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Protocol doodles

Plus bonus reaction image we made as a joke to use on a friend

Splintered Crimson Paths ramble #2, but this time its more coherant
The A Major Chord system all exists in that universe as different things
Francis is the Henry Emily equivalent, and ends up getting killed by Afton (Which is who Jack is in the au) and haunts the animatronic that they specifically designed
Alto Clefbear is the Freddy Fazbear equivalent (duh). Lead singer of the band as usual, but can also play ukulele and usually does so at birthday parties
Protocol: Ukulele is the security program that becomes active at night. Think a combo of the fnaf movie and Security Breach.
Clefbear and Protocol werent originally sentient, but when Emily got killed and stuffed into it, their soul kind of fucked around and made the two more like AIs that definitely did not exist in the 80s lmao
Jack is the William Afton equivalent
Adam and Loki (his sons) were Micheal and Evan/Cc
Francis and Jack were married in the au, and Meri was Elizabeth
So the whole bite thing happened and Jack got angry and pissed off and he went after Francis because it was the bear that bit Loki, it was the bear that malfunctioned. The bear was Francis' creation, and the bunny was Jacks. So he went after Francis and killed him, hiding the body in the newer fnaf 1 equivalent animatronics, which is what Clefbear is. The springlock version of Clefbear had very badic rudimentary programming, didnt have the hair, and was a slightly diff shape. Alto Clefbear and the other fnaf 1 gen animatronics were basically ready to go to the new restaurant.
The endoskeletons were slightly diff than classic fnaf lore, they had a second outer layer made of a material that kept the fur and hair from getting caught in the motors cause it was also what the suit and fur was mounted on, so the body itself could be closed in and there was no smell. There was blood stains that had to be cleaned out, but that was really the only concern.
Iceberg became Bonnie
Gears became Foxy
Trebuchet because Chica
Rights became Golden Freddy
Light filled the role of the Puppet
Kain was Trebuchets dog and Became Mangle