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More dragons, Escolas (Imperial) and Enoby (Veilspun)

God they’re just beautiful, aren’t they?
I’m one tertiary away from completing the scry but flecks is a Coli gene so it’ll be a hot minute before then

So I started sketching this to practice their anatomy and upon adding the pillows and novel I realized something wonderful.
Veilspun love to collect things, right? Can you imagine the size of their collected knick-knacks? Imagine it: Miniature books, miniature pillows, tiny watches, and itty bitty cookware! And who makes it all? The short answer is that they craft them, but a much more fun headcanon of mine is that they commission workers in the BlackSand Annex to produce/deliver certain items(all comically tiny of course) under a collective pen name. This way they can keep tabs on current tech.

They’ve been duped, they’ve been tricked, and quite possibly bamboozled!
Headcanon: The Veilspun know exactly what’s going on in modern day Sornieth, and have for some time now. This includes knowing about all the newest tech, gadgets, and dragonmade trinkets the younger dragon breeds have to offer. I think that, partially out of convenience and partially as a joke, the Veilspun commission products from BlackSand Annex or other organizations and have them delivered by mail. Their one request? Make the products REALLY REALLY TINY. As little hermits / trinket hoarders, the Veilspun would DEFINITELY get addicted to delivery services...Just pop a letter by crow and bingitty bang, you’ve got all your sh!t updated and a few kitten-sized plushies.

“ A gathering of Shadow dragons relaxing by a WispWillow Fairy Pond, welcoming their newfound friend.”
I like to think that shadow dragons are big fans of relaxing, especially given that Nocturnes spend a majority of their time sleeping. They’re an insanely relatable bunch.

Night and Fatestring are but servants loyal to another...a Veilspun Empress seeking to quietly overthrow Lord Talos through hypnotising enchantments. Ever since their reemergence, the Empress and her remaining followers have sought to rule and reign, and have finally found their mark.
Drawing a day 17

The duality of bug dragons

Drew two of my favorite dragons I own on flight rising. I know this is a departure from what I normally draw on here, but I just think they're neat.

ArtFight attack for Dormiebasne

Intruders unwelcome in the foxfire bramble