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A Drop in the Sea - Chapter 1: Pride
Aonung x F!OC
The Metkayina and the Ta'unui reef clans have long had a close relationship. Ever since Aonung was born, the clans have come together every two years for a fortnight-long celebration. Following the attack on the Ta'unui by Quaritch and his men, tensions have been high between the two clans. In hopes of righting past wrongs, Tonowari invites the Ta'unui back to Awa'altu for the first time in four years. With the celebration comes the reunion of friends old and new.
It has been four years since Aonung has seen Payiva, the second daughter of Ta'unui's Olo'eyktan. They have known each other all of their lives, but things are different now. Aonung is eighteen years old and learning how to be a good leader. How will Payiva react to seeing him after all this time? Will they be able to rekindle their friendship, even as his clan harbors the man responsible for the attack on her own people?
Being the Olo’eyktan’s son undoubtedly had its perks. Being the next Olo’eyktan meant that certain things could be … overlooked. Aonung was not too proud to admit that he used said privileges from time to time.
Well, maybe Aonung was a little proud. He was definitely smug as he lounged on top of his ilu in the midday sun. It was almost too easy to convince the Omatikaya brothers that Ronal had personally requested their assistance in assembling new maruis on the edge of the village.
The task, while not entirely difficult, was tedious, but Neteyam and Lo’ak feared no one more than they feared Ronal. With valid reason, Aonung thought to himself. His mother was intimidating on a good day, and she was still not entirely fond of the Sully family, even three years after their arrival in Awa’altu.
The forest boys and their sisters have grown on Aonung, though he would never say that to their faces. Their friendship certainly did not stop him from taking the opportunity to pass off his chores and spend the day sunbathing on the water.
Aonung was not the most sociable of Na’vi and escaped to solitude whenever he could, which was not often. On rare occasions like today, Aonung usually took his ilu, Voxpor, to the far side of the island for a lazy swim. It was one of the only spots where he could almost guarantee that no one would find him.
Aonung sighed, rolling back his shoulders to assuage the tightness of his muscles. Tonowari had woken his son before sunrise to take him on an early-morning fishing trip outside of the reef. Aonung had gone without complaint, happy to be of use to his father and eager to learn anything the Olo’eyktan had to offer. Not that Aonung would say anything otherwise - his father demanded too much obedience for that.
Still, his body was sore from the bashing of the morning waves. While Aonung had gotten taller and filled out a bit over the past few years, Tonowari was still larger and better equipped to handle to rough water. Not to mention that Aonung had still not been permitted to ride a tsurak, much to his annoyance. Voxpor had to swim twice as hard to keep up with the Olo’eyktan.
Checking the sun’s position in the sky, Aonung resigned himself to the fact that he would have to head back to the village soon. He could not stay out too long, or someone would catch on to his plan. As much as his mother might dislike Neteyam and Lo’ak at times, Ronal would have Aonung’s tail if she found out he had shirked his chores for sunbathing.
Upon his return the village, Aonung was greeted by his sister. Tsireya stood on the dock, hands on her hips and lips pursed. Aonung groaned internally as he prepared himself for chastisement. Generally, Tsireya was the most tender-hearted of the family, much more soft-spoken than the rest of them. She had, however, inherited what Aonung termed the “mom voice” from Ronal. It meant Aonung rarely did anything without getting shit for it from his mother or sister.
Tuk adored her older brothers. Tsireya liked to think that she was the oldest sibling. Aonung could only hope that Kawnu was young enough to always look up at him with the same awe that Tuk did Neteyam. The youngest child of Tonowar and Ronal was only three, but he had so far shown signs of sharing Tsieya’s calm disposition. The infant hardly ever cried, which Aonung had found concerning at first.
Surely, babies should cry every so often. Right?
It worried Aonung anytime he was entrusted to watch Kawnu. If the baby did not cry, how would Aonung know if he needed anything? His mother told him that all Kawnu needed was his older brother’s attention, and the rest would come naturally for Aonung. He did not believe her. Nothing about babies seemed natural to Aonung.
Admittedly, after Ronal gave birth, Kawnu became Aonung’s favorite person in Awa’altu. Because the child never cried, and certainly never talked back, Aonung found it rather easy to spend time with him.
Once upon a time, Rotxo had been Aonung’s closest friend. He still was, but when Aonung came into one of his “moods,” Rotxo made it clear that he now had new, Omatikaya friends to spend time with. Plus, whenever they did hang out, Rotxo always found a way to bring up Kiri, whom he had a not-so-subtle crush on.
Really, Aonung was surrounded by people he enjoyed, but only in measured increments.
“Sister,” he said by way of greeting as he jumped onto the dock. Aonung proceeded to tie up Voxpor’s saddle, not needing to see Tsireya to know that she was glaring at him.
“Aonung, did you tell Lo’ak and Neteyam that Mother asked them to build the new maruis?” Tsireya asked in that motherly way of hers.
Aonung shrugged, walking backward toward the food storage. “I might have said something along those lines.”
“Aonung,” Tsireya growled, storming after him. “They are your friends. You can not use them as your own personal workers.”
Aonung rolled his eyes at his sister, though a tiny pinch of guilt strummed in his chest. Truthfully, Aonung did not know how exactly to have friends. Before the Sullys arrived, he had never really had friends aside from Rotxo or Tsireya - and Tsireya did not count. Neither did the group of wannabes that followed him around from time to time. They had been fun when Aonung was younger, like a built-in group of yesmen. After they did jack-shit while Aonung got his ass handed to him by Lo’ak and Neteyam, and then conveniently disappeared during Lo’ak tirst at Three Brother’s, they had lost their appeal in Aonung’s eyes.
Great Mother.
“Fine,” he groaned. “I will say sorry to the forest boys in the morning. Happy?”
Tsireya raised a brow. “Now, Aonung.”
Realizing this was not something he could easily get out off, Aonung dragged his body in the opposite direction of the food he so desperately wanted, toward the Sully marui.
Thankfully, it was just the brothers inside the marui. Just as Lo’ak and Neteyam feared Ronal, Aonung had no desire to be on Neytiri’s bad side, any more than he already was, anyway.
“Look who decided to show his fish-kissing face,” Lo’ak drawled, looking up from his food.
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam warned his younger brother, though there was not much heat behind it.
Aonung waved Neteyam off, scratching the back of his neck. “No, I deserved that. I should not have told you to build those maruis.”
Lo’ak narrowed his yellow eyes. “Is this you apologizing right now?”
Aonung stiffened, feeling uncomfortable. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Usually people say ‘I am sorry’ when they apologize,” Neteyam commented.
Aonung was becoming annoyed. “Usually people do not believe obvious lies,” he snapped.
“Aonung,” Tsireya said sternly from behind him.
Looking to the sky, Aonung cursed under his breath. “I am sorry.”
The brothers exchanged a glance, then promptly burst into laughter. Aonung scowled at them as they sat, bent over and holding their stomachs.
“Fuck off,” he muttered, pushing past Tsireya so he could finally get some fucking food.
“See you later, Fish Lips!” Lo’ak yelled.
This is why Aonung did not like spending time with other people.
A Drop in the Sea - Chapter 2: Enamor
Aonung x F!OC
The Metkayina and the Ta'unui reef clans have long had a close relationship. Ever since Aonung was born, the clans have come together every two years for a fortnight-long celebration. Following the attack on the Ta'unui by Quaritch and his men, tensions have been high between the two clans. In hopes of righting past wrongs, Tonowari invites the Ta'unui back to Awa'altu for the first time in four years. With the celebration comes the reunion of friends old and new.
It has been four years since Aonung has seen Payiva, the second daughter of Ta'unui's Olo'eyktan. They have known each other all of their lives, but things are different now. Aonung is eighteen years old and learning how to be a good leader. How will Payiva react to seeing him after all this time? Will they be able to rekindle their friendship, even as his clan harbors the man responsible for the attack on her own people?
The Metkayina was a peaceful clan, and Tonowari has done much to ensure they stay that way. Part of that was keeping good relations with neighboring clans, primarily, the Ta’unui - one of the only other clans in the Eastern Sea.
Both Tonowari and Tsungetsa respected each other as Olo’eyktans. Both men came into power at a young age, and it was Tonowari’s idea to bring the clans together periodically to retain a close relationship. Tsungetsa agreed, so every two years, the Metkayina and Ta’unui came together in a fortnight-long celebration.
The last occasion was cancelled, due to the events involving the Sky People. Seya’altu, the village of the Ta’unui, was attacked by the demon Quaritch and his soldiers in their search for Jake Sully. Tsungetsa, honoring his word to Tonowari out of duty and respect for not only the Metkayina Olo’eyktan, but Toruk Makto, did not tell the humans where Jake Sully was. However, Tsungetsa did not take lightly to his clan or his mate being threatened. Seya’altu had been partially destroyed in the attack, and they had not felt fondly toward the Metkayina ever since.
Therefore, this year’s celebration was crucial to rebuilding that connection between the clans. All of Awa’altu was in a tizzy, preparing for their guests. As an offer of peace and empathy, Tonowari insisted that the Metkayina host the celebration this year.
Aonung felt as if Ronal was practically breathing down his neck. Lo’ak and Neteyam had done a shit job building the maruis for the Ta’unui, and Aonung was blamed for it. It took him two days to tear everything down and build it back up again by himself. Blisters covered his palms by the end of it. Aonung named each one after Lo’ak, Neteyam, Rotxo, and his sister. He took carnal pleasure in popping each one, imagining that the blister was the Na’vi after which it was named.
The nerves hit Aonung the night before the Ta’unui were set to arrive in Awa’altu. It was not a common emotion for the Olo’eyktan in training, and Aonung wished he could say that it was due to the responsibility Tonowari had been pushing onto him for the past week. No, it was not the fear that he would fail or embarrass his family in front of Tsungetsa. Nor was it worry over the importance of this specific celebration. The nerves stemmed from the fact that tomorrow Ta’unui would be here with his mate, his children.
Aonung was almost sick to his stomach over a girl, and it drove him out of his mind.
It only became worse the following morning, making him distracted. Lost in the memory of the last time the Ta’unui were in Awa’altu, Aonung did not hear when his name was called. That was, not until a fish hit him square in the face.
