Nemi Writes - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 🥂🥡 . dysania

﹙dysania﹚🥂🥡 soukoku — bungou stray dogs. ⟶ current canon ; fluff.

WC: 1034

* . Dysania

― dazai stirred. blinking away the sleepiness that clung to his mind and yawning widely, his gaze began at the wall and wandered up to the closest splash of color; a printed polaroid of him and his boyfriend, or, as the world knew him, his partner in crime. a tired smile spread across the man's lips at the picture, it was blurred and the faces within it weren't completely clear; that just gave it all the more meaning of memory.

the boyfriend (or, partner in crime) in question, chuya, was still fast asleep— the slightly older man had never been an early riser. he was clinging tightly to dazai as he remained deep in his slumber, his short arms wrapped around the taller's waist as if he'd disappear if he let go. his abnormally bright ginger hair framed his face like delicate veins of a leaf, highlighting his feminine, delicate features. well, dazai wouldn't describe him as abnormal. personally speaking, he found chuya's unique complexion rather beautiful. that was the first thing that had attracted him to the other— his visible difference, and.. his lack of outward insecurity about it. although there had been times where chuya had faulted himself and broken down in dazai's arms because of how he inwardly viewed himself, on the outside and to the public, he didn't give two shits whether his hair was bright or dark.

'after all, barely anyone really has naturally dark hair.' dazai would always think, whenever he awed chuya for his confidence. 'some people just care more than others do.'

dazai averted his gaze to the ceiling as far as he could, before letting out a soft sigh and turning his body to face his smaller partner. chuya was still peacefully asleep, his chest rising and falling evenly with each slow breath. although he moved and murmured occasionally, his arms still remained firmly around dazai's waist, giving him no route of escape. the younger man rolled his eyes with a quiet chuckle, and he moved closer to give his sleeping boyfriend a chaste kiss on his forehead. chuya stirred at the contact, rising closer to the surface of alertness.

"chuya," dazai whispered softly, lifting a hand and gently running it through the man's smooth ginger locks. "it's time to wake up, sweetheart. the sun has risen."

the sun had indeed begun its ascent into the sky, illuminating the horizon with a golden wash. the cherry trees outside the apartment building claimed the light as their own, casting a gentle komorebi through the window and onto the two partners. dazai's face glowed with the early sunlight, his eyes sparkling slightly as they reopened after each blink.

"chuya," dazai said again, a little louder this time. "come on, silly, you need to get up now."

chuya murmured something indistinct, shifting in his position before giving dazai's waist a gentle squeeze, indicating he was awake.

"good morning," dazai chuckled, threading his hands through the smaller man's hair. "someone doesn't want to get up, huh?"

the ginger let out a soft huff, shaking his head and burying his face in dazai's chest. his head rested in the crook of the taller man's neck, his hair nestling under his chin.

dazai chuckled, running his hand down chuya's neck and beginning to gently massage his shoulders. "i take that as a no."

chuya mumbled incoherently, his small body physically relaxing at the feeling of dazai's hands kneading into his tense muscles. he let out a sigh of relief against the taller's chest, still clinging tightly to his waist.

"you know, i think there's a word for what you're feeling right now," dazai said softly. "dysania. have you ever heard of it?"

chuya slowly shook his head, exhaling tiredly and closing his eyes.

"it's a term that you use for someone who struggles to wake up in the morning," dazai continued, chuckling. "and that's you, isn't it? you never get up early enough."

the ginger groaned in annoyance and lightly hit dazai's arm, huffing and lifting his head up. he looked at dazai from below, his blue eyes glinting in the morning sunlight and his hair falling around his face like a frame.

"i'm not that bad," he mumbled, scowling.

"you are," dazai insisted, laughing quietly. "you don't get up until, like, ten every day. if i didn't force you out of bed in the mornings you'd sleep forever."

"well, maybe i want to sleep forever," chuya huffed.

"no, don't," dazai shook his head. "i'd never get to talk to you again."

chuya paused in contemplation. "oh. i didn't think about that. whatever." with a shrug, he leaned his forehead against dazai's collarbone again, his eyes beginning to fall closed a second time.

"chuya, i already had to wake you up once," dazai warned playfully. "do i need to pick you up to keep you awake?"

"no," chuya groaned. "don't pick me up, you know i hate it."

"you're like a cat," dazai teased, beginning to run his hands across the smaller's sides. "you hate being picked up, you love being cuddled, and you purr."

