Irl Stuff - Tumblr Posts
I passed!
I passed all my classes in my second trimester in uni! YES! This hasn't happened to me since I was in high school! The "bad news" (If I could even call it that) is that now I have 2 5pm classes that don't end until 8pm, and it's a 2-hour trip to and from the uni by train. So that means I'll be getting home at around 10pm... I'm going to invest in a noise key ring just to be safe.
The tests are conclusive... I HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH ADHD! Now to see how I work with medication. 🤔hm.
Welp I'm back from break now, so expect less stuff for awhile. I'm still working on transformers fae atm, drawing all the human and fae forms the bots are gonna take for the next chapter. So once that's done it'll be onto actually writing the chapter, its gonna be pretty chill and a sort of new slice of life for the bots to adjust to the fae world.
I hope your health recovers soon
So… I have a bit of an announcement to make. It’s hard for me to make and I don’t really know how to eloquently state it, so I just will.
In early July I was diagnosed with cancer, and a rare form of cancer too. Rare enough that the closest specialist is four hours away. Thankfully from what I’ve been told so far, my prospects look good, but we’ve been playing it by ear. However, the time between now and recovery may be long, painful and far too expensive.
And that’s the difficult part for me to bring up. I was working on a tight budget even before my health became an issue, but it’s even more so now. With medical and school bills now on top of my already strict funds it feels like I’m drowning. I’ve been taking up more hours at work even though I should be on bed rest just to make ends meet, but this will only last so long.
With encouragement from a friend, I set up a donation page on my Ko-fi, now I won’t ask you to donate. But just reading this and possibly sharing this post will be more than enough help! I hope you all will be understanding as well if my content becomes less frequent because of this major life event and I appreciate your patience. However, if you do find that it is possible to help in these trying times, I am so grateful.
Either way if you decide to donate, share this post or have simply read to the end, I wish to say thank you. It has always been my dream to share my passion and work with others and to inspire those who see it. You all make me feel seen and have inspired me to be more. Thank you for making my dream come true and I hope to share more with you all for a long time to come.

can confirm @subparcarrion sometimes becomes british and @ishankedurmom can move their scalp
but my friends can also testify that i am a trans man
i also forget im a trans man
i’ll just remember im afab randomly and go like “wuh?????”
its really weird like, wdym i dont have a sperm worm :(
My boyfriend just woke up, mostly still asleep and told me “don’t worry, it’s getting better” in a heavy, American accent, which is unusual for an Australian man.
“Why are you American?” I asked, to which I got:
“Sorry, it’s getting better” in a stereotypical posh English accent.
“Why are you English?” I asked, amused.
“What is he normally?” He managed to ask.
“He? You’re not anyone else, you’re you.”
“Ugh, me” was the last thing he said, in a right proper Aussie accent before he fell back into proper sleep.
I'm going to my first comic con today! +] I'll be dressing as Hank and I'm really excited Probably not going to post pictures though for the sake of identity, but we'll see!
IT WAS SO FUN OMG Gonna hold off on posting pictures though. For my sake +)
I'm going to my first comic con today! +] I'll be dressing as Hank and I'm really excited Probably not going to post pictures though for the sake of identity, but we'll see!
