, shooting you a thumbs up as he coaxed your friends to the bar. You didn’t face your boyfriend yet. Unsure of what you might see, if his voice was anything to go by you’d probably fold in thirty seconds flat. Jeno has a special talent in making you fold. Instead, you crossed your arms over your chest, straightening your shoulders. How dare he come and crash your fun? After he ignored you for so many hours.
“Finally remembered you have a girlfriend then?” Was your snarky reply.
You were so glad you weren’t looking at him, from the way a tense silence followed your words. Honestly, you stupidly thought you’d made him speechless. A smirk tugging at the corners of your glossy lips. The triumph didn’t last for long, the victory slowly fading from your face at the almost sinister chuckle.
“Could say the same about you.” Jeno’s clipped tone bit right back, his strong hands settling on your waist. “Someone should tell Jung fucking Yoon-Oh to get his own girlfriend and stop making googly eyes at mine.” Your boyfriend’s gravelly voice rumbled into your ear.
That made you step forward, Jeno’s hands falling away from your waist before he could tighten his hold to stop you. Your mouth opened to speak but your words got stuck in your throat. There he stood, Pink hair swept back in probably the only style he knows how to do himself, black skinny jeans and a dress shirt with only the bottom few buttons done up to leave it open to the bottom of his sternum. He looked mouth watering. You could feel your resolve crumbling bit by bit.
“He-He didn’t touch me.” You choked out. “He’s just a friend, Jen.”
Your voice didn’t sound like you, it was breathy and low but somehow he heard you. Jeno’s facial features were set in a hard line, stormy with jealousy, the constant flashing lights around you reflecting off his eyebrow piercing. His jaw flexed.
“To you, yes. But to him? Baby, when you showed up here looking like fucking aphrodite in that dress… he probably thought it was his birthday.” He said tautly.
You didn’t have anything to say to that. You couldn’t dispel Jeno’s worries either. Whilst you had definitely noticed how the man in question hadn’t left you alone all night, you’d done nothing to try and put any distance toward you. Your anger at your boyfriend had clouded your judgement - your mind telling you that Jaehyun was just acting as a comforting friend and listening ear. Though with the amount of times he’s still asked you out and the amount of ‘jokes’ he makes hinting at you being ‘too good’ for Jeno, you can’t say you blame your boyfriend for his blatant dislike. In his defense, Jeno had voiced his insecurities surrounding the man many times to you and you knew it was something he was very much bothered about.
At the thought, your anger dissipated like a deflating balloon. If you’d just spoken to Jeno in the first place then you probably wouldn’t be in this situation. The apology died on your lips when both sides of your face was firmly cupped and Jeno leant in. His nose brushing yours as his almost possessive gaze met your startled one.
“Mine. ____ you’re mine.” He spoke through gritted teeth, his statement firm. You didn’t disagree anyway.
“Only yours.” Your instant reply had his shoulder relaxing only slightly.
The tension was thick and neither of you had leant away. It was as if a rubber band had snapped when your lips met, hungry and claiming. Hands all over each other desperate to find purchase.

That was how you found yourself in your current state. Pressed against the locked door to the club restroom with your dress bunched around your waist. Your high heels dug into the backs of Jeno’s thighs as each hard drive forward thudded your back louder against the wood. Jeno couldn't help but admire your smudged lip gloss, the rest of which he was sure to be smeared along his neck, the base of his cock, and his own lips. Eyeliner and mascara streaked further down your cheeks with each pleasured sob.
Jeno’s firm grip on your thighs hoisted you against the door, he made no effort at all to silence your cries and moans. He didn’t want to this time. You were his and right now he really hoped Jaehyun was waiting outside for the restrooms to be unoccupied. With a deep moan of his own, his teeth reattached to your neck. It was as if he thought the bruises he marred your skin with would have faded in the last thirty seconds, his teeth pulling at the skin over them.
“Say it again, Baby. Please.” He uttered breathlessly, delivering a particularly firm thrust.
Your words were incoherent, you may aswell have been babbling total nonsense. This man had filled you to the brim, pounding the same spot over and over enough for you to see stars. An elongated whine left you, fingernails gripping at Jeno’s back underneath his shirt. Your thighs shook in his hands.
“Yours. Jen-no! Always… Always yours.” You cried out, almost letting out a scream when he tilted your hips for the right angle.
“Oh god… oh g-god!” Your sobs were like music to his ears, your pleas and praises fuelling his speed.
Jeno lifted his head, sweat beading his brow as he kissed away your tears. His chest was flushed red from exertion. You tried to hold on longer, you really did but your orgasm crashed down on you almost abruptly, dragging a filthy, loud, wanton moan of his name from your throat.
“Shit…” Jeno swore as you clamped down around him almost in a death grip, prompting his own release.
You felt like your whole body was twitching in the aftershocks. You almost flinched at the sensitivity of Jeno’s piercing dragging against your sensitive parts as he slowly pulled out. The both of you were panting heavily like you’d run a London marathon. You made no effort to move and clean up yet, opting to draw Jeno’s torso into your body in a tight embrace.
“I’m sorry for playing on your insecurities.” You admitted sheepishly into his ear. “I was just so annoyed.”
A soft hum in reply was heard, the sound still lightly vibrating his chest. “Why were you annoyed?”
“You invited me over to just ignore me for hours. I just wanted some quality time with you.” Your confession had Jeno’s mind clicking everything into place.
“Oh… I didn’t think of it like that. ____ I just always want you around. I hate it when you go back to your apartment.” He lifted his head from where it was nuzzled comfortably against your marked chest.
Your tongue darted out to nervously wet your lips, your right shoulder lazily lifting in thought. “Okay…” You started off, slowly. “Then… What if I didn’t?” You offered tentatively.
Jeno didn’t say anything as he processed your words, his lips pulling into the first smile he had directed at you all evening. “Then… I’d clear out half of the closet space for you… maybe get you a key cut.”
“I’d like that.” His smile was contagious as hell, the corners of your mouth pulling up into an expression to match his own.
Jeno quickly cleaned you both up after that with a mutual agreement that you should both go home and shower. His large hand wrapped tightly in your own. You both looked a disheveled mess, your panda eyes and his wrinkled shirt and messy hair. However, you’d made yourselves presentable enough to make it to the car. His free hand twisted the lock on the door, pulling it open to the stunned faces of your friends. None of them said anything but judging from the smirks and snickers, you’d surely get drilled in the group chat later.
One face stuck out to Jeno amongst them all. The one closest to the door. The number one cause for his possessive streak this evening and whilst you were off saying goodbye to your friends, Jeno leaned in slightly for only Jaehyun to hear him.
“Game Over, Loverboy.”

Navi - m.list
Pairing: Lee Jeno x Fem! Reader
Theme: Hint at college au! This is the same paring from my fic ‘Quiet’, fluff, smut, hint of angst? Crack maybe?
Synopsis: When your boyfriend invites you over to his place only to ignore you to play games with his friends all evening, you decide to go out and celebrate a mutual friend’s birthday instead. Jeno never minds when you go out to clubs and bars… only when a specific Loverboy doesn’t tend to leave your side all evening.
Warnings: Lots of swearing, Probably over use of many variations of ‘fuck’, Big dick! Jeno, Pierced! Jeno, Possessive!Jeno, A hint of angst?, Jealousy, Jaehyun clearly likes you allot regardless of your boyfriend, He’s kind of a subtle dick?, the reader and Jeno are sort of in an argument, Unprotected sex, Exhibitionism ( They fuck in the restrooms and Jaehyun is outside), fluff at the end, Jeno is a smug little shit, marking, idk what else.
Word count: 2,698
Note: Hey my lovelies, another Jeno fic! I’m going to attempt to have all the NCT fics I write to be in the same universe. So, when Set Me Free is released it will fall in with this fic too even though it’s Intern!Mark. I know I said that last Jeno smut would be the one and only smut i do but honestly when inspiration strikes - you just gotta. I made the dividers and the header on Canva. Feel free to send asks about my fic characters. The spice is very brief in this one, i apologise - I didn’t want the smut to be too detailed. It's still my longest of the three i've published so far. I feel like my 'writing rust' is curing slowly? I apologise for any grammatical errors
Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!

“Are you sure the exit is covered, Mark?” Jeno heard through the device in his ear.
“For the last time, Yes,” Mark grumbled in exasperation, as he scanned the surroundings.
Jeno could only chuckle, observing from his characters spot on a nearby rooftop. His thumb slowly moved the left analog stick to change the camera angle and look around once more. “Chenle, on your left - there’s Hyuc-” He abruptly called out, voice raising with the excitement.
“What? Fucking whe- Shit!” Jeno had to pull one of his earphones out at the enraged screech that followed, Chenle shouting for Renjun to come and revive him.
One game soon turned into two, then three, and now four. And it was as if Jeno had forgotten all about you for the moment. You, who was sprawled out on your back, boredly counting each line of profanity you heard your boyfriend boom down his mic. This wasn’t what you had in mind when Jeno asked you to come over after class. You’d hoped that he would opt out of squad night and spend some alone time with you - seeing as you hadn’t really had much time to yourselves since way before the camping trip last month, and whilst you loved his friends like family there was only so much of their company you could take.
You lazily picked your phone up from the floor, responding to a few messages until you hovered over the most recent one. “Coming out tonight? It’s Xiaojun’s birthday.” Your thumbs hesitated in typing out a reply, chin tilting to glance over at your boyfriend, who showed zero signs of stopping his game. As you stood, your knees and ankles groaned in protest from being sprawled out on the fuzzy rug for hours.
“Jen..” You called out, shoulders slumping when the other didn’t respond. “Jen!” You repeated louder, unable to keep the hint of annoyance from your voice. Jeno jumped, he would never admit it but he almost forgot you were there. He removed an earphone, muting his mic to turn toward you.
“Yes, Baby?” He hummed, raising a pierced brow. He hadn’t caught on to the clear boredom in your expression, nor the dejected tone to your voice as you spoke again.
“I’m gonna head out, Ten invited me out for Xiaojun’s birthday.” You explained, Jeno’s eyes creasing at the corners as he smiled at the mention of the two.
“Make sure Ten don’t go home with Johnny again.” Was all he said, already beginning to turn back to his computer.
You couldn’t believe that was all he said, he didn’t even offer to go with you nor drop you off. You stood there for a moment, left eye almost twitching in anger at the whole situation. You weren’t a clingy girlfriend, you never demanded to be with Jeno all the time. It was quite the opposite actually, but there were times when he acted like this and it got to you. All you wanted was some one on one time..
Deciding to forego the impending argument for tonight, you shuffled closer to him to press a kiss to his forehead so you didn’t disturb his game. “You’re coming back here, right?” he mumbled, not even waiting your answer properly before a harsh “You fuck head, Hyuck!” escaped him.
With a mumbled ‘sure’, you gathered your bag and left him to it.

