Neteyam X Metkayina!reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

summary: [y/n] is introduced into the way of omaticaya, whether she likes it or not.

neteyam x fem + metkayina!reader

a/n: whoops guess who did this instead of studying!! it’s kind of good i think actually, but it’s also kind of not good, so we shall see. and yes, this is taken from httyd whoopsies!! (also i'm pretending that ikrans have a little bit of free will) feedback, reblogs, and requests are always appreciated

tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir

warnings: kind of enemies to lovers type of beat, fluff, [y/n] being a lil bitch but we love her so it’s okay!

take my hand

 Summary: [y/n] Is Introduced Into The Way Of Omaticaya, Whether She Likes It Or Not.

[y/n] hated the newcomers. maybe it was her refusal to bend to her father’s will, him being the right hand man of tonowari, naturally prompting him to tell his daughter to treat toruk makto and his family kindly. or, maybe it was the fact that jake sully’s children were unbearable.

[y/n] grew up close with tonowari and ronal’s children, leading her to feel particularly connected to ao’nung due to their age. sure, the boy was annoying most of the time, but he was a lovable type of annoying. the two’d quickly acclimated to the title of being ‘partners in crime,’ eventually changing to a trio when they picked up rotxo after meeting him in their younger years.

now, ten years later, the three of them sat warily on the beach, scowls glued to their depressed faces. each of them sported a good looking wound, blood dried on their lips and cheek bones. how in the world had the sully boys beaten them? embarrassing.

the silence between the three of them was deafening. they’d just taken a load of crap from tonowari and ronal, and it didn’t take long for [y/n]’s father to come storming over to her.

she’d hissed in pain as he grabbed her ear, yanking her off of the drift log that she was perched on. “what were you thinking?” he demanded, voice hushed and full of disappointment. when he was met with silence, he shook his head. “that’s what i thought. you weren’t thinking. how many times do i have to tell you to treat them like they’re one of our own? why are you so… so daft, daughter? i know you are intelligent, where has that gone?”

his words stung, but she understood where he was coming from. although she liked to pretend that she was always one-hundred percent correct, she secretly acknowledged her moral faults.

after her father left her, walking away with one last look of shame, [y/n] looked over at her two friends, still seething in self-loathing layered with the fury of their chief. she took a deep breath in, turning around. she needed to take a walk.

without another word to her friends, she began to take steps in the opposite direction. the sand was soft against her feet, the give of the ground causing her knees to lock when she took a step that happened to be a bit too deep.

she cursed at herself, anger radiating through her veins at yet another thing not going her way. but, she had to keep going. she soon found herself on the stone-paved paths that lead to the small clusters of trees standing behind the maruis.

without much thinking, she kept going, feeling the warmth from the sun on her shoulders disappear as soon as she entered the shade. birds and bugs flew around, buzzing and small chirps being heard from every angle.

it was as if she suddenly felt at peace in that moment. the change of scenery helped, of course, but so did being away from everyone and everything. it didn’t take long for her to find a particularly comforting spot, sitting down in the center of a “tree-circle.”

and then, when she had finally found peace and quiet, eyes closed as she enjoyed every second of a stress-free moment, her ears perked up. with eyes squinting and staring upwards at the sky, she watched as a creature of some sort landed on a tree, him and his rider staring down at her.

immediately, she groaned, a scowl returning to her face. “what are you doing here?” she demanded, venom laced in her words.

neteyam’s hands went up in mock defense. “nothing,” he hummed. “was just taking a flight, and i saw you. what are you doing here? in the trees?” he didn’t miss the chance to send a teasing smirk.

she furrowed her brows, lips downturned in annoyance. “you lie, stalker. and i was taking a moment to myself, but of course you had to ruin it. like you ruin everything, tree boy.” with that, [y/n] pushed herself off of the ground, brushing dirt off of her legs.

“wait!” he cried before she could walk away. surprisingly, she paused, looking back up at him. “why do you hate me? hate us? i keep trying to understand, but you are not easy to... well, understand.”

she only rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. [y/n] chose to be difficult, especially with him. “maybe you are just an extremely unlikable person.” she shook her head, beginning to walk again.

all in one quick second, neteyam and his ikran leapt off the tree, catching the air as he soared downwards. the creature’s feet grabbed her shoulders, talons careful not to pierce her skin.

[y/n] let out a yell of fear, feeling as her feet left the ground. her words got stuck in her throat as they kept lifting upwards, gaining height. subconsciously, the girl clutched the legs of the ikran, not wanting to fall to her death.

“what are you doing?” she screamed, tears pricked in her eyes. “let go of me!” and so, he did, dropping her on the top of the tallest tree. she quickly wrapped her arms around its trunk, mouth dry and ears ringing from the wind sailing through.

“why do you hate me?” neteyam demanded again.

“i don’t know, forest boy. let me down! i am not a tree-hugger like you!” she swallowed. “please?” her voice was quiet, eyes catching his.

he let out a sigh. “please, [y/n]. i don’t understand what you have against us. we are na’vi just like you.”

