Scp Fnaf Au - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Listening to Stuck Inside and was hit with the sudden realization that, out of context, its such an Everett Mann song. And even in the context of fnaf, Mann would make such a good William Afton/Springtrap

So, three fnaf aus so far. Mine, the Clefbear one, where Im Henry/Freddy and the 963 amulet wearer is Springtrap. Two, the one by @chilltears where Clef is Springtrap. And three, one where Mann is Springtrap. Not sure where Ill end up going with Manntrap but if someone wants joint custody of the au, hmu

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1 year ago



Got the lineart done and the colours picked out. Im gonna be adding more info in the sidebar thing on the right, so if theres anything in specific you want to know about Clefbear just let me know and Ill include it in the ref :]

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1 year ago

Short fnaf au infodump post yipee (reminder that this is something me and a few other headmates remember so dont be weird lol, but feel free to draw any of them and ask questions!)

So, Francis Emily is the Henry Emily equivalent, used They/He pronouns while alive, got shuffled around to It/He/They/Xey after they got killed. Alto Clefbear is the Freddy Fazbear stand in, and was the creation of Francis. Basically their fursona lol. Francis haunted Clefbear after getting killed. Used to be friends with Afton but is not any longer.

The A Major Chord system still exists here. Francis is the calmer face, usually out when preforming during the day. Ukulele (Ala Protocol: Ukulele) is present when protecting the restaurant, basically the security mode like in the fnaf movie. Xey hate adults being in the building and it takes a while to gain xeir trust. Alto is a mix of the two, but harbors a hatred towards Afton and will throw hands. They all like kids and making them laugh.

Clefbear is normally calm when preforming, and is the singer of the band, but can also play ukulele, and is usually requested to do for birthday parties. He still possesses some of the reality bending abilities they had when they were alive.

Jack Afton is the William Afton equivalent. Silly goofy 'I always come back' but also he merced Francis and several others. Bonnie as a character is his creation.

Kondraki is a security guard.

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1 year ago

Clefbear ref update, got the flats done

Clefbear Ref Update, Got The Flats Done


Clefbear Ref Update, Got The Flats Done
Clefbear Ref Update, Got The Flats Done

I still need to add all the shading layers and I wanna do really basic faded flats for the background doodle

This is the background doodle btw, yallve seen it in another post sksk

Clefbear Ref Update, Got The Flats Done

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1 year ago

Taking a break from doing the Clefbear ref sheet cause shading is kicking my ass

Have a Protocol: Ukulele drawing

Xeyr the security program that runs at night in Clefbear. Hates adults in the building, including the nightguard, and will actively gun for your ass if xey spot you

The dude is literally a program, but this is what xey look like when xey appear on any sort of screen. Protocol: Ukulele has a speach bubble head that can show all sorts of things on it. Words, pictures, xeyr face, etc etc.

Taking A Break From Doing The Clefbear Ref Sheet Cause Shading Is Kicking My Ass

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1 year ago

Splintered Crimson Paths ramble #2, but this time its more coherant

The A Major Chord system all exists in that universe as different things

Francis is the Henry Emily equivalent, and ends up getting killed by Afton (Which is who Jack is in the au) and haunts the animatronic that they specifically designed

Alto Clefbear is the Freddy Fazbear equivalent (duh). Lead singer of the band as usual, but can also play ukulele and usually does so at birthday parties

Protocol: Ukulele is the security program that becomes active at night. Think a combo of the fnaf movie and Security Breach.

Clefbear and Protocol werent originally sentient, but when Emily got killed and stuffed into it, their soul kind of fucked around and made the two more like AIs that definitely did not exist in the 80s lmao

Jack is the William Afton equivalent

Adam and Loki (his sons) were Micheal and Evan/Cc

Francis and Jack were married in the au, and Meri was Elizabeth

So the whole bite thing happened and Jack got angry and pissed off and he went after Francis because it was the bear that bit Loki, it was the bear that malfunctioned. The bear was Francis' creation, and the bunny was Jacks. So he went after Francis and killed him, hiding the body in the newer fnaf 1 equivalent animatronics, which is what Clefbear is. The springlock version of Clefbear had very badic rudimentary programming, didnt have the hair, and was a slightly diff shape. Alto Clefbear and the other fnaf 1 gen animatronics were basically ready to go to the new restaurant.