Jeno hadn’t even realised how he was acting. He still continued gaming with the guys for at least two or three more hours. He stretched his arms above his head on a groan, clicking his spine as he twisted in his chair. “Mark, pick another game. This one’s getting too easy to beat you at.” He snickered smugly.
“You seen Hendery’s story, Jen?” The voice sounded almost devious. As if Jaemin was in on a secret nobody else was.
Instead of answering, his hand swiped up his phone from beside his keyboard and swiftly unlocked it with his thumb. Jeno found Hendery’s profile and tapped on the story. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline. It was you, Xiaojun and Jaehyun. The later, Jeno wasn’t particularly a big fan of… okay that was a massive understatement. Quite frankly, Jeno hated the way the man looked at you. He knew Jaehyun had asked you out a few times, before you and Jeno had gone public, and whilst he knew you turned him down everytime… he also was very much aware of how persistent the older man could be. Not that Jeno didn’t trust you, he trusted you with his life but Jaehyun however? No.
Jeno’s gaze drifted over your frame in the picture, his breath drawing in sharply. “Fuck me…” he cursed. The dress you were wearing had him frozen in place.
A short little black number, ending way too high up your thighs for his liking. Jeno could clearly see from your side pose that it was backless, the halter strings of the dress tied in a perfect bow at the back of your neck. The front? Jeno couldnt even think about the front right now, not when he could clearly see Jaehyun’s eyes were definitely not directed toward the camera lens.
“Bro… you must have done something terrible in your past life.” His friend Donghyuck laughed into his ear. “The dude’s looking at her as if he won a fucking jackpot!”
“Say’s the bitchless one.” Jisung quipped, adding on a rushed defense. “Not that ___’s a bitch, Jeno.”
Jeno could only groan in despair. “What am I meant to do? I don’t even know what club she’s a-”
“Envy. It’s written on the cup, Dumbass.” Jeno glared at his friends icon on the call, then glancing back to the image and sure enough, the black cup in your hand had the club logo printed on the side. “Jeno, you’re designated driver.. And who else.. Mark?”
Mark let out an unsure sound of agreement. “Uh.. yeah, sure. I’m not staying though, got work early in the morning and this internship is kicking my ass. I’ll drop you at the door and pick you up but that’s it.”
Jeno was silently seething, continuing to tap through Hendery’s story as his friends made arrangements. In each one of them, the same guy was always with you. Even when you weren’t in the photograph, Jeno caught sight of you both in the background and with new determination, he shucked off his hoodie to get ready.

You were having a good time. Much better than being ignored by your boyfriend, that’s for sure. Part of you still wished you'd put your foot down and demanded Jeno pay attention to you. He was the one who asked you to go over after all. But, you much preferred dancing with your friends over causing arguments with Jeno.
You were dancing with Ten and Jaehyun when you first spotted the familiar head of black and pink streaked hair. The grinning man approaching the three of you the moment he caught sight.
“Chenle? What are you doing here?” You shouted over the music, eyebrows drawn in confusion.
Honestly, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you’d seen Chenle make an appearance at a night club. The younger shrugged with faux innocence, his grin broadening as his gaze caught sight of someone over your shoulder.
“Ask him.” He simply stated, with the nudge forward of his head being a signal for you to probably turn around.
From the way the colour drained from Jaehyun’s face, however, you weren’t sure you wanted to. You could physically feel the anger radiating from the person behind you - You were 100% certain who it was. It was solidified when a hard chest pressed against your back, hot breath against your ear.
“Yeah, ____. Ask me.” You’d never experience this Jeno yet. This Jeno was mad, His voice sharp and heavy, the emotion making it slightly husky.
Chenle only grinned wider, shooting you a thumbs up as he coaxed your friends to the bar. You didn’t face your boyfriend yet. Unsure of what you might see, if his voice was anything to go by you’d probably fold in thirty seconds flat. Jeno has a special talent in making you fold. Instead, you crossed your arms over your chest, straightening your shoulders. How dare he come and crash your fun? After he ignored you for so many hours.
“Finally remembered you have a girlfriend then?” Was your snarky reply.
You were so glad you weren’t looking at him, from the way a tense silence followed your words. Honestly, you stupidly thought you’d made him speechless. A smirk tugging at the corners of your glossy lips. The triumph didn’t last for long, the victory slowly fading from your face at the almost sinister chuckle.
“Could say the same about you.” Jeno’s clipped tone bit right back, his strong hands settling on your waist. “Someone should tell Jung fucking Yoon-Oh to get his own girlfriend and stop making googly eyes at mine.” Your boyfriend’s gravelly voice rumbled into your ear.
That made you step forward, Jeno’s hands falling away from your waist before he could tighten his hold to stop you. Your mouth opened to speak but your words got stuck in your throat. There he stood, Pink hair swept back in probably the only style he knows how to do himself, black skinny jeans and a dress shirt with only the bottom few buttons done up to leave it open to the bottom of his sternum. He looked mouth watering. You could feel your resolve crumbling bit by bit.
“He-He didn’t touch me.” You choked out. “He’s just a friend, Jen.”
Your voice didn’t sound like you, it was breathy and low but somehow he heard you. Jeno’s facial features were set in a hard line, stormy with jealousy, the constant flashing lights around you reflecting off his eyebrow piercing. His jaw flexed.
“To you, yes. But to him? Baby, when you showed up here looking like fucking aphrodite in that dress… he probably thought it was his birthday.” He said tautly.
You didn’t have anything to say to that. You couldn’t dispel Jeno’s worries either. Whilst you had definitely noticed how the man in question hadn’t left you alone all night, you’d done nothing to try and put any distance toward you. Your anger at your boyfriend had clouded your judgement - your mind telling you that Jaehyun was just acting as a comforting friend and listening ear. Though with the amount of times he’s still asked you out and the amount of ‘jokes’ he makes hinting at you being ‘too good’ for Jeno, you can’t say you blame your boyfriend for his blatant dislike. In his defense, Jeno had voiced his insecurities surrounding the man many times to you and you knew it was something he was very much bothered about.
At the thought, your anger dissipated like a deflating balloon. If you’d just spoken to Jeno in the first place then you probably wouldn’t be in this situation. The apology died on your lips when both sides of your face was firmly cupped and Jeno leant in. His nose brushing yours as his almost possessive gaze met your startled one.
“Mine. ____ you’re mine.” He spoke through gritted teeth, his statement firm. You didn’t disagree anyway.
“Only yours.” Your instant reply had his shoulder relaxing only slightly.
The tension was thick and neither of you had leant away. It was as if a rubber band had snapped when your lips met, hungry and claiming. Hands all over each other desperate to find purchase.

That was how you found yourself in your current state. Pressed against the locked door to the club restroom with your dress bunched around your waist. Your high heels dug into the backs of Jeno’s thighs as each hard drive forward thudded your back louder against the wood. Jeno couldn't help but admire your smudged lip gloss, the rest of which he was sure to be smeared along his neck, the base of his cock, and his own lips. Eyeliner and mascara streaked further down your cheeks with each pleasured sob.
Jeno’s firm grip on your thighs hoisted you against the door, he made no effort at all to silence your cries and moans. He didn’t want to this time. You were his and right now he really hoped Jaehyun was waiting outside for the restrooms to be unoccupied. With a deep moan of his own, his teeth reattached to your neck. It was as if he thought the bruises he marred your skin with would have faded in the last thirty seconds, his teeth pulling at the skin over them.
“Say it again, Baby. Please.” He uttered breathlessly, delivering a particularly firm thrust.
Your words were incoherent, you may aswell have been babbling total nonsense. This man had filled you to the brim, pounding the same spot over and over enough for you to see stars. An elongated whine left you, fingernails gripping at Jeno’s back underneath his shirt. Your thighs shook in his hands.
“Yours. Jen-no! Always… Always yours.” You cried out, almost letting out a scream when he tilted your hips for the right angle.
“Oh god… oh g-god!” Your sobs were like music to his ears, your pleas and praises fuelling his speed.
Jeno lifted his head, sweat beading his brow as he kissed away your tears. His chest was flushed red from exertion. You tried to hold on longer, you really did but your orgasm crashed down on you almost abruptly, dragging a filthy, loud, wanton moan of his name from your throat.
“Shit…” Jeno swore as you clamped down around him almost in a death grip, prompting his own release.
You felt like your whole body was twitching in the aftershocks. You almost flinched at the sensitivity of Jeno’s piercing dragging against your sensitive parts as he slowly pulled out. The both of you were panting heavily like you’d run a London marathon. You made no effort to move and clean up yet, opting to draw Jeno’s torso into your body in a tight embrace.
“I’m sorry for playing on your insecurities.” You admitted sheepishly into his ear. “I was just so annoyed.”
A soft hum in reply was heard, the sound still lightly vibrating his chest. “Why were you annoyed?”
“You invited me over to just ignore me for hours. I just wanted some quality time with you.” Your confession had Jeno’s mind clicking everything into place.
“Oh… I didn’t think of it like that. ____ I just always want you around. I hate it when you go back to your apartment.” He lifted his head from where it was nuzzled comfortably against your marked chest.
Your tongue darted out to nervously wet your lips, your right shoulder lazily lifting in thought. “Okay…” You started off, slowly. “Then… What if I didn’t?” You offered tentatively.
Jeno didn’t say anything as he processed your words, his lips pulling into the first smile he had directed at you all evening. “Then… I’d clear out half of the closet space for you… maybe get you a key cut.”
“I’d like that.” His smile was contagious as hell, the corners of your mouth pulling up into an expression to match his own.
Jeno quickly cleaned you both up after that with a mutual agreement that you should both go home and shower. His large hand wrapped tightly in your own. You both looked a disheveled mess, your panda eyes and his wrinkled shirt and messy hair. However, you’d made yourselves presentable enough to make it to the car. His free hand twisted the lock on the door, pulling it open to the stunned faces of your friends. None of them said anything but judging from the smirks and snickers, you’d surely get drilled in the group chat later.
One face stuck out to Jeno amongst them all. The one closest to the door. The number one cause for his possessive streak this evening and whilst you were off saying goodbye to your friends, Jeno leaned in slightly for only Jaehyun to hear him.
“Game Over, Loverboy.”
Cake or Crown
Pairing: Crowned Prince! Jaemin x Baker! Reader
Genre: fluff, angst
Warning/s: mentions of death, slightly suggestive
Word count: 11.4K
Synopsis: Long ago, lived a Prince, who was loved by not only his family, but his nation too. Being an only child came with more responsibilities than just being a crowned-prince. Hoping to find an escape, Jaemin found a girl, who also happened to bake him the best birthday cake he ever had.
a/n: Happy Birthday Hye @baejso ❤️!! Thank you for letting me have this opportunity through your collab. It was my first time working on a One-Shot, I hope it's not boring. I'm so excited to share this.