“i repeat, neteyam, i do not care what you are. get me down!” her eyes were shut as she held on, whispering words of affirmation to herself, trying to convince herself she wouldn’t die.

suddenly, everything seemed to go silent, the wind calming down. she felt a hand lingering next to her shoulder, allowing her to pry her eyes open in the slightest. “take my hand,” neteyam offered quietly. “let me just… show you something, alright? and if this doesn’t convince you to stop hating me, then you can continue to think of me in any way you desire. but… give us a chance.”

hesitantly, [y/n] stared at his hand, and then, slowly but surely, she let go of the tree and grabbed it. he helped her onto his ikran, the beast rumbling beneath her. she shook from the fear of it all, but all she wanted was to be on the ground again.

once she was settled, she grabbed neteyam’s waist, arms wrapped around him. “if you kill me, i will haunt you and curse you with whatever ghostly ability i have.”

the boy chuckled. “understood.”

and then the wind picked up, the ikran’s wings spread. the tree began to top with the weight of the creature, leaning closer and closer towards the ground… before it took off straight into the sky.

[y/n] let out a bedraggled scream, feeling as they gained altitude moment by moment. she felt her weight tip backwards, and she clutched the warrior tighter, eyes squeezed tight. “neteyam!” she screamed.

“whoops, sorry,” he chuckled nervously. “he’s not, uh, usually like this.” she felt as they leveled out, feeling a little bit safer—for a moment, that is, until she heard neteyam mumble “oh no.”

and down they went. “oh my—eywa please!” she cried, taking in a deep breath right before the ikran dunked them into the cold ocean waters. three times.

“what are you doing?” neteyam cursed at his ikran. “we need her to like us!” that did not seem to help, because instead, they went straight back up, their ears popping from the change in pressure.

“and now the spinning,” he commented dryly just as the beast began to turn rapidly through the air, aimed downwards right back into the waters.

[y/n] gripped his chest at this point, face buried in his back. “okay,” she began breathlessly. “i’m sorry. i’m sorry for how i’ve treated you and your family. just, please, get me off of this thing.”

and then, the ikran pulled up, leveling off.

all of a sudden, everything was calm. the wind was no longer the strongest aspect, and [y/n] could finally feel her nerves again. although still shaking, she felt safer, clutched onto the back of neteyam.

the sun was setting in front of them, the sky a gorgeous orange, contrasting the aquamarine of the ocean.

she felt as they lifted upward, slowly and smoothly. her skin was blessed with the moisture of the clouds that they soared through, her hand instinctively reaching out to feel it. [y/n] looked around in awe, the imagery feeling.. fake. it was as if she were in a story, like those kinds her mother used to tell her.

it was beautiful.

as they pulled up even farther, they reached the tops of the clouds. she gasped at the brilliance of the moment, tears touching the corners of her eyes. “neteyam,” she breathed, one arm still wrapped around his waist.

“how about that?” he teased, although he himself was feeling rather lightheaded thanks to his extremely flushed face. thank eywa she couldn’t see it.

she chuckled lightly. “i admit it, that’s pretty extraordinary.” they sat in silence, the chilled breeze allowing for her to calm down. and then, suddenly, the guilt pooled itself in her stomach.

“i’m sorry,” she began softly. “i’m sorry for who i’ve been, what i’ve done. i.. i just have been here for so long, it feels, or felt, i suppose, like letting your family in would change everything. and i don’t want change. it’s scary,” she admitted, a weight falling off her shoulders. she’d never told anyone that before, not even ao’nung.

she felt his smile from where she rested her chin on his shoulder. “i understand that more than you would think,” he whispered. “leaving your home is not at all the easiest change.”

“no,” she agreed. “it is not. and neither is flying for the first time, but it can be done, and it can be enjoyable.”

with that, they fell into a comfortable silence, her weight leaned against his as he directed his ikran through the air.

and in that moment, they both were thinking one thing. this is perfect.

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1 year ago

My Mighty Warrior [2]

My Mighty Warrior [2]

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My Mighty Warrior [2]

pairing: neteyam x reader

summary: you're left in solitude because your main friendship group of three are busy training the sully's about the metkayinan way. finding your time alone rather sad, you made your own way to see at least one of your friends, that being your best friend. being able to ease your tensed up friend, his anger soon returns when a 'freak' interrupts the both of you.

warnings: contains swearing and a meanie ao'nung.

My Mighty Warrior [2]

previous chapter | next chapter

My Mighty Warrior [2]

it had been a few days since the sully family had arrived on the island of awa'atlu. during those days, you and your three close friends hadn't hung out together as they were busy training the newcomers on the metkayina way. beneficially, it did give you time to yourself because of how used you were to ao'nung barging in your marui just to lay with you. or tsireya running into your pod squealing at yet another boy who had asked if they can court her. or how rotxo would randomly come in while his mouth is stuffed with food, asking the most stupid questions you have ever heard like,

"hey, you reckon fish can drown?"

"if you get your leg cut off, where are you gonna feel the pain?"