Aonung hissed, swiping at the offending fish and baring his teeth at his attacker.
“Lo’ak,” Kiri admonished. “Do not waste the food.”
That morning, Ronal ordered her eldest children and the Sullys to move all the prepared food to the largest of the cooking maruis. The Tsahik did not want to appear disorganized in front of her guest, or worse: lacking in food.
They were currently organizing the baskets they have gathered throughout the village. Cooking maruis were primarily circular to allow optimal space for preparation and storage. Baskets upon baskets were stacked against the walls in order of when their contents would be needed. The salted fish that Lo’ak threw at Aonung was intended for tonight’s welcome feast. It now lay limply on the reed floor at Aonung’s feet.
Lo’ak was too busy laughing to listen to his sister. “Bro,” he wheezed. “You should have seen your face!”
Aonung stepped forward, ready to pound the leaner boy into the ground. Lo’ak dodged behind Tsireya, causing Aonung to scowl. Coward.
“We said your name like ten times, bro,” Neteyam said as he hauled another basket of fish onto a stack. He turned back to Anoung with a questioning look, wiping his hands on the outside of his thighs. “Could you not hear us?”
“Do not mind Aonung,” advised Rotxo. The short-haired Metkayina boy brought in the last of the food baskets, placing it in front of Kiri with a sweet smile. Aonung barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “He is just nervous about seeing the Olo’eyktan’s daughter.”
Now Aonung had to restrain his scowl as he glared daggers at his friend. “That is a lie.”
No, it was not.
“The Tsakarem?” Neteyam questioned, looking intrigued. “Is she not already betrothed?”
“And like ten years older than us,” Lo’ak piped. He gave Aonung an impressed look. “I didn’t know you were into older women, bro.”
Aonung swung his head to Lo’ak, mouth agape. “I am not! Pxe’ali is only six years older than me, not ten.”
Kiri tilted her head, shooting a questioning glance to Rotxo, who had made himself comfortable at her side. “Are you not already the heir of the Metkayina, Aonung? Do you plan to be Olo’eyktan of both clans?”
Aonung groaned in frustration.
Rotxo shook his head. “No, he-”
“I can speak for myself, Rotxo!” Aonung snapped. He turned to the others. “I do not see Pxe’ali that way at all.”
Rotxo decided to chime in again. “There are two sisters. Aonung had been enamored with Payiva since we were children.”
“Rotxo!” Aonung was going to strangle him.
“What?” Rotxo shrugged, unperturbed. “It is true.”
“Rotxo, do not tease Aonung,” Tsireya said. Rotxo’s ears bent back at the admonishment.
“I am not ‘enamored’ with anyone,” Aonung stated. “Least of all Payiva te Tsyika Ley’ite.”
Lo’ak bent forward to whisper in Tsireya’s ear, though everyone could hear him. “The use of her full name suggests otherwise.”
Before Aonung could pounce on Lo’ak, Tsireya be damned, a horn sounded in the distance. Aonung’s heart rate picked up at the noise.
Tuk came racing into the marui, her braids bouncing as she went. “They’re here! The Ta’unui have arrived!”
“Shit,” Aonung muttered. They were earlier than expected. “We need to get to the beach.” Ronal would scalp Aonung if he and Tsireya were late to welcome the visiting clan.
They swiftly left the cooking marui, practically sprinting across the tightly-woven nets that connected the village together. Most of Awa’altu was already waiting on the sand. The Ta’unui party had already crossed the reef barrier. Aonung shoved past the others, shouldering his way to the front of the group.
Soon enough, he was standing at the front of the gathering crowd, next to his father. Tonowari glanced at Aonung from the side, only giving his son a nod in greeting. On the other side of the Olo’eyktan was Ronal. The Tsahik held Kawnu on her hip, though she stared stoically ahead. Tsireya joined shortly after that, completing their pseudo-family portrait.
Just as the Ta’unui began dismounting their ilu and tsurak, Tonowari bent toward Aonung, whispering in his ear. “Do not cause problems, Aonung.”
Aonung simply nodded, keeping his eyes downcast. He could not keep his toes from burying in the sand, however.
The Ta’unui Olo’eyktan and Tsahik stepped onto the beach, their eldest daughter positioned next to her mother. Aonung could not help but make comparisons between their family and his own.
The Metkayina and the Ta’unui had much in common due to their close proximity to each other. They shared the same turquoise skin and bright blue eyes, as well as their broader frames that were so unlike the Na’vi of the forests or planes. Both sea clans rode ilu and tsurak, displayed intricate tattoos as signs of honor and prestige, and - most of all - they both made sacred connections with the tulkun.
Tsungetsa was just as tall as Tonowari, though perhaps not quite as wide. Rather than being bare-chested, Tsungetsa wore a shawl around his shoulders. The Olo’eyktan kept his hair braided and pulled back, which was common for the hunters of his clan - something that Aonung had found odd as a child.
Ley was every bit the Tsahik that Aonung remembered the woman to be, if not a bit colder than the last time he had seen her. The Tsahik’s coral necklace clinked with every step she took. Unlike her mate, who stared straight ahead, Ley’s eyes were searching the crowd. Aonung saw the change on her face the moment she found Neteyam and Tuk in the crowd. The swirling ink on Ley’s brow rippled so severely that not even the string of shells across her forehead could disguise her glower.
Aonung was reminded that it had not been easy to convince the Ta’unui to come for their celebration. He wondered how much of that resistance came from Tsungetsa or his mate.
Like her mother, Pxe’ali te Tsyika Ley’ite was regal and held her head high. Her disposition was much warmer, and if she saw the few Omatikaya in the crowd, she did not balk at them. The Tsakarem wore a net-like shawl woven with shells that matched the ones in her hair. While the Ta’unui had a different braiding style than the Metkayina, her hair was similar to that of Tsireya.
Pxe’ali had always been kind throughout their childhood, and beautiful in a delicate way. She and Tsireya got along well, both girls having trained closely under their mothers. Aonung had never been sure how to interact around the Tsakarem. As young children, Pxe’ali rarely wanted to play Aonung and Rotxo’s favorite games. Then, by the time he was ten or twelve, Aonung believed himself to be too cool to spend his time with girls.
The last time their clans came together, a year before the Sullys arrived, hormones raged through Aonung’s body and he could hardly look at Pxe’ali, let alone interact with her. Now Aonung looked at the young woman, six years to his senior, and he felt nothing.
Any and all anticipation that Aonung felt was due to someone else entirely. Somewhere in between ignoring and running away from Pxe’ali, Aonung became entangled with her younger sister.
If Pxe’ali was a nice, cool breeze on a summer’s day, then Payiva was a hurricane coming to ruin everyone's plans.
Aonung never intended to become friends with Payiva, it just happened. He did not know when exactly, or which of the celebratory years Payiva had cemented herself into Aonung’s life, but he suspected that she had forced his hand. Even when Aonung declared that girls were frilly and not worth his time, Payiva had thrown him to the ground and shoved sand into his face, showing Aonung just how frilly she was.
After that, Aonung decided that Payiva was not a girl, not a real one anyway. Such mentality made it easy to disregard any pretty features Payiva may have developed by the time they were fourteen, when Aonung did everything he could to avoid her older sister. Payiva and Rotxo had teased him endlessly for it, which only served to cement the certainty in Aonung’s head that he did not have any of those odd feelings for Payiva.
That was four years ago, however. Aonung was eighteen now, as was Payiva. Much had changed since the last time they saw each other. Aonung had changed, and he assumed that Payiva had too. Their lives were about more than games now. Despite what Rotxo told the others, Aonung was much more nervous to see his old friend than he was to see a pretty girl.
Regretfully, he should have been concerned about both.
Payiva walked a step behind her parents and sister, hidden so that Aonung did not see her initially. That was good, he thought to himself, because if Aonung had seen Payiva approaching, he might have found somewhere else to be. Only one word came to his mind at the sight of her.
The girl had always resembled her father most, if not in her features, than how she presented herself. Payiva walked like a warrior, exuding grace, though perhaps not intimidation. She was shorter than Aonung remembered, but then again, he had grown taller. Like Tsungetsa, Payiva’s hair was completely braided, though she let the long braids fall freely, almost reaching the small of her back.
The youngest daughter of the Ta’unui Olo’eyktan and Tsahik was not as intricately decorated as her family members. The only thing that graced Payiva’s upper body was a simple shell necklace. It was not unlike what Metkayina women wore every day, Tsireya included, but standing next to her parents and sister, the choice almost felt too bold.
Payiva’s eyes, one of the deepest sets of blue irises that Aonung had ever seen, examined the crowd. It was not the searching look Ley had done earlier, with a target in mind. Nor did Payiva have the same open curiosity that her sister did. She just appeared to be taking the Metkayina in, assessing the situation.
When her gaze landed on Aonung, he instantly stood taller. His back straightened on its own accord, shoulders pinned back and chest slightly puffing.
Her eyes moved straight passed him.
Aonung blinked.
Payiva hardly glanced at him. As if he was not worth the time.
Annoyance quickly took over Aonung’s confusion. Even if they had not known each other their entire lives, Aonung was the next Olo’eyktan. He was worth more than a simple glance, especially from some rebellious second daughter without an official title.
“I see you, Tsungetsa te Tsyìka Lì'itan,” Tonowari boomed, bringing his hand up to his forehead and then away toward the other Olo’eyktan in greeting. Ronal and the siblings copied the gesture. “I see you, Ley te Tsyika Pe'ite.”
“I see you, Tonowari, my friend,” Tsungetsa replied, foregoing the more formal usage of family names. It was a silent message to Tonowari that their grievances were to be put behind them. “I see you, Ronal.”
Aonung did not dare glance at his mother to see what she thought of the informal greeting. He doubted that Ronal would allow her reactions to show on her face anyway.
Tonowari reached out and grasped Tsungetsa’s forearm. “We welcome you back to Awa’altu, old friend. It has been far too long.”
A smile spread across the other man’s face. He returned Tonowari’s grip, slapping his hand on the other man’s shoulder. “That it has. Your family has grown!”