"i don't purr!" chuya lifted his head, frowning indignantly.

"yes you do!" dazai argued back, laughing. "you do purr when you're happy, especially when we cuddle. just not in the mornings, you're always too tired."

"you're so mean to me," chuya huffed, nuzzling his body against the taller's.

"it's only because i love you," dazai smiled, leaning his face against chuya's hair and breathing in his scent. 

"i love you too," chuya mumbled, his eyelids fluttering shut as he fell asleep once again.

dazai noticed his boyfriend had succumbed to his slumber, and chuckled. it was predictable and always likely; only this time he let him rest. in fairness to the ginger, he had overworked too often and dazai knew he would do the same if he were in his shoes.

the younger man laid on his back with his partner lying against his chest, his hands subconsciously running through the other's ginger locks. it was quiet, the only sounds being the chirping of larks and morning birds in the distance, the gentle breeze flying through the blossoms of the sakura, and chuya's even, slow breath.

in the moment, it was peaceful. no matter how strong dysania clung.

* . Dysania

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost or plagiarize!

Tags :
11 months ago

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 🥂🥡 . sky high

﹙sky high﹚🥂🥡 soukoku — bungou stray dogs. ⟶ current canon ; fluff. ☆ ; mentions drugs.

WC: 884

* . Sky High

― "okay, let's get you another glass of water," dazai said with a soft chuckle, hopping up and sitting on the edge of the counter next to his partner with a half-filled glass in his hand. his partner, chuya, had been mindlessly giggling and flirting with dazai all evening, after the latter had found half-smoked drugs on the floor near the counter.

the smaller man looked up at dazai as he sat next to him, his pupils dilated and his eyes sparkling as he laughed.

"but i don't want water," he slurred. "water's gross.."

without giving dazai any warning, he flopped into his lap, his head resting against his thighs. he gazed up at the taller man, his hair falling around him and framing his sickly-looking face.

"i know it's gross," dazai chuckled, playing along with the drugged man. "but unless you want to crash and feel the effects worse than you will, you need to drink. come on."

chuya raised a hand up, holding dazai's cheek and rubbing his thumb against his skin.

"you're so pretty.." he murmured. "you're, like.. gorgeous.. like a god."

dazai's face warmed slightly as a faint blush formed on his cheeks, and he exhaled a laugh.

"why, thank you," the brunette replied. "you're quite handsome yourself."

chuya gave an open smile, his dilated pupils widening slightly.

"oh my god.. we should get married," he suddenly declared, sitting up in dazai's lap and looking at him seriously. "you wanna get married? let's get married!"

"woah, woah, slow down there, sweetheart," dazai laughed, holding chuya's face in his hands. "we can't just get married like that."

"yes we can! let's get married!" chuya exclaimed, wriggling out of dazai's hold and flopping onto the floor. he scrambled to his feet, desperately searching for something.

"you can't marry me without getting engaged to me first, chuya," dazai called out, laughing.

"then i'm gonna engage ya!" chuya yelled back, fumbling in his pockets before shouting in triumph and holding up a can tab. "gotcha!"

"you really aren't going to propose to me with a can tab, are you?" dazai grinned, unable to hold back his laughter.

"yes, i am!" chuya huffed, clumsily climbing back onto the counter and sitting on his knees in front of dazai. "and it's a ring, not a can tab!"

"it's a can tab, darling," dazai chuckled.

"no it's not!" chuya insisted. "samu, my boyfie, will you engage me?"

dazai laughed at the struggled wording and the slurred speech, running a hand through chuya's messy ginger locks.

"yes, i will engage you. but the right term is marry," he said, smiling. "hear that? marry."

"then will you marry me?" chuya asked.

"yes, i will," dazai grinned.

"okay, good," chuya huffed. "now, gimme your hand," the ginger demanded, taking dazai's hand and pulling it towards his face.

the smaller man stuck his tongue out in concentration, narrowing his eyes as he carefully slid the can tab onto dazai's ring finger.

"there!" he exclaimed once he had finished, beaming triumphantly. "now we're married! and we're gonna have a wedding, and cake, and confetti and tuxedos!"

"yes, yes, we are indeed," dazai chuckled, patting chuya's head. inwardly, his boyfriend's demeanor reminded him of an excitable young child; something neither of them really got to be. it was.. endearing, to say the least.

chuya giggled excitedly, moving closer and latching on to dazai's waist.

