Fandom Salt - Tumblr Posts
Y’all could’ve spoke any language and you chose to speak facts. Respect.
But in all seriousness yeah, that’s a lot of nickels which is ridiculous, 👏nobodies 👏trauma 👏deserves 👏to 👏be 👏invalidated👏👏👏
Kinda spoilers for The Owl House Season 2 Episode 4
So remember when I made that post saying that “I hope the fandom doesn’t drag Lilith too much because I don’t think she deserves that and fandoms tend to do that a lot”? Well, I’ve heard that people (reaction video wise) are saying that Lilith deserved to get neglected by Gwen because of the curse.......I’M S O SORRY BUT WHEN IS THAT EVER AN OKAY THING TO SAY?!
does anybody remember when ship names would be changed depending on who they thought topped. that shit was so funny just a BRUTAL civil war between a group that ships the same characters but cannot agree on who takes it up the ass

watching respectable blogs fall deeper and deeper into insanity with every week because they can't bring themselves to take a break from their main fandom that they CLEARLY haven't been enjoying lately to the point they get bitter and pissed off about any little thing and get angry about shit that doesn't make any sense can cause so much second-hand embarrassment, actually. take a small vacation from the fandom, i beg of you! touch some grass!
And even then, Blue wasn't really mean. He was just your rival. The worst thing he did was battle you right before a pokémon center and say "smell ya' later!"
"Pokémon rivals are too nice now they used to be mean"
My brother in Christ the last mean rival before Carmine was Silver.
Part of the reason I thought there was no way Tech wasn’t coming back was because of how little his “death” impacted the plot of the show. The writers really decided they had to get rid of someone for “stakes” and then forgot about him. I kept thinking, “But they saw the last season of Rebels, right? Surely they know how to make a perma-death mean something.” And when there was no grief, barely name mentions, and no real plot motivation, I was convinced that was because he was coming back, since SURELY they wouldn’t treat the death of a main character as if he was just someone who showed up for one episode.
And then I realized I was wrong. They treated him worse than that. And that hurt.
I have seen the opinion floated several times that Tech's sacrifice ultimately turned out to basically be meaningless since the mission failed, they didn't save Crosshair or find Tantiss, and Omega was captured. To each their own opinion, of course, but I STRONGLY disagree with this take.
Okay, so, (surprise surprise) I'm a HUGE fan of Tech (literally since the moment he first graced our screens, it was favorite-at-first-sight). I wanted so badly for him to have survived. I didn't want him to be CX2 at first, but then the parallels just kept cropping up, but then it turns out he wasn't. I have now accepted that he really isn't coming back, but still wish the writers had allowed for more cathartic/healing moments by purposefully honoring Tech rather than doubling/tripling down all season long on the wrenching pain of the Tech-sized hole in the family.
But I cannot share the view that Tech's sacrifice was pointless.
Tech died on a mission he had pushed for in order to have the chance to save his brother.
Tech knew the mission was risky - OF COURSE he knew - but he wanted to take the chance, he didn't want to leave Crosshair behind when it turned out that Crosshair's choice to stay with the Empire had landed him into trouble.
Tech went to fix the rail car because he couldn't let his family remain sitting ducks for the Empire to shoot down.
Tech severed the connection and sacrificed himself to give his family a fighting chance.
The mission could either end in failure to rescue Crosshair, or inevitably end in the entire family dying. Tech chose the former option.
Tech sacrificed himself so his family could live - and regardless of the trials and hardships they faced afterwards, that sacrifice WAS meaningful. (Shoutout to my girl Omega for taking an awful situation - being captured - and seizing the opportunity to fulfill Tech's final goal of saving Crosshair.)
Their life on Pabu would not have been possible without Tech's sacrifice. Crosshair's freedom and life would not have been possible without Tech's sacrifice.
So, devastatingly painful as Tech's death is, it is only because of him that his family lived. And that is more than enough to make his sacrifice meaningful.
Now if only the show could have acknowledged this a little more clearly...
Also I despise Saw Gerrera even more than I despise Cid.
I’m saying this as someone who hated the idea of Tech as CX-2, there were so many parallels to Tech, from character design to speech patterns to music choices, that when he finally muttered out “domicile,” I felt like I just had to accept that it was happening.
I simply think we should stop making CX-2 & Marrok comparisons because theorizing about the identity of a significant antagonist of multiple episodes that is explicitly made to seem significant and shares multiple visual and musical cues with a character that had an ambiguous death last season. And is one of several similarly masked characters who are questioned on their identity. Is very different from spotting a masked guy in the back and deciding he was important based on vibes even though he didn't do anything until he died.
Like we understand these are different right?
Honestly WTAF happened with this.
TBB has this really great thread right from the pilot about clones and inhibitor chips, where we start with our protagonists split apart by being resistant to the chips against the backdrop of the "programmed" Regs, except the one who struggles against it until Tarkin has it jacked up into "go murder them" mode-
And then Rex gives them this perspective of how impossible they are to fight, even he couldn't resist-
And then we see Howzer not only come around on what's right vs following orders but refusing to run, holding out hope for his squad to break free too and do what's right-
To Gregor who is just done and deserted-
To the whiplash of the s1 finale where we get Crosshair. No chip anymore, but I'm a soldier, I'm loyal, I follow orders, I made my decision where then in season 2...
The underground is growing, more are walking away.
We get the fucked around and finding out perspective as the clones around Crosshair "keep disappearing." Cody drops some cold truths on his way out the door. Perhaps made even colder by presumably not knowing that whatever haunts him (we know) wasn't truly his decision at all.
Mayday the last straw, he held out and kept serving but for what?
We open season 3 on "not every clone is your ally" with Omega, the hints of Emerie's plight. And the later e6 warning that some clones on Tantiss are still loyal to the Empire. But Rex is still compassionate- doesn't know what the shadow is but knows something has gone very wrong. He's killed his men but Rex wants to find a way to help him.
And then they do this wild thing where -
They drop the thread completely, the ones who are still loyal at this point are beyond hope, the ones who are brainwashed victims are so over the top that you'd forget they're clones at all if they hadn't shown the one lose his helmet, it takes Emerie realizing there's kids in the basement to have second thoughts about experiments and torture on prisoner clones, and the commandos never serve any deeper purpose.
Um can we also discuss:
CX-2 on Teth: godless killing machine
CX-2 on Pabu: uwu let me just shoot this one pilot
CX-2 on Tantiss: Godless maiming machine
Let me show you how unnecessary Nemec’s death actually was
Wolffe makes it crystal clear that he is in charge of the operation on Teth. When he realizes that they are dealing with clones he gives Clone Trooper Hilo a clear order.