All heads turned to Kawnu, whose head was resting on Ronal’s shoulder.
Tonowari grinned. “Kawnu, greet the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik.”
Kawnu pressed himself closer to Ronal’s chest but brought his hand to his head in greeting nonetheless.
Tsungetsa laughed. “A bit scary am I, boy?”
Aonung tried not to tense. Kawnu was a quiet child, and unused to meeting new people, let alone someone who held the same rank as their father. He was only three.
Ley stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on her mate’s shoulder. “Leave the child be, Tsungetsa. He is only small, and you are quite large.” She turned to Ronal with a sweet smile. “You have birthed a beautiful child, Ronal. Though that is no surprise to me.”
Ronal did not easily smile, but still, she dipped her head in thanks at the other Tsahik’s praise. “I have glad you can now meet him.”
“As am I,” Ley agreed. The Tsahik then proceeded to fawn over how beautiful Tsireya had gotten over the past few years. Aonung held back the roll of his eyes. Typical.
“Maybe we should settle our people before interrogating poor Tsireya, yawne,” Tsungetsa suggested.
“Of course,” Ley sighed, returning to her eldest daughter’s side.
The sisters stood quietly the entire time, Payiva looking more bored than anything else. Aonung’s hackles continued to rise at her blatant lack of decorum.
“Aonung and Tsireya will show you to your maruis. Then, of course, we eat!” Tonowari announced.
Aonung groaned internally. His father was always offering him up as a tour guide. Nevertheless, he dutifully moved to follow Tsireya, who was already making conversation with Ley and Pxe’ali.
Before he passed Ronal, Aonung’s mother grabbed his arm and yanked him down. She whispered into his ear, “Tell the Omatikaya to keep their distance from Ley. She will not take kindly to them.”
Gulping, Aonung nodded. He could only imagine how well Lo’ak and Kiri would take that advice. Aonung could only hope that Lo’ak would not try to push any buttons this week. Eywa knew that it would come back to bite Aonung in the ass.
A Drop in the Sea - Chapter 3: Contemplation
Aonung x F!OC
The Metkayina and the Ta'unui reef clans have long had a close relationship. Ever since Aonung was born, the clans have come together every two years for a fortnight-long celebration. Following the attack on the Ta'unui by Quaritch and his men, tensions have been high between the two clans. In hopes of righting past wrongs, Tonowari invites the Ta'unui back to Awa'altu for the first time in four years. With the celebration comes the reunion of friends old and new.
It has been four years since Aonung has seen Payiva, the second daughter of Ta'unui's Olo'eyktan. They have known each other all of their lives, but things are different now. Aonung is eighteen years old and learning how to be a good leader. How will Payiva react to seeing him after all this time? Will they be able to rekindle their friendship, even as his clan harbors the man responsible for the attack on her own people?
CH1, CH2
Awa’altu was larger than Payiva remembered. As a child, she loved to spend her days running around the village and its surrounding biome. There was always something new for her to discover, a new place to hide from her mother.
Now, all Payiva could do was compare Awa’altu to her own home, Seya’altu. The Ta’unui village had always been smaller, though never had it been more obvious to Payiva than it did now.
“We just built a new section of maruis for this year’s celebration,” Tsireya was telling Pxe’ali and their mother. “Everything should be prepared for you already, but do not hesitate to let us know if you need anything.”
Payiva resisted the urge to assure Tsireya that it did not matter if there was a hole in the ceiling, Ley would not be complaining about a single thing. It was not in Ley’s nature to complain to her hosts, it was much too rude for the Tsahik. Instead, she would air her grievances to her family, who had no choice but sit and listen.
The rest of the clan trailed behind them, waving and calling out to old friends as they passed. Payiva was happy to see them so joyous, the past few years had not been easy for her people. This celebration was a well-deserved reward for the Ta’unui.
Behave, Payiva’s father had whispered into her ear after they dismounted their ilu. And be nice.
Payiva was not as politely demure as her sister, or entirely concerned about decorum, much to her mother’s dismay. She had a track record of being blunt in the most inappropriate of situations and an issue of not knowing when to hold her tongue. On more than one occasion, Ley had been heard saying that the Great Mother had blessed her with two daughters and thankfully, Pxe’ali was first.
Payiva was not fit to be Tsahik, and everyone knew it.
“Aonung was actually the one who made most of the maruis you will be staying in,” Payiva heard Tsireya say.
Tsungetsa clapped the boy on the back, rattling on about the importance of an Olo’eyktan knowing craftsmanship. The scene almost made Payiva nauseous. Aonung was the son her father wished he had, and Tsungetsa was nothing if not obvious. Ley was no better. Payiva was certain she heard her mother coo something at Aonung as well.
They treated Sreng, Pxe’ali’s mate, the same way. The young male had been chosen to become the next Olo’eyktan almost ten years ago, and Ley still treated him like he was an Eywa-given gift. It bothered Payiva more than she would like to admit - the amount of adoration her parents gave to Sreng over their own child, but it allowed her more freedom to do as she wished.
Aonung’s back was to her, so Payiva took the opportunity to observe the boy while he was not staring at her like an ilu watching a fat fish.
He had grown, both in height and in muscle definition. The last time they had seen each other, Payiva was the same height as Aonung, if not taller. She now only reached his shoulders, and he was likely to grow more. Payiva could not say why, but this annoyed her.
She did not quite know what to think of him. They had been friends as children, such was the nature of being the children of clan leaders: you tended to gravitate toward one another. Aonung was never friendly by any means. Payiva actually remembered him being ornery and selfish, unused to not getting his way. But he would play games that Pxe’ali had long since grown out of, and that was all that really mattered.
He was handsome, Payiva supposed, in the way that most Metkayina warriors were: tall, strong, and proud. Aonung had long curly hair like his sister, though his braids led back to a topknot, with half of the strands falling freely. Payiva rarely wore her hair unbraided - something that bothered her mother. While she liked the typical fashion with which Ta'unui women wore their hair, wearing her own hair like that annoyed her more often than not. Payiva could not understand how Aonung or the other Metkayina hunters dealt with their long tresses outside of the reef.
Aonung glanced back over his shoulder at her, but Payiva quickly turned her gaze toward the village. The last time they had seen one another, Aonung practically overflowed with pride and arrogance. There had been times, between just the two of them, that he had been open - vulnerable even, but Payiva was not sure that she wanted to test those waters again. She most certainly did not want to add to what was likely an already overinflated ego.
Tsireya led them to their maruis, which Aonung supposedly built by himself. Payiva would have to make sure the structure was sound before she could comfortably fall asleep tonight.
Their party came to a stop. “We will let you settle in before the feast,” Tsireya said, her cheeks dimpling with a sweet smile. “Welcome back to Awa’altu.”
As the Metkayina siblings departed, Payiva did not gush over them as her parents did. She gave Tsireya a kind smile, but gave no such gesture to Aonung.
Truthfully, Payiva had no reason to ice the young man out. They had parted on good terms, but she did not know how to interact with Aonung anymore, and it was an awkwardness that Payiva did not appreciate. It felt like she was in unfamiliar territory. Being overly friendly with the next Olo’eyktan was not looked upon the same way at eighteen as it was when they were adolescents.
Payiva had already squashed a number of rumors two years ago, when she became an adult, about her friendships with the young hunters in the clan. While she recognized the fact that she would likely end up mated to one of the young men eventually, Payiva did not intend for that to occur any sooner than necessary.
Admittedly, the rumors were not helped by the fact that Payiva occasionally liked to experiment with one or two of the boys.
Either way, Payiva was still deciding if resurrecting her friendship with Aonung was worth the potential hassle. She did not have as much patience for spoiled princes as once before.
Ley would have a field day if she heard that her youngest daughter was sweet on the Olo’eyktan’s son. Having not only one, but two daughters as Tsahik would be a dream come true for Payiva’s mother. Payiva’s ability to be a spiritual leader be damned.
The last thing that she wanted was to be shackled to such a position. Payiva had seen the life of a Tsahik through the eyes of her mother and sister, and it was not for her. Payiva lacked the patience for healing and the discipline for leadership. Even skills like weaving and cooking evaded her.
Hunting, however? Payiva was born to hunt. She relished in the feeling of an early morning hunt, the cool waves beating against her skin as she cut through the water, and the silent moment right before catching her prey. Payiva did not care if she was using nets or spears, hunting was the one time she felt right.
There was no joy in killing the creatures, as Payiva once explained to Pxe’ali. It was more the thrill of being in the water and providing food for her clan. The knowledge that her people would not go hungry because of her handiwork was something that no one could take from Payiva.
By no means could a Tsahik not be a warrior - Ronal was a prime example of such. But being Tsahik would always come first, and Payiva could never do that.
“Stop being so grumpy,” Pxe’ali whispered. “We are here. Let us enjoy the celebration.”
Payiva took a deep breath in, then nodded. Being cordial and standoffish were two different things, and it would do her no good to be the latter.
She put her things down in the marui before turning to her older sister. “I just hope our sister clan makes food as well as I remember.”
taglist: @holysaladapricothero
My Mighty Warrior [2]
![My Mighty Warrior [2]](
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![My Mighty Warrior [2]](
pairing: neteyam x reader
summary: you're left in solitude because your main friendship group of three are busy training the sully's about the metkayinan way. finding your time alone rather sad, you made your own way to see at least one of your friends, that being your best friend. being able to ease your tensed up friend, his anger soon returns when a 'freak' interrupts the both of you.
warnings: contains swearing and a meanie ao'nung.
![My Mighty Warrior [2]](
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![My Mighty Warrior [2]](
it had been a few days since the sully family had arrived on the island of awa'atlu. during those days, you and your three close friends hadn't hung out together as they were busy training the newcomers on the metkayina way. beneficially, it did give you time to yourself because of how used you were to ao'nung barging in your marui just to lay with you. or tsireya running into your pod squealing at yet another boy who had asked if they can court her. or how rotxo would randomly come in while his mouth is stuffed with food, asking the most stupid questions you have ever heard like,
"hey, you reckon fish can drown?"
"if you get your leg cut off, where are you gonna feel the pain?"