"my husband," he hummed. "mine."

"yes, i am yours," dazai smiled, rubbing his hand up and down chuya's arm in an affectionate manner. "and i'm your fiancé, chuya, not your husband. not yet."

"fi-what-sé?" chuya murmured, looking back up at dazai with half-open eyes.

"fiancé. in the middle of boyfriend and married," dazai explained with a chuckle. "you get it? fiancé."

"fiancé," chuya repeated slowly. "huh.. that has a nice ring to it."

"it does, doesn't it?" dazai smiled. "you're my fiancé."

"well, you're my fiancé," chuya huffed.

"okay, okay, darling, you win," dazai exhaled a laugh, tucking chuya's hair behind his ear as the smaller man nuzzled against him.

"good. i always win," chuya said quietly.

at the sudden softness of his partner's tone, dazai looked down in concern, his smile turning into a worried frown. he lifted chuya's head in his hands, tilting his chin to get a better view of his face. the ginger's face had grown ghostly pale, his eyes were barely open and he overall looked sick. dazai could only assume the high of the man's drugs were wearing off now, and he would begin to feel the after effects.

"chuya, dear.." he said softly. "are you feeling alright?"

chuya murmured incoherently, shaking his head slightly.

"what's wrong, darling? what feels bad?" dazai asked, wrapping his arms around the other's waist and pulling him into his lap.

chuya just made a soft noise, collapsing against dazai's chest and passing out cold. at first dazai felt a jolt of panic through his body, but at the realization that chuya was just resting from exhaustion, he exhaled a breath of relief and just held him close. he rubbed gentle circles on the ginger's back, his other hand loosely around his waist to hold him in place. he rested his chin on the smaller man's head, resting his eyes and letting his own eyelids fall shut for a moment.

chuya was coming down now, but it wasn't all bad when he was sky high. at least for dazai, anyway.

* . Sky High

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost or plagiarize!

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11 months ago

rough day ...

☆ kento nanami x reader . ☆ he comforts you after a difficult work day .

Rough Day ...

― "hey," you called quietly as you twisted the knob in your apartment door and closed it. taking a short glance at the doorknob as it glinted slightly in the dim ceiling light's embrace, not even the distortion of your reflection could hide your exhaustion. you sighed, dropping your coat on the floor and not even bothering to place your shoes in their normal spot next to your fiancé's. instead you kicked them off, not giving a damn about where they were scattered to.

your fiancé hadn't heard you arrive home as of yet, though his silhouette was immediately noticeable blotted against the bleeding sunset as he stood outside on the balcony, a steaming cup of what was most likely tea in his hands.

instead of using words, since that wasn't exactly your favorite idea at the given time, you stepped through the sliding glass door and wrapped your arms around his waist- giving him a soft squeeze to make him aware of your presence.

"oh, welcome back," he soon spoke to you, feeling you loosen your hold around him as he turned his body to face you. he set his cup aside on the small terrace table nearby, before locking his strong arms around your much smaller body and lifting you up. you immediately reciprocated with your legs resting around his hips, and you laid your head on his sturdy shoulder.

"rough day?" he asked softly, to which you left a simple murmur in response. that was all he needed for confirmation- he transferred you to his left arm, his hand and forearm supporting the backs of your legs as he took his cup back into his spare hand and stepped inside the apartment.

tipping the remainder of his tea into the sink and leaving the now-empty beverage holder on the counter, he carried you effortlessly as you clung to him like a koala to a branch. eventually reaching your shared bedroom and sitting down on the edge of it, he ran his hands up and down your spine in a comforting motion.

"do you want to talk about it?" he questioned, his voice low and deep- enough to envelop you in a stateless blanket of warmth. after receiving his wordless answer, a slight negative shake of your head, he exhaled through his nose and nodded in understanding.

"i get it," he hummed, carefully adjusting himself to be able to lean back and lie against the soft covers and pillows adorning your shared bed, allowing you to rest on top of him. your small limbs surrounded his hulking, muscular body, as your head remained comfortably against his collarbone.

the pair of you laid in relative, comfortable silence for a while, him occasionally reaching to run a large yet gentle hand through your hair as his fingers threaded through the strands and curls. eventually you decided to break the silence, with a quiet phrase.

"i love you," you mumbled, causing a smile to grace his usually-unmoving features. his small dimples poked his cheeks as his eyes crinkled like little crescent moons, the attributes nobody but you got to see.