The endoskeletons were slightly diff than classic fnaf lore, they had a second outer layer made of a material that kept the fur and hair from getting caught in the motors cause it was also what the suit and fur was mounted on, so the body itself could be closed in and there was no smell. There was blood stains that had to be cleaned out, but that was really the only concern.

Iceberg became Bonnie

Gears became Foxy

Trebuchet because Chica

Rights became Golden Freddy

Light filled the role of the Puppet

Kain was Trebuchets dog and Became Mangle

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1 year ago

Jack afton headcanons GO!!

Have a bunch, some of which are really oddly specific, plus a few bonus Francis ones >:]

- Likes wearing purple, but their favorite colour is actually green, then purple, then a very specific colour of brown-orange (#823d12) (Is it brown? Is it orange? Who knows)

- Dispises artificial watermelon flavouring

- Surprisingly likes the texture of velvet. And I dont mean like as a general thing. The guy has a whole velvet suit that theyve worn on multiple occasions.

- Likes the smell of summer but prefers the feel of late fall/early winter

- Likes tapping on things as a stim

- In Minecraft he would lure and trap hordes of Creepers inside village houses and leave em for other players to find

- Has probably accidentally commited arson in school once or twice

- Loves chemistry

- Attempted to learn trumpet once in high school. Didnt like it and switched to piano instead.

- Knew Francis in high school from the band (Francis played Alto Sax and transfered midway through their Junior year), but the two only really started talking regularly with each other once they ended up at the same college

- Had a silent crush on Francis for 4 years before saying anything (Its not often you see a reality bender going to your high school AND THEN going to the same college as you after all)

Bonus Francis headcanon/facts:

- British

- They were bullied a lot in high school and people would purposely step on their tail

- Can learn new instruments really easily and knows how to play way too many

- Had a dream once when they were younger about opening a restaurant and hung onto to that as a goal until it happened

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1 year ago

Iceberg lore in shattered?


You're gonna get a bit of Gears lore here too

Stuff specifically about how he died will be under the cut

Ok so. I mentioned in an earlier post about how everyone that was killed is a kid except Francis. In this, Iceberg, who Ill be called mainly Julian from here on out, is about 8. The anomolous still exist in this world, but for Julian their average body temp is around 35°F~ rather than -7°~. He has ginger hair that leans more towards the blonde side of the spectrum. He was close with Charles (Gears) and was always a little bit feisty. Had the whole Afton murdrring people thing not happened, Julian and Charles wouldve been the definition of childhood best friends to lovers. They were very close with each other.

- Julian enjoys most any sort of chocolate

- Likes giant coats and sweaters

- Really like the ocean and sea creatures

- Favorite texture is alpaca fur

- Wanted to learn how to cook and bake

- Hypermobile, probably wouldve had to use a cane or forearm crutches when older

Similarly to in the movie, Julian went out fighting. They gave Afton a sore jaw and broken nose for about 4 months.

Julian ended up getting his throat slit by Afton and choked on their own blood.

They died after Piff (Epiphany Trebuchet) but before Charles.

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1 year ago

Clef on Clef violence

Please have Clefbear (belongs to @banesberry-anomoly) wailing on Cleftrap.

Please Have Clefbear (belongs To @banesberry-anomoly) Wailing On Cleftrap.

Extra + Reference used below cut

Please Have Clefbear (belongs To @banesberry-anomoly) Wailing On Cleftrap.

Please Have Clefbear (belongs To @banesberry-anomoly) Wailing On Cleftrap.
Please Have Clefbear (belongs To @banesberry-anomoly) Wailing On Cleftrap.

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1 year ago

Jack Aftons Voice Claim, the rap part is what Protocol: Ukulele sounds like so 2 for 1 lmao

Was looking through remixes and covers for this song and found this which fits perfectly. I wasnt even looking for voice claims I just found it accidentally kskskkssk

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1 year ago

Meri Emily-Afton/Circus Baby Voice Claim

The voice sounds younger, and whether its through editing or not that makes it perfect for Meri

Undecided on whether the animatronic she haunts will still be called Circus Baby or if Ill change it hmmm

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