Liking someone at first sight isn't an unusual thing. But the fact that you liked a prince -the only Prince of your kingdom, was quite amusing.
You had no idea who that pretty stranger was when you had first time seen him in one of the shops, surrounded by a crowd. When you learned that he was a prince, rather than feeling upset, you felt excited. In the given chance, you would desperately try to search for him as the King made a visit to the market -only to be left in agony as he, the Prince never made an appearance with his father outside the castle.
Being a mere baker, you had no hopes of meeting the prince, moreover seeing him. You even wondered if he doesn't like being outside the castle as he was rarely ever seen. Hence, you couldn't believe the stranger who bumped into you -making you trip, was none other than Jaemin, The Prince.
"Oh my," he looked at you surprised as you struggled to get up, still not believing he was real.
You immediately started to pick up the goods that fell with you and as expected, Jaemin helped you. Once you picked all of it, you finally took a breath of relief and looked at him.
He was really there, in front of you.
"I, I'm sorry," he apologized when he caught you staring at him.
You couldn't muster up a word and only nodded in response. Right before you could bow, you realized he wasn't with his guards like he should and his attire wasn't, fancy either. Most probably because he wasn't there as a prince.
You looked away, deciding to continue your journey to the shop, still unsure that what just happened, wasn't a dream.
"Quite heavy stuff, you're holding all alone," he commented and was about to turn away when he heard you speak. "Then just help me carry them."
That was quite a bold statement, coming from a shy girl.
Jaemin had no intentions of sharing the burden, so he regretted saying what he said earlier. But now that you had said, no, told him to help you, he couldn't deny. He had no reason to.
So there you were, waking with someone you'd look from afar and tried to get a peak of –as you both headed towards the bakery.
"What's in all these boxes?" Jaemin was the first one to break the silence.
"Oh, these are the ingredients for the bakery I work at."
"And what is this place?" He stopped in his tracks and looked around.
"Oh, this is Riverview," you stopped and turned to him, "This is the long cut actually. A shop is being renovated from where I usually go. I even had problem while coming from there."
A small oh was all he muttered before you both continued to walk, Jaemin's eyes not looking away from the river.
You couldn't help but admire him and his walking form. He was indeed different from all the commoners; the way he walks, the way he talks. His eyes; they looked so pretty up close, and light, in the sun.
Jaemin felt your gaze and turned to look at you, only for you to look away and stumble in surprise, "oh my," you were glad neither the things nor you fell, but you did make fool of yourself, in front of Jaemin.
"Are you alright–?"
"Yes, I am." You sighed and straighten your posture before you both continued walking. The long cut wasn't as long, only crossing the Riverview it was. But the path felt longer as you were accompanied by none other that, the Prince.
"I haven't really seen you around actually," you clarified, if he was curious to why you were staring at him.
"Yes, I, don't really go out often." His reply was simple and short, but you didn't wish for him to be quite the whole time.
"Do you like sweets?" You question probably took him by surprise, judging from his expression. He nodded. "You should visit our bakery someday then."
He stopped for a moment and looked at you, "Sure," and continued.
"What is your favorite flavor?"
"Nothing in particular," he looked over his shoulder, in your curious eyes and smiled slightly, "coffee and vanilla."
Coffee it is, then.
You nodded, smiling ear to ear.
It didn't take long for you both to reach the stop, "The bakery is on the next street, I can take it from here." Jaemin handed you the goods without a word. Not like this was initially what he had planned to do probably. "If you go from this street, you'll reach the main area. But if you plan on going to the east side again, I'll prefer not going from here because–"
"Of the renovation?" He completed your sentence. You nodded. "Sure thing, I'll just go from where we came." Without a word again, he walked back from where you both just came.
"Did I make him uncomfortable?" You wondered and made your way into the bakery as his back disappeared from your view.
Meeting the Prince was an unexpected encounter and you should probably be thanking the Heavens for it, but you couldn't help feeling joyed yet iffy at the same time. Obviously it was your first –and maybe, maybe the last meeting ever, so you wouldn't expect him to talk to you, but you were glad you made efforts and happen to ask him about his favorite flavor. This was definitely the chance, fate had offered you.
Being a prince isn't as easy or luxurious as it may seem. It was harder especially if one is an Only Prince. Jaemin was one. He had an older brother who happen to pass away at birth. So Jaemin's birth was --- itself.
Being an obedient, kind and loyal prince, Jaemin wasn't only praised by his family but also the visitors and commoners who had met him.
Studying, training, meeting various people, and taking care of kingdom affairs. In the end, it all required some rest for the prince too. And Jaemin's ways of rest were similar to of others in palace. Some time alone with himself, going out but, as a commoner so that he can relax and not be the centre of attention, and visiting places he hadn't seen before.
Being an only child may seem nice, since many assume that the Prince had all the love of everyone in the castle and he was spoiled. But that wasn't the case with Jaemin. Afraid that his fate would be similar to his sibling, his parents had always been cautious of him and so was everyone in the palace. He wasn't allowed to play with his cousins after he had once injured his knee for Prince Jeno pushed him accidentally. He was also under the threat of his cousins, so drifting apart was also the part of his growing up process. And then again, as a Crowned Prince, the King and Queen couldn't even trust a servant with their Prince.
Jaemin's escape was the beauty of nature, and his favorite day was, his birthday.
He had the freedom to do anything he wanted to and unlike other days, he'd have a special lunch with all the family members, his cousins, plus the servants and people of the nation would be given small gifts to celebrate his day.
"Come in," Jaemin answered in his sleepy voice as Donghyuck entered the room and smiled while bowing to his friend,
"Good morning, and happy birthday, your highness."
Jaemin smiled back, eyes half open as he ran a hand though his hair and looked around. "It's that day already?"
Donghyuck nodded, "You had a pretty rough practice yesterday. Did you get a good night's sleep?"
Jaemin nodded and stood up from the bed, "Then, shall we go and get ready?"
The prince had always been treated well and given special attention. But this day was more special to him.
After the cake cutting ceremony, lunch and evening gathering with more people (who Jaemin wasn't comfortable with, but had to attend since he's the Prince), Jaemin returned to his room and fell on the bed.
"Are you tired, you highness?"
"What's with this 'your highness' suddenly?" Jaemin supported his wright on his arms and looked up at Donghyuck.
He chuckled, "Well, it's your highness's special day, that's the least I can do."
"I told you to just call me Jaemin when we're alone. Regardless of your position, you know I'll always treat you as a friend."
"What was today's fun part, Jaemin?" Donghyuck asked.
"The cake," Jaemin sat up properly, "it was the best by far. I wanted to have more of it."
"It was," he nodded and roamed around the prince's room, stopping by the glass door of the balcony, "You're tired, so get a good rest, and here, take this."
Jaemin took the papers from his friend, "What's this?"
"Cards," he replied cutely, "and maybe love letters."
Jaemin laughed, "Love letters?"
"Didn't you see the visitors' daughters fawning over you?"
"Okay, stop. You too, leave," he dropped on the bed again, "Good night."
"Good night, your highness."

Jaemin wasn't interested in reading any of his birthday cards. It was something childish to him. But he still decided to check them in case he got one from a guest who had failed to visit. Then they could've just wrote a letter. He thought to himself and decided to ignore the rest of the cards until his eyes landed on a familiar name. Rather than a name, the card had an initial in the front.
"Where have I seen this?" He examined the symbol but decided to open it up, to confirm the sender.
Happy Birthday, to our beloved Prince. I hope you enjoyed your coffee and vanilla cake. Made with high quality ingredients and special care, by excellent bakers.
And on the very corner, a small handwriting wrote, From, the girl who forgot to thank you for helping her bring the ingredients safely.
"So that's why the initial seemed familiar." Jaemin couldn't help but laugh at the card, he was glad he opened it to read. If not, he wouldn't have known, that the girl who had recently caught his attention was the one who baked him his favorite cake ever.
You were working as usual; kneading the dough, sifting the flour, and more of what you've been used to do since a young age.
It's been two weeks since you last met the Prince, and almost eight days since you wrote him a birthday card -you regret. It wasn't even about regret, but how ashamed you'd feel if he happened to actually read it–
"No, no, no," you shook your head, "he won't read it."
"The card?"
"Oh my!" You turned to look at your friend and co-worker who just came, "Good morning to you too Yoona."
She giggled and came to stand to in front of the table you were making small dough balls over. "Are you still thinking about it."
You sighed, "I can't help it."
"Why did you– No. What did you even write in it that you're so uneasy."
You shook your head, "There's nothing like that. I told you it's hardly three lines long."
"Then stop worrying about it and pass me the dough." You gave Yoona the dough as she made buns with you.
She was right, you'd been wondering about the card ever since you sent it with the cake.
Yoona was your one and only friend. A childhood friend in particular. You both grew up together and were no less than sisters. Even the bakery you worked at was owned by her parents. You'd never really hid anything from her. She was even aware of the incident with the Prince -the incident she denied to believe in. But at least Yoona trusted you enough to convince her mother to change the coco flavored buttercream frosting to coffee and the cake sponge to vanilla.
You frowned, "We didn't get any news from the castle, did we?"
Yoona tched, "You're still stuck over it? Don't worry, y/n, not like we had poisoned the cake or anythin– "
The sound of the bell cut her off and she ran outside the kitchen to greet the customer.
She was right again, you were overthinking, that's it. Whereas the card…"He probably didn't read it," you shook off the thoughts, "It's a good morning, I should be relaxed as well."
Hours passed baking, and finally it was your time to rest as Yoona went to deliver an order.
The bakery owner, Yoona's mother, would usually visit when the bakery got busy, as she didn't live too far from work. You'd work nonstop in the morning so that you're free afterwards and Yoona would usually do the deliveries and often you'd too. That was your routine.
The bell resounded and you immediately put your teacup aside, "Welcom–…"
"I see, I'm at the right place."
You couldn't believe that your eyes were seeing, The Prince, this close, for the second time. Feeling shocked, you stood still like a statue as Jaemin entered the shop and walked ahead.
"Are you just going to stand there?" His question brought you out of you faze and you immediately bowed to him.
But wait, he's here as a commoner again. Or did he read the card? Was bowing so low alright–?
"You may rise," he nodded and it just confirmed your suspicion.
"So, you knew who I–" he was cut off as the door opened again.
"I'm back–OH," Yoona bowed instantly as well, "Greetings to the Prince!"
"You may rise."
Yoona looked at you surprised, her eyes clearly asking what's happening?, And for you, you still stood in the same spot, eyes avoiding the Prince and even Yoona.
"So, you knew who I was, right?"
You nodded to the Prince's question.
Both of you were now outside the shop and also a little away from the more populated part. It would've been awkward to talk in Yoona's presence even if she knew what had happened.
"I apologise for the way I acted back then. I had no intentions of making the Prince feel uncomfortable, but the goods were literally heavy." It was true you had no intentions of making him feel uncomfortable, but you aren't sure about the latter, since you have previously brought heavy goods to the shop all by yourself too.
"Right," he nodded, "Thank you for the cake though. I enjoyed it."
"It's my pleasure," you bowed your head, "We only did what we were asked to."
"But you know, I didn't come here for any explanation," he said, making you nervous for moment. "I wanted to buy something from your shop."
There was a sudden change in your expression, as it glowed and you nodded excitedly, "It'll be an honor."
Jaemin smiled, "Hm… What is you name?"

"Y/n, Y/n," Jaemin smiled lightly as he took another bite from the sweet he held. "Her name is as pretty as her."
"Donghyuck," Jaemin patted the space besides him, "here."
Donghyuck sat by the prince and took the sweet he offered, "Where did this come from?"
"I brought it on my way back today."
"Oh, really?" He asked mouthful, "You don't really buy edibles from the market."
"Well," Jaemin stared at the flowers in front of him as he sat on a bench, in the castle, "looked pretty."
Was that a dream?
You've been asking the same thing, every other while, because you couldn't believe that the Prince visited you– no, not you, but your shop, himself, and even liked the cake you participated in making. Even Yoona didn't believe it. But she was actually glad you did what you did.
You've been smiling a lot, and all your tension about the card had vanished when he asked your name.
"I must've really done something nice for this to happen to me."
Indeed, not everyone is lucky enough to catch the attention of someone they like– the Prince specially– the way you did. But it was all because of fate. If only he didn't bump into you that day–
"Greetings to the pri–"
"Quite!" Jaemin cut you off and you looked up at him in surprise, your eyes wide open.
It's been a few days since you last saw him. But still, seeing the Prince outside your shop was unexpected and compelling.
"Don't you get it? I don't plan on getting recognized right now." He put down his hand, he had outstretched to quite you down.
You lightly muttered an 'oh' and nodded, "Alright," and placed a finger on your mouth.
Jaemin chuckled at the gesture and copied you, doing the same.
"Why don't you come in Prin-? My bad..."
"I'm not here to buy anything today though?"
You frowned lightly, "Then, how I can I help you?"
"Do you know any other place, like Riverview..?"
Now who would've expected that you'd be sitting on the hill, under a browning tree, at an ordinary evening? Not even your angles could've guessed.
"Have you really not visited this place, ever?"
Jaemin shook his head.
"Quite surprising, because this is one of the most common spots for someone who just wants to take a breath, away from all the crowd or chaos."
Jaemin opened his eyes and turned to look at you, "I haven't really been to different places other than the market."
"Understandable," you nodded, breaking the eye contact, "The market itself is quite big, you can kill a lot of time just roaming here and there."
"That's the thing, I don't just want to just wander, I want to explore," he motioned to the scenery in front, "More places like this."
"Well then, I guess you've found the right person. I know about places not everyone in the kingdom knows about– sorry!"
You bowed again, "I apologise for being arrogant all of a sudden. You sure must have a lot of people to help you out but I just–"
"No," he interrupted, "I want you to do it... Will you show me more?"
Jaemin didn't visit often. His visits were usually after more than a week.
He was a prince who had to deal with lots of stuff in the castle and with his training, it only got delayed. But whenever he visited, it would make you feel happy, excited, and a bit nervous too. Everytime you saw him in front of you, it was hard to believe it wasn't a dream.
"Don't call me prince, and be comfortable around me. That's how I'll be at ease too." He had told you when you continued to stop mid sentence, saying prince.
You had taken him to three places he had never been, but he had visited you four times. One in which he just sat with you near the River at dusk and talked about why he liked being out in his free time and go to places he has never been.
"I just know, that this place is more than I've seen, a lot more. So I want to see as much as I can, before…" he paused.
"As I grow older, I'm ordered to go to different places, other's borders, that are a threat to our kingdom and can't be settled with just talking," he turned to look at you, "I can be badly hurt too. So, I want to explore more while I can…with you."
You didn't have a proper reply for him, and simply stared back. A small smile appearing as you both looked away shyly.
This is how it was. You both didn't meet a lot. But all these meetings left a warmness within, none could ignore. The shared smiles, walking closely and the last time he held your hand.
You stared at your hand and tossed in your bed, smiling ear to ear at the thought.
Did he feel the same way as you? Because you've liked Jaemin since the first time you saw him. But what he does, can it be counted as him returning the feelings?
You turned again and faced Yoona who was sound asleep in her bed, in the same room as you. She knew, That you'd met the prince more than once. She didn't know, That you'd taken the Prince to places secretly and how you'd been feeling. To her, all you felt was nothing but a small attraction towards the Prince, in which you weren't alone -as more girls of the kingdom found him handsome.
"I wonder what is really between us?"

