Vlad The Impaler - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

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3 years ago
Katharina SiegelPersonal InformationBirthJulian XV Century View And Modify Data On WikidataDeath Unknown
Katharina SiegelPersonal InformationBirthJulian XV Century View And Modify Data On WikidataDeath Unknown

Katharina siegelPersonal informationBirthJulian XV century View and modify data on Wikidata Death unknown value View and modify data on Wikidata Home Brașov View and modify data on Wikidata Physical characteristicsEyes Blue View and modify data on Wikidata Hair blond View and modify data on Wikidata Professional information Busy positionsLover of Vlad Tepes (from 1467) View and modify data on Wikidata[ edit data on Wikidata ]

She was the daughter of a craftsman, Thomas Siegel, who belonged to the weavers' guild, and lived with her family in the city of Brașov. In a fire, she and her family lost everything. Katharina was forced to work, and one morning she was carrying provisions on a sled, Vlad Tepes saw her and quickly ran to help her. At the time, she was 17 and Vlad 25. Vlad fell madly in love with her. The young woman was impressed by the gesture, and Vlad resorted to various strategies to continue conquering her, obsessing over her and forgetting the rest of his lovers. Young with blue eyes and blond hair, she was one of the most courted in Brașov. She had 5 children with Vlad (Vladislav, Katharina, Christian, Hanna and Sigismund), although they never got married because the prince was already married to a noblewoman of the court. It is said that on one occasion the families of merchants whom Vlad had impaled attacked Katharina and cut off her braids. Vlad threatened to set the entire city on fire if anyone touched it again, and managed to get the braids back. He kept them in his castle under lock and key as if it were a treasure. To that extent young Katharina Siegel was effective.


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3 years ago
The Villagers Of The Brasov, Thought That Katharina Was The Plague To All The Villages Of Brasov, The

The Villagers of the Brasov, thought that Katharina was the plague to all the villages of Brasov, The three women became jealousy at Katharina, saying to her that she seduced Vlad Dracula, voivode of Wallachia and Transylvania, becoming his lover, say that Vlad intoxicated by his sexual relations with her humiliated the Sultan’s messengers and declared war on Mehmed, and the men and women of Transylvania will drown in blood because of her. Their Greed, their envy and weakness will up as judges of innocence, They false claim her and her put her up by the pillar, and cut off her braids. That’s when Vlad came to rescue his beloved Katharina and killed those who try to kill or even harming her. Vlad kept Katharina’s braid’s ever seen, it is his love for her, that makes him so.

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3 years ago
Commission For Lovely @michi-tala I Want To Thank You For Commission Me, Im So Grateful That You Like

commission for lovely @michi-tala I want to thank you for commission me, I’m so grateful that you like how lovely Vlad looks, but next time I’ll do alot better❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

here is this new video on my youtube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe my channel. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Hellsing OVA © Kohta HiranoVlad Tapes © Kohta HiranoArtwork © @amikartest

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1 year ago

Even though they poor, Vlad bring victory to keep his Country and become a hero

Answer to Why were the Romanian people so poor in medieval times? by Catalin Olteanu

Why were the Romanian people so poor in medieval times?
Catalin Olteanu's answer: The Romanian commoners were indeed much poorer than their Western counterparts (or even from central Europe) for s

"Politically, we had a major problem. Any child of the previous ruler could claim the throne, even an illegitimate one born with a (fish) merchant (we had a case). Almost every succession to the throne meant a major political division and civil war(that means some extra-internal destruction). The famous Vlad the Impaler was involved in such a (hard-won) civil war."

Thought this was very helpful to understand more of Romania's past history...

@artsy-jandi @amikartest @xhunniebunx @three-of-crows

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1 year ago
Clues on Ancient Documents Suggest That Vlad the Impaler—The Prince Who Inspired Count Dracula—May Have Shed Tears of Blood | Artnet News
Artnet News
By analyzing traces left on letters by the notoriously savage ruler Vlad the Impaler, researchers diagnosed him with an unusual condition.

New hypothesis on Vlad III Drǎculea and tears containing blood: related to disease (bacterial conjunctivitis) and not born with the condition.

The primary insights offered by this new evidence was that the prince likely suffered from various medical afflictions. It appears that he had a respiratory tract infection but, more surprisingly, one letter from 1475 C.E. was also covered in proteins related to the retina that indicated Vlad III may have shed tears partially composed of blood. This condition, known as hemolacria, is usually caused by either an infection like bacterial conjunctivitis or some kind of injury or other environmental damage.

