Neverforget - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Hoje Quero Ser Feliz [] #NeverForget #Jets #QueenRadio Sun #sunny #sunnyday #socialsteeze #sunnydays

Hoje quero ser feliz [♡] #NeverForget #Jets #QueenRadio sun #sunny #sunnyday #socialsteeze #sunnydays #sunlight #sunshine #shine #nature #sky #skywatcher #thesun #sunrays #photooftheday #beautiful #beautifulday #weather #summer #goodday #goodweather #instasunny #instasun #clearskies #clearsky #blueskies #lookup

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6 years ago
jhawkgirl - aka kikicat

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8 years ago
HIV/AIDS. This Article Appeared 42 Years Ago.

HIV/AIDS. This article appeared 42 years ago. 

I was two months away from starting my sophomore year in high school. I’m sure you remember when you were 15. All you ever thought about was sex — or at least the prospect of it. I was still very much in the closet, though I had already developed a complete obsession and fascination with muscle. As the AIDS crisis evolved into a pandemic, I had reached the age of sexual exploration. But it terrified me. It’s tough enough to be a gay teen (in an all-boys prep school, no less!), but to have sex was potentially a horrifying death sentence. I kept to myself. I lifted weights. And pleasured myself. Safer that way. Bodybuilding is such an insular pursuit that it was easy for me to lose myself in the weight room and hold my breath along with so many others until a treatment, cure or vaccine was found for this “gay cancer.”

We had so little information about AIDS back then. Ronald Reagan avoided saying the word AIDS. The French were way ahead of the US in research and instead of figuring this out and saving thousands, we did almost nothing. 

But brave men and women who saw far too many of their friends and lovers taken by this terrible disease continued to fight. To involve local politicians. To refuse to be silenced. They are my heroes to this very day.

If you were lucky enough to come of age at time when HIV could be managed with drugs and brought down to nearly undetectable levels, you are fortunate not to have seen young, formerly healthy men showing the ravages of “full-blown AIDS” (a phrase I never want to hear again) on their faces and on their deteriorating bodies. One look and you knew — and you were powerless to help. I was still young and those weren’t my friends. Had I been five years older, I’d probably still be grieving to this day for those poor helpless souls. I may have even been one of them.

If you are a gay man, do yourself a favor and learn this history. Read And the Band Played On to learn about how AIDS went from this little article above to an undeniable pandemic. Watch The Normal Heart to understand the crisis and those who fought back against homophobia and indifference. Then watch Angels in America. If you’re unfamiliar with these, you owe it to yourself to learn them and make them a part of your proud history.

Thanks for reading. Reblog it if you don’t mind. 

I needed to say it for those who couldn’t.



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5 months ago

never forget..9/11

Never Forget..9/11

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2 years ago

“They told me to forget you, but how I can do that when you’re the love of my life?”

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8 years ago
...let's Continue To Draw Our Future... Never Forget #11september #11settembre #neverforget #LittleRok

...let's continue to draw our future... Never forget #11september #11settembre #neverforget #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal

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7 years ago
16 Years Have Passed... We Continue To Draw Our Future!!! ____________________________

16 years have passed... we continue to draw our future!!! 🗽 🗽 ____________________________ #NeverForget #neverforget911 #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal (presso 9/11 Memorial)

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6 months ago

Gedenktag an ermordete Sinti und Roma in Auschwitz

Gedenktag An Ermordete Sinti Und Roma In Auschwitz

Am 2. August 1944 wurde mehr als 4000 Sinti und Roma in Auschwitz ermordet. Zum 80. Jahrestag gibt es eine Kundgebung vom Förderverein Roma in Frankfurt.

Der Frankfurter Förderverein Roma e.V. veranstaltet eine Kundgebung zum 80. Jahrestag der Ermordung von tausenden Sinti und Roma im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz. Bis heute leiden Angehörige der Sinti und Roma unter Benachteiligungen und Vorurteilen, vor allem von Behörden. Gegen diese Form der Diskriminierung, die oft unter dem Begriff Antiziganismus zusammengefasst wird, möchte der Verein ein Zeichen setzen.

Erst seit 2015 gibt es den Europäischen Holocaust-Gedenktag für Sinti und Roma. Dabei wurden während des Zweiten Weltkriegs 500.000 Angehörige dieser Minderheit europaweit ermordet. Alleine in der Nacht vom 2. auf den 3. August 1944 wurden im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz die letzten 4.300 Sinti und Roma, vor allem Frauen, Kinder und ältere Menschen, von den Nazis in die Gaskammern getrieben.

Das Lager war im Februar 1943 errichtet worden. Die hygienischen Umstände waren katastrophal, es gab kaum Nahrung, viele Krankheiten. Im August wurden die letzten noch lebenden Angehörigen der Minderheit in Auschwitz getötet. Das Leid der Sinti und Roma stand lange im Schatten.

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When The Nazi Concentration Camps Were Liberated By The Allies, It Was A Time Of Great Jubilation For

When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated by the Allies, it was a time of great jubilation for the tens of thousands of people incarcerated in them. But an often forgotten fact of this time is that prisoners who happened to be wearing the pink triangle (the Nazis’ way of marking and identifying homosexuals) were forced to serve out the rest of their sentence. This was due to a part of German law simply known as “Paragraph 175” which criminalized homosexuality. The law wasn’t repealed until 1969.

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6 years ago

Reblog if you still remember Gravity Falls

Reblog If You Still Remember Gravity Falls

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7 years ago

#neverforget #RIPCMartinCroker

Almost a year to this day.

For Part 1, click Here.

smallcomic - SC
smallcomic - SC
smallcomic - SC
smallcomic - SC

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3 years ago

To all the Tumblr users who tend to use tags very liberally:

Let’s play a game.

