Not That Serious - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago
does anybody remember when ship names would be changed depending on who they thought topped. that shit was so funny just a BRUTAL civil war between a group that ships the same characters but cannot agree on who takes it up the ass
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it’s so stupid
and it’s still goes on
especially in Asian and many Western online space I’m in
I still remeber that BKDK vs DKBK discourse going on a while ago
and it’s like
not that serious????
People like to make it sooo dramatic too
saying things like
‘oh but it changes the entire dynamic and the way they act towards each other and how they treat one another
and I’m like
‘you know maybe it really shouldn’t”’
I think the discourse also promotes unnecessary and weird stereotypes around gay relationships
but that’s like a whole other can of worms
fandom culture
bnha fandom salt
fandom salt
6 months ago

coloured himmmmmmm
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