"Hilo, set blasters to stun and move in."
Wolffe obviously expects CX-2 to do the same but the operative never explicitly acknowledges Wolffe’s command and continues to pursue his own agenda.
Shortly after that CX-2 shoots down the shuttle with Rex and the others, accepting the possibility of their deaths. Wolffe gives him a good telling-off and repeats his order.

“I said to use stun blasts only!”
And still shortly after…

CX-2 was ordered to use stun blasts twice and killed Nemec anyway. There was nothing to be gained with his death, he would have been just as incapacitated with a stun blast. Even worse: since clones don’t leave their brothers behind stunning Nemec would have forced them to slow down because they would have carried their unconscious brother. It was tactically unwise to kill him.
Fireball gave his life to save his brother Nemec. He died as a hero, his death had some meaning. But Nemec was just standing at the wrong place at the wrong time. He made it that far, he could just have hopped into the Remora with the others and continued to be a part of the clone underground, there would have been zero consequences for the storyline of The Bad Batch if CX-2 had missed the shot or set it to stun.
So I really can’t understand why they did this.
Farewell my friend 😢

Taglist: @padawancat97 @starrylothcat @pb-jellybeans @littlefeatherr @sunshinesdaydream @the-bad-batch-baroness @antoinettesb @the-rain-on-kamino @neyswxrld @elephantwoman4 @proteatook @goblininawig @kometqh @oceansssblue @sevdidntdie
AND FOR WHAT? So weird “fans” could accuse Phee of harassing him or bullying him or doing any number of horrible things she didn’t do?
So they could make us love him and them more so it would be all the more painful when they dropped him from the sky and his memory from season 3?
NEVER GETTING OVER THIS. At least, not until they give him back to us and to her.

Tech and Phee first time met
some puzzling writing hot takes i’ve encountered:
genre fiction is fascist. the only ideologically pure fiction is slice-of-life with no plot.
any book with more than one sex scene is erotica
romance novels encourage women to have unrealistic fantasies, like “having enjoyable sex” and “being apologized to”
describing a female character’s body for any reason, even during a sex scene where her love interest’s body is described too, means you’re a gross male writer who doesn’t understand women
if the protagonist is an anti-hero or morally gray, each chapter should have a disclaimer detailing all of said protagonist’s moral failings