Type the following words into your tags box, then post the first automatic tag that comes up.










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7 years ago
Markiplier Twerks
Markiplier shows you how to TWERK! Subscribe Today ► Hello everybody and welcome to the stupidest video I have ever made! Follow me ...

I light of Markiplier’s birthday. I wanted to share one of my many favorited videos that Mark has uploaded. You can see why I favorited this one I assume. So, happy birthday Mark, thank you so much for all the things that you have done for us. Those of us who have been from the beginning and those who have just arrived. We all love you. Thank you.

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1 year ago

Carolyn Bryant- Donham: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Carolyn Bryant- Donham: Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!

Mainstream Media was quick to announce the death of Carolyn Bryant @ 88Yrs Old, but many kept their storylines short & sweet. Another Day in The Life, under the Biden Administration. Bryant reportedly died in hospice care in Westlake, Louisiana. Details were not given by the Coroner of cause of Death, but Bryant's battle w/ Cancer was not exactly a secret. New Black Media has reported in recent Yrs on how she was initially in Raleigh- Durham, North Carolina, before being moved to Kentucky, & later Louisiana.

Back in June 2022, members of Emmett Till's family discovered an Arrest Warrant issued for 'Mrs Roy Bryant', among Records @ the Lefore County Courthouse in Mississippi. The warrant was issued back in 1955, citing the charge of Kidnapping; but it was never served. The Till Family attempted to reissue that warrant, citing Carolyn Bryant's [recent] admission of perjury in the Trial of Emmett Till's brutal murder. In her 2017 interview w/ Dr. Timothy Tyson, Bryant allegedly admitted to lying on The Stand.

Unfortunately, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch didn't think the case presented any new evidence, & in Aug. 2022, The Grand Jury declined to indict Bryant. As recently as Feb. 7th 2023, Emmett Till's cousin, Priscilla Sterling tried to compel Lefore County Sheriff Ricky Banks to reissue the warrant on Carolyn Bryant; but as of April 13th, she was informed that there was 'no point' in reissuing the warrant, since the Grand Jury declined last August.

Some lament missing the opportunity to send Carolyn Bryant- Donham to Prison. She lived a full life, while Emmett's life was brutally ended before it truly began. Bryant lived in anonymity for decades, until The New Black Panther Party & other Activists began showing up @ her addresses in North Carolina & Kentucky- to issue an 'Unofficial Warrant for her Arrest'. Some complained that Blackfolk were terrorizing an 'Old Lady', but no one says anything, when Nazi Hunters take individuals in their Nineties to justice.

The whole Emmett Till 'Tragedy' revolves around the Culture of protecting a White Woman's 'Honor'- whether she's worthy or not. Emmett Till & Carolyn Bryant are the only ones who know what really happened on Aug. 24th, 1955. According to Emmett's cousins, he was in the Store for a minute before they entered; they didn't know if he knew how to 'act' around a White Woman. From what they saw, Emmett didn't say or do anything threatening; they admit to hearing him whistle @ her. Carolyn Bryant initially concurred, but in Court, she recounted a different story.

In her Court Testimony, Bryant recounted how (14Yr Old) Emmett "put his left hand on my waist, and he put his other hand on the other side." When she rebuffed him, he replied: "What's the matter baby? Can't you take it?" She went on to say that Emmett uttered obscenities that she refused to repeat in Court, but related to his sexual prowess w/ White Women. According to Press Reports, Bryant gave the [unmistakable] impression of being afraid that Emmett might rape her. The Jury took about an hour to deliberate; the Foreman said that it would've been shorter, but they decided on having a [Soda] Pop.

In his 2017 interview, Dr. Tyson says that Carolyn Bryant- Donham told him that her testimony about Emmett grabbing her & uttering obscenities was 'not true'. Unfortunately, his recording of that interview was not enough to change the Grand Jury's opinion about reissuing the 1955 Arrest Warrant. For the most part, The State of Mississippi & The Federal Government were more concerned about the welfare of Carolyn Bryant, than the Family of Emmett Till. The Press described her as a former Beauty Queen that was raised in Poverty, w/ little Education or 'Knowledge of The World'... She was a product of her environment.

Following her death, Dr. Tyson wrote that 'Carolyn Bryant's precise role in the murder of Emmett Till remains murky, but it's clear that she was involved.' It appears that Bryant was in the car when her husband abducted Emmett; she pointed him out. By the time they reached the Store to drop her off, Dr. Tyson says that Bryant may have learned Emmett's fate, & was now saying that he wasn't the boy. In her interview, Bryant says that Emmett didn't do anything that warranted what was done to him. It appears that Emmett's Big Crime, was putting money in Carolyn Bryant's hand, & not on the counter.

Dr. Tyson speaks on how American Society views the Emmett Till Lynching as a story of 'Monsters', including Bryant. Professor Black Truth often speaks about how [White] Society operates on Moral Relativity & Situational Ethics. Applying them here, we can easily see how Dr. Tyson concludes that Society finds it easier to condemn Carolyn Bryant- Donham's actions, than confronting what America is. It's a big reason why both Democrats & Republicans have problems w/ Critical Race Theory (CRT).

For all of the aid & comfort that The State of Mississippi provided Carolyn Bryant- Donham, I can't stop thinking about Emmett... What was that 14Yr Old boy thinking when those grown White Men took him out of his family's house? Took him to that barn where they beat him mercilessly, shot him in the head, tied him to a 70lb Cotton Gin Wheel, & dumped his body into the river... As bad as that Jet Magazine Cover of Emmett's face looked, I can't get past the sheer TERROR he must have felt being alone, in the presence of Pure Evil.

I personally hope that Carolyn Bryant- Donham gets the Full Tour of 'Dante's Hell'... I'll even cover the tribute to Cerberus.

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