Nothing But Love For The Jedi - Tumblr Posts

I recently saw a TikTok including Anakin and Plo Koon and the one thing people constantly stated in the comments was how Plo Koon is the only Jedi they like, the only good one and apparently the only one who gave Anakin advice and tried to help. (Referring to the tcw scene where Anakin is freaking out trying to find a way to find Ahsoka and Plo Koon tells him that she'll find her way back with the help of Anakin's training and teaching.)

And I honestly hate looking through comments because of these never ending and ridiculous anti jedi takes that completely miss the point of the story and because of weird statements like „this jedi is the only good one and all the others suck“, „if plo koon had been grand master order 66 wouldn’t have happened.“ (yes the last one is actually smth I saw someone say.)

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore Master Plo Koon, but he isn’t better or worse than any other Jedi. He believes in the same teachings, the same wisdom and the same philosophy as every other Jedi does. Of course he’s an individual being with his own personality so he’s not literally the „same“ as everybody else, but still he adheres to the same principles or else he wouldn’t be a Jedi or part of the Order.

Additionally, he certainly isn’t the only one who has given Anakin advice. Don’t make me laugh. Are we forgetting Yoda's therapeutical sessions, as I like to call them, where he takes his time to talk to Anakin and listen to him? His advice was for Anakin to learn to let go, to not let his fears control him and that’s very good advice. Obi Wan often tried to get Anakin to open up in detail and talk about his feelings upfront, but it’s Anakin that didn’t want to. He never shared enough. And he ignored the advice and the help he was given multiple times. He didn’t wish to face his problems and his fears and that’s not smth the Jedi can force him to do. Anakin has to be willing to talk and to take the given advice to heart.

I mean just look at the fact that Ahsoka had to learn about Anakin’s past through Obi Wan. Anakin vehemently does not want and can’t be convinced to talk about his problems. He does not wish to face them. And there’s only so much another person can do for somebody. Even when Anakin tells Obi Wan about the dreams he has of his mother, he never truly tells him what the dreams are about and that they might be visions, so obviously Obi Wan is going to give advice based on what he was told and what he knows. And it isn’t uncommon to have dreams because you’re homesick or still miss your mother. It isn’t far fetched for Obi Wan to believe that such normal dreams will pass in time because he doesn’t know more than what Anakin tells him, he doesn’t know that they’re nightmares and what the dreams are about. And on top of that, even Anakin sort of brushes them aside and states he’d rather dream of Padmé. He just never takes the time to completely open up to show the seriousness of it all. The Jedi did what they could. All of them. Anakin only allowed Palpatine to get through to him, and only because Palpatine explicitly catered to Anakin's desires. He told him what he wanted to hear, not what he needed to and that’s why Anakin was drawn to him. He sort of fed into his ego. And that is also a lesson in itself that the movies try to teach the audience.

The only thing that sort of calms me down, is knowing that most of the people who write comments like this don’t even really want to understand the point of the story or really think it through. They’re mostly here because of Anakin and his edginess and handsomeness and wish to sympathize with him and romanticize the whole toxic love type of thing. So ofc Anakin cannot be blamed fully, he still needs to be made out to be this misguided man who was failed by others, so that liking him isn’t viewed as that bad. And ofc he did everything he did for love so that makes it alright, but people forget that he simply did it for "his love" and not truly for Padmé. His love for her is more important than she herself. (Selfish love/attachment vs. selfless love that the Jedi teach; another lesson the movies try to show.)

And I mean I’m not fully hating on Anakin at all, I love him as a character and I love his tragedy (or the cautionary tale Star Wars depicts) especially because he is the one that needs to be blamed.

So I sort of hate him for what he did, because I blame him and Palpatine (as one should) and do not wish to excuse the fact he helped commit a genocide or act as if the responsibility for his actions and choices doesn’t fall on him, but I still love him because he’s such a fantastic character with such a good backstory and arc.

A great villain. But that’s the point, he is the villain, there’s no arguing about this or talking around it. And it’s okay to like the villain, you don’t have to justify that by painting them in the best possible way and excusing certain behavior. You don’t have to baby them, but that’s what so many people do and it annoys me. Literally every comment I see on YouTube or any other platform will be about poor Anakin and the evil Jedi. You can love the villain for who they are with all they’re mistakes and failures, but don’t act like they’re not the villain. Don’t twist the story to favor them by villainizing the good guys instead!

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