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5 months ago
Dont Know Why I Wanted To Draw This Dumb, Silly Idea But Here We Are Lol

Don’t know why I wanted to draw this dumb, silly idea but here we are lol

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5 months ago

thinking about tailor!nanami …. suggestive!

Thinking About Tailor!nanami . Suggestive!

you’re tasting coffee on his lips while he hopes they aren’t chapped. such a gentleman—isn’t he? even when he’s breaking the rules.

getting frisky in the dressing room wasn’t how he expected today to go. especially when you called the boutique at three, requesting “anyone but nanami” to fit your shirt for you. but he wasn’t complaining. you whisked him away after his coworker took your clothes. sure, it’s cramped and dim. but even if he had something to say, you were keeping him busy.

his hand slides up, lingering on your inner thigh, where your skin meets his. kento’s arms fell asleep a long time ago, yet now they move on their own. the hushed talks on the other side of the wall fail to reach his ears.

with a glow that definitely wasn’t there before, you smile up at him as he stares down.

“ken, you’ll fix my dress tomorrow too, won’t you?”

the customer is always right.


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5 months ago

thinking about tailor!nanami …. suggestive!

Thinking About Tailor!nanami . Suggestive!

you’re tasting coffee on his lips while he hopes they aren’t chapped. such a gentleman—isn’t he? even when he’s breaking the rules.

getting frisky in the dressing room wasn’t how he expected today to go. especially when you called the boutique at three, requesting “anyone but nanami” to fit your shirt for you. but he wasn’t complaining. you whisked him away after his coworker took your clothes. sure, it’s cramped and dim. but even if he had something to say, you were keeping him busy.

his hand slides up, lingering on your inner thigh, where your skin meets his. kento’s arms fell asleep a long time ago, yet now they move on their own. the hushed talks on the other side of the wall fail to reach his ears.

with a glow that definitely wasn’t there before, you smile up at him as he stares down.

“ken, you’ll fix my dress tomorrow too, won’t you?”

the customer is always right.


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6 years ago

@ppl who get embarrassed bc they responded “you too” to a server who told them to enjoy their meal: if your first instinct is to be polite & friendly even when you’re not necessarily paying attention you have nothing to b embarrassed about

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Failed to talk to anyone on the first day of university (again) and felt kinda low about it but then a cute girl on the train came to me and showed her phone and there was a sweet compliment to my appearance and everything is normal now I guess everything is gonna be fine😌

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2 years ago

I've been thinking about this for a while but you know how European people (or I guess I've never seen this reaction in anyone other than people from Great Britain specifically, but I'm no expert) try American chocolate and are like DEAR GOODNESS HOW CAN ANYONE EAT THIS IT'S HARDLY CHOCOLATE yeah well I wonder how they would react to a tootsie roll

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3 years ago

it’s fucking weird how we let people earn our loyalty. like, “you picked me up from work one time and made me soup when i was sick, so now i’ll kill for you if you ask”

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11 months ago

I'm normally a very slow reader of published novels, but I devoured The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard and now I can NOT stop thinking about it.

Everyone who has read my Fire Lord Zuko content knows how much I love 1) people of power working tirelessly to make the world a better place for all; and b) kings, slowly being crushed under the weight of their crown and duty, finding love and care in their loyal servants and staff

Except this story is more. The Emperor is worshiped and treated as a god, bound by extreme taboos and protocols that he can't break. It's about his staff (his found family) looking BEYOND the exterior of godhood and finding the human being underneath - who is dying under the weight of being the Emperor - and deciding to reach out, even if by acknowledging his humanity they are technically breaking many laws.

God this book is about so many things, including:

Found family can be the Last Emperor and his senior members of staff

The Emperor learning how to be human again with the help of his friends

There's no romance in this book. The deep friendships are the beating heart of this story, and they very much Love each other.

Breaking down a previously corrupt imperial empire through hard work and radial reforms, leading to sweeping changes including UNIVERSAL INCOME

Embracing cultural heritage, even in the heart of the imperial palace. Our main character is both one of the highest ranking members of government and from an islander culture, and he dedicates himself to both

The struggle for your family (who have a case of tall poppy syndrome, and live far far away from the capital and palace) to see you as a respected adult and understand all of your (many, MANY) achievements, even when you're very literally brought the Emperor home with you.

This book has some BEAUTIFUL confrontations, take-downs, and revelations based on the past two points (and more). If you underestimate or insult our main character, You Will Regret It. Watching him lose his temper is a glorious thing to behold.

Anyway I'm pretty sure this just became my all-time favourite book, because it's beautifully written and touches on all of my favourite tropes.

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5 years ago


If you were in Cradle, who would you be?

If You Were In Cradle, Who Would You Be?
If You Were In Cradle, Who Would You Be?
If You Were In Cradle, Who Would You Be?

click for better quality!

don’t repost! reblogs appreciated (・ωー)~☆

Here’s my IkeRev persona! This was very self-indulgent as seen here, and I decided to treat myself a little more hoho also, this is sorta a meet the artist meme too lololol

If you want to do the same, I have a lil guide here that you can use! Go create yourself or your babies uwu let me love them!!!

A more detailed description under the cut!

Keep reading

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