The shop bell redounded and a smile made its way onto your face as someone special came in. "Jisung! You're back." You hugged him lightly and backed away to look at him properly, "Even grew taller."
He laughed and nodded, "Right, it's been a while."
You pulled him to sit on a chair and sat in front of him, "A while? You came after almost five months."
Jisung lived at the very west side of the kingdom with his father, which was mostly occupied by men, working at the shore, fishing and trading. As he now had more responsibilities over him –living with only his father and older brother, he would come to the main area less often then before.
"I know. But this time I'm here for a while. I won't go back just after a week."
"Really? That's great," you beamed, "Let me get you something to eat."
Yoona joined you and Jisung soon after and your evening was filled with stories of the west side, Jisung excitedly told.
After Yoona, Jisung was your only friend. You both were the same age and grew up together till the age of 8, before his mother passed away. And he and his brother started to live by the shore with their father. He'd never forget to visit you with a gift whenever he came and after all those years, the lad you'd tease, that he was shorter than you, became an attractive, tall boy.
The sun set and rose, and you wore light pink clothes, matching the beads in the bracelet Jisung gave you.
Today also happened to be the day, you already knew Jasmin would come. Unlike previous days where his visits were unforeseen.
It was your duty to open the shop and start the day.
"Jisung? You're here at this hour."
He hummed, "I don't have much to do right now. I'm not even used to sleeping till late." He entered the shop with you but stopped and he held your hand, looking at the bracelet, "This suits you."
"I know, its really pretty." You smiled and made it into the kitchen with him following behind, "Since you don't have anything to do, and Yoona will come late, wanna bake with me?"
Jisung beamed as he agreed and started to help you. When you taught him how to mix the ingredients well and knead the dough properly, he felt the joy he hadn't in a very long time and you felt at ease too, not even hearing someone entering the shop, until Jisung stopped to look at the person.
You followed his gaze and paused as you saw none other than the Prince. The open curtains of kitchen helped you to work and bake at the same time when you were alone, so you could see Jaemin properly even if he was at the entrance.
Right, he was supposed to come today.
"Welcome," you moved towards him, "W-would you like–"
"I came to wrong place," Jaemin left without a word as you stared at the closed door with wide eyes.
"Oh, yes," you shook your head and came back to him, laughing it off, "What a start."
Jisung left in an hour, baking his very first batch of bread and a mini cake.
Yoona also came soon and that's when you handed her the rest of the work for a while and ran out in case the Prince was still there.
He wasn't.
You couldn't see him anywhere near, though it was obvious you were trying to find someone. It took you quite a while to reach the hill, it was tiresome. But it was also worth the effort as a very familiar back came in sight. This was the last place you both visited together.
"Pr- Jaemin," you mumbled and stopped besides him, placing a hand on your knees and huffed.
He turned to look at you and smiled, "You came."
You both didn't get to go anywhere that day. You were tired, and the sun was about to set when you reached. So you just sat besides him, wrapped in comfortable silence as you both looked at the orange sky.
"You look pretty today," he commented out of the blue.
"Oh, thank you." You turned your face away and smiled widely. It truly felt nice to get a compliment from him.
"Also, nice, bracelet."
You looked at your wrist and back at him, "Jisung gave it to me– oh, the boy you saw earlier in the bakery. He's my childhood friend, Jisung."
"Is it fun?" He dropped on his back and laid on the grass, "Baking together?"
"It's an occupation for me -something I like to do. So it's fun, even if I do it alone." You copied him.
"Then bake with me too, someday."

