Nmweek24 - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Narumitsu Week Days 1+2!(i Did Them Both At Like 11 Last Night Shhhh)i Am So Out Of Practice With Coloring
Narumitsu Week Days 1+2!(i Did Them Both At Like 11 Last Night Shhhh)i Am So Out Of Practice With Coloring

Narumitsu week days 1+2! (i did them both at like 11 last night shhhh) i am so out of practice with coloring skin tones

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7 months ago

nmweek day 1: letters

Nmweek Day 1: Letters

my thoughts: when i first saw this, my first thought was how kids pass notes in school, whether to cheat or just talk, which got me thinking about how phoenix and miles would've passed notes. eventually, i thought of how sometimes kids in school get crushes, and i thought it would be cute, if i made something akin to that, but it was 2001 for them, so i don't think there was much in the note from tiny pheonix other than "i like you" or something.

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7 months ago

nmweek day 2: flowers

Nmweek Day 2: Flowers

my thoughts: i had a lot of ideas at first, most being related to marriage. there were a lot, but i eventually settled on phoenix and edgeworth holding plants that the other bought for them. i didn't know the meanings of the white chrysanthemums at the time (i mainly just used it because it looked like the prosecutors badge) but despite it having meaning of loss and correlations to funerals, there are some places where it symbolizes devoted love and loyalty. the reason phoenix has sunflowers is the same reason edgeworth has the chrysanthemum, it looked like his badge and i added roses for added variation. only later did i look it up to find it meant loyal love (like the chrysanthemum). i had originally used them because i liked the way they looked, but they have similar meanings, and i think it's funny

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7 months ago

nmweek day3: free day

Nmweek Day3: Free Day

my thoughts: i had a lot of problems with this originally, but once remembering it was a free day, i decided to let myself have fun. this is probably one of the most self indulgent drawings ive made in a while, but i like it a lot. thank you to @spookydetective for coloring this btw!

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7 months ago

nmweek day 4: hurt/healing (i wrote the wrong name in the artwork i know i just dont feel like changing it)

Nmweek Day 4: Hurt/healing (i Wrote The Wrong Name In The Artwork I Know I Just Dont Feel Like Changing

my thoughts: so this changed a lot from what i had originally planned but i like it actually. i wasn't having the best art day and struggled with drawing the actual narumitsu in the narumitsu art, but hey, i like it. i was originally going to do something "miles edgeworth chooses death" related but oh well.

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7 months ago

nmweek day 5: medieval/fantasy au

Nmweek Day 5: Medieval/fantasy Au

my thoughts: honestly, i just put dnd au because it's shorter and i immediately jumped to the idea of dnd when i saw this. i just like dnd to be honest. also it lets me info dump, so i will! i made edgeworth a pallid elf for a few reasons (though i now realize he kinda looks like a vampire), i cant remember them. for phoenix, i made him a phoenix of course. its cliche, but it works and i didnt feel like drawing a dragon born (phoenix's japanese name means dragon or something similar i think, which is why don tigre is a tiger, fun fact ^^). however, there isn't a phoenix race in dnd, i combined a fire genasi and aarakocra and id say it worked out well. also i made it bratfeen too because despite how ABSOLUTELY uncomfortable bratworth'a outfit looks, i think it looks cool and i think it works with the addition of point ears. also thank you to @spookydetective for doing the coloring AGAIN! thanks bestie, you're real cool

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7 months ago

nmweek day 6: confession

Nmweek Day 6: Confession
Nmweek Day 6: Confession
Nmweek Day 6: Confession
Nmweek Day 6: Confession

my thoughts: this is a bit later than they're usually posted because i JUST finished it. JUST NOW. i don't actually have anything to say about it, it didn't change at all, but MASSIVE THANKS to @spookydetective for helping me with figuring this out! thank you bestie, i literally wouldn't have been able it finish it had you not helped me. this didn't turn out much like i wanted it to but i ran out of time so. not much i can do.

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7 months ago

nmweek day 7: growing old

Nmweek Day 7: Growing Old

my thoughts: AUGH I CAN'T BELIVE I MANAGED TO DO THIS!! i really like this piece, and i have a few thoughts and feelings about it. also i am a firm believer of phoenix using a wheelchair when he's older (the one is the picture is an active wheelchair) and edgeworth getting a cane. also edgeworth has the little ribbon like thing like kazuma does and i did that simply because funny. also that IS the feenie sweater edgeworth is wearing and the two patches are meant to kinda represent trucy and apollo. another thing is that i feel like edgeworth picks up knitting later in life, and so i have decided the sweater phoenix is wearing was made by edgeworth. also RINGS!! MARRIAGE!!! i just like this a lot, it makes me happy. and about the line art, i actually just recolored the sketch purple and used it as the line art because i didn't feel like drawing line art or doing lineless so i didn't. all in all, i like this a LOT and im so happy i managed to do this!

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