"i love you too," he replied quietly, giving you a gentle squeeze with his arms that were wrapped around you, before leaning forward and placing a kiss to your forehead.

it had been a rough day, but it wasn't all bad if this was how it would end.

Rough Day ...

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost!

( by the way , you can use the AMA button if you'd ever like me to write something for you (≧◡≦) ♡ )

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11 months ago

birthday gifts ...

☆ soukoku - chuya x dazai (16 era) . ☆ dazai remembers chuya's birthday .

Birthday Gifts ...

— birthdays were never really considered important within the port mafia. of course, that was nothing more than expectation from the most heinous, infamous criminal organization in yokohama.

but when chuya didn't even receive a message or positive word on his special day, it hurt. more than he expected it to.

he had returned to his small lodging after a deadbeat day filled with a whole lot of nothing, flopping face-first onto his unmade bed with an exhale. the entire place was silent, save for the footsteps and muffled voices of others next door and outside.

the teenager jolted in surprise and whipped around to face his door when he heard the knob turn and a key fumble in the padlock. once the door swung open, his eyes sparkled slightly in surprise as he noticed who had entered.

"hey, birthday boy! i brought you some presents!" cheered dazai, the marginally younger teenager bursting into the room with two bags in-hand.

chuya didn't say a word in reply, instead leapt from his bed and wrapped his arms around his partner's neck and squeezed him tightly. burying his face in the brunette's shoulder, he closed his eyes as tears forced their way through and trailed down his pale face.

"hey.." dazai's voice went quiet in concern, as he set the bags aside and held chuya gently by the waist. "what's going on?"

chuya hitched a breath before replying, trying his best to remain coherent.

"you remembered my birthday.." he murmured shakily. "thank you.."

after hearing the other's sorrowful gratitude, dazai's heart broke a little.

"did nobody else remember?" he asked quietly.

chuya shook his head against dazai's shoulder, sniffling.

"nobody even spoke to me. nobody cared," he mumbled, his voice wavering.

"oh, chu.." dazai mumbled, placing a soft kiss to the ginger's crown. "it's okay, i remembered. i would never forget your special day."

"thank you.." chuya whispered, fighting back a sob.

"shh, shh.." dazai hushed the teenager gently, rocking him back and forth as the two stood there in the doorway. the pair were still for a few moments in comfortable silence, until dazai gave a playful ruffle to chuya's ginger locks.

"d'you wanna open your presents, birthday boy?" he asked, smiling. once he saw chuya's shy nod, his smile grew to an excited grin.

"perfect!" he beamed, grabbing the two bags from the floor and dropping them carefully onto chuya's bed, dragging the other in the same direction. once the two had made themselves comfortable, dazai gave chuya the first bag.

"open it, open it, open it!" he giggled excitedly, watching as the teenager retrieved and unwrapped a small box.

within the previously brightly-wrapped box was a silver necklace; its pendant a golden crescent moon.

"i know you like looking at the moon sometimes when it's dark out," dazai grinned. "so now you can look at it all the time."

chuya lifted the necklace out of its case and gazed at it in awe, his bright blue eyes glinting with happiness.

"'samu.." he mumbled. "it's so pretty.."

dazai tilted his head as he smiled.

"d'you wanna put it on?" the brunette asked excitedly, clapping his hands together as he received a little nod from the other.

"okay, okay, here! i'll help!" he reached forward for the necklace, carefully buckling the clasp behind chuya's neck. he watched as the pendant hung from its chain against the ginger's shirt, his own eyes sparkling.

"it looks so nice on you.." he mumbled, before quickly shaking his head. "okay, next one, next one!"

"alright, alright," chuya laughed softly, taking a much larger box out of the second bag. he carefully unwrapped it and gasped quietly in surprise.

dazai practically held his breath as he smiled, his eyes wide with anticipation.

the second gift was a soft teddy bear with plush fur, a bandage wrapped around an eye similar to dazai's own, and a stitched red heart on its chest. chuya held it in his lap, looking at it in surprise.

"look, chu, press the paw," dazai prompted, pointing to the bear's left paw. once chuya did as dazai requested, the stitched heart on the stuffie's chest emitted a soft glow.

"i also know that you don't like going to sleep when it's, y'know, super dark, so i got you that so you can turn the light on when you go to bed," dazai spoke softly now, cherishing the precious moment. "and i added a bandage so it reminds you of me," he added humorously.

chuya exhaled a quiet laugh, hugging the bear close to his chest.

