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Normandy Info board: SHEPARD’S BIRTHDAY
00:00- DR. SOLUS: Already sang human happy birthday song to her.
00:00- GO. VAKARIAN: I dont suppose I could convince you to teach me this song, doc?
00:01- DR. SOLUS: audio_attachment_human_birth_serenade
00:01- CHF. ZORAH: I picked up cake the last time we were on Illium
00:01- SPEC. JACK: it’s human tradition to smash cake into the birthday person’s face
00:01- CHF. ZORAH: i know you’re lying but i want to do that now
00:01- LT. TAYLOR: She’s not lying, it’s tradition and considered rude if you don’t
00:02- GO. VAKARIAN: Alright what’s the plan here? How about an ambush? Right outside her cabin?
00:02- LC. SHEPARD: im in this chat dumbasses
00:02- SPEC. JACK: happy bday grandma
00:02- LT. TAYLOR: Happy birthday!
00:02- SPEC. KRIOS: best wishes to you, on your birthday, commander.
00:02- FLT. MOREAU: How much are you hating this, LC?
00:02- LC. SHEPARD: @JOKER I’d rather get ambushed by a cake to the face than for them to burst into song
00:02- SPEC. SAMARA: Happy birthday, my friend. There is no one I would rather wander the void with.
00:02- SPEC. GOTO: happy BDAY SHEP! left a surprise for you in your end table ;)
00:03- SPEC. GOTO: it’s turian condoms, from Mordin and I <3
00:03- GO. VAKARIAN: hey, i got her the same thing
00:03- SPEC. GRUNT: gross. i got battlemaster a present too
00:03- LC. SHEPARD: really, gifts aren’t necessary
00:03- SPEC. GRUNT: it is a gun mod
00:03- LC. SHEPARD: unless they’re mods. thanks grunt
00:04- SPEC. MASSANI: HA! We caked the lil bitch right between the eyes video_attachment_happy_birthday_shepard
00:04- XO. LAWSON: what in the— why are you all awake??? we have an op tomorrow GO TO SLEEP.
00:04- CHF. ZORAH: image_attachment_shepard_cake_face_HBD!
00:04- GO. VAKARIAN: she is such a majestic creature image_attachment_shepard_eating_cake_off_her_face_like_a_starving_varren
00:04- LT. TAYLOR: image_attachment_shepard_throwing_cake_at_crew
00:04- FLT. MOREAU: @LC at least they didn’t sing?
00:04- LC. SHEPARD: no. there was singing. it was disgusting.
HAPPY N7 Day Everyone!
Final of my Garrus piece. Garrus:"That's unfortunate. Hospitals are not fun to fight through" Commander Shepard: What is fun to fight through?" Garrus: "Gardens, electronic shops.Antique stores, but only if they are classy