[ Novelist Dreamt. ] Mary Beth G. / Interaction. - Tumblr Posts
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“Hey, you did nothing wrong…” / for miss mary beth, from sadie <3

she knows that she didn’t, but it didn’t make the guilt subside. it hadn’t been her fault that kieran had gotten taken, tortured, and then put on display for all to see, but she couldn’t quiet the voice in her head that blamed herself, anyway. she could’ve done something and maybe it all could’ve been different. she knew that thinking about ‘what-ifs’ wasn't going to change anything, but she couldn’t just turn her brain off from them.
hearing sadie’s words of reassurance and sympathy brought mary-beth out of her thoughts. she’d been keeping to herself, not too keen on allowing others to see her grieving the loss of a man who had hardly been liked by the group as it was. she didn’t like the attention that could be brought to her from her grief, either, but it seemed as though sadie had caught her and her red-rimmed eyes gave her away.
taking quick swipes at her puffy cheeks with the backs of her hands, mary-beth let out a slightly shaky sigh. she couldn’t bring herself to meet sadie’s gaze, instead, training her eyes on the grass at her feet as she murmured, “ i know, i just… keep thinkin’ there was somethin’ i coulda done—i dunno… ”
/ @wildlcck
∗ 26﹕ sender lights receiver’s cigarette / for miss mary-beth!

it wasn’t often that mary-beth got angry—annoyed, sure. stressed, of course—but sometimes she had bad days; days where nothing seemed to go right and she could almost find it in herself to throw someone in the bayou and let the gators have their way with them. it was a gruesome thought for sure, but that’s how their lives were, anyway. she’d learned from a very young age that there were no such things as fairy tales, and the people in camp were keen to constantly remind her of it.
she hadn’t heard sadie come up, starting only slightly when the woman’s raspy voice reached her ears. her eyes, once trained on sadie’s face, quickly shot down the offered cigarette, taking it and murmuring out a ‘thanks’ when sadie lit it and mary-beth had taken a drag.
her eyes wandered back out to the mossy, smoggy, greenery as they both stood on the outskirts of their camp, but not too far off to be snuck up on by snakes or alligators.
she took another drag of her cigarette, exhaling the smoke in silence, and letting it linger for a few moments before she decided to break the silence.
“ whaddya reckon grimshaw’s chances of survival would be if we threw her in the swamp ? ”
starter for @worsethanwolves from mary-beth !

it’s been what feels like a long, exhausting day, and it’s hardly past noon. all mary-beth knows is that she is in dire need of a break—grimshaw be damned—and she fully intends on taking one. she can already hear the unread books calling her name as she passes by arthur’s tent—only to stop short once she notices that he’s focused and hunched over.
she really should mind her own business, but, well…she can’t help herself; curiosity killed the mary-beth. she hesitates for a few moments before inching towards him, shyly, and finds herself subtly peering over arthur’s shoulder, unable to keep herself from asking, “ what cha drawin’ there, arthur ? ”
53﹕ sender buys receiver a drink at a bar . / for Mary-Beth!

mary-beth didn’t drink too often—she’d seen the way it made the men in camp lose their heads—but every so often, she didn’t mind it. today happened to be one of those days. she had full intentions of swindling the bartender out of a drink or two—not that she didn’t have the money, but if she didn’t have to pay, well, that just made it all that much more sweet.
in the midst of her sweet talking, however, a gruff voice reached her ears and a beer was sat down in front of her. she didn’t even have to look up to see who it was. her lips twitched upwards in slight amusement before her eyes trailed over to the man beside her.
“ well, aren’t you just the gentleman ? ” she asked, a soft playfulness to her tone. “ how will i ever repay you ? ”
she lightly clinked her beer against his before taking a swig. it could certainly be an…acquired taste, but she needed something to take the edge off.
@monmuses liked for a dialogue starter ( mary-beth to grimshaw ) ! ♡

" this place is cursed... i can feel it. "
❛ i thought you’d like some company . ❜ - for mary-beth !

mary-beth was grateful to her boys—without them, she’d still be pickpocketing, if her luck wouldn’t have finally run out by now—but to say that she enjoyed doing the things that those around her deemed proper to pull her weight around camp would be the furthest thing from the truth.
she’d forever be thankful towards dutch and hosea, but if she had to hear grimshaw’s nails-on-a-chalkboard voice crowing on at her one more time—well, she’d lose it. cleaning up after men, doing their laundry, patching up their clothes—it hadn’t been what mary-beth had ever envisioned for herself.
maybe, if she worked quickly enough, she could get this done, sneak off, and stick her nose in a good book. maybe if she hid well enough, no one would be able to find her for a few good hours.
before she could put the plan in motion, arthur had caught her attention, making her jump a little, and successfully ripping her out of her thoughts.
“ oh ! arthur— ” she said, trying to brush the surprise off and offering him a smile. “ well, i wouldn’t say no to that. though i’m afraid i’m not too great in the way of company. still—if you have any interestin’ stories to tell, i’m certainly all ears. ”
things could be so dull around camp that mary-beth swore sometimes she’d rather be dead.
“Sometimes I feel like I’ll never have it together.” (@ Mary-beth)

she knows that feeling all too well. still, nova is sweet and kind and as mary-beth’s friend, she cannot allow her to be down on herself. mary-beth may often have her own anxieties and insecurities, but she hated for her friends to feel the same way.
“ hey now, ” she says in her best soothing voice, “ that’s not true. ” she’s reminded of all the times she sat with arthur and chatted with him about his own problems for a bit.
“ what happened ? ”
"Morning." (to Mary-Beth from John Marston from this meme)

mary-beth, admittedly, is not much of a drinker—in fact, she tends to enjoy spending most of her nights curled up on her cot, reading one of her romance novels by lantern light until she finally decides to turn in.
last night in particular, she hadn’t remembered drinking that much—a drink or two at most—but, upon waking up, her head throbs and the sun is too bright. she’d sleep in all day if she didn’t think grimshaw would murder her. though, she nearly meets her maker, anyway, as a greeting reaches her ears, startling her.
“ oh—! ” she relaxes upon realizing who it is. “ mornin’, john… what, ah…happened last night ? how much did i have to drink—? ”