"Why did he smile like that?" You couldn't forget Jaemin's face, the way he smiled, and he was so close to you.
How can you not believe it was more than a simple smile. It definitely had a meaning behind it.
You sighed, "Yoona, are you up?" You heard her hum. "What if someone smiles very sweetly at you? Like very sweet and just, you know that–"
"It was Jisung, right?" She sat up straight, eyes wide open as if she wasn't dying to get to her bed half an hour ago.
"Right? It was him–!"
"No, Yoona stop!" You brought your hands in front of her face to stop her from saying anything further. "No it's not him. And can you quite down?!" You whisper yelled at her.
She frowned, "Not him? Then who?"
"Answer a question with an answer. Not another question."
"Well, obviously I don't know who he is, so if he smiles like that to everyone, it's not a big deal but if he doesn't smile like that to others, he probably likes you."
You looked at your lap and remembered all the times Jaemin had smiled at you in awe as you spoke and sometimes he didn't even listen and just stared at you.
"Who is it?"
You dropped on the bed again and turned your back at her, "Later."
"Tell me–!"
"Later! Just sleep..."
"She was again with that boy, Jisung, today." Donghyuck reported to the Prince.
That's what he usually would do. He'd be with Jaemin most of the time and do whatever Jaemin asked him to. But when the Prince would be told to go with his army to dangerous places, Donghyuck would stay in the castle –even if he's enough skilled, and Jeno would then accompany Jaemin, one of the strongest Knights of all.
"Good work, you may leave."
"Jaemin, are you alright? You look way too tired today. You didn't even have practice," Donghyuck asked, concern filled in his voice.
"I'm fine, just feeling under the weather I guess."
As told, Donghyuck left so that Jaemin could rest, but he didn't understand what -and why, was the Prince bothered.
As the King fell a little sick, Jaemin became busier and didn't have time to even step outside in the garden to take a breath.
"Jisung…" Jaemin muttered. The boy had been bothering him since he saw you both in the bakery together. And in the previous days, Donghyuck had told him about Jisung meeting you, when he was ordered by Jaemin to let him know how you were doing.
Donghyuck was surprised too, when he learned that the Prince wanted him to update him about a young baker. Even though friends, he didn't bother asking Jaemin the details as he had already been stressed about his father's health.
It wasn't just Donghyuck who was confused. But Jaemin himself didn't know why he was so bothered by Jisung. Or in general, why he wanted to know if you were alright.
Maybe he just needed to make things clearer and find answers to his own questions.
The King was sick. As far as you could say, it was a rumor, like a lot of times before. But the fact that Jaemin didn't visit you in more than two weeks worried you. And it would be a lie to say you didn't miss him.
You missed him.
A lot.
Even if you both didn't meet often, being with him felt amazing itself. You felt joyed and honoured to be honest.
So why didn't he come? Was it really related to the King? Or he just didn't wish to visit you when he came to the market.
There were a lot of questions you had. Not just for the Prince, but you couldn't understand yourself either.
"Didn't think I'd run into you here," you heard a familiar voice on your way back to the bakery.
"Jaemin," you turned to look at the face you've been dying to see and smiled, "been a while."
He nodded and started to walk with you, "I had somethings to deal with."
"I was worried when you didn't show up for days. I even thought you were avoiding me."
He chuckled and shook his head, "Why would I?"
You slightly smiled and looked at the ground before looking up at him again, "I missed you."
He stopped, tilting his head lightly, "Why-?"
"I like you,"
And it just happened. You said that without thinking but you didn't want to regret it. And looked away immediately. "I mean- I just-"
"Say that again."
"Huh..?" Your eyes met again and when you realized he was expressionless, you sighed, "…I like you."
"Y/n," it was the first time he said your name. From the day you had told him, till this moment, he'd never addressed you with your name. "I missed you too."
Just like before, not even your angels would've expected the Prince to move forward and embrace you lightly.
You've never been so thankful for the area near your bakery to be less crowded. Or else you were sure this would've never happened.
He backed away even before you could react but a smile you didn't realize that was on your face, made Jaemin smiled wider.
He left right after with a low 'see you again', and as always, you only stood there speechless, looking at his back disappear.
You may not have done anything physically, but you heart was tired from beating so fast, and your mind was done answering the most important question;
He felt the same.
This time you brought some food when you both went to a very special place.
"Isn't this the old housing area?" Jaemin asked as he followed you, shoulders brushing together, a comfortable silence surrounding you both.
"Yes. Have you been here before?"
"I've only passed this place a few times." He shook his head, "It seemed abandoned."
"It does seem like it," you nodded, "Since this area is far from the market and everyone had to pass the bridge to get there, residents moved to the area closer to their work. Only elders, or people with bigger families are still here." You both then made it into a quiter street, "but I'll have to agree, living near the market is more convenient."
You stopped in front of a house and opened the door with the key you had in your pocket.
You smiled as you entered and placed the food on the table.
"Whose, place is this?" Jaemin turned to you.
"My home." It was then –as you both looked around, you opened up to him. You just felt like you could, especially after the last time he talked about his hardships and moments at palace, also how he often felt isolated in their, so going with you to different places made him happy.
You shared the story of how your father was a ship worker and died in a storm, a while before you were born. You mother became so week in her last two months of pregnancy that she passed away while giving birth to you, hence you didn't ever celebrate your birthday. Your uncle took you in, but since he was a soldier in the castle, he passed away while on his duty. You were only an year old then. His wife claimed you as an unfortunate child and declined to keep you any longer. That was when Yoona's mother, your mother's friend decided to take you in and you grew up well with their care, generosity and a friend like Yoona. You never complained if you were given less than your friend, you didn't even feel bad if her father scolded you more when you both made a mess. Because if you look at yourself now, you wouldn't have been able to make it till here like this, if it wasn't for them. "I've always been, and always will be grateful to them."
Jaemin ran a hand through your hair –like he has been doing this for a while, as you placed your head on his shoulder. It was an unconscious action but both of you were fine with it.
You both were sitting on the roof which allowed you both to see a beautiful scenery. Gentle breeze colliding. Not every house had an open roof. Yours happen to be one, and it became a comfort place for you. Much better as you were now there with the person who's presence was comfort within.
Jaemin looked at you, "You said Yoona is like a sister to you, right?"
You nodded.
"Does she know about this?"
You frowned a bit, unsure of what he meant-
"About us?"
It was already so quite around, your heart beat was all you could hear. His face was inches away from yours and you could feel blood rush to your cheeks. "No." You replied, "Yoona is like a sister and knows about me a lot, but sometimes I can't talk to her either. She shares everything with her mother so I tend to avoid talking about sensitive topics. I know she doesn't have bad intentions, after all, may be I would've shared everything with my mother too, if she was here."
It was silent for a while before Jaemin expressed, "My heart is at peace here," he looked at you again, "I feel, a different type of satisfaction. I haven't really felt before."
You smiled, "I do too. I come here once a month or two, but whenever I do, I feel at peace as well."
You both were already sitting close, so it wasn't surprising when he pushed back your hair behind your ear, "Sure, this place is calming. But it's you, who makes me feel at ease, always."
He moved forward and hugged you gently. His warm embrace making you feel more at home.
Tears escaped your eyes, only realizing when Jaemin pulled back slightly to look at you, "Are you alright?"
You nodded and smiled again, "I'm contented. This feels like a dream."
"Must be a beautiful dream then."
You chuckled at Jaemin's statement and stared at him. Light brown eyes and honey skin in the setting sun's rays as he lost himself to the sky.
He felt you staring and your eye met his, but before you could look away, Jaemin gently cupped your face. He leaned forward and placed his lips over yours in a sweet first kiss. His lips carried the flavor of the cupcake consumed previously, and so did yours.
Pulling away, unlike you, he didn't seem any shy, but he smiled brighter than ever.
You were sure about it now. He was in your fate. Jaemin became your pillar, and you became his escape.
It became harder for you and Jaemin to meet like this, –or maybe it was always like this. It only started to seem difficult because you both longed for each other.
Knowing that one wants to meet the other, Jaemin and you both became a bit desperate. He was getting busier with his trainings. And over that, meeting him publicly was hard too. You both had to make sure to meet at a secluded place in order to be protected from any unwanted attention.
The bridge that lead towards the old housing area became your meeting spot. And to be more safe, you both met beneath that bridge.
"What is this?" You asked as you looked at your wrist Jasmin was holding.
He put on a thin string, small diamond attached, bracelet on you, "I'm sorry. For that day."
You immediately knew what day he was taking about. The last time you both met –almost a month ago, Jisung had suddenly made a visit and Jaemin saw you both together. Though that wasn't it, even though Jaemin had seen you both together before too, he was able to express his jealously this time.
He was clearly upset and bothered by it, and didn't say much before abruptly leaving that day.
Maybe he's the protective type, you had thought. But there aren't any types when it came to you.
Jaemin was the only man boy in your life, and the only love of your life as well, hence why it seemed easier to forgive him.
He nodded and looked at you, still holding your wrist. He seemed sincere.
You pursed your lips and held his hand instead, "I wasn't upset though. It's okay."
"I actually brought this with me, when I first time came to see you," he smiled, "I thought it would be awkward to just give it to you then and kept it with me whenever we met, waiting for the right time. I know I'm saying sorry while giving it to you but I wanted to say thank you."
Your heart was already fluttering and you weren't ready for this, but had to ask, "For what?"
"Thank you, for making me the best cake I even had. Thanks to you, my birthday became sweeter."
"What..?" You shyly brought your hand back, looking away from her.
Jaemin grinned more and chuckled at your reaction. "Oh, my princess is getting shy." He cupped your face as he stated the obvious.
You denied to look at him, "You're good with your words, I guess."
As you finally looked at him, both smiling lovingly at each other, it was obvious that you'd lean and kiss, even parting with smiles on your faces.
"Just remember, Jisung is only my childhood friend," you reminded Jaemin.
"I know," he nodded, kissing your interwined hand, and he looked at the bracelet he gave you, "I felt, uneasy at that time. I didn't even know why."
"Ah, that's because you were jealous," you teased.
For a moment Jaemin's eyes got serious, "Really, jealous?" It sounded more like he was asking this himself, "Well, maybe," he nodded and shrugged, "I just know I don't want to see you with anyone else but me. I love you."
You smiled in return but there was a slight uneasy feeling in your heart you couldn't neglect. Days went by but what jaemin said still bothered you,
"I just know I don't want to see you with anyone else but me."
There was nothing wrong with his statement, but he was serious. It was the slight firmness that you happen to notice in his voice.
It was bothering you. The relationship you both had. You couldn't meet or do things with Jaemin that others in love would. Especially after someone asked Yoona if you were seeing someone because they saw you with a boy. Obviously Yoona denied, but you couldn't even tell her.
It's a universal truth, but you failed to keep up with the fact that Jaemin was a Prince. A prince with responsibilities. All the longing days, the distance, the anxiousness, it was all hard to keep up with. Sometimes you found yourself wondering, if it was right being with Jaemin. If it was right just being in love with someone who once seemed unachievable.
"What are you looking at?"
Jaemin's eyes shifted slightly. You made him flutter. But he smiled and moved to hug you from behind as you both looked at the setting sun.
The scenery had always looked prettier from the balcony of your old house. The place which was your second meeting spot. But due to the distance, it was rare to meet here.
"I can understand. I also always want to look at you."
"As if," you scoffed, "If you really did, you would meet me more often."
You heard him sigh and he turned you to look at him, "You know I try my best to meet you whenever I can," he said. "I miss you more than you think I do."
"I know, but unlike you, I'm less busy. Sometime I don't have anything to distract myself to, and that's when I miss you the most."
Jaemin pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, "Show me, how much."
You moved forward to kiss him, not expecting him to return it with full passion as his grip on you tightened and he pulled you closer.
"Y/n," he moved back slightly to get a look at your flushed face, his hand coming up to your face. "I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too."
He kissed you again, all his actions filled with gentleness and love.
That evening, you both stayed in the house, tangled up in the sheets of your old bed, that was being used after months. None of you were sleepy and just talked about random things till it was late at night. Hearts content and souls at ease.
Jaemin was so warm.
He was gently rubbing your bare shoulder, when he finally revealed that he was going to leave for the northern borders in few days. "I won't be able to meet you for a while. Longer."
You turned to him, frowning, "But Jaemin, northern borders are too dangerous."
"I'm already aware of it, but it's my duty. I have to go." His fingers ran through your hair, "This isn't my first time."
"But this is the first time you're going towards the north," you looked at his chest instead and sighed, "And, this is the first time you are going to the borders after meeting me…"
Jaemin easily caught on your statement. You felt insecure. Even though you had denied it, unconsciously you thought of yourself as an unfortunate person and hence, didn't want Jaemin to leave. He chuckled.
"Why are you laughing?" You glanced at him.
"Whereas my father is persistent on sending me to the borders, my mother is worried sick. You're no less," he ruffled your hair, "I came here so that you'll encourage me, but it seems the opposite."
"It's not that–"
"Previously, I used to throw a tantrum on my way, ‘ why is father sending me there?’, ‘it's not my thing’, ‘i will not come back!’," Jaemin laughed as he revived, "But now, I'm more confident than ever," he pulled you closer, embracing you. "Like, your presence is enough to encourage me to do well."
He placed a kiss on your forehead, "So don't think about it much, Y/n."
You both left shortly after –trying to be very cautious of your surroundings even if it was late, and parted ways near the bakery with Jaemin reminding you not to be concerned and you cheering at him for the best.
You had thought that being able to bake the Prince his birthday cake, was the best opportunity you got. But now that your bakery was also asked to bake sweet treats for the celebration party, as the prince had come back safe and successful, this became a more nerve-wracking duty.
"Ah, Y/n is one lucky girl," Yoona teasingly bumped your shoulder, "You'll be getting to see your crush again."
You chuckled, but because of how innocent her statement sounded. If only she knew.
You nodded, "I'm already looking forward to it."
Yoona and you were waking towards the castle, as representatives of the bakery. It was quite a special event. Usually commoners aren't invited but in this celebration, a few of high officials were allowed to come, moreover because it was a celebration by the nation. Foods, sweets, decorations, were all provided by different owners in market.
The cold wind made you shiver and you pulled the cape close to yourself. When you first met Jaemin, it was the start of fall and a very pleasant weather. But winter had come already and it had gotten much cooler.
It was your first time at the palace and you understood why it's a sight to see. It looked pretty from the outside so it was known the inside would be beautiful too.
Yoona and you had the same reaction, mouths open in awe as you both entered the corridor.
"Where are you going?" She pulled you back, "We have to be in the kitchen, then the lawn."
You remembered the rules and nodded, asking someone where the kitchen was, to see if the sweets your bakery made, were transported well.
You kept on glancing outside in hopes of seeing Jaemin, you had missed him a lot, and you knew you could only see him in the celebration, not even go near him.
"Okay, you all can move to the lawn now," the court lady announced, "I hope no one forgets the rules. Thank you for the hardwork."
You were the last one to step out from the kitchen and walked slowly, still hoping to see Jaemin. Suddenly someone pulled you in a different corridor and moved aside. Though you couldn't see his face because he was hugging you, you knew it was Jaemin.
"How have you been?"
"I should ask you this," you cupped his face, "How have you been?"
"Very well," he smiled, "Was it alright that day? You went home late. I was worried."
You hummed, "It was completely fine. Once in a month or two I usually go back home to clean and stay there for the night, so they weren't expecting me to return till morning."
Jaemin nodded, "I was also wondering if we had spent the whole night together. I missed you."
"I missed you too," you tip toed to peck him before pulling away from him, "I must go now."
The event by better after you've met Jaemin.
The King was feeling slightly under the weather, so the Prince got busier, having to attend the guests alone. Though he didn't miss a chance to steal glances of you and smile, but Yoona –who was always by your side, seemed to have noticed it as she would often tell how the prince looked at your side.
Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one who noticed.
It was the next day, in the morning, before Jaemin was informed his parents would like to have breakfast with him, Donghyuck came to him, "I think they got a hint of it." He said.
"Of what?" Jaemin asked.
"That you are seeing the bakery girl, Y/n."
Jaemin stopped what he was doing and turned to Donghyuck, "Really? How?"
"I don't know, I told you what I heard."
Jaemin sighed, "I thought they wanted to talk about yesterday, in general. Guess that's not it."
And Jaemin guessed right. The air was tensed in room and silent.
"Yes father,"
The King coughed before speaking, "My health is getting worse with each passing day, and I'm afraid you're not set to take over the throne if I'm gone."
Both his mother as Jaemin looked at the king, surprised by his statement.
"But that's not what we–"
The Queen was interrupted when his father spoke up again, "You should get married soon."
"Me and your mother think that Princess Sia is a good match for you–"
Jaemin put down his utensils and stood up, "We've already discussed about it before. I'm not ready for it yet–"
"My condition wasn't like this before either." His father stood up as well, "Spare all the stupid ideas you have in your mind. Don't forget you're a crowned Prince." The King left right after.
Jaemin felt his mother pull on his hand, so he sat again and looked at her.
"Jaemin, don't be upset, we're doing this for your betterment."
"But mother, you selected Princess Sia for me without even asking me my–"
"What's your choice?" her tone git serious, "A mere commoner?"
Jaemin's eyes widened, "But mother she–"
"I don't want to hear anything," the Queen got up from her seat, "Like your father said, spare all stupid ideas you have. That baker will bring your downfall, stay away from her!"
Jaemin would come to the bakery just for a second just so you knew he's there that day, that's how you both met. And today was no different, but it started raining, hard, when you got off work. Knowing that if you'll go home to fetch an umbrella, Yoona's mom may not let you go out again, so you ran to your meeting spot, getting all drenched by the rain.
"Jaemin," he must've been under the bridge for a while, because he wasn't wet at all, "Did you wait for long–?"
As soon as you came closer, his left arm wrapped over your waist and he pulled you on for a kiss. Surprised at first, you kissed back, only to pull away, "My clothes are wet–"
He kissed you again, quite desperately and this time, you didn't pull back either.
You both sat on the side, under the bridge, just looking at the rain falling from the sky. None of you said a word and Jaemin only held you close, rocking slightly. Even when you asked if he was fine, he hummed in response but didn't say anything.
"I also have to go back."
He finally looked at you as he realized he had spaced out and nodded, "Sorry… I just feel tired. And I want to be with you."
You sighed, "I do too. But I hate how we can't even meet each other anywhere else." It was silent again, before you decided to bring it up, "It this even right… Us?"
Jaemin pulled back slightly and frowned, "What?"
"I mean," you paused, "Can we really be together forever?"
"Y/n, let's talk about it some other time."
"Is everything okay?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
You sighed, "I'm sorry if I upset you."
"No, I just I don't wanna talk about it," his voice rose slightly.
"Buy I really didn't mean–"
"It's getting late, Y/n. You should go home."

