Flightrising Fanart - Tumblr Posts

Levi-Leviathan serves on the royal counsel as a convoy of enlightenment and a spiritual leader. Though the Talosians are primarily a light-based clan, their leadership has been a blend of dragons hailing from nearly all of the eleven flights. Levi-Leviathan is well learned in each flight’s core values and ways of life, and is tasked with educating talosian citizens of each and every one, (though his students often struggle with plague flight values). Providing private counsel to those who wish to tackle more personal or delicate matters has made him privy to many a dark secret...
WIP. Been experimenting with painting/lighting, but man! Skydancer wings are the best to draw, seriously!

They’ve been duped, they’ve been tricked, and quite possibly bamboozled!
Headcanon: The Veilspun know exactly what’s going on in modern day Sornieth, and have for some time now. This includes knowing about all the newest tech, gadgets, and dragonmade trinkets the younger dragon breeds have to offer. I think that, partially out of convenience and partially as a joke, the Veilspun commission products from BlackSand Annex or other organizations and have them delivered by mail. Their one request? Make the products REALLY REALLY TINY. As little hermits / trinket hoarders, the Veilspun would DEFINITELY get addicted to delivery services...Just pop a letter by crow and bingitty bang, you’ve got all your sh!t updated and a few kitten-sized plushies.

Give him oranges, people, he NEEDS citrus! While wildclaws might not eat fruit, I think they’d enjoy eating some recreationally rather than for nutrition. Can’t have too many fruits and veggies though, or they’ll get sick.

Night and Fatestring are but servants loyal to another...a Veilspun Empress seeking to quietly overthrow Lord Talos through hypnotising enchantments. Ever since their reemergence, the Empress and her remaining followers have sought to rule and reign, and have finally found their mark.
Matthias’ backstory has now been packaged into a neat little WIP animatic! I hope you enjoy!
Time to overexplain the story and maybe cringe a little, but who cares ^^

This is actually an unreliable narration from Matthias’ point of view. To him, he was only able to gain the trust and love of his Mother, while his Father and brother shunned him. Overwhelmingly afraid to welcome another sibling into his home(and therefore another person that would inevitably hate him) Matthias, out of pure fear and impulse, ate his unhatched sibling. Upon doing so, he felt that he was not only undeserving of his Mother’s love, but also haunted by the murderous spirit of his sister.
In reality, Matthias’ family loved him completely. His father found Matthias, among other things, mercilessly pillaging birds’ nests to collect eggshells, and would scold him for such behavior. Matthias’ brother would argue constantly about the horrid things Matthias would say, sometimes to the point of desperation. His mother did love him unconditionally, but was extremely worried for his future. And finally, the ghostly apparition of the sister is entirely imaginary, and only serves to encourage Matthias’ habit of eggeating.

Aww yeah, the HyperGryph youtube channel is UP!!
There’re so few FR youtube channels, I wanted to help contribute something to the online community. I’m lucky to have an audience that has been so supportive, so I’ll do my best to give you some intense, thrilling, and hyper entertaining lore ^^

I wanted to paint something a little sweeter, and who better to paint than the Prince of Hares?
He was born knowing the language of rabbits, a species he insists has reached a state of wisdom and enlightenment that dragons could only dream of. He keeps a council of his closest, fluffiest bunny friends, who often aid him when tough decisions need to be made...
Aw yeah, Achievement UNLOCKED: SPEEDPAINT

Been learning ALOT about the magic of ClipStudio, and in my journeys stumbled across their fantabulous timelapse feature. Oh man, the power... the SPEED... Lmk what ya think!
Be sure to check out my first ever speedpaint over on the YT channel!
SPEEDPAINT// Rose of Gilead// Aka this little guy ^^
Let me know what you guys think! I try some weird techniques in this one, but it turned out pretty sweet ^^

What does the rest of the egg eaters (besides Matthias) thinks of the taste of eggs?
"Plague, Water, or Shadow eggs aren't my favorite. They're too slimy, even after you cook them... But I love Nature eggs! Mom used to grow these pretty flowers in our home garden. If you cook a Nature Egg just right, it tastes just like them! Also, a little secret... you can make the YUMMIEST smelling incense out of the husks. That's why I smell like Vanilla and Rum all the time, but don't tell the others >.< "

Rannoch: " What did you just ask me? I don't care what they taste like, as long as I get to rip off some heads when we harvest them! You won't leave until I answer? What if I rip YOUR head off instead... Huh, so you still won't leave without an answer...your bravery in front of a clearly superior fighter is admirable... FINE. Fire Eggs. They taste like the food of Warriors: BONES, BLOOD, AND MEAT."

Okira: " I...I feel bad answering this. Is it really ok? What? I should be more honest with my feelings? Well, when you put it like that... Okay, here goes nothing... I like how airy and fruity Light and Wind Eggs can be. Khoga's even found a way to age them into a drink so I have a backup supply in case we can't find any eggs. If I don't think about it, I can imagine I'm drinking a fizzy fruit juice instead of...y'know..."

Khoga: " You want to know our favorites? Why haven't I thought of that? It needs to be implemented into my studies immediately! Each subject's distinct flavor preference could possibly be indicators of their internal m- Oh- Oh, your answer? I don't have a favorite when it comes to raw materials, but here's something I adore...
BEHOLD! Sour candy drops, infused with the ground shell and fluid of Shadow eggs! These babies keep me focused when I feel suffocated under the pressure of my work. What? I'm a dragon not a machine, even I need a pick-me-up from time to time!"

The first of our Ancient Talosian Subclan leaders! Resillian is the youngest drake to ever become a Chieftain, largely due to his prolific and driven nature. Being a prodigy doesn’t hurt his chances either. He’s eager to earn the respect of his fellow Chieftains, but grapples beneath the intense pressure that comes with being responsible for an entire clan.

The Second of our Ancient Subclan Leaders, Amber!
Amber can seen wishy-washy when it comes to decision-making, much to the other council member's annoyance. In reality, she likes to take her time and reflect before making big decisions. True to Aurum culture, she values art, poetry, and beauty, and is dedicated to the artistic teachings of her Clan’s Ancestors. Amber and Luxtail might not see eye-to-eye on how each runs their respective clans, but once in a blue moon they connect over the performative arts: namely dance, music, and theater.