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2 years ago

My Might Warrior [1]

My Might Warrior [1]

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My Might Warrior [1]

pairing: neteyam x reader

summary: when the sully's find their way on the island of awa'atlu, they find themselves begging for refuge. your curiosity levels are filled to the brim when you find out that new na'vi were going to be staying in the same place as you. while doing so, ao'nung, your best friend, can't help but tear you away from the newcomers as he observes the way a foreigner's stare on you is a bit too long for his liking.

warnings: a bit of swearing, nothing else :).

My Might Warrior [1]

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My Might Warrior [1]

a long horn sound rang throughout the village, causing you to look up from the watery surface you were previously engulfed in. you watched as two or three flying banshees landed on the ground of your sandy village. observing how darker-skinned na'vi were surrounded by your people, making you quickly swim over to the growing crowd.

finally reaching your destination, you saw a tall, dark blue skinned na'vi, only to be slightly pushed back. once again, your curious figure ran behind someone else, trying to make yourself see better with the use of standing on your tippy toes. being shoved forcefully to the side again by a villager. "hey!" you whisper-shouted.

groaning silently, you stood there for a few seconds, waiting for at least some metkayinan na'vi to move. you eavesdropped on the ongoing conversation, only understanding that they needed refuge.

"these children... are not even true na'vi!" you heard your tsahik shout. the familiar voice made your ears perk up, her words causing you to finally squeeze through the crowd, stopping in front of an unfamiliar figure in front of you.

he had beaded braids that stopped past his shoulders. lighter striped patterns running down his back and arms. his body was toned well, he definitely works out, you thought.

to you, he had a pretty side profile with a cute smile. only being able to see him smile when he looked over at tsireya's way - your closest friend - was a few inches beside you. also, who didn't notice you beside her.

"my children! ao'nung and tsireya will show you around, as well as teach your own kids our metkayina way." you heard your olo'eyktan announce.

"what? but-" watching ao'nung - a skxawng of a friend you frequently hung out with - as he was about to reject his father's idea.

"it is decided." tonowari declared, ao'nung's pleas were found useless, so you couldn't help but giggle. unbeknownst to the dark blue skinned na'vi who looked your way, finding your little laugh the sweetest thing. his stare on you was a little bit too long, well that was what ao'nung thought when he looked his way. scoffing, he walked over to you, grabbing by your arm, walking away after placing an arm around your shoulder. making sure the one foreigner that he titled as freak was able to see him do so.

My Might Warrior [1]

neteyam sully. that was his name. you learnt it from tsireya, who was beside you as she weaved her little gift basket. "they are all nice, but i do not think their mother is very fond of us. i tried my best to get along with her. she nearly hissed at me." tsireya pouted.

"well," you tried your best understanding from the grown woman's point of view, placing a comforting hand on your best friend's shoulder, "i too, wouldn't like it if i were to move away from our village. our home. it will take her time, tsireya." you smiled cheerfully at her. her smiling the same way.

"it seems i have already left myself with a bad impression with neytiri sully, she may like you." she opinionated.

"if you think you have, tsireya, then try again by talking to her. again, it will take her some time-" your voiced thought was rudely interrupted by another one of your close friends, who made their way into your marui pod.

"no point of trying again with those freaks. they have already taken space in our village, that should be enough." ao'nung spoke with venom in his tone.

"nung, do not be like that, please. understand from their side, it's already hard on them that they have left their home." you explained slowly.

with a sigh leaving ao'nung's mouth, "i am just saying, they are freaks. if they do not love the idea of living here, they can leave for all i care."

your pod was finally silent, and you smiled softly at ao'nung. moving from your previous spot, sitting next to him, placing your fingers into his and intertwining them. "you may learn to love them. who knows?" you joked with a soft voice. your sanguine attitude always left ao'nung slightly less angered, his demeanour changing instantly. whatever magic you had on tsireya's brother, she wished you were around all the time when ao'nung had his bitchy moments.

tsireya side eyed ao'nung when he turned his head. a darker shade, completely taking over his face. this made his sister silently giggle.

"yeah," he said with a cough, "maybe."

you were a quiet metkayina girl. not the shy type of quiet, more of the reserved and quiet type. you were only louder barely around your three close friends: tsireya, ao'nung, and rotxo. you still kept your soft voice when you were around them. you were understanding, patient, calm, and collected. kind and gentle at heart. a skilled healer as well. but when it came to hunting. eywa, how your duality switched. you were fast-paced when killing, observant on your prey, hunger was all the other hunters saw in your eyes. after all the gorey kills you collect, a blush always made a way on your face when you were praised for your efforts. to ao'nung, you were confusing. but a good type of confusing, in a way? even after being childhood friends, he always yearned to learn more about you.