It bothered you for days, how Jaemin acted then. He was definitely disturbed, so you felt guilty for bringing it up. But you had to talk about him one day or another.
Rumor has it, the King is sick and his condition isn't getting better. Everyone had been seen to discuss how the new king would be. Prince Jaemin. Even though fortunately most of them are talking positively, people have their concerns too.
You walk with the sugar bags in your arms, remembering the day you first time met Jaemin. You never thought that your intention of wanting to ask him about his favourite flavor would later turn you both into lovers. And this is where a huge full stop came. What are you and Jaemin? Just lovers? Nothing more? Can you ever be anything more than a lover to him?
The strange feeling of someone starring at you didn't seem to go away no matter how much you got distracted. You looked back, and saw the man you were suspecting, look away and stop to turn to a shop. You turned to a different route, staying there till you saw the man trying to look for you.
You came out and confronted him, "If you have anything to say or ask, you can do it directly. No need to follow me like a creep."
He was surprised and shook his head, "No, I was just..."
At a loss of words, the man, no, the boy remained silent. But you have seen him before. "You're from the palace right? I'm sure I've seen you there."
He nodded, "I'm Prince's right hand, Donghyuck."
Hearing him mention Jaemin, you took him to a secluded area. You were upset when he said he didn't come to see you because Jaemin told him so. He came to you because he wanted to, "I've followed you and Prince a few times but later he told me it wasn't needed so I didn't," he seemed a bit awkward.
"What do you have to tell me? Is everything alright?" You asked.
He nodded, "I'm not sure, how to start."
"It's okay, take your time." You were trying to seem calm but inside, you were dying of curiosity.
"The King, he is sick." He started. So it was true after all. "And it seems like the Prince will have to take over the throne very soon."
"Oh, is King's condition very bad?"
"Very," he glanced at you, "But do you know, Jaemin- I mean the Prince isn't yet capable enough to be a king?"
You looked at Donghyuck in shock and shook you head, "Howcome– but, why are you telling me this? Is it something to do with me..?"
"Kind off…" he looked away then back at you, "Look Y/n," he turned serious, "once Jaemin becomes the King, there will be a lot of people who would be against it. It will be a life threatening issue for him. And to secure his place, he needs to have a heir, and for that–"
"He needs to marry a Princess." You interrupted.
He nodded again, "If only he had an older brother, who would take over the throne, Jaemin could've married a commoner. Like his aunt –the King's younger sister."
This is why you were getting tensed as each day passed and news of King's health spread more and more.
"I see. I was already aware of it. But it's a reality I want to– "
"You can't deny." Donghyuck cut you off, "You shouldn't." He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder as he saw tears gathering in your eyes. "Y/n, the reason I decided to come here myself, is because Jaemin doesn't even have time to sleep properly. I'm not sure when he'll be able to meet you."
You wiped a stray tear and nodded, "I understand."
"Look, I'm not sure when, but Jaemin will definitely come to meet you. Whenever he gets the chance to. Just be patient, I'm sure he'll make the right decision."
Both you and Donghyuck knew what right decision meant. But none of you took this conversation any further, and sat in silence for while.
You stood up, "Thanks for deciding to come. I should get going now."
"You should come by the bakery some day," you tried smiling at him.
"Sure. The things are tasty no doubt."
And just like that, a month passed with a lot of predicted events happening. The King passed away a few days after you had met Donghyuck –You didn't think his very soon would be this early. Prince Jaemin became King Jaemin –And you continued to worry for his health, hoping he was eating and sleeping well. There wasn't much of a difference, but a new threat to the nation arose. And like Donghyuck had mentioned, the neighboring Kingdom was said to have sent their Princess for the marriage with Jaemin.
And this is where your patience drained away.
You needed an answer. Regardless of how it'll affect you, you wanted to know what was happening, in your life. If not Jaemin, you wished Donghyuck would come to meet you, because last time he had cleared a lot of things in your mind.
The days without any news of Jaemin passed just like how they had previously, but time would sometimes stop, drowning you in the sea of questions, loneliness and doubts. You hated this. The most comforting place, your old home, also started to remind you of Jaemin and you didn't wish to go there.
You'd just sit silently, looking at your bracelet and hoping that the next person comes to the shop would be Jaemin, letting you know it's just another day you both meet. Meeting, which felt like doing something wrong because of how cautious you both have to be.
Fate. It has always been fate. And maybe what felt like the last few moments till you really ran out of the patience, fate had other plans, hence the next person to enter the shop happened to be Jaemin.
You immediately stood up at his arrival. He simply smiled, and left how he usually did. But you didn't wait till your shift was over for it was the closing time. You told Yoona in the kitchen you're leaving and immediately followed Jaemin.
He was surprised when you back hugged him mid way and turned to you, "We can't let anyone see us, let's go."
He took your hand and moved to where you both meet. You wanted to ask him, why.
"How have you been?" He pulled you closer, his hand running over your face, stopping at your jaw.
"Why can we not be seen together?" You asked.
"Do you not know, or are you acting that you don't. I'm not just a Prince now." He chuckled, tired, "My first public appearance isn't yet announced. We really can't be seen together."
"Wrong things are done like this, all concealed and tensed."
He laughed again, "What a sight, my princess is sulking?" he pinched your cheeks, "I'm sorry, it took me so long."
You sighed feeling defeated. You can't stay angry at him, so glad to finally see him. "I know you couldn't have come. Is everything okay? I mean… the King passed away..?"
"It's okay," he sadly smiled, "We all saw it coming."
"Jaemin," you cupped his face, "I missed you so much."
He leaned in your touch, "I missed you more, knowing that you were waiting for me."
"I heard," you bit your lip slightly, "a Princess came here."
Jaemin became expressionless and didn't say anything.
"Is it true."
Sensing the sadness in your voice he looked away, "She's here, yes."
For some reason you couldn't just stay like this and your slowly backed away from him. A small oh leaving you. Donghyuck's words came into your mind.
"But Y/n–"
"This is what I was talking about, that day," you didn't let Jaemin get a hold of you, "I don't like it Jaemin. I was serious when I said that it feels like we're doing something wrong when we meet so secretly like this."
"Y/n," he paused, "You know I was a Prince and couldn't just meet you publicly, now I'm a King–"
"This is where it feels worse," your voice quivered and you felt tears escape your eyes, "Sometimes, I feel like this shouldn't have ever happened, we shouldn't have ever met."
"How can you say this–?"
"You just now confirmed that the Princess is here!" Your voice rose, "What are you planning on doing? Marry her and keep meeting me behind everyone's back–?"
"Enough!" His voice rose too and he ran a hand through his hair, "You really think this is my intention? I love you, Y/n."
"But is this enough?" You were already crying then, "Is this enough..? I love you? Will this bring us together?"
"I- I have nothing more to say if you don't plan on understanding me. I was only here for a while, I'm leaving."
"This is what you did last time too," Jaemin stopped when he heard you. You wiped your tears, "Running away. You left me unanswered and your doing that now too." You turned and left without another word and decided not to look back either.
You didn't go to the shop, instead went to your house, and stayed in bed, not even eating anything.
"Y/n, tell me right now what happened?!" Yoona asked again. She had been worried for you since you didn't show up at the shop and now that you were acting like this, she had to know what happened.
"Yoona," you looked at her, frustrated, tears suddenly left your eyes, "just go!"
"Y/n," she held your shoulders and asked again, "What happened?"
You couldn't stop yourself and confessed everything to her. Yoona patiently listened to you till late at night, as you shared your sadness with her.
She laid besides you on your bed, "So much happened and I had no idea. I actually suspected that you were seeing someone but, it would be the Prince…" she exhaled, still not believing you.
"Yoona," you had stopped crying and simply stared at the ceiling, "This was never a good thing to start off with, right?"
"Don't say that, if I put myself in your place, I would do the same. Especially because you liked him."
You looked at your wrist again and brought it in front of Yoona, "Take it off."
"Jaemin gave me this."
"The Prince–?" She sat up, "Really? Looks expensive."
Seeing you expressionless, she took it off and gave you.
You put it under your pillow and turned on your side. "I know I can't sleep it off. But I'm so tired of all this."
"Y/n," Yoona caressed your back, "Did you both really end everything today?"
"You can say that."
"No, I need an answer like, yes or no."
You paused and looked at her, "Yes, everything ended." You chuckled sadly, "You know, the Princess is actually here. In our kingdom."
Her eyes widened, "Already?"
You nodded and closed your eyes to sleep.
"Not all endings are happy— or simply, not all needs a prince charming to be happy."
You looked at Yoona again, her eyes dripping with sincerity.
"You deserve so much happiness. Everyone does." She smiled, "But it doesn't have to do be from one person. It can vary. It comes and goes. You must have the strength to take it in and accept what has been given to you, especially if you can't go against it."
Tears gathered your eyes again and you nodded, "He was my prince charming, but I wasn’t his princess."
Without Jaemin, life was just like before. But it was easier to cope up with everything, now that you have shared your thoughts and feelings with Yoona. Your bond with her was always special but after that night, you felt more closer than ever. Maybe claiming that you can't share some things with her because she tells everything to her mother, was just an excuse, to your nature of not being able to open up sometimes. And now that you thought deeply about it, Yoona and her parents have given you so much love, even if it was less than what she received comparatively. Love wasn't just given romantically, platonic love should also be paid attention to. And you were doing the same. Trying to get better and living how you did before meeting Jaemin. He will never leave your life, and will always be somehow connected to you. But not as two lovers. Instead, as King and commoner. Maybe it was really an end. And you will never meet him again.
"Welcome–" you smiled when you saw someone you didn't think would come, "Donghyuck."
"Y/n, I'll definitely take something but before that, can you do me a favor?"
"Someone wants to meet you–"
"Y/n, who is–?" Yoona came from kitchen.
"Jaemin?" You asked Donghyuck.
He glanced between you and Yoona and nodded.
You turned to Yoona, "It's Jaemin." She asked you whenever you left in between work, where you were going, expressing her concern.
"Y/n," she paused, "Do you really have to go?
You looked at Donghyuck and then at your feet.
"It may be the last time," you heard Donghyuck mumble and then you nodded at Yoona, "Please."
She nodded in return and you asked Donghyuck where Jaemin was, going there immediately.
He wasn't very far, as he stood by a tree near Riverview. Since the night had come, the place barely had people.
He saw you and looked at you with a smile, "Y/n." He hugged you.
"How have you been?" He asked and pulled back.
"Just, fine. You?"
"Me too." He looked hesitant, "It's so hard to come to the market, now that I'm the King."
You both remained silent, so he spoke again, "I thought a lot about it, what you said the other day. 'Marry her and keep meeting me behind everyone's back'." He quoted you, "That was the harsh reality I was running away from, Y/n." When he looked at you, his eyes were glossy, impersonating yours. "But that is what was going to happen… But I can't do it, I can't." he shook his head, "I can't do this to you, nor her."
You broke the eye contact as tears slipped your eyes. The 'may be' Donghyuck said in his sentence had given you some hope, which was now crushed.
"You see, I'm a King. The King of this nation… but I'm helpless. I can't do anything for the one most precious to me, my real princess–"
"Don't say this, please," you finally spoke, "It was already hard letting you go… How will I move on if you say things like these." You sniffed and laughed, "Just say something harsh and end it already."
"I can't," he cupped your face again, "I don't want you to think of me as a jerk who was only using you–"
You interrupted, "I know. You're not a jerk, you're the loveliest person I know. That's why, you, don't make it hard for me." You pulled back from his grip.
"Let me say it one last time," he breathed out and held both your hands instead, "I truly loved you– I love you, Y/n. I do. And I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for us… As much as I don't like how you're not wearing the bracelet I gave you, I'm relieved. Sorry for interrupting when you were trying to get over this, this mess I made. But, I'm thankful to have met you."
"Me too," you nodded, trying not to cry, "I always thought that our meeting and falling in love, was fate. Maybe leaving, and parting ways is also in our fate. And I've accepted it as it is. Because the time I spent with you, was beautiful. And even if it hurts to say goodbye, I can endure it. Because you let me have some of the most beautiful times of life, and I've understood, not all stories have a happy ending," you laughed, "Ours was a sad one, no doubt."
Jaemin laughed, feeling more hopeless than ever. He pulled on your hands and held your face gently, placing one last kiss on your forehead.
"Then," you moved back, and bowed, "Long live the King and Queen."
Jaemin wanted to scoff but remained silent. What was supposed to be blessing given by the nation to their rulers, sounded more like a mock to his helplessness.
That spring night marked your last good-bye, which was depressing and shallow, but answered all the questions you had.
Though, you weren't expecting that you'd be working on a cake which is for the King's wedding, only a moth later.