"technically - hear me out - if i kissed ao'nung, it wouldn't be me being gay. it would be me just showing my love. like how i kiss my grandmother on the cheek, right?"
yes, rotxo was one of those friends. every day, you either had one of them in your marui or all three of them at once. but apart from that, despite the peace and quiet that you longed for, you realised that you hated it. you missed your best friends. so you made it a plan to go see them yourself. and that's exactly what you did.
before making your way out, you left out your long, curly hair that touched the back of your knees. the hair most metkayinan girls in your village had, yet yours was longer and bounced gracefully with every step you took. it was a painful experience when it came to brushing it, but your childhood years helped when you were sat down by your mother, who nearly ripped off your damn head when brushing through the thick curls you owned. you put half of your hair up in a ponytail with a vine stitched with pearls ao'nung had made for you. leaving half of your hair down, resting on your shoulders. spraying a mist of sweetly crushed herbs tsireya had mixed for your birthday, a few eclipses ago. with a few final touches, you slid on the armcuff rotxo crafted. you appreciated everything your friends made you, making sure to wear them anywhere you went. even if you were just going out to get some fresh air. everything they gave to you meant the whole world.
![My Mighty Warrior [2]](
with a bright smile decorating your face, you made your way to the familiar figure you missed. making your way behind ao'nung, wrapping your arms around his waist. the tight hold you had on him made him gasp. you felt him tense up while a small laugh left your mouth. recognising your voice, you felt him relax into your soothing touch. hearing him chuckle deeply, turning around to meet your shorter body. intertwining his fingers with yours, holding them up as he kissed your knuckles, causing you to silently laugh at the ticklish feeling.
physical touch between you and ao'nung was nothing new. you did start to notice as you were slowly maturing, that hugs between you two were becoming longer. sitting on his lap while he had his arms around your waist. all the nicknames he gave you, always starting with the word 'my'. cuddling up when it got too cold, as if the hundreds of folded blankets in the corner of his marui were non-existent. times spent in each other's maruis also started to become sleepovers, even without tsireya and rotxo there. just you two. but you personally saw nothing wrong with it. he was your best friend. that's what best friends do, right?
slyly pulling away, he cupped your face with his much larger hands. "and what brings you here, my flower? you're wearing the vine i made you as well. eywa, you smell beautiful." humming in satisfaction while his heartbeat increased. it was such a stressful day for him being around na'vi he couldn't stand, especially teaching grade one basics to na'vi that were his age. him not being a patient person also meant he was absolutely not cut out to be teaching the sully's. all this stress filling his thick head but having his favourite girl standing in front of him, her wearing the very gift he made for her. oh, how you made him crazy without even knowing it.
"i miss you," engulfing him on another hug, this one being more gentle, "but you were too busy. i did not want to interrupt you." you spoke with such a gentle voice, ao'nung felt himself calming down with every word that slipped out of your mouth.
your words sinking in, he pulled away. placing your face in between his palms. "you? oh, you, my flower, are anything but an interruption." he smiled reassuringly, pecking your forehead while doing so. letting out a small laugh, "well earlier, i made some-"
"hey, ao'nung!" a deeper voice called out. assuming it was rotxo, you turned around to face the figure. your wide smile faltered slightly when faced with one of the darker blue na'vi's. a sully boy. "oh.. am i interrupting something? i'm sorry." the boy bowed slightly. a small smile painted your face at his sweet gesture.
"you were, actually. what have i told you about-" ao'nung scoffed between words.
"it is okay, ao'nung. i'm sure he didn't mean it," you gesture to him with a hand on his chest, before turning back around to meet with the latter. "it is okay." smiling warmly at the boy in front of you.
you watched as he stood tall, clearly the same height as ao'nung. "i hope it is," returning the smile. you couldn't help but feel warm at his gentle smile. "oh- uh, my name is-"
"neteyam. first born son. your parents are jake and neytiri sully. your father the great toruk makto, as well as your mother, palulukan makto, am i correct?" you say with a giggle, "nice to meet you. i am y/n." introducing yourself with a greeting demeanour.
"how is it that you know me well, but i know nothing about you?" he questioned, his face turning into a darker shade. "i may have heard a thing or two about the oldest sully," you replied, "i hear he is also a mighty warrior."
a deep blush painting neteyam's cheeks as he stares at you, who holds a sly smile. all the while this was happening, no one of you noticed the raging metkayinan boy behind you.
"whatever it was that you needed, you can tell me later. we are busy," ao'nung interrupted, gripping your wrist tightly before dragging you along with him, just like he did on the sully family's arrival. purposely bumping shoulders with neteyam.
![My Mighty Warrior [2]](
"what was that for, nung?" you raised your voice, very slightly.
it had been an hour since your interaction with neteyam. an hour of you trying to conversate with your best friend, who had been ignoring you the whole time. you watched his back grow tense with every breath he took. the sound of the two metals he held colliding with each other made you cringe internally. his already-sharpened blade being his rebound of focus, trying to ignore your interrogation. your standing form went on your knees, placed behind him.
feeling your breath against his back made him ease a bit, but the ongoing jealousy within him kept strong. "what is in that mind of yours, ao'nung?" you question.
sliding your arms around his waist while your chin made its way comfortably on his shoulder. your hand sneakily, moving up to the side of his face, turning his head to face you.
"i do not see you for a few days, and all your attention is him. a freak who can not hold his breath for a minute underwater, nor throw a damn spear, neither is he metkayina. who is not one of us, and will never be one of us." stating, his blade still in contact with other he held. sighing, rolling your eyes while doing so.
"please refrain from calling the sully's by that, 'nung. where has all this hatred come from, hm?" asking with such a soft voice, it could make him melt instantly. making your way to sit in front of him. sitting on his lap, as he gladly wrapped his arms around your waist. drawing you closer into his touch. it hurt you emotionally to see your best friend talk so low of someone he rarely knew about. you wondered how he talked about you to his other friends who had such a shit influence on him.
"think about it. if we were to move to the forest, it would be hard for us to adapt like they are here, in our home." trying your best to reason with your best friend. you watched as his hardened gaze fell, replaced with a sympathetic look. sighing in acceptance, your words finally not going through one ear and out the other.
oh, how wrong you were. for once, you thought ao'nung was going to listen to you, how he normally would. you thought he would at least try and get along with them after you talked. until he carefully lifted you off his lap to stand up, making his way out of your tent. the only words leaving his mouth, "i don't want to see you around any of those 'war-bringing' freaks. okay?" without leaving you any time to answer, doing so purposely, he left your marui.
pairing. human!aonung x human!fem reader
summary. modern au, ao'nung in highschool + boyfriend headcanons
notes. boyfriend ao'nung headcanons, human & in high school. ao'nung & reader are both 18.
warnings — swearing, mentions of blood! making out, implied smut but nothing too far

masterlist. pt. 2 pt. 3
A lot of his peers from school assume he's just some muscular, hot headed guy with an ego so big, when in actuality he's not.
He was, until he met you.
People change, people don't change. He was the first factor.
People naturally assume Ao'nung is the type to just buy you expensive shit that have no meaning, but he really puts thought into every little thing he buys or crafts himself.
Also assuming that your relationship with Ao'nung was going to end after one month.
How could that possibly happen if he is head over heels for you?
Mans is caught off guard by the thought of you, even when you're not there with him physically
Brags about you, his kind and sweet girlfriend 25/8 just because.
"Bro my girl is so fucking cute, she met my mum yesterday and brought her flowers. like??? if you want me to get on my knees, just say so babe. My dad and Tsireya love her already... AND OH MY GOSH, my baby sister, Luna, Y/N held her for five seconds and Luna was already so smiley and giggling. Like yeah Luna, I get the same feeling,"
"We've heard this shit for the last 10 minutes" his friend rolls his eyes playfully.
When he's playing basketball with his friends, he's the type to shout "Oi, this is for my missus" before shooting the ball, and making it in.
Laughs at Lo'ak when he attempts to shoot for Tsireya but misses the hoop completely 😹
"Mean ass airball" is all Ao'nung says while chuckling
Bites back to the mfs who want him, even when they know damn well he's got a girlfriend
He posts about you every hour of the day, how could anyone not know ☠️
rayraybae has sent you a message!
rayraybae: hey you got some fine ass back muscles
m.nung: i will literally make a film of my girlfriend leaving scratch marks all over my back, back the fuck up.
Ao'nung says before blocking the user that texted. Rolling his eyes, he places his phone on the night table of yours. Sitting up from his position, his arms wrap around your waist as you sat on the edge of your bed. He lifts you easily on his lap as you let out a soft squeal. "Ao'nung!" you softly say, blushing intensely.
"Let me hold you, baby," he says smirking into your neck, pecking along your shoulder trailing up. Whispering into your ear, "I want us to try something."
Grabbing your phone and press onto the camera icon before hitting record. Placing your phone on the side table while his phone lit up with notifications. Getting the perfect landscape angle of the both of you, as he lays on top of giving your neck slow and sensual kisses. From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of his phone repeatedly turning on and off, yet he ignored it as he was too busy with the lovemaking you were about to do.
That little thing he said before was half true and half untrue.
Truthful to making you scream his name while scratching his back, recording it all
The untrue factor was sending it.
He respects you and knows your boundaries (every relationship has boundaries ofc) he only really said it to her because bro just loves to argue and brag about his girlfriend
Every recording you make, whether on his or your phone stayed between you two.
Posts a lot about you. His insta story, his tiktoks, twitter acc = all about you. Lets you make tiktoks on his account to show you off
But sets his comments only for his mutuals, he doesn't fuck with the comments that talk about you as if you aren't his.
Hell, his bio on everything is "@y/nnnnn 💓" or "i love my girlfriend."
Trusts you 100%, doesn't force you to give him your passwords to anything nor asks to check your phone
Spams your camera roll so much, like a lot.
Once he sees your phone without you around, he's already on your camera roll
"Mama. Mama, come. I got y/n's phone, she's in the bathroom. Pose with Luna. Smile Mum." he says with a hushed tone, smiling with his arm around his mother's shoulder. Ronal chuckles at her son's actions, the newborn baby in her arms, she lays her head on his shoulder as she sees in the camera her newborn baby lying against her chest.
