No Life King - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Look, I Know The 90s Was A Bad Time For Mens Suits, But If Alucard Really Wanted To Keep A Low Profile
Look, I Know The 90s Was A Bad Time For Mens Suits, But If Alucard Really Wanted To Keep A Low Profile

look, i know the 90′s was a bad time for men’s suits, but if alucard really wanted to keep a low profile in rio, then he should’ve sucked it up and dressed like a late-90′s fuckboy on a tropical business trip. but nooo, he had to be an ultra-goth diva about it. and what did that get him? terrorism charges.

versions with and without glasses cuz i couldn’t decide

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4 years ago
Hellsing But Its Among Us...

Hellsing but its Among us...

It's something i drew out of pure boredom about two weeks ago and now i had enough motivation to finally post it! It's trashy drawn and i love it xD

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3 years ago

Watch "What Alucard (Hellsing) thinks about Twilight" on YouTube

I love that he used Alucard's voice lmao 😂👌🏼✨

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3 years ago

Imagine if Seras got a cat.

What if that mf got the zoomies in the sub levels?

Both Seras and Alucard would be dead asleep (haha) in their coffins, and all of a sudden you’d hear shit being knocked over, meowing, and tiny paw steps rushing through the halls and different rooms.

I could see Alucard (assuming he’s never seen a cat have the zoomies, that is.) Just open up his coffin and peek out to see a tiny cat rushing around his room, only for him to go

Imagine If Seras Got A Cat.

I bet Seras would have to constantly chase that mf down.

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2 years ago

Beautiful inkart ❤️ Beautiful Alucard fanart beautiful well done @zuendwinkel​

"Point me to the sky above, I can't get there on my own"

"Point Me To The Sky Above, I Can't Get There On My Own"

🖤 Just listened to "Dig up her bones" by the "Mistfits" while drawing him. The title is a quote of that song's refrain.

Honestly this song has so many Alucard vibes imo. This is my Lu song now 🖤

Hope you like my euphoric looking version of him.

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11 months ago

— Kathie L♏🇺🇲 & love 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🌻 books (@klynncam) March 20, 2024

"Nici o Regina Vietii"- (No Life Queen)

"Nici O Regina Vietii"- (No Life Queen)

@amikartest @narratorinthecloset @amikartest

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3 years ago
His Most Underrated Look In The Series Is Also My Favorite. They Really Had No Business Making Him This
His Most Underrated Look In The Series Is Also My Favorite. They Really Had No Business Making Him This
His Most Underrated Look In The Series Is Also My Favorite. They Really Had No Business Making Him This

his most underrated look in the series is also my favorite. they really had no business making him this damn fine. the energy he radiated in all of the scenes, too, like he KNEW he was sexy was what put the cherry on top for me! 😭

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3 years ago

Hello! So you do you know that scene in episode 3 where Alucard kills all of the soldiers at the hotel? The final soldier that shot himself out of fear was a really powerful scene to me but could I ask what made Alucard so angry about it? If it isn't taking up to much of your time!

heya, lovely! you aren't taking up any of my time at all! thank you for coming to me for this question! 💖



i do agree that it's a very powerful moment. i actually have two viewpoints on alucard's transfer in disposition during this scene; the most common one being that, of course, he became livid from the fact the soldier took a completely cowardice way out of the battle.

as you know what comes right after this occurs, he proceeds to yell at seras and lecture her on the essence and reality of war, and soon after that, states, "come along now, seras. no time to be a coward." i imagine he's, without a doubt, also referring to the soldier that took his own life moments earlier, including seras' small burst of defiance and trying to reason against his orders, trying to reason against continuing to fight. i can do an entire discussion on that scene as well but we'll save that for a different time because if i do it now, i will start to go off topic! 😭

my second viewpoint on the reason behind his anger also stems from the creator of this entire franchise; the hentai king himself, kouta hirano.

i once read somewhere that when he was asked what inspired him to create alucard's character, he replied simply with "jealousy."

if you look deeper into alucard's mentality, it's mentioned how fascinated he is by the cycle of human life, because he himself has never gotten to experience a naturally-caused death during his time as a prince. he never got to grow old, he was only 45 when executed. he has respect for humans who evolve and strive within their lives, and respect the elders especially, merely because they are able to prevail through an olden age. and though he may have respect, that respect and fascination is not untouched by envy. he is envious of humans and always will be, because he will always have one regret to burden his shoulders for the rest of his days.

and he envies them not only because they are able to live, but that they are able to die.

i'm not going to say that alucard is a majorly suicidal character. though he is tired of walking the earth, he carries his pride on his shoulders like a king. he will not accept death unless it is done by the hands of a human being, nor does he let them win without a fight til the end.

alucard realized centuries ago that he made the mistake of choosing immortality and becoming what he is, and as i stated, he's grown weary of his existence. one bullet to the head was all that was needed for that soldier to end himself before alucard could get to him. the reason he became furious was simply because the man could die, and so easily, too. and because he himself can't, that is why alucard was also jealous in that scene.

i hope this answer has helped!

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