Feenie - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Narumitsu Week Days 1+2!(i Did Them Both At Like 11 Last Night Shhhh)i Am So Out Of Practice With Coloring
Narumitsu Week Days 1+2!(i Did Them Both At Like 11 Last Night Shhhh)i Am So Out Of Practice With Coloring

Narumitsu week days 1+2! (i did them both at like 11 last night shhhh) i am so out of practice with coloring skin tones

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1 year ago

Feenie <3 love this wet noodle of a man

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5 months ago

Goth feenie

I just wanted to share some art my friend froggy did of a an Emo Feenie

I Just Wanted To Share Some Art My Friend Froggy Did Of A An Emo Feenie

I showed him that one tumblr post from Jello and went from there. I think it turned out really good!

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10 months ago


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8 months ago

nmweek day 5: medieval/fantasy au

Nmweek Day 5: Medieval/fantasy Au

my thoughts: honestly, i just put dnd au because it's shorter and i immediately jumped to the idea of dnd when i saw this. i just like dnd to be honest. also it lets me info dump, so i will! i made edgeworth a pallid elf for a few reasons (though i now realize he kinda looks like a vampire), i cant remember them. for phoenix, i made him a phoenix of course. its cliche, but it works and i didnt feel like drawing a dragon born (phoenix's japanese name means dragon or something similar i think, which is why don tigre is a tiger, fun fact ^^). however, there isn't a phoenix race in dnd, i combined a fire genasi and aarakocra and id say it worked out well. also i made it bratfeen too because despite how ABSOLUTELY uncomfortable bratworth'a outfit looks, i think it looks cool and i think it works with the addition of point ears. also thank you to @spookydetective for doing the coloring AGAIN! thanks bestie, you're real cool

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4 years ago

me, an absolute idiot: how the hell did they get feenie and nick from phoenix???¿¿¿

also me to myself after realising:

Me, An Absolute Idiot: How The Hell Did They Get Feenie And Nick From Phoenix???

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6 months ago

I gotchu bro

This is a REALLY good way to describe Phoenix’s motivation to be a lawyer 💀

Just imagine that this photo takes place when Phoenix hasn’t quite gotten his badge yet but he’s acting as Mia’s counsel so he can learn stuff. Just ignore the canon timeline and all will be fine shskdkffhdks

I Gotchu Bro


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5 months ago


"Um... the defendant... is me... right?"

[First] [Previous]

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5 months ago

I am OBSESSED with that AU where Miles is a sibling of Mia and Maya,, and all of them are children of Misty and Gregory. So here’s an essay I wrote about it!

Ideas are inspired by by many other comics on here tagged with #mystic miles au and #miles is a fey au. I also grabbed inspiration from this fic, so please check it out! https://archiveofourown.org/works/8724838

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

SPOILERS for the Ace Attorney Trilogy ahead, particularly case 3-5!

SO,, Since Iris and Dahlia moved away from Kurain at a young age and are close in age to Phoenix and Miles,, maybe they went to the same channeling school in the city as Miles.

Iris is purple and Dahlia is pink by the way lol

I Am OBSESSED With That AU Where Miles Is A Sibling Of Mia And Maya,, And All Of Them Are Children Of
I Am OBSESSED With That AU Where Miles Is A Sibling Of Mia And Maya,, And All Of Them Are Children Of

Gregory is a GOOD father so he would send Miles to channeling school since he’s interested in it (and also has powers,, as it turns out. The Fey blood be powerful like that)

And even though Iris and Dahlia’s dad sucks, maybe part of the divorce arrangement for him and Morgan would be that he’d also send them both to channeling school under the guise of them not losing their culture (but Morgan only cares about having a legacy at this point since she wants to put one of her own as the Master of Kurain, ONE of them needs to be able to be a spirit medium).

So they all meet when they’re like 8-10yo,, and Dahlia sucks and would probably bully Miles frequently for being the only boy in the class (since spirit channeling is meant to be passed down through the women in the family. Just for the sake of this au though,, it’s possible for men to inherit the ability, but the amount of times it’s happened in Kurain can be counted on one hand,, so it’s really rare). Dahlia’s projecting hard since at this point she’s def grappling with feeling like a massive failure because of her lack of powers and is taking it out on Miles,, easy target

Iris is feeling it too, but wow she has a friend now to support her! and Miles is like “no you’re so good at other things! You don’t need to be able to channel spirits to have worth, that’s dumb!”

Dahlia totally makes some mess up about Miles having “stolen” her and Iris’ abilities when it turns out Miles can actually channel spirits since “HE’S NOT MEANT TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT” and Iris doesn’t believe it at first,, but when Miles disappears a few weeks later (adopted by Manfred 🤢) she gets hella gaslighted.