"Hey! Let me be in it!" Tsireya quietly whispers before making her way beside Ronal, kissing her cheek as Ao'nung presses the shutter button.
That happened last week because now Ao'nung was smothering kisses all over your face while you giggled after he saw your new lock screen.
He loves to send paragraphs
Loves typing (even writing letters) paragraphs all about you. From the way your laughter sounds like a melody from Eywa, how your smile along with your pearly white teeth make him also smile, how your soul ties him in.
He loves pda, but not the type where you both makeout with each other's tongue down your throat
(i have a couple from my school who does this & it makes me wanna cry cos literally stop & go to class pls.)
Holding hands, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, hugging, kissing your knuckles (uses you as an armrest to tease you but stops when you elbow his side.)
Forehead kisses, kisses on the cheek & pecks, that's how far he'll go in public.
"Nung," you let out a breathy laugh as you feel your boyfriend trail kisses from the side of your mouth down to your neck.
"Hm?" he mumbles, lightly sucking and licking the sweet spot of your neck. You moan lightly, too immersed in the pleasure. "O-oh!" you gasp slightly, your hands now on the back of his head, bringing him closer.
"Nevermind, keep going," you say as you feel Ao'nung smirk into your neck.
Loves to spoil you.
Whether it be with clothes, makeup, shoes, stuffed bears. Anything.
But his most favourite are handmade gifts
He loves it when you shyly hide your squeal of excitement to everything, but when he pulls out an origami rose that he sprayed with your favourite perfume rather than an expensive stuffed bear, he loves seeing the glimmer in your eyes
Since you're his baby, he's already got both the handmade and the expensive shit hiding in his bag.
As he pulls out the bouquet of paper-coloured flowers from behind his back, he watches as you hide your squeal with your small hand, a bright blush appears on your face as you bring him into a tight hug, your head on his chest. You pull away before rocking from side to side shyly as you look to the ground, hiding back a smile as you hold onto the bouquet softly.
"Thank you, Nung, they are absolutely cute. I love them," you say politely, your nose slightly red. You stand on your tippy toes as you kiss his cheek. He smiles gently at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, walking with you. "Well, I love you."
He will fight for you, doesn't care if the person is taller or more muscular (as if he's not already the tallest mf in school 🧍♀️)
Will never, ever bring up the fact that he got his ass beat by Lo'ak when he was 15
If Lo'ak were the one to bring it up to you, he'd definitely tell Tsireya about all the stank ass piss stains he used to leave on his bed when he was sixteen.
Neteyam told Ao'nung this because he just felt like it. Or maybe Lo'ak just pissed him off that day, who knows.
Safe to say that if they sparred now, Lo'ak's ass is 6 feet underground.
But they're best friends now, won't ever happen.
"He what? Where the fuck is he?" He angrily says, throwing his bag off his back harshly. You look around frantically, "Nung, really. It's okay," you calmly say as you grab his bag before following behind him, trying to grab one of his arms.
"No, no, no, he touched your thigh when you told him to stop."
He walks around the halls and finally spots the guy he was searching for. Rushing up to him as you call out his name from behind, stopping as you figured it was no use. Grabbing him by his collar, he harshly throws the guy up against a wall. As people surround the two, you can only watch as his friends try and pry him away from the poor, shaken up boy. Lo'ak who made his way beside you, grinning at the sight.
"I would've gotten my ass beat if I tried to intervene," Lo'ak snickers. You roll your eyes before push his shoulder roughly as a joke.
Both your faces cringed and heard the crowd grow loud as you heard something from the crowd crack. A few seconds later, you see Ao'nung being pulled away from the crowd as the guy on the ground holds his nose, blood staining his hands.
You look over to your boyfriend who had an angered expression on his face, his shirt being pulled at as four of his friends pushed him back. His shirt slightly riling up, revealing his define V line and toned abs. "Touch my missus again, I'll fucking knock you out." You hear him yell out.
"He deserves some good head," you blurt out. Lo'ak side eyes you so fucking hard.
He walks you to class <333
If you have a class together, best believe mans is seated next to you
But if he knows one of your best friend's in the same class, he rather you sit with them
He feels like you spend a lot of time with him & rarely with your friend group, so he feels slightly guilty
Although you feel the opposite as you've sorted a way to spend time equally with both him & your friends, you give him a soft peck on the lips for the lovely thought
If you do sit together though, it doesn't necessarily mean he'll be distracting you with kisses and secret whispers of affection
He knows education means a lot to you and knows when and when not to be affectionate
You do still hold hands under the table often, or link arms.
You both take notes, help each other out, ask each other on what you've misheard from the teacher
He does give your thigh or hand a comforting squeeze when he notices your brows furrow or a slight pout on your lips form, an overwhelming feeling taking over your body as you look stumped on a certain task
You both are mature people and can communicate, so he lets you speak your thoughts rather than going ahead and helping you immediately, if that makes sense
Only when you really feel like something is too much and you can't talk or communicate properly like you both usually can, that's when he drops his shit and soothes you.
"Would you like some help, baby?" he whispered soothingly, his hand comfortingly caressing your thigh, as he notices your confused expression. The rest of the class was too focused on their sheets of paper. You were too caught up in your thoughts that you let your hands massage the temple of your head. You shake your head, signalling no.
"It's okay if you don't know the answer immediately, sweets. You don't need to rush," His hand now on your back, sliding up and down slowly.
For a few seconds, he lets you take a breather, and you finally answer with a broken voice and a small whisper. "Can you help me please?"
"Of course, lovely," an arm around your shoulder and he kisses your temple. "Which part are you stuck on? We can break it down and solve it."
Doesn't give any care about who you're friends with, even if they're a guy. Will warn you or hint if he knows something is up with certain people.
Is protective, will always be there behind your back to defend you.
He has friends that are girls, but aren't close with them either. Even if he is close with another girl, bro never touches her. Just a simple dap is good enough to him.
As soon as he gets the "I got something to tell you." text from a girl.
Blocked. Sorry, but he literally blocks them.
He knows exactly what that six worded sentence means because those were the exact words he said to you before confessing.
He has a girlfriend and only has eyes for you, they should know better than to pull shit like that 🤷♀️.

my fingers hurt... from typing of course 🧍♀️ ANYWAY thats all i got, im tired LOLOL <333
Jealousy? You Wear it Well

word count: 1529
Pairing: Ao'nung x Omatikayan! Sully! Female! Na'vi Reader Tags: fluff, romance, cute, silly, oneshot Author's note: A quick oneshot dedicated to @royallaufeyson! Saw their post asking for this pairing fluff and thought I'd give it a go. Hopefully it's too your liking :)
Ao’nung considers himself many great things; strong, skilled hunter, a remarkable swimmer. But jealous? No, never. Why would he be jealous? And of that stupid ikran? Perish the thought. What’s there to be jealous about really? Nothing, that’s what!
Yet here he finds you, his darling Omatikayan future mate, tending to your ikran, instead of meeting up with him like you were supposed to an hour ago.
You don’t even hear his approach, and that in itself stirs an uncomfortable feeling in his gut. You have your back to him, standing before your own ikran. You’re rubbing his neck and humming soothing words as he rests his head on your shoulder. Naturally, the accursed beast is the first to spot his approach.
Suddenly his head is off your shoulders and he hisses with a faux threat, his attention behind you.
“Hoan?” You look up at your ikran, confused by his sudden change in attitude. Noticing his gaze is fixated on something behind you, angry at something intruding on your alone time, you turn around to see what the fuss is about.
A wide grin splits your face, recognizing the would-be intruder as your beloved future mate.
“Ao’nung!” His name slips through your lips like siren song, turning your whole lithe form to him and jog to meet his approach halfway. No matter how many times he sees you, once again is he left awestruck by your visage. As you run to him, those untamed locks flowing freely behind you, your form is caught in the last rays of sunlight before eclipse; a golden luster leaving kisses upon your skin.
And he melts. Ready is he to prostrate himself before such beauty. He catches you in his strong arms with little effort, you are so light and lithe coming from the forest.
Your arms instinctually wrap around his neck and you kiss him without hesitation. A short quick peck and you pull away to look down into his eyes, pale blue meeting gold.
“Hi,” you say and he returns your smile as he places you on your feet once more. You don’t untangle your arms around his neck. His hands are on hips, holding you close.
“Hi yourself,” he says cheekily, placing a small kiss on your forehead. “Oel ngati kameie.”
“Oel ngati kameie,” you say back with a smile.
Hoan makes an annoyed huff behind you, clacking his jaw a few times. You turn to look at him, ears perked up.
“Hoan, what’s gotten into you recently?” Your attention is immediately pulled to your ikran, instantly removing your arms from Ao’nung’s neck as you make your way back to the creature in question. You don’t see the slight frown that forms on your beloved’s face as he watches you walk away. But your hand catches his, and without looking back, you pull him along with you. A roll of the eyes, ‘of course this thing needs you right this very moment’ he laments to himself.
“Sweet boy, what’s got you huffing and chuffing?” As you ask this you let go of Ao’nung’s, placing both hands on either side of Hoan’s face. “Are you still hungry?” you look to the side and see the fish portions remain untouched.
“Hmm…He must grow tired of the same meal. Poor thing must miss yerik and talioang meat.” You lament as you rub his neck soothingly. He makes a light trilling noise as you do. “Maybe you prefer some soft-shell meat, yes? I think I saw some in a pool nearby. Ao’nung, can you keep an eye on him? I’ll be right back!”
“Well I—” and before he can even protest, you’ve sprinted off, his arm outstretched to your retreating form. After a beat he drops his arm back to his side and sighs deeply. An awkward silence permeates the air. He can feel Hoan staring at the back of his head. Probably plotting his demise. He turns then, fixing a scowl at the creature, though mindful not to make direct eye contact.
“There’s probably nothing wrong with you, is there?” he asks, as if the beast would understand him perfectly. Hoan blinks, tilting his head from side to side as if confused, cawing at him.
“Oh don’t you play innocent with me. You kept her here on purpose didn’t you? Think you’re real smart hogging all her attention.”
Hoan doesn’t give away any indication he understood anything directed at him. Instead he busies himself cleaning the inner parts of his wing; utterly ignoring Ao’nung it seems.