"technically - hear me out - if i kissed ao'nung, it wouldn't be me being gay. it would be me just showing my love. like how i kiss my grandmother on the cheek, right?"

yes, rotxo was one of those friends. every day, you either had one of them in your marui or all three of them at once. but apart from that, despite the peace and quiet that you longed for, you realised that you hated it. you missed your best friends. so you made it a plan to go see them yourself. and that's exactly what you did.

before making your way out, you left out your long, curly hair that touched the back of your knees. the hair most metkayinan girls in your village had, yet yours was longer and bounced gracefully with every step you took. it was a painful experience when it came to brushing it, but your childhood years helped when you were sat down by your mother, who nearly ripped off your damn head when brushing through the thick curls you owned. you put half of your hair up in a ponytail with a vine stitched with pearls ao'nung had made for you. leaving half of your hair down, resting on your shoulders. spraying a mist of sweetly crushed herbs tsireya had mixed for your birthday, a few eclipses ago. with a few final touches, you slid on the armcuff rotxo crafted. you appreciated everything your friends made you, making sure to wear them anywhere you went. even if you were just going out to get some fresh air. everything they gave to you meant the whole world.

My Mighty Warrior [2]

with a bright smile decorating your face, you made your way to the familiar figure you missed. making your way behind ao'nung, wrapping your arms around his waist. the tight hold you had on him made him gasp. you felt him tense up while a small laugh left your mouth. recognising your voice, you felt him relax into your soothing touch. hearing him chuckle deeply, turning around to meet your shorter body. intertwining his fingers with yours, holding them up as he kissed your knuckles, causing you to silently laugh at the ticklish feeling.

physical touch between you and ao'nung was nothing new. you did start to notice as you were slowly maturing, that hugs between you two were becoming longer. sitting on his lap while he had his arms around your waist. all the nicknames he gave you, always starting with the word 'my'. cuddling up when it got too cold, as if the hundreds of folded blankets in the corner of his marui were non-existent. times spent in each other's maruis also started to become sleepovers, even without tsireya and rotxo there. just you two. but you personally saw nothing wrong with it. he was your best friend. that's what best friends do, right?

slyly pulling away, he cupped your face with his much larger hands. "and what brings you here, my flower? you're wearing the vine i made you as well. eywa, you smell beautiful." humming in satisfaction while his heartbeat increased. it was such a stressful day for him being around na'vi he couldn't stand, especially teaching grade one basics to na'vi that were his age. him not being a patient person also meant he was absolutely not cut out to be teaching the sully's. all this stress filling his thick head but having his favourite girl standing in front of him, her wearing the very gift he made for her. oh, how you made him crazy without even knowing it.

"i miss you," engulfing him on another hug, this one being more gentle, "but you were too busy. i did not want to interrupt you." you spoke with such a gentle voice, ao'nung felt himself calming down with every word that slipped out of your mouth.

your words sinking in, he pulled away. placing your face in between his palms. "you? oh, you, my flower, are anything but an interruption." he smiled reassuringly, pecking your forehead while doing so. letting out a small laugh, "well earlier, i made some-"

"hey, ao'nung!" a deeper voice called out. assuming it was rotxo, you turned around to face the figure. your wide smile faltered slightly when faced with one of the darker blue na'vi's. a sully boy. "oh.. am i interrupting something? i'm sorry." the boy bowed slightly. a small smile painted your face at his sweet gesture.

"you were, actually. what have i told you about-" ao'nung scoffed between words.

"it is okay, ao'nung. i'm sure he didn't mean it," you gesture to him with a hand on his chest, before turning back around to meet with the latter. "it is okay." smiling warmly at the boy in front of you.

you watched as he stood tall, clearly the same height as ao'nung. "i hope it is," returning the smile. you couldn't help but feel warm at his gentle smile. "oh- uh, my name is-"

"neteyam. first born son. your parents are jake and neytiri sully. your father the great toruk makto, as well as your mother, palulukan makto, am i correct?" you say with a giggle, "nice to meet you. i am y/n." introducing yourself with a greeting demeanour.

"how is it that you know me well, but i know nothing about you?" he questioned, his face turning into a darker shade. "i may have heard a thing or two about the oldest sully," you replied, "i hear he is also a mighty warrior."

a deep blush painting neteyam's cheeks as he stares at you, who holds a sly smile. all the while this was happening, no one of you noticed the raging metkayinan boy behind you.

"whatever it was that you needed, you can tell me later. we are busy," ao'nung interrupted, gripping your wrist tightly before dragging you along with him, just like he did on the sully family's arrival. purposely bumping shoulders with neteyam.

My Mighty Warrior [2]

"what was that for, nung?" you raised your voice, very slightly.

it had been an hour since your interaction with neteyam. an hour of you trying to conversate with your best friend, who had been ignoring you the whole time. you watched his back grow tense with every breath he took. the sound of the two metals he held colliding with each other made you cringe internally. his already-sharpened blade being his rebound of focus, trying to ignore your interrogation. your standing form went on your knees, placed behind him.

feeling your breath against his back made him ease a bit, but the ongoing jealousy within him kept strong. "what is in that mind of yours, ao'nung?" you question.

sliding your arms around his waist while your chin made its way comfortably on his shoulder. your hand sneakily, moving up to the side of his face, turning his head to face you.