Tulips and Tears || Lee Jeno

⇢ summary: life was normal. life was decent. that was all until a certain, non-normal, young boy came barging into your life whilst you were minding your own normal, decent business. this one interaction, which brought many more, sparked something in you that you never thought would exist. (high school au; fake dating au)
⇢ genre: fluff; romance; angst; alternate universe; one shot
⇢ word count: 5430
⇢ warnings: uwu dropping; lots of tears; mild swearing
⇢ note: this is my first one shot so bare with me here. i’m also not original so here goes nothing.

“Y/n, come on, you never do anything fun with us.”
Your closest friend, Huang Renjun, was calling you one Sunday afternoon. The two of you first met in your shared art class when your teacher decided to partner the two of you up for a project. While working, you happened to click easily. Sure, you had your differences like everyone else, but you seemed a bit relaxed with him, and he with you. That’s when a small friendship blossomed in your boring, monotone life.
“Jun, it’s okay. I don’t want to show up and just make the atmosphere uncomfortable. Please, it’s fine.” You switched your phone from your right ear to your left in the middle of your sentence. Cramps on any body part just made life horred.
You heard the elder sigh in defeat. Pure annoyance from your reply could be heard as he spoke. “Fine. But next time, you have to meet the others. You’d love them. I have to go Y/n. See ya.”
The line ended before you could reply. You placed your phone on your desk while staring at your history notes. Perhaps a break really was needed. Perhaps you should’ve gone with Renjun. Or, perhaps your decision was for the better.
Whether you made the right decision or not, the decision was made. Nothing could be done.
You turned your head and glanced at the electronic clock on your nightstand. It read 2:56 p.m.
Groaning, you threw your head on the desk in front of you. A soft boom echoing in your seemingly empty room.
Perhaps it was for the best?

You slowly opened your eyes. Light from your open windows blinding you. You slowly picked your head up from your desk, disoriented. While scratching your head, further messing up your hair, you looked at the clock. It read 4:34 p.m.
Shit. I’m already so far behind. Great. You thought to yourself. Life can’t get any better than this.
Finally finding the strength to get up, you walked towards the bathroom. Slightly wobbling as you did so.
You looked at your face in the mirror. You looked like you just came out of a horror movie. Eyes dark and tired, hair flying everywhere. You looked almost identical to Anna in Frozen. Sighing, you fixed yourself up and went back into your room to grab your laptop, shoving it into a bag.
Bag around your shoulders, you walked into the living room, seeing that your parents weren’t home. Instead a small note was left on the coffee table.
Left for the store, be back later. Don’t get into any trouble.
A small smile left your lips as you opened the front door to your house. Your feet carried you to your favorite quiet café. You didn’t have to walk far because it was so close to your home.
The café had small, cute tables outside, and since it was such a nice day, you decided to sit out there. Of course after you got your drink and snack first.
You were just about to open the door to the café when you felt an arm wrap itself around your neck. Startled, you turned your head in a panic and saw a sight you didn’t think that you would see.
A teenage boy with black, messy hair and sharp features had wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You had to admit, he was pretty handsome, but you were confused as to what he was doing exactly. A young girl stood nearby. You recognized her from your home ec. class. Kim Jisu was her name.
“See, this is my girlfriend. Jisu, meet Y/n. Y/n, meet Jisu.” His voice was rough and yet sweet as he spoke.
You looked up at him, confused by his manor. He looked at you with eyes that screamed ‘help me’.
“I’m sure she’s your girlfriend. I don’t believe you Jeno, my sweet. So, when this sore joke of a ‘girlfriend’ gets more boring than she already is, then call me.” She blew him a kiss before glaring at you and walking away; dramatically swaying her hips in desperation to be noticed.
As soon as she was out of sight, the teen pulled away from you and bowed so low that you were concerned for his back. “I’m so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for putting you in such a situation, Y/n. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
You were startled by his off behavior yet again. You looked at him with curiosity and asked a question that happened to pop up first. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
The boy looked up at you, his face flushed pink. His eyes were wide and heartbroken. He stood up straight and dusted his pants off a bit.
“S-sorry. I should’ve known you wouldn’t recognize me. I’m Jeno. L-lee Jeno. I’m in your biology class.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
That’s when you remembered, “Oh! You’re the kid who’s frog exploded during dissection!” You smiled up at him, remembering the fond moment of all your fellow classmates screaming in fear when it’s guts landed on their skin.
“Oh. Um, you remembered that. I really didn’t mean for that to happen. I didn’t even know how that could happen.”
“The frogs were pretty old, and they were in glass jars for the most time. They also happened to be rotting so much that when they came into contact with the oxygen in the air, that the frog’s stomach swelled and exploded. A common mistake that teachers will do. I mean, all the teachers we’ve ever had had bachelors degrees from online, so of course they wouldn’t know the basic fundamentals of decomposition.” You didn’t realize that you were rambling on and on until Jeno’s mouth was hanging wide open. “S-sorry.”
“No! No, it’s alright. I knew you were really smart, but I don’t know you were that smart!” His face lit up like a Christmas tree. His dark eyes sparked and you forgot that you were staring at them.
You snapped out of your daze when you felt your stomach growl. “Sorry, Jeno. It was nice meeting you, but I’ve got to eat.” You turned to open the door yet again when you were stopped, but this time, it was a strong hand that grabbed your wrist.
You turned around to see a large veiny hand holding your wrist. That hand was connected to a very fit Jeno. His eyes widened in shock at his own actions.
He pulled back immediately. “S-sorry. Um, I need your help.” His gaze was down at his hands, which were now fiddling with each other. He seemed uncomfortable being in your presence, yet his aura was so confident that you couldn’t help but hold your breath.
You didn’t reply to his statement, which made him look up. He searched your face for a motivation to continue. His gaze fell on your glittering, y/e/c eyes. The two of you stood like that, in front of the coffee shop for about a minute before he shook his head and continued himself.
“Listen, I’m so sorry for immediately pretending like we were dating, but I had to get myself out of that fast. She’s been following me around since the third grade and I can’t stand it anymore. She’s never left me alone, I think that was the first time in a long time. Listen, I need you to continue this for just a month or so, so that she can leave me alone. I can’t sleep at night anymore. I…I need your help.” He looked at you with pleading eyes.
You were shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. You had only really just gotten to know him, and now he’s asking for you to be his fake girlfriend. You felt your heart beat faster and faster, your chest swelled, you couldn’t breathe.
“I’m…I’m sorry. Excuse me.” You opened the door to the empty café, but was stopped by something in the corner of your eyes. You looked back at your classmate in horror.
Lee Jeno, one of the hottest guys at your school (even considered by teachers), was sitting on his knees, hands folded in front of his chest in a pleading manner. He was begging you, begging you for you to go along with being his ‘girlfriend’.
You couldn’t believe his childish manner, and ushered him to stand up.
“Fine! Fine! I’ll do it, just stop it before someone sees wh--”
A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist before pulling towards a very firm chest. You were being hugged, by Lee Jeno. Lee Jeno! Before you could react, he pulled away with an adorable eye smile. “Oh my god, thank you so much Y/n, you won’t regret this!”
He looked at you for another second before running off to the right. He had just hit the corner and was about to turn, when he stopped, looked back at you and ran back to you.
Confused, you stared at his bizarre manner until he reached you. When he caught up to you, he placed his hands on his knees and panted for about a minute, catching his breath. He finally looked back at you, “Hey, I...I forgot to ask you, but, can I ask you for your number, I mean, I don’t know how else I can be able to contact you.…”
Yeah, here, let me just ge--” You froze, hand in your back pocket. “I forgot my phone at home. B-but I remember my number, so I can write it down for you.” You let go of the door and walked back to your outdoors table, surprised that your laptop and belongings still there.
You grabbed a notebook, scribbled your number onto a random page, ripped it out, folded it and gave it to the dark haired teen.
“Thanks Y/n. I’ll see you around.” And with that, he was gone.

~The Next Day~
The hallways were filled with high school students with a purpose, to either graduate, or to find a significant other. Sometimes both, sometimes neither. It just depends on the person. Some kids wanted to get to the top of the social status, but that didn’t always happen. There was one certain kid though, who walked the halls with another purpose: to somehow sell that she was somehow dating one of the most popular kids at school. That kid was you, and you were lost.
Telling your mother would not be the best idea, for she would probably treat him like her future son-in-law. You considered asking Renjun, but you knew that he was just an acquaintance and that he probably couldn’t help you. So, you kept it in, watching videos online for some dating tips. However, the biggest thing is kissing. Of course, the thing to sell that you were dating him was for you to kiss him, and that was a big problem.
You’ve never kissed anyone before.
Naturally, you were sure that he’s had experience before, so this would be super awkward for you and hilarious for him. You were sure to be the laughing stock of the school. Only, there was something worse. Kim Jisu was a b+ student, loved by most of the school’s faculty, which meant that when she beat up someone for no concrete reason, she would be given a two minute talk and no referrals, detentions, or suspensions of any kind.
You would be dead meat by the end of the week.
Fumbling with your locker, you felt a hand on your shoulder, which made you jump.
“Renjun! You scared me! Don’t do that!” You gripped your backpacks’ strap tightly, trying to calm your racing heart.
He cackled loudly, leaning on the locker beside yours. He wiped a tear from his eyes, “Oh, that was too much. Sorry Y/n, I just had too, you know how much that brightens my day. Anyway, have you seen Mr. Seo’s work assignments? I swear he’s going to kill me before the holidays.”
You grabbed your bag before closing the locker door with a BANG!
“Yeah. Why in the world does he need us to write a twenty page biography on Shakespeare? And couldn’t he have made the deadline in two weeks and not in three days? I’m swamped enough as it is.” The two of you walked to your third class of the day, art.
“I get it. And Mr. Moon had to give us a whole thirty page math packet due this friday. We just got back from our weekend break. Come on.”
The elder opened the door for you before you walked inside. The room was arranged with the teacher’s desk at the front of the room, with a chalkboard behind it. The student desks were in pairs, where you and Renjun walked to the middle of the room for your next assignment. Hopefully it wouldn’t be anything too crazy.
When Mr. Qian walked into the room, your crazy class started yet again.