The boy in question shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Turning around to once again face the direction you went.
“Skxáwng ikran…” he mutters to himself.
His hand flies to the back of his head, something having hit him. He turns around and looks down, finding a portion of sand and drool covered fish at his heals. He frowns and looks up Hoan, the offending creature has his head buried in his other wing.
Ao’nung eyes him up and down, taking a few steps back before turning around once more. Where the heck were you?
“Hey!” He turns around angrily and again he finds fish at his heels while Hoan is preening himself; the picture of innocence. “You better stop that or else!” A fool Ao’nung is then, to turn his back once more, because as soon as he does—
This time when he turns around, Hoan is instead looking right at him. The offending creature honks at him rhythmically, and to the annoyed Ao’nung, that almost sounds a damn laugh. Without a second thought, he picks up the nearest piece of fish and lobs it at Hoan’s head. He hits him square in the face, the fish leaving a sandy red kiss to his temple.
Were it possible, Ao’nung thinks the face Hoan’s giving him right now would be that of the utter most offence anyone has ever taken in the history of the forever. He picks up another piece and throws it Ao’nung, hitting him in the chest and leaving the same gross smelly mark.
“So you have chosen war.” Ao’nung states, a war cry leaves his lips and he grabs the pieces near him into his arms, throwing them at Hoan.
The ikran responses immediately, a loud hiss and raw at Ao’nung, this time he grabs as many pieces in his mouth as he can, throwing them haphazardly at his opponent, some missing him completely.
The two of them go at it for a while, the pieces becoming nearly unrecognizable as time passes. All the while, Ao’nung laughs, what a silly thing he finds himself doing, having a, fish war, with your ikran. The beast itself making all manner of caws, bellows, yips, snarls and chirps.
So engrossed are the two of them that they naturally do not here your approach until it is too late.
“By the Great Mother, what is going on here???”
Immediately they both stop, dead still are they, like two naughty children being caught red handed. They turn to you then, you standing off to the side, a small basket balanced on your hips, filled with various molluscs.
Ao’nung drops the pieces he’s holding, straightening up and clearing his throat.
“Well you see, [Y/N], we were just—” another piece hits him in the side of the head. He turns and frowns at Hoan, who has his head facing the other way, turned to the sky as if the most interesting thing he’s ever seen is there right now.
“Pffft….Pffthahahahaha!” A melodious laugh bursts forth from you, and Ao’nung turns to you alarmed; a light blue dust paints itself up his neck and across his cheeks. “The two of you are ridiculous! Look at you! Covered in sand and fish blood.” You shake your head, smile never wavering. You set the basket beside Hoan, knowing you wouldn’t have to shuck the creatures yourself. It will be good for him to use his wing claws to pry them open.
“Silly boy, Hoan!” You tease and make tsaheylu. “Make sure you wash yourself thoroughly before you return to the others. Else Bob will never let you forget,” you say out loud for Ao’nung’s benefit before disconnecting and approaching said boy.
He huffs at you and turns away.
There is a cheeky smile on your face as you look up at him, arms behind your back.
“Having fun without me?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about honestly.”
You shake your head at his antics and grab his hand.
“Come, let’s get you cleaned up in the heated pools,” you say and walk off, pulling him behind you by your joint hands.
You turn to look at him behind you, not slowing your pace as you do.
“And Ao’nung?”
“Jealousy? You wear it well yawne,” you tease him, letting the word roll of your tongue, dripping in liquid gold. You can’t help but giggle when you see the shocked look on his face, the darkening of his skin renewed tenfold. He turns his face elsewhere.
“Sh—shut up…”
You laugh once again facing forward and squeeze his hand.
He smiles contently, and gently squeezes back.
Oel ngati kameie - I see you
yerik - the hexapede
talioang - the sturmbeest
skxáwng - stupid/moron/idiot
yawne - my love
Cocky!Aonung talking shit about splitting Human!Reader in two and pounding her small demon pussy, but all his control thrown out the window when he bottoms out due to how tight she is. Like it’s driving him fucking crazy and he’s holding back so much. AND READER KNOWS.
She pulls his hand off her hip and glides it over the bulge he’s making in her stomach🥴 she turns her head to look back at him “Your so big stretching me out so good.” She’s just teasing the fuck out of him (Size kink go brrr)
Ruin me
adult Ao‘nung x female human reader

Words: 5k
Summary: Ao‘nung thinks he’s no match to any human males and could easily ruin you for all of your kind. Oh, was he wrong about that.
Warnings: explicit smut, size difference, size kink, belly bulge, Ao‘nung is drunk, dirty talk, slight degradation, cowgirl position, oral, switch!Ao‘nung
adult Ao‘nung art was made by the amazing @Cinetrix 🩵
tawtute = human, sky person
paskalin = honey
naer = alcoholic drink

Music, the flickering light of the big fire, the stink of naer [alcoholic drink], some metkayina dancing around the fire place while others told stories that emitted great laughed from all around them. Not exactly something you wouldn’t find enjoyable. Normally. The music was okay, but maybe if the booze wasn’t as disgusting you could find it in yourself to get up and dance with Kiri, but sadly eywa hadn’t granted you this luxury. So you just had to suffer through it, sober and bored, while everyone else seemed to have the time of their lives.
Being the only human in the village sucks. It makes you miss home more than anything, and you can’t help but drift off into happier memories. The omatikaya knew how to celebrate. They also knew how to make you feel welcome. Here, you didn’t even dare raise to your feet and join the cheerful dancing. Not sober, though. Afraid of weird looks from the metkayina that had never before seen a demon this close and still hadn’t grown very fond of you, you decided to stay put for the night.
After a while, Lo‘ak nudges your side and shoves a drink under your nose, but you decline with a put-on smile. Then he shrugs and chucks the liquor by himself. His careless way of drinking the entirely too strong metkayina booze earns him a frown and playful claps to the back of his head by his older brother, and it’s the only thing emitting a slight giggle from you in hours.
So here you were. Stuck between your drunk childhood friends and their new friends, watching people drink and grind (they could call it dancing as much as they wanted, it was obscene grinding and nothing would persuade you of anything different).
The olo’eyktans eldest, Ao‘nung or whatever the brats name was, was standing in front of the group, giving a speech about whatever. You can barely hear the words droning from his mouth, too apathetic to translate them in your head. You lost interest in whatever he had to say a long time ago, not that it was ever there to begin with.
Oh, you could definitely do without Ao’nung. He wasn’t exactly an enemy, but certainly not a friend. Not to you, not after everything he did. Ao’nung was the type of person whose name was known in the village. You realized that on the very first day here. The type of person who everyone loves, mostly because they’re intimated of him. The type of person that could snap his fingers and woman would fall to their knees to please him.
Technically, he had never been rude to you. But that didn’t matter. He was a horrible person by pure association.
Ao’nung carried himself like he owned the island. Well, perhaps he would, someday. But leading and owning are two entirely different things. Something it seems he hasn’t realized just yet. So yes, he’s an asshole. A cocky asshole that has no idea what it’s like to be thankful. What it’s like to be appreciative. He gets everything handed to him on a silver platter and is constantly showered with admiration and attention. And the worst thing of all is, that he believes he could own you, too.
"Oh I could", Ao’nung chuckles, and it’s the first thing he said that you actually registered. You catch the way Neteyam rolls his eyes shortly after giving you the look, and it’s just now that you snap out of your thoughts and realize what was being said must’ve been about you.
"What?" You frown.
"Ruin her", Ao’nung says completely over your head. He’s grinning, talking about you as if you weren’t even here with them and it’s only making things worse. "I could ruin her for all of her kind with ease. Just look at her, she’s so tiny. She probably can’t even take all of it."
"Bro", Lo’ak makes a face of disgust before breaking out in laughter, "don’t be fucking weird."
You sigh, heavily, and then roll your eyes so hard it stings a tiny bit. Not this again, you think.
"What? You don’t think I can, little demon?"
It’s not the first time this topic was bought up by the metkayina man and you know for a fact that it won’t be the last. And what only makes this worse is, you can’t even blame his words on the alcohol flowing through his system. Yes, he’s clearly a bit tipsy, but it seems this has been a topic he frequently occupied himself with. Like a challenge. And maybe that’s what it was for him. Truthfully, you were something new to him. Something exciting. Certainly a new way to proof himself to be the best, a challenge to see if he could actually ruin you. To have the foreign little demon submit to him.
"Fuck off", you tell him with a smile, the english rolling off your tongue so smoothly it makes Lo’ak and Neteyam stifle a laugh to not give away what you just said.
Ao’nung, completely oblivious to your words, grins even wider. His tail wags behind his back and his ears perk up and god, he looks so much like a stupid little puppy waiting for a treat. And as much as watching Ao’nung embarrass himself further because he once again tried and failed to sweet talk his way into your pants, it was late and you only had so much patience left in you today.
So you got up, excused yourself, turned around and walked away, back in the direction of the little camp that was set up for you on your stay with the metkayina.
Except you were stopped just a moment later, by a hand around your wrist, spinning you around and nearly making your mask go flying.
"Whoah, whoah, where do you think you’re going?" Ao’nung laughed, just a bit too loud in his drunkenness. "Party isn’t over yet, paskalin."
"Let me go", you sighed, trying to wriggle yourself free, but his grip was like iron.
"Oh c’mon, loosen up a little. It’s like you don’t know how to have fun! Do I really have to teach you?” Ao’nung shook his head, making soft yet still very audible tsk-tsk sounds. He then lifted the cup in his hand and held it in your face. "Drink."
“No thanks", you politely pushed his hand away. "I prefer the omatikayas naer. It’s sweeter."
This made him laugh again, as if you had just made the best joke he’d heard in ages. “Oh, pretty, you don’t drink for the taste!” He emphasised the word taste, making it sound as if he was trying to explain something to a six-year old. The way your rolled your eyes at him made his face break into a sharp grin, and at this point you genuinely wondered if he thought rolling your eyes at someone was the human equivalent to flirting.
"Okay, no drinks, I get it. Then what do you say about us ditching the others and have some private fun instead, hm?"
"You’re drunk, fish lips, and you know my answer. It’s the same as always."