"i do not see you for a few days, and all your attention is him. a freak who can not hold his breath for a minute underwater, nor throw a damn spear, neither is he metkayina. who is not one of us, and will never be one of us." stating, his blade still in contact with other he held. sighing, rolling your eyes while doing so.

"please refrain from calling the sully's by that, 'nung. where has all this hatred come from, hm?" asking with such a soft voice, it could make him melt instantly. making your way to sit in front of him. sitting on his lap, as he gladly wrapped his arms around your waist. drawing you closer into his touch. it hurt you emotionally to see your best friend talk so low of someone he rarely knew about. you wondered how he talked about you to his other friends who had such a shit influence on him.

"think about it. if we were to move to the forest, it would be hard for us to adapt like they are here, in our home." trying your best to reason with your best friend. you watched as his hardened gaze fell, replaced with a sympathetic look. sighing in acceptance, your words finally not going through one ear and out the other.

oh, how wrong you were. for once, you thought ao'nung was going to listen to you, how he normally would. you thought he would at least try and get along with them after you talked. until he carefully lifted you off his lap to stand up, making his way out of your tent. the only words leaving his mouth, "i don't want to see you around any of those 'war-bringing' freaks. okay?" without leaving you any time to answer, doing so purposely, he left your marui.

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1 year ago



word count: 1220

Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Female! Metkayina! Na'vi Reader Tags/warnings: Fluff, angst, bittersweet, established relationship, adult reader, adult Neteyam, no smut Summary: Neteyam quietly watches you from the shore as you perform a ritual dance in the water, to the utter delight of your daughters.

Author's Note: Set some time after the big battle. Also moved those events further ahead. You and Neteyam are mated and have children before the RDA attacks the reef. Got inspired by the song~

Sa’nu - mum, mommy

Tahni - bioluminescent freckle

Close your eyes.

Deep breathes.

Remember the moves.

Remember the words...

Your heart thrums in your chest almost painfully. You take a deep, slow, calming breath; placing a hand over your heart.

“Sa’nu? Are you okay?”

You open your eyes, looking down to meet the gaze of your youngest daughter. The cool water of the sea comes up to her neck. Sweet thing. You told her, she and her sister could watch you from the shoreline. But they were persistent to be as close to you as possible. The water barely reaches your hips.

You offer a soft smile, reaching down and affectionately stroking her hair.

“I’m okay…Don’t worry my little star. Mommy’s just nervous.” The 5-year-old beams up at you with a toothy grin. Your 6-year-old beside her pats you on the arm.

“You practiced aaaaall the time! You got this.” She offers you her own encouraging smile. You give her an appreciative nod before facing the shoreline once more. You return your face to neutrality, closing your eyes once again.

You hear the disturbance of the water as your daughters move a bit to the side to give you more space to move.

With one final calming breath, you open your mouth and begin the song cord of your family.


Neteyam stands under the shade of a nearby tree on the shoreline. His arms are crossed as he watches the three of you.

The evening breeze carries your voice to him. He stands up straight when the sound hits his ears.

When you sing, it reminds him of the melody of birdsong in spring. No matter how many years may pass between you two, every time he hears you play the instrument of your heart, he feels like he could fall in love with you all over again.

He takes in your form as you start swaying in the water, admiring you from top to bottom.

Your hair, thick and long, reaching all the way down to your knees; you and your sisters spent what must have been hours, braiding it into the intricate patterns now adorning your head.

Even from this distance, he can still make out the faint markings of the tattoos framing your face. Though today you also have a thin line of white painting the centre of your face. You could have mud smeared all over and he would still find you to be the most beautiful woman; you have him convinced you are blessed by Eywa herself.

You arms move slow and with purpose through the air; attuned with the words as they fall from your lips.

Your soft lips.

How he wishes he could kiss you right now.

You dip down, submerging your arms into the water. In one fluid motion, you rise back up to your feet, the motion you perform with your hands and arms bring water up with you as you rose. Your arms are stretched out to your sides as you pirouette.

Neteyam’s heart skips a beat as he watches you, and it’s as if time itself slows, just so he can drink in the beauty of your very being.

With your back to eclipse, your front is cast in shadow.

The water falls around you in a shimmering curtain of rain. The last light of eclipse hits the smooth stones woven into the fabric on your chest; causing a cascade of colours to dance across your skin. And when the sun disappears, your tahni come to life like the brilliance of dawn.

It’s one of his most favourite parts of your body. Though you had the scattered stars as did all Na’vi, for reasons he attests only to being blessed by Eywa, you have thin bioluminescent swirls weaving itself around your arms, chest, and all down your legs. To him it’s like a faint galaxy glittering in the night.

He recalls fondly the memory of him knowing each and every star on your body intimately.

And in the fading light of the day do you shine before him. Resplendent as you are in the day, so too will you dazzle the world around you in the darkness of the approaching night.

His heart throbs something fierce when you open your eyes after dipping into the water once more. Even behind the curtain of water, or the netting of the fabric draped over your head, your eyes glow with a fierceness he knows all to well. It pierces his very soul, a warmth sweeping over him.

