Nocturne Dragon - Tumblr Posts

Developing this bb. The style might change as I figure him out so for now, here’s some baby Sun nocturne doodles

Aurazane the noc prince!

They’ve been duped, they’ve been tricked, and quite possibly bamboozled!
Headcanon: The Veilspun know exactly what’s going on in modern day Sornieth, and have for some time now. This includes knowing about all the newest tech, gadgets, and dragonmade trinkets the younger dragon breeds have to offer. I think that, partially out of convenience and partially as a joke, the Veilspun commission products from BlackSand Annex or other organizations and have them delivered by mail. Their one request? Make the products REALLY REALLY TINY. As little hermits / trinket hoarders, the Veilspun would DEFINITELY get addicted to delivery services...Just pop a letter by crow and bingitty bang, you’ve got all your sh!t updated and a few kitten-sized plushies.

Triple Maize, wasp/bee/fil was just a scry for so long... Now it’s the only one on the site with these eyes! Literally the best hatch ever!