It is also noted: that may not be his blood on letter since scribes were used mostly for correspondence and high offical only signed name.

Further testing was conducted on all molecules that were deemed to be of human origin, although the researchers admitted that they cannot be completely sure these were left by Vlad III himself.

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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1 year ago

(Opens the door and peeks in)

Hello! What trustworthy descriptions of Vlad do we have? In terms of describing what he looked like.

We have Nicholas of Modruš's description from De bellis Gothorum (page 1v)

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

“In fact, he was not very tall, but with large limbs, which impressed of power. His stern look was terrifying; нe had a large and aquiline nose with distended nostrils; on his thin and slightly reddish face were planted his wide open gray-green eyes* with prominent lashes hat were framed by thick black eyebrows, which made his appearance look threatening. Besides that, his cheeks and chin were shaved, except the upper lip (mustache). The swollen forehead increased the size of his head. A bull’s neck was supported by broad shoulders upon which swung his dark curly hair, which fell down from his head.”

*It is very difficult to translate nuances for colors because they changed from one era to another. What is turquoise for us today, for some it was green, and for others blue. For now, The CD team proposes "Graugrün", so greenish gray. Also this description is a lot more detailed than it meets the eye if you know the anecdotes of that time: aquiline nose = royal blood. prominent lashes = Good looking.

slightly reddish face = He was angry. large limbs, which impressed of power, A bull’s neck was supported by broad shoulders = He is describing him like having the features of a warrior.

2. Contemporary portraits: Oldest from late 1460s/early 1470s (In this one he is portrayed as the bad guy so his features are portrayed uglier)

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

Second and third oldest from late 1470/early 1480: (those are also portraying him negatively but without the ugly features)

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

3. His seal from his third reign:

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

I know what you think, "Isn't the guy from the left Vlad Tepes?" That's what I thought at first too, the CD team as well and most likely everyone who will ever see this seal. But nop, Vlad is the bearded one. "THEN HOW ABOUT VLAD DRACUL'S FRESCO FROM CASA DRACUL!?"

Casa dracul was completely destroyed in the great 1676 fire and rebuilt after. the respective fresco represents Ali Pasha from Timisoara, together with Mihaly Apafi and the mayor of Sighisoara, very probably during the first visit to the city in 1662. You can learn more about it + Where Vlad truly lived here:

So that's it, as a bonus here is how Vlad looked in battle:

My favorite depictions of Vlad (All from Dan Ianos):

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

My least favorite depiction of Vlad:

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

The Massacre of the Innocent (with an alleged and highly disputed cryptoportrait (physically degraded)) with Vlad as Herod the Great on a South German church fresco

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1 year ago
A lovely gothic styled #Mace,

Weight: 2.7 lbs/1.24 kg#Germany, ca. 1470, housed at the @WallaceMuseum#weapons #hre #holyromanempire #medieval #middleages #renaissance #wallacecollection #art #history pic.twitter.com/0xQ3gbshyA

— Arm the Armour (@TheArmour) January 25, 2024
I Should Imagine Vlad Would Appreciate This Fine Crafted Mace..

I should imagine Vlad would appreciate this fine crafted mace..

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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6 months ago
Sorry That There Have Been No Posts For A Long Time, College Studies Have Begun And There Is Not Much
Sorry That There Have Been No Posts For A Long Time, College Studies Have Begun And There Is Not Much
Sorry That There Have Been No Posts For A Long Time, College Studies Have Begun And There Is Not Much
Sorry That There Have Been No Posts For A Long Time, College Studies Have Begun And There Is Not Much

sorry that there have been no posts for a long time, college studies have begun and there is not much time to draw

the idea for this art appeared unexpectedly and I drew it in 5 minutes, for the first time I'm drawing the Dark Lord, it turned out a little bit too much, sorry

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4 years ago

HELLSING THE BENEDICTION CHAPTER 2: SOVEREIGN STATE The young vampire child named Benedict pays a visit to his deeply feared, yet highly respected Father in his basement dwelling. There he shares his progress as both a pupil of the State as well as a burgeoning weapon of the Hellsing Organization.  He then spends the rest of the evening with his doting Mother in his Attic Kingdom, though she’s not too pleased with him attempting to go over her head in regards to venturing outside the compound now that some of his isolating restrictions are being lifted. Needless to say, all is well in the Attic Kingdom.  But monsters can’t be knights. And old mirrors certainly can’t reflect the image of strange, mysterious ones. Can they?  Finally finished Chapter 2 of my Hellsing comic. This is by far the largest project I’ve  ever worked on. I really hope you’re enjoying Benedict so far. He’s grown so near and dear to my heart. Keep an eye out for lots of easter eggs and foreshadowing through out the comic!   