He drinks you in more as you bend your form this way and that. He wishes he knew the intricacies of your dance; understood what each fluid motion meant, the significance of each swish of your tail, or the ways you angle your hands and bend your fingers.

You close your eyes as you near the end of the cord song.

As you perform another twirl, you playfully swat the water with your thick tail, splashing your daughters.

Their uncontrollable gigging brings a smile to your face. You open your eyes as you continue to dance, giving them a loving look. They’re splashing each other with reckless abandon as they try to imitate your moves. You can’t help the unrestrained laughter their antics bring you.

Neteyam laughs quietly to himself as he watches his girls playfully flay about in the water. Every day since their birth he’s given thanks to both you and the Great Mother for blessing him with such miracles. He hadn’t thought it was possible to love something as much as he loved you.

He feels a stray tear fall down his cheek. But he doesn’t move to wipe it away. Instead he continues to smile as he watches your song and dance coming to its conclusion.

You turn to face the horizon, and his gaze drifts to his girls.

They’re singing something he can’t quite make out, but he loves the sound nonetheless.

And when their eyes meet his, finally noticing his presence, they wave at him wildly, giggling all over again.

His smile grows wider, and he offers them a small wave back.


One final pose, and you hold the final note of your song, eyes still closed. You hold that note until your lungs and throat burn.

You hear the excited cheers of your daughters as they shower you with praise. Your breathing is laboured as your heart pounds in your chest, but you offer them a bow and a small smile of gratitude.

You turn yourself to the horizon before you finally open your eyes. The ritual dance has come to and end.

You rub the cool ocean water on your cheeks, in your neck, and down your arms; all in an effort to cool you down from your laborious activity. You breath deep in from the nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth, calming your rapid heartbeat.

The girls still giggle beside you, resuming their unrefined dancing; now also singing their favourite lullaby in lieu of a songcord.

Sufficiently cooled off, you turn your head to your daughters to admire them in their silliness.

Your brow nits in slight confusion though, when you see them waving at something behind you, giggling all the while.

You turn around, curiosity in your eyes.

But the shoreline is just as empty as when you arrived.


Author's Notes: It was a private funeral dance 😢

Tags :
1 year ago

@bywonki I'm sorry babes! I promise, I'll write fluff for him some time!



word count: 1220

Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Female! Metkayina! Na'vi Reader Tags/warnings: Fluff, angst, bittersweet, established relationship, adult reader, adult Neteyam, no smut Summary: Neteyam quietly watches you from the shore as you perform a ritual dance in the water, to the utter delight of your daughters.

Author's Note: Set some time after the big battle. Also moved those events further ahead. You and Neteyam are mated and have children before the RDA attacks the reef. Got inspired by the song~

Sa’nu - mum, mommy Tahni - bioluminescent freckle

Close your eyes.

Deep breathes.

Remember the moves.

Remember the words...

Your heart thrums in your chest almost painfully. You take a deep, slow, calming breath; placing a hand over your heart.

“Sa’nu? Are you okay?”

You open your eyes, looking down to meet the gaze of your youngest daughter. The cool water of the sea comes up to her neck. Sweet thing. You told her, she and her sister could watch you from the shoreline. But they were persistent to be as close to you as possible. The water barely reaches your hips.

You offer a soft smile, reaching down and affectionately stroking her hair.

“I’m okay…Don’t worry my little star. Mommy’s just nervous.” The 5-year-old beams up at you with a toothy grin. Your 6-year-old beside her pats you on the arm.

“You practiced aaaaall the time! You got this.” She offers you her own encouraging smile. You give her an appreciative nod before facing the shoreline once more. You return your face to neutrality, closing your eyes once again.

You hear the disturbance of the water as your daughters move a bit to the side to give you more space to move.

With one final calming breath, you open your mouth and begin the song cord of your family.


Neteyam stands under the shade of a nearby tree on the shoreline. His arms are crossed as he watches the three of you.

The evening breeze carries your voice to him. He stands up straight when the sound hits his ears.

When you sing, it reminds him of the melody of birdsong in spring. No matter how many years may pass between you two, every time he hears you play the instrument of your heart, he feels like he could fall in love with you all over again.

He takes in your form as you start swaying in the water, admiring you from top to bottom.

Your hair, thick and long, reaching all the way down to your knees; you and your sisters spent what must have been hours, braiding it into the intricate patterns now adorning your head.

Even from this distance, he can still make out the faint markings of the tattoos framing your face. Though today you also have a thin line of white painting the centre of your face. You could have mud smeared all over and he would still find you to be the most beautiful woman; you have him convinced you are blessed by Eywa herself.

You arms move slow and with purpose through the air; attuned with the words as they fall from your lips.

Your soft lips.

How he wishes he could kiss you right now.

You dip down, submerging your arms into the water. In one fluid motion, you rise back up to your feet, the motion you perform with your hands and arms bring water up with you as you rose. Your arms are stretched out to your sides as you pirouette.

Neteyam’s heart skips a beat as he watches you, and it’s as if time itself slows, just so he can drink in the beauty of your very being.

With your back to eclipse, your front is cast in shadow.