“Alright class, your new assignment is due Thursday, and be sure to team up with your partners and not copy anything from online. Do you hear me Mr. Park?” Your teacher questioned the blonde freshman at the front of the room.
“Yes sir.”
The bell rang, indicating that class was now over, and into your fourth period, which was luckily a free period.
You were gathering your stuff when the chinese boy who sat next to you asked, “So, Y/n, when are you going to come with my friends and I? There’s only four of us in total and I’m sure you’d love them. Please? I promise you, you won’t regret it.”
You sighed, accepting defeat. You have refused to keep your life an open book for the longest time, and finally, it caught up to you.
“Sure. I can hang out with you soon.” You smiled sweetly before watching your friend jump up and down in joy.
“Yes! Finally! The guys have been dying to meet you! How about this weekend? If you don’t have any plans of course.” The warning bell rang.
“Sure, sure! Now hurry up and get to class before you’re tardy.” You put your bag on your shoulders, leaving the room without another word.
The hallways were somewhat crowded. Fourth period was the one just before lunch, so most kids were hiding in the bathrooms eating lunch so that they could use their actual lunch time to catch up on homework and assignments. Sure it was gross, but you have to do what you have to do.
The hallways began to narrow as you walked to the more abandoned side of the school, the one where druggies and burn outs would stay for ninety percent of the day. There was one room that no one dared to enter because a science teacher stabbed himself in the heart in the middle of class back in 1987. Everyone believed that the room was haunted, so that left you an empty classroom to do your assignments.
The classroom was somewhat clean besides the thick layer of dust on the desks and the bleach stain in the carpet near the chalkboard.
You sat at the only non-dusty desk in the room and opened up your laptop, starting on Mr. Seo’s project. You had just gotten done with the first page when the door opened, startling you.
You hid your face behind the screen of the laptop, refusing to meet eyes with the figure at the door. Just because you stayed in a haunted classroom for and hour and a half every day doesn’t mean that you don’t believe in them.
Hesitantly, you looked up from the screen to see something you weren’t expecting.
“Y/n? Is that you?” Lee Jeno.
“O-oh.” You straightened your posture before tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah. I guess you found my hiding place.”
“Is this where you stay all period?” He silently closed the door behind him before brushing the desk in front of you and making himself comfortable upon the wood.
“Pretty much. I never really get any peace and quiet so, this is the best option.” You gazed into his eyes, dark brown orbs that couldn’t be read. What was he thinking?
“Well, can I join you for a little?” He shifted a little bit, making sure that the structure beneath him wouldn’t give in at the last moment.
“I guess, I mean, you’re already sitting down.” You closed your laptop, interested in the conversation at hand. Your hands supported your head while your elbows rested on the device. You tilted your head at him, indirectly asking him, ‘So what are you doing here exactly?’.
He noticed your action. “Oh, sorry. I was looking for you, um, I kind of wanted to ask you if you could sit with me at lunch, just pretend that we’re dating. That might start it off. She’ll get off my back if you’re a bit clingy, so...clingy is good. B-but not too clingy.” He let his feet dangle off the edge of the desk, kicking them. “So, maybe I can go to my friends and you can walk in after and sit down where Jisu usually sits. She’ll get the picture.”
“I think I’ve got this. I mean, I used to take acting lessons in junior high, so I think I can do this. You can count on me, I guess.” You scratched the back of your neck.
He grinned at you, “I know. Trust me, I honestly think that you’re the perfect girl for the job, hands down.”
You sat there, staring at him, you’re heartbeat getting louder and louder by the second. This has never happened to you before. Why was you’re nervous and circulatory systems going out of wack?
“Are you alright? You don’t look so good.” Jeno stood up from his seat, walked over to you and placed his hand on your forehead, checking your temperature. “You’re kind of warm. Do you want me to take you to the nurse’s office?”
You stood up abruptly, “N-no! I’m fine, I swear.”
The bell rang.
Shit, this is really going to happen. Gathering your belongings, you walked over to the door, the boy behind you.
“So, I know this is going to be tough, so I’ll make it up to you when this passes, okay? I feel really bad.” Jeno walked beside you, hands in his pockets, his bag slung over his shoulder. The first button to his uniform was undone, his tie loose around his neck.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. It’s nothing re-” A finger placed itself softly on your lips.
“Hey, I insist. If you don’t take this, I’ll never forgive you.” His finger removed itself from your pink lips.
“If you say so Je-no-fun.” You smiled at your little joke before your face dropped at the sight of him.
His mouth was left open in shock, tears welled up in his eyes. He quickly wiped them before they fell down his cheeks. “That is the first time anyone has ever said a joke that golden before. Bless your heart Y/n.”
You chuckled silently, “Come on dork.”
The two of you reached the lunchroom, which consisted of half the population eating and the other half working on assignments. Jeno looked at you before shooting two thumbs up before sitting down with his friends. You looked over and saw Jisu getting her lunch. You usually bring your food from home, so before she left to sit down with him, you took a deep breath and strutted over to him.
When you were sure she was watching you from behind you, you went up to Jeno and pecked him. Right on the cheek. You could feel the atmosphere darken as you sat down to his right.
“Hi baby.” You smiled at him and winked. You could feel your ears redden a bit at your own actions, but what else could you do in that moment to ‘claim your territory’?
You were just getting your lunch out when you heard a female voice clear her throat behind you. Nervous, the whole table, including you, turned to Jisu, who had a few veins popping out of her forehead and neck.
“Sorry to bother you, but I sit there. Not you.” She may have tried to say a sweet sentence, but she spat it out at you like you were a rodent.
“Oh, well, I kind of want to sit next to my boyfriend. You can sit across from us though.” You tried to keep your voice steady and calm, but felt more reassured when Jeno placed his hand on yours.
“It’s fine Jis. Just sit across from us.” Jeno looked at her with innocent eyes, which you noticed. Sneaky little bastard.
She clenched her jaw in annoyance and placed her food across from the elder. You had survived the first few minutes and it was already too much. You have to go through a whole month or more of this.
The brunette took a seat across from you guys. She was pretty tiny, around 5’2”. Her dark brown hair came all the way down to her waist. Jisu’s hands were littered with rings and bracelets. The hot pink nail polish hurt your eyes.
Her gaze pierced into your soul, making everyone at the table uncomfortable.
The lunchroom went silent for a few moments, a single pin could be heard at all corners. The noises resumed after someone coughed in the very back.
Jisu never softened or lowered her gaze on you, making you turn to Jeno, trying to look away from her. “Did you get the text I sent you? About my parents going on a business trip this weekend?” You looked at the teen with innocent eyes, trying to see if he could tell where you were going with the conversation.
He smiled at you, eyes shaping into half moons, “Yeah, I talked to my mom and she said it was fine that you could stay over.”
“Oh, you’re a lifesaver!” You pecked his cheek, confused at your actions once again. This whole lying this was coming way too natural.
You could see his cheeks get pink, “Anything for you baby.”
You’re heart fluttered at his words. No one has ever said something like this to you. You gazed at him a few seconds more. He had just became engaged in another conversation across the table. His eyelashes were so long and dark, the mole under his eye fit so perfectly on his face. His nose was the perfect size. His li-- no. Stop.
You looked back at your food, ready to eat, when you noticed that Jeno’s hand was still clutching onto yours. Silently, you removed your hand from his, feeling the warmth leave yours. He noticed, but didn’t draw any attention to it, placing his hand on the table.
You started on your food when someone ran over to the table. He was around the same size as Jeno, perhaps a little chubbier. His hair was a bright orange, which shockingly complemented his lightly sun kissed skin. “Hey, gonna borrow this a bit bro, sorry. Nice chick.”
He winked at you before grabbing Jeno’s backpack. Within second of him arriving, he left.
The boy who was just stollen from shook his head and laughed. “Hyuck probably didn’t do his assignment again. Typical.”

Lunch had just ended and you were grabbing your stuff, but you were interrupted by a voice.
“Hey, Y/n,” You looked up at Jeno when he covered his voice, “Nice acting today. I owe you. Coffee after school?”
You stood up, backpack wrapped around your shoulders. Is he being serious? If anything, you need a break before your head implodes from stress, then explodes from the stress of imploding.
However, you nodded, “Sure. The coffee shop from yesterday?” You had to strain your neck to look up at him.
“Sure. Just meet me at the school’s front doors. Bye Y/n.” He winked before running off in the opposite direction.

It’s been a month. A month since you and Jeno started ‘dating’, and life honestly couldn’t be any better. The two of you would study together and pretend that it would be a date so people didn’t think it was too suspicious. Both of you were brought up to the top of the school, academically and socially.
Renjun introduced you to his friends Jaemin, Donghyuck(the guy from lunch), and surprisingly Jeno. All the more reason to keep pretend dating. However, you and Jeno agreed that when the dating contract ends, that you’d end it on good terms from Renjun’s sake.
However, since this whole secret came about, you couldn’t help but fall for Jeno more and more everyday. It’s been tough keeping it in when the only thing you would do was flirt and share quick pecks on anything but your lips. You both agreed that too much PDA would be unnecessary, and since you weren’t really dating, that fully kissing was too much. Especially since you were only faking it.
Since it’s been a month and because Jisu has cut herself out of Jeno’s life, you believed that it was time for the two of you to end what was happening. Sure it would be hard for you, but he couldn’t like you back. He’s a god in an eighteen-year-old’s body.
Sighing, you looked at yourself in the mirror, fitted for the last month of spring. You couldn’t help but feel your chest falling. Never in the world did you imagine falling in love in high school. It was too cliché for you, but yet here you are, in love with the kid you never imagined you could talk to.
Taking a deep breath in, you walked to school, cherry blossoms finally falling off their trees, expressing that their time was up. Perhaps you were a cherry blossom too, finishing your journey. Perhaps this would be the only thing in life for you. This might be the only spontaneous thing for you. How could you go on after this? Could you go on after this? You never realized how much he meant to your life. He became closer to you than Renjun, you’re first friend.
“She doesn’t mean anything.”
You stopped in your tracks. Imagining him expressing his true feelings for you. He never felt anything for you. You were just a hunk of meet to be tossed around. This was nothing for him. Your only job was to do his dirty work.
“I’m serious. Nothing at all.”
That wasn’t your head imagining things, that was someone talking. The voice sounded so much like his though. You were on the main road, where anyone could walk and talk about how ‘she was nothing at all’; but only one person that you knew of had a similar voice and situation as your fake boyfriend. He was your fake boyfriend.
Looking around, you didn’t see anyone on a call, until you say a figure in front of you. He wasn’t facing you, but you knew it was him.
“Will you fucking listen to me for once! Just accept it and leave it alone.” He hung up.
Before you could react, he turned around, making direct eye contact with him. You were angry, sad, betrayed, rejected. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you get more angry at how even blurry, he looked handsome. You felt tears stream down your cheeks.
Jen started back at you, shocked that you were there. You usually arrive later, however today was not the case.
Overwhelmed by emotions, you turned around and ran back home, regretting even looking at him. You wished everything was normal, that you were back to only talking to Renjun, that you had never met Donghyuck, Jaemin, and especially Jeno.
God, Jeno. The name made you gag in disgust. How could you even imagine falling for him? You knew you were smarter than that. Life was so much better without them. No having to worry about Jisu ever beating you up. Never having to take time out of your day to hang out with Jeno’s obnoxious friends. No Jeno.
If only you could go back in time with Doc Brown’s Delorean and fix everything.
You reached home and slammed the door shut. Leaning on the back of the door and crying. You cried until it hurt to continue. You cried so much that you became Alice. You cried so much that you ran out of tears to cry with.
Hours had passed when you remembered that you had school that day. Standing up, you grabbed a tissue before calling your school, claiming that you were sick, just so that they knew why you weren’t there that day. How could you tell your mom? She’d flip if she found out you stayed home.
After hanging up on the faculty, you turned on the television, playing your favorite telenovela. You had just grabbed a bucket of your favorite dessert when there was a knock at the door.
You weren’t going to answer it until you remembered that you ordered another BTS album and that it was suppose to be here today.
Openning the door, you didn’t come face to face with the mailman, but to the last face you wanted to see.
Lee Jeno.
Frowning, you slammed the door in his face, but he stopped it before it could close. “Listen Y/n, please. I messed up.”
You opened the door again, arms crossed at your chest. “What do you want.”
He gulped before shoving a bouquet of yellow tulips in your face. “Their your favorite. So is strawberry shortcakes and watching Teresa when you need to cry. I know that you only love the the fourth, fifth, and sixth Star Wars movies. The new ones and prequels were terrible so you don’t associate with them. It’s the same thing with the Percy Jackson movies. You call them ‘Perry Johnson’, or something. What I’m trying to get at here is that we may have started this whole thing to get Jisu off my back, but I’ve had a crush on you since the third grade. Nothing can compare to you Y/n. God, every time I look at you, I have to restrain myself from kissing you. You’re beautiful, sparkly eyes; your silly habit of sticking your tongue out when you’re concentrated; how your eyebrow twitches slightly when you lie. Every little flaw and perfection about you makes me fall in love with you a hundred times more. You are my world.
“I didn’t mean for you to hear that. Donghyuck knew about our secret and I had to play that I didn’t like you. Please Y/n, believe me. God, please, forgive me. I love you too much to let go of you. I love you, Y/n.”
You felt the tears spring again to your eyes.
“I love you too, Jeno. I can’t believe that this whole thing has gotten to me. I’m sorry.” You wiped your tears, grabbing the flowers and smelling their sweetness.
“No, it was me. I was an asshole. Also, this was at the door, so.” He held up an Amazon package.
You smiled, “My album. Want to open it with me you cheesy pizza?”
He chuckled at your new nickname for him, “Only if you put subtitles on Teresa, you know I don’t understand Spanish.”