"just promise that you will be nice to them, please? for me and tsireya, at least." begging, your hand leaving his as you put your hands together.

ao'nung was close to declining your promise until the last part. not so much on the 'tsireya part', more on you. if his sister asked him to stop bothering the sully kids, he would've gone to do the opposite just to piss her off even more. but coming from you, he'd dropped everything and obeyed your every word.

"okay, fine." he rolled his eyes. you smiled at him, pulling him in by his necklace. you engulfed him into a bone-crushing hug. ao'nung couldn't care if you were able to break his whole body, as long as you were the cause.

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2 years ago

My Mighty Warrior [2]

My Mighty Warrior [2]

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My Mighty Warrior [2]

pairing: neteyam x reader

summary: you're left in solitude because your main friendship group of three are busy training the sully's about the metkayinan way. finding your time alone rather sad, you made your own way to see at least one of your friends, that being your best friend. being able to ease your tensed up friend, his anger soon returns when a 'freak' interrupts the both of you.

warnings: contains swearing and a meanie ao'nung.

My Mighty Warrior [2]

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My Mighty Warrior [2]

it had been a few days since the sully family had arrived on the island of awa'atlu. during those days, you and your three close friends hadn't hung out together as they were busy training the newcomers on the metkayina way. beneficially, it did give you time to yourself because of how used you were to ao'nung barging in your marui just to lay with you. or tsireya running into your pod squealing at yet another boy who had asked if they can court her. or how rotxo would randomly come in while his mouth is stuffed with food, asking the most stupid questions you have ever heard like,

"hey, you reckon fish can drown?"

"if you get your leg cut off, where are you gonna feel the pain?"

"technically - hear me out - if i kissed ao'nung, it wouldn't be me being gay. it would be me just showing my love. like how i kiss my grandmother on the cheek, right?"

yes, rotxo was one of those friends. every day, you either had one of them in your marui or all three of them at once. but apart from that, despite the peace and quiet that you longed for, you realised that you hated it. you missed your best friends. so you made it a plan to go see them yourself. and that's exactly what you did.

before making your way out, you left out your long, curly hair that touched the back of your knees. the hair most metkayinan girls in your village had, yet yours was longer and bounced gracefully with every step you took. it was a painful experience when it came to brushing it, but your childhood years helped when you were sat down by your mother, who nearly ripped off your damn head when brushing through the thick curls you owned. you put half of your hair up in a ponytail with a vine stitched with pearls ao'nung had made for you. leaving half of your hair down, resting on your shoulders. spraying a mist of sweetly crushed herbs tsireya had mixed for your birthday, a few eclipses ago. with a few final touches, you slid on the armcuff rotxo crafted. you appreciated everything your friends made you, making sure to wear them anywhere you went. even if you were just going out to get some fresh air. everything they gave to you meant the whole world.

My Mighty Warrior [2]

with a bright smile decorating your face, you made your way to the familiar figure you missed. making your way behind ao'nung, wrapping your arms around his waist. the tight hold you had on him made him gasp. you felt him tense up while a small laugh left your mouth. recognising your voice, you felt him relax into your soothing touch. hearing him chuckle deeply, turning around to meet your shorter body. intertwining his fingers with yours, holding them up as he kissed your knuckles, causing you to silently laugh at the ticklish feeling.

physical touch between you and ao'nung was nothing new. you did start to notice as you were slowly maturing, that hugs between you two were becoming longer. sitting on his lap while he had his arms around your waist. all the nicknames he gave you, always starting with the word 'my'. cuddling up when it got too cold, as if the hundreds of folded blankets in the corner of his marui were non-existent. times spent in each other's maruis also started to become sleepovers, even without tsireya and rotxo there. just you two. but you personally saw nothing wrong with it. he was your best friend. that's what best friends do, right?

slyly pulling away, he cupped your face with his much larger hands. "and what brings you here, my flower? you're wearing the vine i made you as well. eywa, you smell beautiful." humming in satisfaction while his heartbeat increased. it was such a stressful day for him being around na'vi he couldn't stand, especially teaching grade one basics to na'vi that were his age. him not being a patient person also meant he was absolutely not cut out to be teaching the sully's. all this stress filling his thick head but having his favourite girl standing in front of him, her wearing the very gift he made for her. oh, how you made him crazy without even knowing it.