The water falls around you in a shimmering curtain of rain. The last light of eclipse hits the smooth stones woven into the fabric on your chest; causing a cascade of colours to dance across your skin. And when the sun disappears, your tahni come to life like the brilliance of dawn.

It’s one of his most favourite parts of your body. Though you had the scattered stars as did all Na’vi, for reasons he attests only to being blessed by Eywa, you have thin bioluminescent swirls weaving itself around your arms, chest, and all down your legs. To him it’s like a faint galaxy glittering in the night.

He recalls fondly the memory of him knowing each and every star on your body intimately.

And in the fading light of the day do you shine before him. Resplendent as you are in the day, so too will you dazzle the world around you in the darkness of the approaching night.

His heart throbs something fierce when you open your eyes after dipping into the water once more. Even behind the curtain of water, or the netting of the fabric draped over your head, your eyes glow with a fierceness he knows all to well. It pierces his very soul, a warmth sweeping over him.

He drinks you in more as you bend your form this way and that. He wishes he knew the intricacies of your dance; understood what each fluid motion meant, the significance of each swish of your tail, or the ways you angle your hands and bend your fingers.

You close your eyes as you near the end of the cord song.

As you perform another twirl, you playfully swat the water with your thick tail, splashing your daughters.

Their uncontrollable gigging brings a smile to your face. You open your eyes as you continue to dance, giving them a loving look. They’re splashing each other with reckless abandon as they try to imitate your moves. You can’t help the unrestrained laughter their antics bring you.

Neteyam laughs quietly to himself as he watches his girls playfully flay about in the water. Every day since their birth he’s given thanks to both you and the Great Mother for blessing him with such miracles. He hadn’t thought it was possible to love something as much as he loved you.

He feels a stray tear fall down his cheek. But he doesn’t move to wipe it away. Instead he continues to smile as he watches your song and dance coming to its conclusion.

You turn to face the horizon, and he’s gaze drifts to his girls.

They’re singing something he can’t quite make out, but he loves the sound nonetheless.

And when their eyes meet his, finally noticing his presence, they wave at him wildly, giggling all over again.

His smile grows wider, and he offers them a small wave back.


One final pose, and you hold the final note of your song, eyes still closed. You hold that note until your lungs and throat burn.

You hear the excited cheers of your daughters as they shower you with praise. Your breathing is laboured as your heart pounds in your chest, but you offer them a bow and a small smile of gratitude.

You turn yourself to the horizon before you finally open your eyes. The ritual dance has come to and end.

You rub the cool ocean water on your cheeks, in your neck, and down your arms; all in an effort to cool you down from your laborious activity. You breath deep in from the nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth, calming your rapid heartbeat.

The girls still giggle beside you, resuming their unrefined dancing; now also singing their favourite lullaby in lieu of a songcord.

Sufficiently cooled off, you turn your head to your daughters to admire them in their silliness.

Your brow nits in slight confusion though, when you see them waving at something behind you, giggling all the while.

You turn around, curiosity in your eyes.

But the shoreline is just as empty as when you arrived.


Author's Notes: It was a private funeral dance 😢

Tags :
1 year ago

@mightyneteyam THANK YOU SO MUCH 🙏😊 IM SORRY FOR THE HURT 😖😘❤️



word count: 1220

Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Female! Metkayina! Na'vi Reader Tags/warnings: Fluff, angst, bittersweet, established relationship, adult reader, adult Neteyam, no smut Summary: Neteyam quietly watches you from the shore as you perform a ritual dance in the water, to the utter delight of your daughters.

Author's Note: Set some time after the big battle. Also moved those events further ahead. You and Neteyam are mated and have children before the RDA attacks the reef. Got inspired by the song~

Sa’nu - mum, mommy Tahni - bioluminescent freckle

Close your eyes.

Deep breathes.

Remember the moves.

Remember the words...

Your heart thrums in your chest almost painfully. You take a deep, slow, calming breath; placing a hand over your heart.

“Sa’nu? Are you okay?”

You open your eyes, looking down to meet the gaze of your youngest daughter. The cool water of the sea comes up to her neck. Sweet thing. You told her, she and her sister could watch you from the shoreline. But they were persistent to be as close to you as possible. The water barely reaches your hips.

You offer a soft smile, reaching down and affectionately stroking her hair.

“I’m okay…Don’t worry my little star. Mommy’s just nervous.” The 5-year-old beams up at you with a toothy grin. Your 6-year-old beside her pats you on the arm.

“You practiced aaaaall the time! You got this.” She offers you her own encouraging smile. You give her an appreciative nod before facing the shoreline once more. You return your face to neutrality, closing your eyes once again.

You hear the disturbance of the water as your daughters move a bit to the side to give you more space to move.

With one final calming breath, you open your mouth and begin the song cord of your family.


Neteyam stands under the shade of a nearby tree on the shoreline. His arms are crossed as he watches the three of you.

The evening breeze carries your voice to him. He stands up straight when the sound hits his ears.

When you sing, it reminds him of the melody of birdsong in spring. No matter how many years may pass between you two, every time he hears you play the instrument of your heart, he feels like he could fall in love with you all over again.