Chapter 3 is a flashback. Would love to hear your feedback!

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3 years ago
I'd Sell My Whole House Just For Hirano To Give Us A Bit More Of New Hellsing Content At This Point

i'd sell my whole house just for hirano to give us a bit more of new hellsing content at this point

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3 years ago

when i tell y'all my heart always shatters hearing alu's broken sobs during this scene . . . crispin freeman, you did my baby justice. give this man an oscar.

and the way everyone who is witness to his tears looks on in sadness and disbelief, because tears are the very last thing you would expect from him, especially in the moment of an enemy's defeat. not only does alucard mourn anderson because he always held a significant amount of respect, but anderson's choice of turning his back upon humanity + his death was also a symbol of alucard's dream coming to an end. to be defeated by a human hand. he no longer desired to live an eternal regret, and he saw anderson as one of the main gateways for his curse to finally be put to rest.

alucard versus anderson will always be one of the greatest and most complex rivalries in anime history for me, and this clip alone explains why.

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3 years ago
His Most Underrated Look In The Series Is Also My Favorite. They Really Had No Business Making Him This
His Most Underrated Look In The Series Is Also My Favorite. They Really Had No Business Making Him This
His Most Underrated Look In The Series Is Also My Favorite. They Really Had No Business Making Him This

his most underrated look in the series is also my favorite. they really had no business making him this damn fine. the energy he radiated in all of the scenes, too, like he KNEW he was sexy was what put the cherry on top for me! 😭

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3 years ago

Hi! Would you mind writing Vladcard paired with a (black) POC during his time as a prince? Or at least headcanons? There's barely any representation and he deserves a dark skinned queen to spice up his life for once lmao NSFW and SFW are fine!

hey, babe! it's hilarious that you ask this because i've been spending my free time writing an alucard x poc oc smutfic that's probably never going to get done because of my absolutely shitty adhd LMAO. i unfortunately don't have the time to whip up a full-on story right now, so yes, i'll happily give some headcanons! you can use these to put into a possible story of your own if you'd like!

as i myself am originally from africa ( 🇬🇭 ), these headcanons will more so be based on cultural and physical features from there rather than other places across the globe! these can always still apply to black beauties from america, the caribbeans, etc! i hope that's okay!

( written in 3rd POV instead of 2nd ! )


Hi! Would You Mind Writing Vladcard Paired With A (black) POC During His Time As A Prince? Or At Least



• upon when they first met, he was mesmerized by her appearance. during his time as a human, afro-romanians rarely existed and his country was fairly homogeneous, the characteristics, practices and physical elements of others alien to him.

• seemingly mischievous was the subtle lift at one corner of his mouth when he bowed and took her hand softly into his, placing his lips against the back of her palm, "i've never seen such a color of skin as deep as yours, draga mea. it is uniquely beautiful, without taint or blemish. from where have you resided?"

• within many regions of western africa, women dress in a traditional accessory named waist beads. vlad has to hold himself back everytime he watches his s/o undress in front of him, cherishing the way each bejeweled string coils around her stomach and rests atop flared hips. it grew to be his most favorite of things that he could witness again and again, finding it remarkably sexy.

• waist beads are also not meant to be seen by the public eye and are to be hidden underneath clothing, only available to the man of whom they are married on sensual nights. vlad receives a powerful wave of pride and possession over her from this rule, knowing that he is the only that can see her in this way. him and him alone.

• lips. especially when they are plump and begging to be kissed or tugged between his teeth. he is obsessed.

• though he does not favor the sunlight, he cannot help but appreciate the way it glitters her skin bronze underneath an evening.

• he is an adventurous man, and from his interest for her and getting to know more about her heritage, he often emphasizes wanting to visit her homeland.

• it comes as no surprise, but he loves when she is robed in the color red. he thinks the contrast of her skin and the garment makes the color much more vibrant. sometimes, though, he will playfully tease her that she cannot pull off the color as well as he does.