Miles also knows like nothing about spirit channeling since he’s a silly city boy who doesn’t live with the Feys in his family,,, so Iris teaches him many of the technical basics when he first starts there 😌 in return they’re often partners for exercises and Miles tries to help her understand the more internal part of them.

Not pictured: Miles consistently ties his kimono the wrong way (right over left is only used when the wearer is dead) because Morgan taught him that “all men in Kurain should tie it that way” - aka she believes Miles should be dead bc her own personal vendetta against Misty + he’s a boy with more powers than her and her children (pre-Pearly) and she took that personally. She didn’t think he’d learn any different since he was moving to the city anyway so who would teach him about that kind of thing? Miles doesn’t learn why she taught him that way until 3-5 and he kinda privately has a moment like “that was on purpose. She wanted me dead. Oh MAN”

I also like to think that Miles’ strong sense of justice rubbed off a little on Iris and stuck with her through adulthood. Maybe she told Phoenix the truth in university and tried to warm him about Dahlia’s plan, but Feenie’s a little too dumb to fully put all the pieces together like that pre-murder. He’s just like “Dollie wdym???? Twin sister? Trying to plot my murder?? You’re so funny ily” and Iris is SOBBING like “Feenie PLEASE it’s been 8 months and I still haven’t gotten her necklace back yet she’s going to kill you TOMORROW” And that makes Phoenix a little less INSANE for Dahlia during the trial making Mia’s life so much easier. He doesn’t eat the necklace bc he kinda knows it’s REALLY important here and he’s gotten other signs that Dahlia’s an awful person. He’s still a bit difficult since he’s still in denial,,, but he’s less of a simp because he WAS warned. Case 3-5 probably also comes to close a little sooner since Iris is less willing to cover for Dahlia like that. She still helps her sister,, but when testifying while facing Phoenix AND Miles she may tell the truth a LOT sooner.

Also when Miles gets adopted by Manfred he can no longer attend channeling school. Misty tried to fight for custody of him when Gregory got clapped but failed since she was under fire because of the DL-6 Spirit Channeling Incident of 2001™️ and she wasn’t seen as a good fit to parent an additional child. Because of this,, Manfred isn’t under obligation to do anything to keep Miles in touch with the Fey side of the family. Miles no longer visits his siblings and Manfred pulls him out of channeling school because “it’s a waste of time,, why do that when you could speedrun becoming a prosecuting attorney?” And although Miles DOES enjoy law,, he also enjoyed spirit channeling. I hc that Manfred lives on one of those big fancy acreages, there’s 100% a waterfall somewhere on his property so Miles would sneak out through his teen years and practice his chants sitting under the flow of water like 4 times a week since that’s the only exercise he remembers from school that he can actually do by himself without a bunch of materials. It’s not proper training since he doesn’t know how to push himself aside from doing it longer each time,, and other exercises are necessary for learning how to control the powers (i say that waterfall exercise is for becoming in tune with the powers and connecting with the spirit world as a whole instead of channeling one person in particular. It’s good for expanding the reach and flexibility of the powers,, but not so much for controlling and restricting them)

This leads to Miles having INSANE spiritual energy and Pearly and Maya can FEEL it when he’s around,, but he sucks at controlling it. He’ll look down the hall in the courthouse to the elevator where his dad got killed and hear screams and see blood. In 3-5 when Dahlia un-possesses Maya in a fit of rage,, she DIVES for Miles and possesses him in a last-ditch attempt to kill Phoenix in pure fury. Miles can’t stop it or control anything that’s happening as Dahlia uses his body to jump over the desk and lunge at Phoenix in an attempt to strangle him,, and it’s only stopped by Phoenix pulling the demon-warding hood from the court record and tying it around Miles’ head. Thankfully it was painfully obvious that Miles wasn’t himself because his appearance and voice changed (Kurain Technique style) - his hair got longer and braided itself to match Dahlia’s,, and his suit jacket suddenly didn’t fit correctly since Dahlia’s much smaller in stature than him. Phoenix attests to this and Miles thankfully gets off scot-free,, but it could’ve easily been another Reunion and Turnabout-type situation with a spirit medium murdering someone while they were channeling someone who was already dead.

Afterwards Maya drags Miles to Hazakura Temple to do the special training courses with her. Miles enjoys it although he hates being imperfect at something (we hate Manfred in this house),, but Maya is very kind and supportive to her older brother 😌

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5 months ago


I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid
I Hope They Drown In Acid

I hope they drown in acid

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