"And? C‘mon, I’ve been dying to get a taste of you", he chuckles, cocking his head as he looks down at you. "Let me show you how good I could make you feel. I mean what I said earlier, and you know it." For the last part, he leaned down enough so his lips brushed the lobe of your ear as he spoke lowly, "Don’t be shy, let me ruin that pretty little tawtute pussy. I know you want it."
God, he was so insufferable. You knew that you would probably never hear the end of it if you didn’t finally do something against this...
Glancing back over your shoulder, you watched the others lost in their drunken chitter chatter, too distracted to pay you both any mind. Good. "You know what? Fine. Let’s go somewhere else", you said with a shrug and to your amusement, looked back at Ao’nung at the exact moment his brain had processed what you had just said. There was a split second in which his face dropped in utter confusion, before he proudly puffed his chest out and licked his lips in anticipation.
Saying he was like putty in your hands was a fairly humble brag at this point. In truth, he was all yours– fully and completely yours. He just didn’t know it yet.
Watching his wide curious eyes scan the makeshift labs full of sky people technology was a sight better than anything you could’ve ever dreamed about. You love that the big cocky guy seems so out of place here, as he clumsily ducks under the doorframe to your bedroom. Closing the door behind him, you then feel his gaze on you. Ao‘nung doesn’t make much of an act around hiding the lust in his eyes as he watches you discard your mask to the little table next to the door, practically eye-fucking you already.
"Sit down", you tell him, biting the inside of your cheek to hide the amused smile wanting to spread on your lips. You want to play along for a while longer, just for the fun of it. "Straight to the point, huh?" Ao‘nung smirks as he does as instructed, the bed creaking under his weight. "I knew you wanted this just as much as I did."
You shake your head with a giggle as you step closer between his spread thighs. "You’re just so tall", you bat your pretty long lashes at him, talking in your most seductive voice as your hands reach out to wander from his board chest to his shoulders, before your arms encircle his neck. "It’s easier for me to do this when you sit down", you say in a hushed whisper, before pressing your lips against the corner of his mouth, then one more properly on-center. Ao’nung parts his lips, greedy and desperate, but you just ignore him, kisses his bottom lip and bites it softly. Bites it again, harder this time, raking with your teeth until he can feel it swelling up a bit.
And then you kiss him nowhere near chastely. A sigh escapes you and you let it ebb into a soft moan when he slips his tongue into your mouth. His mouth is messy and clever, but you’re making these little noises that are starting to turn him on so damn much, you just know he’s going dizzy with how good it is.
Ao‘nung groans into it, his hands immediately running up your thighs and backside, boldly grabbing a handful of each one of your ass cheeks. He‘s greedy in the way he kisses, taking control of all movements and you let him. For now. Until his mouth’s almost numb from kissing.
Ao’nung hasn’t done this much kissing since he was fourteen and had his first girlfriend, and he definitely hasn’t ever been kissed like you kissed. It’s the perfect mix of submissive, yet so filthy and dirty, it makes him as hard as a rock. Your ass fits right into his palms and he kneads the supple flesh, attempts to spread your cheeks and nearly rips the seams of your jeans.
He‘s so impatient, it would’ve been cute if it didn’t worry you that he would skip the foreplay completely and just pound you into the mattress. This guy needed some relief first, you decided.
After a while of sucking on each other tongues, panting against each others lips and kissing so hungrily, there’s spit running down his chin, you gently push yourself away with a hand on his chest. His eyes are still half lidded and his lips are parted once you’ve put some space between you both and you can’t help but giggle at the sight of his desperate state. He’s so easy, you think to yourself.
Your hands then wander from his tattooed chest, further down his toned stomach, skimming over his muscles and past the cord that holds his loincloth together. The sound of him sucking in a sharp breath once your palm runs over the outline of his hard cock makes goosebumps appear all over your body. God, no wonder he was acting so cocky all the time. Ao’nung was huge. More than just proportional to the rest of his body.
The look in your face must’ve given your thoughts away, because the metkayina man then grins and chuckles, "I told you, paskalin. I will ruin you."
A smile pulls at your lips at that and then you sink to your knees between his spread thighs. It takes both of your hands and a little help to get him out of his loincloth, but the effort is rewarded with a mouth watering sight.
Ao’nungs cock is long and thick, the same pretty cyan as the rest of his body, hard and flushed and standing upright, slowly dripping pre-cum. You could even see it twitch to the rhythm of his rapid heartbeat, wordlessly begging to be touched. You lick your lips at that, a movement that doesn’t go unnoticed.
"You want to suck my cock, hm?" Ao‘nungs hand reaches out to cup your cheek, his thumb running over your kiss-swollen bottom lip. "Think you can take it?"
"I can try", you say in hushed whisper, smiling up at him with those big doe eyes you know will drive him insane. His cock throbs heavily as you run your small hands up the inside of his thigh, then grabbing his length with both of them. He’s too thick to close your hands entirely around him, but that only adds further to the exciting flutter in your stomach.
It’s just a lick, from base to tip, at first. One quick run with your tongue. Ao‘nung makes a noise, clearly made in an effort to keep himself from moaning and you grin mischievously. You start shallow and easy. Somewhat slow and lazy. Just working him up with kisses on his smooth tip and kitten licks along his shaft. As a reward, he makes soft, low groans every now and then. It encourages you to pick up the pace and go deeper.
Your lips wrap around the head, tongue glued to the underside and then you slowly suck him in as far as he could go before making you gag -which wasn’t much, considering that his tip almost filled your mouth out completely. But you managed to make it work, your hands coming to help and stroke every inch you couldn’t reach.
Ao‘nung let out a strangled moan at the tight heat your throat formed around him and then tangled his fist in your hair. "Fuck, that’s good…"
A glance up reveals a pair of lust darkened eyes staring down at you, his bottom lip sucked in between his sharp canine and his eyebrows drawn together in pleasure. You chuckle and hum around his cock, tasting the musky, earthy tang of his pre-cum dripping onto the back of your tongue as you suck and slurp around his cock.
Ao’nungs noises are slowly growing louder and more frequent, but they aren’t out of control. Yet.
You let the tip of your tongue flick against his slit, and this time the metkayina didn’t even try to hold back a moan. "Great mother– shit, keep that up and you‘ll make me come!"
At this, you pull off and look up with a wicked grin that quickly turns into a little pout. "Not yet, big boy. I want you to hold it.” Your tongue darts out again to give the head of his cock a seductive lick. "Hold it so you can come inside me, yes?"
Ao‘nung swallows thickly, trying to compose himself and keep his calm, and then nods. "Get up here then, c‘mon", he huffs, sounding a little too breathless for his own liking as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up to your feet. Your clothes were off faster than you could even process with the speed of an extra set of hands that were just itching to feel every inch of your exposed skin.
"What a pretty little demon", Ao‘nung cooed as his eyes raked over your body, his hands groping at your ass and hips, one of them running up to knead your tits. "Always knew you’d be a sight." He then places a couple of open mouthed kisses on the warm, soft skin of your breast, his lips closing around a nipple to gently suck before he released it with a wet pop.
"We should make sure to get you ready for me", Ao’nung whispered before he continued to lap at your tits. "Get you all nice and wet, stretch you out for my cock", he said after a long drag of his tongue over your sensitive skin.
"Yeah", you breath softly, letting your head fall back as you enjoyed the feeling of his tongue tease one nipple, and then the other. "We should."
"How does the tiny human want me then, hm?"
A mischievous smile spread on your lips as you straddled the big na‘vi, making sure to shuffle in position by letting your cunt drag over his cock which emitted a sharp hiss from the man under you. Both of your arms were now back around his neck, your chest pressed tight against his as you arched your back for him.
"Want you to finger me before I ride you", you whispered lowly into his pointy ear, before licking along the soft shell. You giggle at the way it twitches in excitement of hearing your desires, before Ao‘nung wraps a strong arm around your middle and reaches between your thighs from behind with the other.
He makes a low sound, between a groan and a growl, as his finger glides through your slippery folds. He locates your clit with ease and teases the little bundle of nerves by drawing featherlight circles on it. Sweet gasps of pleasure tumble from your parted lips and directly into his ear and he grins. More arousal seeps out of you the more he plays with your clit, and it doesn’t take him very long to grow impatient and let his fingers wander to the source of it. Your tiny hole clenches with the need to be filled and Ao‘nung let’s out an appreciative hum as he pushes his index finger past your entrance with minimal resistance. You’re so wet, so ready to be taken, he thinks. But you’re also tight, he realizes quickly.
Wriggling the second finger inside is more of a challenge, but you still take it. Your moans grow louder as he begins to push his fingers in to the last knuckle, thrusting them in and out slowly, curling them just right for your legs to tremble.
Once he deems you ready enough and his impatience seems to get the best of him, Ao’nung retreats his fingers and grabs your hips to position you right above his cock. He presses you down to where it lays hard and heavy on his stomach, then guides you by the hips to run your cunt up and down his length, lubing himself with your arousal.
"Think you’re ready for me, paskalin?", Ao’nung asks, but his voice sounds more strained that he would like admit. He’s so precious, holding himself back so much. And he’s was doing so well there. He’s not even inside you yet but you can feel his cock pulse, so close to the finish line already.
For a moment you debate if you should shake your head and make him eat you out first, just to see how long he can hold it in. You knew that would be mean. But that was exactly the point. He might be as hard as a rock, but you had the patience of a saint, and could easily drag this out. But the thought of him finishing early over how tight you are is just so much better.
"See for yourself", you purr into his ear, before leaning back with a hand on his chest, the other one grabbing his length and positioning it to nudge against your entrance.
"Go slow, tawtute. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt, do we?" Ao’nung chuckles confidently, but the sound is quickly cut off once you lower yourself onto his cock. "F-Fuck", he gasps, his hands on your hips suddenly tightening. He groans through gritted teeth, feeling your warmth embrace the tip of his cock. Letting him stretch your tight hole, you pause every couple of inches, just slowly making progress. But it was enough to get Ao’nung on the verge of loosing his composure.
Squeezing his eyes shut, all he could feel was the suffocating heat all around his cock, swallowing him whole, inch after inch. All he could do was lay there and try to control his rapid breathing, groaning loud and deep the further you sank down.