"thank you, 'samu.. i love it," he mumbled. "it's soft and cuddly."

"just like you, then," dazai giggled, leaning forward to peck chuya's nose affectionately. "i hope this made your birthday a little better."

chuya nodded quickly, returning dazai's affectionate gesture before pulling the brunette to lie beside him on his bed.

"happy birthday, chu," dazai murmured, smiling. "i love you."

"i love you too, 'samu," chuya returned, cuddling his partner and nestling his head in the crook of his neck. "thank you for making my birthday special."

"a special birthday for a special boy," dazai whispered.

Birthday Gifts ...

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost!

Tags :
10 months ago

i love you ...

☆ satoru gojo x reader . ☆ you've been killed on a mission .

I Love You ...

— "c'mon, satoru, let's go have fun. watch a movie. the new one in your favorite series is out in the cinema," suguru offered, gently shaking satoru's shoulder as the other zoned out.

he'd been like this for a while now, with suguru struggling to break him out of his shell— ever since you'd been killed by a special-grade after an ambush. you'd been wounded fatally, having fallen into his arms, and you'd told him you loved him.

'i love you,'

such a small sentence held so much meaning to satoru. he never thought it would, but.. it meant more than anything anyone had said to him.

it repeated in his head every second of every day since you'd died. all he could hear was your voice, weak and strained, as you bled out in his arms. no matter what he tried, every attempt at focusing on something else just made his ears ring.

"satoru, come on.." suguru prompted. "you've got to let them go at some point. you can't keep yourself stuck forever."

that seemingly meaningless phrase, 'you've got to let them go', broke satoru's heart a little. he'd never thought about what it'd be like to let you go and forget about the incident— even though he knew he never would.

he'd never be able to let go of you— not now that he's questioning his own feelings towards you. you'd said you loved him, but.. did you really mean it? or did you just say it because you couldn't think properly?

he'd always crushed on you since he'd first laid eyes on you— almost a year ago. and yet, now that you'd said you loved him, he couldn't tell if those feelings were real.

did you even mean to say 'i love you'? did you want to say something else, but you were too weakened to think properly? what if you didn't mean to say anything at all, and it just slipped from your mouth?

satoru's mind was shrouded in thought, dark thought— nothing he would let anyone hear. he'd just be told to move on, to forget about you and let you go. he didn't understand it himself, how he was still holding on to someone who had nothing left on earth?

suguru had long since gone silent, understanding his friend wasn't in the mood to do anything besides think. it was surreal, seeing the well-known eccentric and excitable sorcerer be reduced to a silent, overthinking teenager.

seeing his closest friend like this, the polar opposite of what he was known for, sparked some feelings in suguru as well. he had been good friends with you— obviously not as close as you and satoru had been, but still close. and satoru had always acted like this unstoppable eccentric force, who never had a bad day and was always grinning mischievously. seeing satoru like this proved that, despite his image, he was the same as everyone else— a normal teenager, with emotions and thoughts. nothing like the most powerful sorcerer other people saw him as. he was vulnerable, the most vulnerable he'd ever been, and it was terrifying.

satoru was questioning whether what you had said was even true, and whether he reciprocated or not. of course, as suguru had always told him, it wouldn't matter. you were dead, you wouldn't ever know if he felt the same way. but it mattered to him. he wanted to figure it out for himself, so he wouldn't be stuck in the void of his thoughts. so he questioned, and questioned, and questioned. he lost sleep and state, losing himself in his own tainted thoughts. yet he made it his own mission to find the answer.

until he did.

he counted each time you and him had exchanged smiles when crossing paths in the halls, each time he saw your silhouette against the lights in your dorm against your door and watched as you'd danced to your favorite song. the song he always listened to now.

he did love you. he does love you.

if only you could know how much.

I Love You ...

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost!

Tags :
10 months ago

colds ...

☆ toge inumaki x reader . ☆ you take care of toge after he catches a cold .

Colds ...

— carrying a small tray with steaming tea and a bowl of white rice, you entered toge's dorm room after nothing more than a quiet "salmon" after your knock.

upon sliding the shoji door open, you saw toge in a bundle of blankets on his bed, his pale hair fluffed up around his face and framing his half-lidded eyes.