"i miss you," engulfing him on another hug, this one being more gentle, "but you were too busy. i did not want to interrupt you." you spoke with such a gentle voice, ao'nung felt himself calming down with every word that slipped out of your mouth.

your words sinking in, he pulled away. placing your face in between his palms. "you? oh, you, my flower, are anything but an interruption." he smiled reassuringly, pecking your forehead while doing so. letting out a small laugh, "well earlier, i made some-"

"hey, ao'nung!" a deeper voice called out. assuming it was rotxo, you turned around to face the figure. your wide smile faltered slightly when faced with one of the darker blue na'vi's. a sully boy. "oh.. am i interrupting something? i'm sorry." the boy bowed slightly. a small smile painted your face at his sweet gesture.

"you were, actually. what have i told you about-" ao'nung scoffed between words.

"it is okay, ao'nung. i'm sure he didn't mean it," you gesture to him with a hand on his chest, before turning back around to meet with the latter. "it is okay." smiling warmly at the boy in front of you.

you watched as he stood tall, clearly the same height as ao'nung. "i hope it is," returning the smile. you couldn't help but feel warm at his gentle smile. "oh- uh, my name is-"

"neteyam. first born son. your parents are jake and neytiri sully. your father the great toruk makto, as well as your mother, palulukan makto, am i correct?" you say with a giggle, "nice to meet you. i am y/n." introducing yourself with a greeting demeanour.

"how is it that you know me well, but i know nothing about you?" he questioned, his face turning into a darker shade. "i may have heard a thing or two about the oldest sully," you replied, "i hear he is also a mighty warrior."

a deep blush painting neteyam's cheeks as he stares at you, who holds a sly smile. all the while this was happening, no one of you noticed the raging metkayinan boy behind you.

"whatever it was that you needed, you can tell me later. we are busy," ao'nung interrupted, gripping your wrist tightly before dragging you along with him, just like he did on the sully family's arrival. purposely bumping shoulders with neteyam.

My Mighty Warrior [2]

"what was that for, nung?" you raised your voice, very slightly.

it had been an hour since your interaction with neteyam. an hour of you trying to conversate with your best friend, who had been ignoring you the whole time. you watched his back grow tense with every breath he took. the sound of the two metals he held colliding with each other made you cringe internally. his already-sharpened blade being his rebound of focus, trying to ignore your interrogation. your standing form went on your knees, placed behind him.

feeling your breath against his back made him ease a bit, but the ongoing jealousy within him kept strong. "what is in that mind of yours, ao'nung?" you question.

sliding your arms around his waist while your chin made its way comfortably on his shoulder. your hand sneakily, moving up to the side of his face, turning his head to face you.

"i do not see you for a few days, and all your attention is him. a freak who can not hold his breath for a minute underwater, nor throw a damn spear, neither is he metkayina. who is not one of us, and will never be one of us." stating, his blade still in contact with other he held. sighing, rolling your eyes while doing so.

"please refrain from calling the sully's by that, 'nung. where has all this hatred come from, hm?" asking with such a soft voice, it could make him melt instantly. making your way to sit in front of him. sitting on his lap, as he gladly wrapped his arms around your waist. drawing you closer into his touch. it hurt you emotionally to see your best friend talk so low of someone he rarely knew about. you wondered how he talked about you to his other friends who had such a shit influence on him.

"think about it. if we were to move to the forest, it would be hard for us to adapt like they are here, in our home." trying your best to reason with your best friend. you watched as his hardened gaze fell, replaced with a sympathetic look. sighing in acceptance, your words finally not going through one ear and out the other.

oh, how wrong you were. for once, you thought ao'nung was going to listen to you, how he normally would. you thought he would at least try and get along with them after you talked. until he carefully lifted you off his lap to stand up, making his way out of your tent. the only words leaving his mouth, "i don't want to see you around any of those 'war-bringing' freaks. okay?" without leaving you any time to answer, doing so purposely, he left your marui.

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10 months ago

Beautiful blue. Been fangirling over him since I was seven πŸ™Œ

OOOMMMGG. WHAT Its This . Wof Wof
OOOMMMGG. WHAT Its This . Wof Wof
OOOMMMGG. WHAT Its This . Wof Wof
OOOMMMGG. WHAT Its This . Wof Wof
OOOMMMGG. WHAT Its This . Wof Wof

OOOMMMGG. WHAT… πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ¦―β€¦ it’s … πŸ§ŽπŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€¦ this β€¦πŸ•. Wof wof…

thank you, huandual on twitter, for awakening my animal instincts.

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