He takes in your form as you start swaying in the water, admiring you from top to bottom.

Your hair, thick and long, reaching all the way down to your knees; you and your sisters spent what must have been hours, braiding it into the intricate patterns now adorning your head.

Even from this distance, he can still make out the faint markings of the tattoos framing your face. Though today you also have a thin line of white painting the centre of your face. You could have mud smeared all over and he would still find you to be the most beautiful woman; you have him convinced you are blessed by Eywa herself.

You arms move slow and with purpose through the air; attuned with the words as they fall from your lips.

Your soft lips.

How he wishes he could kiss you right now.

You dip down, submerging your arms into the water. In one fluid motion, you rise back up to your feet, the motion you perform with your hands and arms bring water up with you as you rose. Your arms are stretched out to your sides as you pirouette.

Neteyam’s heart skips a beat as he watches you, and it’s as if time itself slows, just so he can drink in the beauty of your very being.

With your back to eclipse, your front is cast in shadow.

The water falls around you in a shimmering curtain of rain. The last light of eclipse hits the smooth stones woven into the fabric on your chest; causing a cascade of colours to dance across your skin. And when the sun disappears, your tahni come to life like the brilliance of dawn.

It’s one of his most favourite parts of your body. Though you had the scattered stars as did all Na’vi, for reasons he attests only to being blessed by Eywa, you have thin bioluminescent swirls weaving itself around your arms, chest, and all down your legs. To him it’s like a faint galaxy glittering in the night.

He recalls fondly the memory of him knowing each and every star on your body intimately.

And in the fading light of the day do you shine before him. Resplendent as you are in the day, so too will you dazzle the world around you in the darkness of the approaching night.

His heart throbs something fierce when you open your eyes after dipping into the water once more. Even behind the curtain of water, or the netting of the fabric draped over your head, your eyes glow with a fierceness he knows all to well. It pierces his very soul, a warmth sweeping over him.

He drinks you in more as you bend your form this way and that. He wishes he knew the intricacies of your dance; understood what each fluid motion meant, the significance of each swish of your tail, or the ways you angle your hands and bend your fingers.

You close your eyes as you near the end of the cord song.

As you perform another twirl, you playfully swat the water with your thick tail, splashing your daughters.

Their uncontrollable gigging brings a smile to your face. You open your eyes as you continue to dance, giving them a loving look. They’re splashing each other with reckless abandon as they try to imitate your moves. You can’t help the unrestrained laughter their antics bring you.

Neteyam laughs quietly to himself as he watches his girls playfully flay about in the water. Every day since their birth he’s given thanks to both you and the Great Mother for blessing him with such miracles. He hadn’t thought it was possible to love something as much as he loved you.

He feels a stray tear fall down his cheek. But he doesn’t move to wipe it away. Instead he continues to smile as he watches your song and dance coming to its conclusion.

You turn to face the horizon, and he’s gaze drifts to his girls.

They’re singing something he can’t quite make out, but he loves the sound nonetheless.

And when their eyes meet his, finally noticing his presence, they wave at him wildly, giggling all over again.

His smile grows wider, and he offers them a small wave back.


One final pose, and you hold the final note of your song, eyes still closed. You hold that note until your lungs and throat burn.

You hear the excited cheers of your daughters as they shower you with praise. Your breathing is laboured as your heart pounds in your chest, but you offer them a bow and a small smile of gratitude.

You turn yourself to the horizon before you finally open your eyes. The ritual dance has come to and end.

You rub the cool ocean water on your cheeks, in your neck, and down your arms; all in an effort to cool you down from your laborious activity. You breath deep in from the nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth, calming your rapid heartbeat.

The girls still giggle beside you, resuming their unrefined dancing; now also singing their favourite lullaby in lieu of a songcord.

Sufficiently cooled off, you turn your head to your daughters to admire them in their silliness.

Your brow nits in slight confusion though, when you see them waving at something behind you, giggling all the while.

You turn around, curiosity in your eyes.

But the shoreline is just as empty as when you arrived.


Author's Notes: It was a private funeral dance 😢

Tags :
1 year ago

@not0npoint ( ꈍ૩ꈍ(・ิω・ิ)♡ that's okay babes, let it all out (ˆ⌣ˆ)ε`●)



word count: 1220

Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Female! Metkayina! Na'vi Reader Tags/warnings: Fluff, angst, bittersweet, established relationship, adult reader, adult Neteyam, no smut Summary: Neteyam quietly watches you from the shore as you perform a ritual dance in the water, to the utter delight of your daughters.

Author's Note: Set some time after the big battle. Also moved those events further ahead. You and Neteyam are mated and have children before the RDA attacks the reef. Got inspired by the song~

Sa’nu - mum, mommy Tahni - bioluminescent freckle

Close your eyes.

Deep breathes.

Remember the moves.

Remember the words...

Your heart thrums in your chest almost painfully. You take a deep, slow, calming breath; placing a hand over your heart.

“Sa’nu? Are you okay?”