You’re so tight, so incredibly tight, it’s like nothing he has ever felt before. It was a vice like grip that squeezed his cock for all it’s worth and you hadn’t even started to move properly. Exhaling another shaky breath, he finally felt you snug against him, which made him pry his eyes open slowly.
"What’s wrong, hm?" You said, cocking your head at the man below you. "You’ve always got such a mouth on you, pretty boy, what happened?"
Ao’nung couldn’t even react, his breath cut off completely and his eyes rolled back into his head as he felt your hot walls pulsate around his length.
"Bit off a bit more than you could chew, huh?" You giggle softly. Looking down at yourself, you couldn’t just feel but see the very prominent bulge of where his cock was nestled deep inside you.
"Fuck, you’re so big", you said with a smile. Ao’nungs eyes were so heavy with lust as he stared at you, biting his bottom lip hard enough to taste copper in order not to loose himself right here and right now. But you weren’t making it very easy for him.
"Look how much you’re stretching me out", you whispered, before taking his hands from your hips and repositioning them to rest and the bulge of your stomach. "You’re so deep inside me, can you feel it?"
And then, torturously slow, you lifted your hips up. The combined feeling beneath his big palms and also his cock, of him sliding out of you, drove Ao’nung close to madness. He was almost completely out, only the tip resting inside you, when you stopped. You could see the self-restraint in his feverish gaze, his pupils grown so much his eyes were almost fully black now.
"Ready, big boy?"
He wouldn’t possibly know what to be ready for, so he just nods, drunk of lust.
You don’t sink down nearly as slow and carefully as just a few minutes ago when your body still had to adjust to his size. You slam yourself down and Ao’nung makes a sound that’s close to a punched out moan. He feels the head of his cock nestled against your cervix, pressed right against the opening to your womb and it makes him physically shudder.
His back arches and then your hands find leverage on his chest and you start bouncing on him.
"Oh eywa", the metkayina gasps loudly, "Are you trying to kill me?" The soft, velvety walls of your cunt squeeze around him at his words and his eyes almost cross at that. "You– shit, you feel so good. You’re so– so tight, fuck!"
Instead of a verbal response, you just grin and decide to let your body do all the talking for you. Starting with a pace that he least expected now, moving your hips hard and fast— lifting yourself up and down on Ao‘nung cock and spilling moans that he felt deep to his core. His cock almost slips out each time, before you slam your hips back down, turning him into a moaning, whimpering mess.
Ao’nungs toes curl at the feeling of your tight heat swallowing him over and over again, and you felt the way his cock throbbed heavily inside you. He was so close, so so close. His mouth was slightly agape as he watched your breasts bounce with every thrust, providing the perfect view of yourself, moving how you pleased without a care for anything else. There was so much salvia pooling in his mouth, Ao‘nung felt like a starved man forced to stare at his favorite dish right in front of him.
With the way you plunged his cock into your pussy over and over again, deeper with every thrust, he was certain that it must feel like he was already in your stomach. And you were moaning like that was the case. The sounds you knocked out of his throat were a mixture of groans, grunts and sweet whimpers, whenever his dick knocked on your cervix like an iron hammer –until it was all too much for the poor man.
"I- Stop, shit, slow down", he managed to force out, his hands squeezing your hips so hard you knew they would be bruised by tomorrow. That didn’t stop you from riding him, though. "Eywa woman, you’re gonna make me–"
"You’re eating your words yet, hm?" You cut him off, switching from bouncing to grinding yourself against him, circling your hips as if you were trying to spell his name.
"H-Huh, what?", he tries, but fails to understand what you were trying to say, once your walls seem to suffocate him, squeezing around his length particularly hard. "Oh sh-it!"
A smile pulls at your lips. You’re enjoying this far too much.
Leaning forward you press your lips against his, then move from his mouth to his jaw, places open mouthed kisses on his throat and up to the tip of his ear. Your blunt teeth graze his lobe and then you whisper, "You said you would ruin me for all of my kind. But who’s ruining who now?"
"Okay, I- I get it", he says in a breathless moan. "Shit, please, you–"
"Say it", you demand with a harsh thrust. "Who’s ruining this big, strong warrior for all of his kind?"
"Y-You!" Ao’nung groans, his hips raising off the bed as if to chase the tightness of your cunt as you lift yourself up and then down again. "You do, fuck, you’re ruining me!"
"Hmm, you’re so loud", you hum, "It’s like you want everyone to hear how good the little tawtute’s making you feel."
It's not enough, the slow drag of you pulling out, and then the harsh thrust of him filling you up again. It’s not enough but it's also too much, too good! Ao’nung can't take anymore.
"I– I’m gonna come!" He groans, throwing his head back in bliss. "I can’t– ca- hngh– you just feel so good, I’m gonna fucking come!"
"What, already?", you giggle, "That’s so sweet."
His excitement suddenly overwhelms your control, and he thrusts up into you, fast and hard as he begins to come. He drops his head onto the mattress, suddenly weak with the pleasure rushing through him, and his cock jerks inside your warmth. You feel the pulse of his blood pounding, pounding, and Ao’nung pushes in one last time as deeply as he can.
"C‘mon, do it then", you say between moans, your voice bouncing from the sheer force of his jackhammer-like thrusts. "Come for me, baby. I want you to come inside me, make me feel good."
Sweat was already beading at his forehead, curses being hissed through clenched teeth as he held you steady and plunged his cock into you over and over again.
Ao’nung couldn’t think straight anymore. You were still so tight, so good, every inch of his cock sliding into you made his brain turn into goo. It felt like waves of water rushing over him, drowning him in the feeling before something pulled him out and his lungs finally filled with air.
Ao’nung comes hard, shaking and squirming beneath you as his hot seed fills ever inch inside you there is to fill. The sheer intensity of it is enough to help you tumble over the edge with him, and you find his lips just in time to moan into each others mouths, tongues curling and lips sucking the other in. It’s so filthy, so wet and messy, it takes you a hot minute to realize the na‘vi underneath you has grown limp before you stopped grinding against him.
You go still for a minute, just smiling at the mess you’ve made out of the man that had so much to say about ruining you earlier that night. And then, almost casually, your hips roll up in a gentle thrust. Ao’nungs breath catches on a noise, and even he isn’t sure if it's pleasured or pained, nerve endings still flayed and raw-open. He’s so overstimulated from the tightness of your human cunt, he shudders when you finally lift yourself up and off of him.
Finally, Ao’nung pushes himself up to one elbow, words forming on his lips, but they're lost on a ragged gasp as you gently push him back down by his shoulders.
"What- what are you doing?" He chuckles in disbelief, his eyes eagerly following your every movement. His cum still oozes out of you in a thick flow, the sight alone so obscene it makes his cock already half hard again. His hands reach out to hold you, but you remove them, before shuffling to straddle his head.
"You can still talk, Ao‘nung. And when I say I’ll ruin you, I mean it. Now lay back down and let me see what else that dirty mouth of yours is good for."

Title: Beneath the Sea's Gaze
(Aonung x Reader)

The azure waters of Pandora shimmered in the early morning light, casting a tranquil glow across the Awa'atlu village. The Metkayina clan was beginning their day, and you, a human living among the Na'vi, felt the usual mix of awe and gratitude as you watched the Na'vi go about their lives. You had been living with the Metkayina for a year now, learning their ways, their language, and finding a new home among them.
Your presence in the village had initially been met with curiosity and a bit of skepticism, particularly from Aonung, the clan leader's son. Tall and proud, Aonung often looked at you with a mix of intrigue and something else you couldn’t quite identify. Over time, however, the walls between you had slowly crumbled. It wasn’t easy, and there were still moments of tension, but Aonung had become one of your closest friends.
Today was special. The clan was preparing for a significant ceremony, and you were eager to contribute. You had been working with Tsireya, Aonung’s sister, to weave intricate decorations. She was patient and kind, guiding your clumsy fingers as you tried to mimic her delicate movements.
"You’re getting better," Tsireya said, her bright eyes sparkling as she inspected your handiwork.
You smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks to you."
Aonung approached, his presence commanding immediate attention. His gaze settled on you, and for a moment, you felt the now-familiar flutter in your chest. "Y/N, you’ve been busy," he remarked, his tone somewhere between admiration and teasing.
"I’m trying to help," you replied, a little defensively.
Aonung’s lips curved into a smile. "And you are. Come, I want to show you something."
Curiosity piqued, you followed Aonung to the edge of the village, where the ocean stretched endlessly before you. The sun was higher now, casting shimmering patterns on the water's surface. Aonung dove in smoothly, and you followed, your human-made breathing apparatus allowing you to keep up with the Metkayina underwater.
The world beneath the waves was a symphony of colors and life. Schools of vibrant fish darted around you, and the coral structures were more magnificent than any human architecture. Aonung led you deeper until you reached a secluded underwater cavern. Air pockets allowed for brief moments of communication without your apparatus.
Aonung’s eyes were serious as he regarded you. "This place is special. It’s where I come to think."
You nodded, understanding the significance of what he was sharing with you. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Aonung hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you, Y/N."
You waited, heart pounding. The intimacy of the moment, the closeness of the space, and the gentle ripple of the water around you all amplified the tension.
"I didn’t understand you at first," Aonung confessed. "You are so different from us, yet you have a strength that I admire. I’ve come to respect you deeply. And… I think I’ve come to care for you more than I expected."
Your breath caught in your throat. Aonung’s words resonated deeply, echoing the feelings you had been wrestling with yourself. "Aonung, I… I feel the same way. You’ve shown me so much, and I’ve grown to care for you too."
Aonung’s face softened with a relief that made your heart soar. He reached out, taking your hand in his. "Then let’s see where this path takes us, together."
You nodded, squeezing his hand gently. In that moment, the differences between your worlds seemed to melt away, leaving only the connection that had grown between you. The ocean around you seemed to pulse with approval, as if Eywa herself was blessing your bond.
Back in the village, the ceremony was in full swing, but you and Aonung had your own private celebration beneath the waves. The future was uncertain, but you knew that as long as you faced it together, you could overcome any challenge.