"hey," you said quietly, avoiding interrupting the quiet atmosphere. approaching the second-year's bed and carefully sitting by him, you set the tray down next to your seat and took the cup of tea in your hands.

you expected a soft reply from toge, but the sick teen barely gave you a nod. he just blinked in acknowledgement, silently appreciating your presence.

"overdid it again?" you asked. toge shifted his head to the side a little, seeming embarrassed by his shortcoming. eventually shaking his head in disagreement, he gave you a strained murmur;


you hummed in reply, your gaze returning to the steaming cup of tea in your hands. having known toge as your partner for long enough now, you understood what his neutral reply really meant.

"a cold, huh," you muttered, turning to look back at toge. "how unfortunate. i'm sorry to hear that."

"cod roe," was the crackly, hoarse response from the similarly-aged teen. he pointed at the cup of tea in your hands, seemingly requesting to drink it.

"no, it's all mine," you grinned, obviously teasing. the pale-haired boy retaliated by lightly thwacking you over the head with a nearby pillow, causing you to laugh.

"hey, hey! i was kidding! i would never bring one cup of tea if i was planning to drink some," you chuckled. "here."

toge gratefully took the cup once you offered it to him, pulling the zipper down on his hood and putting his lips to the rim.

"it's still hot, so be careful, alright?" you advised, shuffling over to sit next to the shorter boy and putting a careful arm around his shoulders.

toge let out a soft hum as he slowly sipped from the steaming cup, smiling slightly at the taste. it was matcha tea, something you had already figured out was his favorite by the amount of times he'd picked it out in the mornings.

"tuna," he rasped in thanks, looking at you with a soft light in his eyes.

"no problem, silly," you chuckled.

both of you fell into relative silence, toge eventually resting his head on your shoulder once his teacup was empty. his hair, albeit messy, was fluffy to the touch and tickled the crook of your neck.

it was peaceful, occasional chatter and hubbub passing by outside the dorm room and across the corridor, but the room itself was calm.

Colds ...

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost!

Tags :
10 months ago

winter time ...

☆ toji fushiguro x fem reader . ☆ your husband returns home after a difficult day in winter .

Winter Time ...

— "evenin', sugar," called the familiar gruff voice you knew as your fiancé's as he stepped into the apartment. the sound of the door closing shut was followed by soft yet strong footsteps, and soon enough toji's tall figure was illuminated by the sunset glaring through the windows. the bleeding palette of the reds, oranges and pinks bathed his tough features in almost a soft light- it gave way to the calmer, sweeter toji you knew better than the outside world.

"how've you been? good day?" he asked, flopping down next to you on the couch and resting a strong arm over the back of the cushion.

"yeah, 'ts fine. cold though," you replied, a subtle yawn escaping your lips.

"mm," toji hummed, pulling your body close to his own. "'s winter now, that's why. did you remember a coat?"

"yeah, i did. wore the one you got me for my birthday," you exhaled a lighthearted chuckle, a smile making its way onto your face.

toji's expression mirrored yours, as he reached down and placed a kiss to the crown of your head.

"y'still like that coat," he grinned. "'s gettin' chilly now, though. make sure you wrap up warm."

a chuckle escaped your lips. despite his outward exterior, he was such a softie at heart. only for you, or course. you couldn't pay him to show affection to anyone else.

a sudden pull broke your train of thought, as you noticed you were now resting against toji's broad chest. his arms were comfortably around your waist, his hands gently holding your hips.

"'s cold," he murmured. "need your warmth, sugar."

"awh, you're cold? 's it because it's winter?" you grinned. "'s a little chilly, hm?"

"yeah," he huffed, nuzzling his nose into your hair and inhaling your sweet scent. strawberries and vanilla, he always said. insisted, even.

relative yet comfortable silence soon began to rest upon the pair of you, something that seemed rare nowadays. a rare treasure, worth more than any material worth.

the quiet comfort shared between you lasted for longer than expected, and it was only when toji's hold on your waist loosened and more of his weight pressed against you that you realized he had fallen asleep. similar to the soft silence, seeing him rest peacefully without a care in the world was just as, if not even more rare to see. and you couldn't deny it was even more of a treasure.

you snuggled comfortably into his shoulder, your face in the crook of his neck. now your turn to take in his scent, his soft cologne seemed to envelop your entire world.

your hand instinctively ran gently along his jawline, as he slept with a more-than-adorable smile on his face.

whereas summer was spent barely touching and wishing you had no body heat, winter times were much more cuddly and heat-preserving. highly favored.

Winter Time ...

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost!

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