My birthday is coming up in 10 days (I'll be 17) and I just want to say when I turn 18, if I still have this blog by the time I get there, I'll be keeping it SFW, no matter what. But if me being 18 bothers anyone when we get to that point then I totally understand and respect your decision if you don't want to stick around +]
It just turned midnight for me It is officially my birthday +]
howdy!! my 18th birthday is just barely over 6 months away so im boosting this post as a reminder, i dont want any of my followers to be uncomfortable, which for now im assuming everyone is okay with this fact but you can never be too safe. +) if anyone is uncomfortable with me being an adult, however, unfollow me on february 2 2024
My birthday is coming up in 10 days (I'll be 17) and I just want to say when I turn 18, if I still have this blog by the time I get there, I'll be keeping it SFW, no matter what. But if me being 18 bothers anyone when we get to that point then I totally understand and respect your decision if you don't want to stick around +]
rrraahhhh I have been sooo busy I'm sorry I've neglected this blog again, I gotta get the requests done soon Im gonna close requests for a little bit juuust so I don't get overloaded until I can clear my inbox, other asks are just as fine though, I just need to get the art stuff outta the way. Ive got a few sketched out already and I have some posts drafted so I'm making progress!! I prommy. I may switch up art programs between requests, it depends on which one I feel like battling with at that time BHARHJRHJ Ive also been accepted into an academy program so I'll be a tad busier in general, but I'll try to make more time for this blog !! +)
alright guys a little over 2 months before my birthday so this is probably the second to last boost for this post! im not meaning to pressure anyone or say "mmeehh don't follow me" i just don't want anyone to feel unsafe around me cuz i totally understand minors not wanting to interact w/ adults. everyone is welcome on my page but not at your own expense <+) this will always be a sfw space
My birthday is coming up in 10 days (I'll be 17) and I just want to say when I turn 18, if I still have this blog by the time I get there, I'll be keeping it SFW, no matter what. But if me being 18 bothers anyone when we get to that point then I totally understand and respect your decision if you don't want to stick around +]
okay guys!! less than a month left until I turn 18 (27 days), this is the last heads-up before I turn 18!! at this point I doubt any of you are uncomfy with me being 18, since I don't think I lost any followers, but I still want to be considerate. pretty much nothing is changing around here except my age, but I'm gonna try to pick this blog back up again, I've been in like an art block I think but I'm starting to get out of it +) I might post on my birthday too. see y'all on February 2nd!!
My birthday is coming up in 10 days (I'll be 17) and I just want to say when I turn 18, if I still have this blog by the time I get there, I'll be keeping it SFW, no matter what. But if me being 18 bothers anyone when we get to that point then I totally understand and respect your decision if you don't want to stick around +]
okayyy guys today is the day! im officially 18, and boy does it feel weird. im gonna try to pick this blog back up sometime soon after I get some life things sorted out, its taking me a while for sure >_<
you are free to unfollow/block/etc me if you desire! I understand if there's any discomfort with me being an adult if you're a minor. otherwise feel free to stick around; nothing too big is gonna change around here. ^^
My birthday is coming up in 10 days (I'll be 17) and I just want to say when I turn 18, if I still have this blog by the time I get there, I'll be keeping it SFW, no matter what. But if me being 18 bothers anyone when we get to that point then I totally understand and respect your decision if you don't want to stick around +]
So i looked at my bio and it says "professional procrastinator"
At the time that i wrote it i didn't know i had audhd so uh thats the answer ig
Also still unmedicated cause insurance doesn't cover it 👍
Walking on the street and I hear:
"Are you saying he's the coffee to your milk because he's black and you're like super white?"
I have no context but slay ig
Today, that one "VeRy BaDaSs" girl called me a "not-enough-woman".
Well, if in my country I couldn't be arrested for that, I would probably shout at her YEAH I'M A TRANSMASC, NOW WHAT??? SUCK IT UP AND SHUT UP, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!11!1!!!1
but I can't. because I live in a country where lgbtquia+ is a nono move. and I don't wanna get bailed for my gender yet.
[P.S. Dear FBR, please don't arrest me for saying that-]
And yeah, before you're gonna tell me that I should just move from this country, WELL I CAN'T DO THAT YET, I DON'T HAVE CASH OR STABLE JOB FOR THAT YET, SO MOVING AWAY IS A NONO RIGHT NOW. If I had those guaranteed, then I would 100% move already despite everything, lol. But rn I need to get a degree and at least some savings.
Ughhheaaurrghh it's hard to be trans when you're in a country where it's thought to be wrong or considered as a mental sickness pls let me just exist without constantly deadnaming and mispronouncing myself just to fit into your world view
Birthday is in 7 days!
The thing about being pan...
It's that it's not so easy to realize you're pan. I'm sure other bi or pan people might also feel as such, but I'll speak from my perspective. I grew up just.. liking people? Loving their different aesthetics and styles. Loving the different personalities and how they interact with each other. Loving how they can get so excited about small thing. And loving to figure out how everyone is so different from each other. I can only say so in retrospective, obviously. Back then, I just.. liked my friends and liked seeing people from afar. Not really knowing what any of those feelings meant. Sweet, light feelings, but not quite knowing how to categorize them. But.. I went with the narrative of "I do like girls and I just would like to look like those boys." That's what was normal, after all. But even then, around 11 or 12 y/o I knew I was lying to myself.
Eventually, I fugured I did like other boys. But that I did like other girls. And that I did like people, whether or not they were boys or girls. I could've said I was bi, and it wouldn't be wrong.
But there's something about being pansexual that just feels right!