You open your eyes, looking down to meet the gaze of your youngest daughter. The cool water of the sea comes up to her neck. Sweet thing. You told her, she and her sister could watch you from the shoreline. But they were persistent to be as close to you as possible. The water barely reaches your hips.

You offer a soft smile, reaching down and affectionately stroking her hair.

“I’m okay…Don’t worry my little star. Mommy’s just nervous.” The 5-year-old beams up at you with a toothy grin. Your 6-year-old beside her pats you on the arm.

“You practiced aaaaall the time! You got this.” She offers you her own encouraging smile. You give her an appreciative nod before facing the shoreline once more. You return your face to neutrality, closing your eyes once again.

You hear the disturbance of the water as your daughters move a bit to the side to give you more space to move.

With one final calming breath, you open your mouth and begin the song cord of your family.


Neteyam stands under the shade of a nearby tree on the shoreline. His arms are crossed as he watches the three of you.

The evening breeze carries your voice to him. He stands up straight when the sound hits his ears.

When you sing, it reminds him of the melody of birdsong in spring. No matter how many years may pass between you two, every time he hears you play the instrument of your heart, he feels like he could fall in love with you all over again.

He takes in your form as you start swaying in the water, admiring you from top to bottom.

Your hair, thick and long, reaching all the way down to your knees; you and your sisters spent what must have been hours, braiding it into the intricate patterns now adorning your head.

Even from this distance, he can still make out the faint markings of the tattoos framing your face. Though today you also have a thin line of white painting the centre of your face. You could have mud smeared all over and he would still find you to be the most beautiful woman; you have him convinced you are blessed by Eywa herself.

You arms move slow and with purpose through the air; attuned with the words as they fall from your lips.

Your soft lips.

How he wishes he could kiss you right now.

You dip down, submerging your arms into the water. In one fluid motion, you rise back up to your feet, the motion you perform with your hands and arms bring water up with you as you rose. Your arms are stretched out to your sides as you pirouette.

Neteyam’s heart skips a beat as he watches you, and it’s as if time itself slows, just so he can drink in the beauty of your very being.

With your back to eclipse, your front is cast in shadow.

The water falls around you in a shimmering curtain of rain. The last light of eclipse hits the smooth stones woven into the fabric on your chest; causing a cascade of colours to dance across your skin. And when the sun disappears, your tahni come to life like the brilliance of dawn.

It’s one of his most favourite parts of your body. Though you had the scattered stars as did all Na’vi, for reasons he attests only to being blessed by Eywa, you have thin bioluminescent swirls weaving itself around your arms, chest, and all down your legs. To him it’s like a faint galaxy glittering in the night.

He recalls fondly the memory of him knowing each and every star on your body intimately.

And in the fading light of the day do you shine before him. Resplendent as you are in the day, so too will you dazzle the world around you in the darkness of the approaching night.

His heart throbs something fierce when you open your eyes after dipping into the water once more. Even behind the curtain of water, or the netting of the fabric draped over your head, your eyes glow with a fierceness he knows all to well. It pierces his very soul, a warmth sweeping over him.

He drinks you in more as you bend your form this way and that. He wishes he knew the intricacies of your dance; understood what each fluid motion meant, the significance of each swish of your tail, or the ways you angle your hands and bend your fingers.

You close your eyes as you near the end of the cord song.

As you perform another twirl, you playfully swat the water with your thick tail, splashing your daughters.

Their uncontrollable gigging brings a smile to your face. You open your eyes as you continue to dance, giving them a loving look. They’re splashing each other with reckless abandon as they try to imitate your moves. You can’t help the unrestrained laughter their antics bring you.

Neteyam laughs quietly to himself as he watches his girls playfully flay about in the water. Every day since their birth he’s given thanks to both you and the Great Mother for blessing him with such miracles. He hadn’t thought it was possible to love something as much as he loved you.

He feels a stray tear fall down his cheek. But he doesn’t move to wipe it away. Instead he continues to smile as he watches your song and dance coming to its conclusion.

You turn to face the horizon, and he’s gaze drifts to his girls.

They’re singing something he can’t quite make out, but he loves the sound nonetheless.

And when their eyes meet his, finally noticing his presence, they wave at him wildly, giggling all over again.

His smile grows wider, and he offers them a small wave back.


One final pose, and you hold the final note of your song, eyes still closed. You hold that note until your lungs and throat burn.

You hear the excited cheers of your daughters as they shower you with praise. Your breathing is laboured as your heart pounds in your chest, but you offer them a bow and a small smile of gratitude.

You turn yourself to the horizon before you finally open your eyes. The ritual dance has come to and end.

You rub the cool ocean water on your cheeks, in your neck, and down your arms; all in an effort to cool you down from your laborious activity. You breath deep in from the nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth, calming your rapid heartbeat.

The girls still giggle beside you, resuming their unrefined dancing; now also singing their favourite lullaby in lieu of a songcord.

Sufficiently cooled off, you turn your head to your daughters to admire them in their silliness.

Your brow nits in slight confusion though, when you see them waving at something behind you, giggling all the while.

You turn around, curiosity in your eyes.

But the shoreline is just as empty as when you arrived.


Author's Notes: It was a private funeral dance 😢

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