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Hey this is really important!!!
As someone who has had bladder issues since I was little, I'd like to share what I do when leak to prevent rashes. ^_^
Obviously remove underclothes/pants that the urine got on and dry yourself off as quickly as possible with a clean, dry, towel
Grab a soft washcloth and get it soaked with warm water, then wring it out
Use warm, wet washcloth to throughly clean the area
Dry off with a separate dry, clean, towel
Then put on new undergarments and you're done!! :D
Hope this helps ^_^
i think a lot of people who have never cared for a baby and have no conscious memory of using diapers or any other incontinence product don't realize that people really aren't supposed to be sitting in soiled pads/diapers for extended periods of time. like the point of the pad/diaper is to prevent the soiling of clothes and whatever else we might be sitting on, and to give us enough time to get somewhere where we can change.
if you sit in a wet/soiled diaper (or underwear) for longer than 2-3 hours, it starts to get really painful and irritate the skin. this can lead to painful rashes, which can get infected. this is especially serious because many people who use incontinence products are also immunocompromised, and infections from sitting or walking around in a wet diaper can become extremely dangerous very quickly.
this is why we need to amend the ADA's guidelines for accessible bathroom requirements to include adult changing tables. i'm very lucky in that i'm mobile enough to change myself in a stall, but many people who deal with incontinence are not, and need full assistance with changing. being stuck outside in a soiled product is painful and dangerous, and significantly disabled people deserve better.

this is the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen jesus fucking christ