• he is purely an ass man, groping at the ass, hips and thighs during sex. the bigger, the better. he has absolutely no negative views on the thickness a woman's body harbors in general, as long as he has something he can hold while pounding them senseless, those fingers will practically mold into the flesh.

• eye contact is a must for him. it is so intimate. hers may simply be the darkest shade of brown to where the pupil is unseen, but to him, that only means that they are able to reflect so much more.

• that being said, the headboard slamming against the wall is nothing in comparison to the "look at me as you take my cock." that growls from his tongue as he feels himself collapsing further into ecstasy. failure to comply or shying away only results in him roughly grabbing her chin and forcing her to do so. "ah, don't you go into hiding now, my love. i want to see the look in your eyes when i fill you up."

• there is most likely always a half-empty goblet of red wine sitting beside his share of the bed. he no longer cares for the mess that will proceed afterwards when it comes to her, grabbing the cup and slowly tilting it above her nude torso. the drink pours against her skin and he is quick to bend down and use his tongue to lick every curve, occasionally nipping the underside of her breast, abdomen, and underneath her navel. some of the wine has been absorbed into the sheets by then, but that will be left for his servants to clean.

• speaking of servants and his shamelessly risk nature, there were multiple times where his cum dressed the floors and bedsheets during the rather rare moments he chose to pull out of her. he merely watched as one of them pried back the comforter and gasped at the white mess that rested in the middle of it. holding in his amusement? never.

• servants, in fact, don't catch a break. if one is to walk into his bedroom unannounced and in the depths of sex with his s/o, he disregards their presence and continues to fuck them as if they aren't there. the servant quickly folded a hand over their sight and muttered an apology before closing the door after their exit. though his partner is embarrassed, he is the complete opposite. "perhaps now they have learned the value of what it means to knock, hm?"

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3 years ago

Headcanons for a servant being assigned to give Vlad an oil massage? I like to think he got a lot of them back in the day 🖤 love your stuff

thank you so much, lovely!! 💘


Headcanons For A Servant Being Assigned To Give Vlad An Oil Massage? I Like To Think He Got A Lot Of

there are masses of people who serve underneath his roof, but he's always chose you for the past year when it comes to assistance regarding his hygiene. you used to fold and stack towels, or wash fabrics and hang them up on the clotheslines outside in the boiling sun. needless to say, you were glad to have been moved to another task. summers in romania were not fun.

oil massages were occasionally something he'd order after battles, or when his muscles have become extremely sore from the endless practicing of swordsmanship with his soldiers out in the fields. many of the female servants loved to stop what they were doing just to watch him train and squeal girlishly whenever he removed his top armor from being too feverish in the heat.

first time was a bit intense, but overtime, you had grown used to seeing him bare. perhaps he grew shameless about it as well, for whenever you walked into his room to prepare for your assistance, he'd drop the towel that hung around his waist without hesitation or timidness. you could never help but quickly look down and attempt to play it off as if you hadn't gotten a glimpse of his . . . "friend", and because of that, always failed to notice the little smirk that would adorn his lips.

he enjoys gentle caresses, but because he is buff in stature and desires for the aches and knots within his flesh to loosen, you're going to have to be a bit more rough.

you make sure to rub the essence on every part of his body, and he doubtlessly enjoys when you take your time—more so when you get to the back of his calves. he is constantly running, so the muscle there is especially tense.

being who he is, he'll never miss a chance to address you teasingly if you are taking a particularly long time massaging a specific area, such as his ass, tracing his v-line or when your hands grow nearer towards his crotch. "with the way your fingers stroke me there, i assume you are trying to excite me, no?" shy and at a loss of what to say, you can do no more than blush and continue.

sometimes he likes peace and quiet, sometimes he will ask you to hum a traditional melody. he adores the bell in your voice when you sing, and often calls you a ' blessed hummingbird ' because of it. it genuinely soothes him.

here and there, he will hiss slightly in pain or jerk when you hit certain spots, but when you remove your hands and begin to apologize, he dismisses it and insists you keep going. "it may agonize me, servitorul meu, but i am no weakling."

his skin displays multiple scars, bruises and minor wounds upon his upper and lower back, rear thighs, arms, and if he were to turn to lay on his back, there lies a further variety. each blemish carried a vigorous story of how the man defended his country, and though he may have been a brute, you've gotten to at least experience a tender presence throughout the times you were assigned to gather warm water and bathe him. it was the only time of day he received to relax.

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