Odaat - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

we know Brooklyn 99 is cop propaganda and then there’s shows like Jane the Virgin and Riverdale (both from the CW) where the writers obviously like read #LeftTwitter so they can throw in some liberal critiques of republicans and also the shows function as cop/rich people propaganda, but there is something like really scary about One Day at a Time and the way that the writers have really plugged into ‘youth culture lingo’ from like, whatever is being talked about on twitter, youtube and tumblr amongst young people, particularly race and trans issues – to spread explicitly conservative, nationalist propaganda under the guise inclusivity/diversity 

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5 years ago

But how can you not have mentioned the best part - The Caption!

But How Can You Not Have Mentioned The Best Part - The Caption!
But How Can You Not Have Mentioned The Best Part - The Caption!


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7 years ago

I absolutely love Elena and Syd

corny teenage sitcom lesbians are valid

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7 years ago

If Schneider got married to Penelope, he’d not only be really part of the family, he could also have a second last name like how he wanted, Alvarez.

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7 years ago

brooklyn nine nine, the good place, and one day at a time are a trio of comedy excellence and we are truly blessed to live in their time

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3 years ago

schneider from one day at a time is 100% in love with his best friend penelope but thinks that she’s the most amazing person he has ever met and he is not even close to good enough for her, so he deflects his interest with humor and is happily encouraging as she tries to find love with other men. he is too quietly damaged to see that he is loyal and kind and just as amazing in his own way and penelope is lucky to have him in her life. instead he lets her dismiss any serious or attractive moment between them as a surprising fluke because he is grateful for what they have and would never want to risk their relationship by making any serious romantic gesture. but penelope will forever go to him in the middle of the night when she needs someone she can count on, without thinking about what that means, and he will forever crack jokes to cover up his feelings, and no matter who they date in the future they will be soulmates for the rest of their lives. in this essay i will

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5 years ago
I CAN'T BELIEVE ODAAT GOT CANCELLED!! Also, I Just Wanted To Add The Little Rainbow Pin On The Beanie...
I CAN'T BELIEVE ODAAT GOT CANCELLED!! Also, I Just Wanted To Add The Little Rainbow Pin On The Beanie...

I CAN'T BELIEVE ODAAT GOT CANCELLED!! Also, I just wanted to add the little rainbow pin on the beanie... :))))

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4 years ago
Yes, I Drew A Lesbian Non-binary Heart In The Background. I Couldn't Help Myself. Honestly One Of My
Yes, I Drew A Lesbian Non-binary Heart In The Background. I Couldn't Help Myself. Honestly One Of My
Yes, I Drew A Lesbian Non-binary Heart In The Background. I Couldn't Help Myself. Honestly One Of My

‪Yes, I drew a lesbian non-binary heart in the background. I couldn't help myself. Honestly one of my favorite scenes in the show...‬ EDIT: Yes! I messed up the non-binary heart. My bad😅😅




Time Taken: 3hrs5mins

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One Day At A Time Did THAT™

deals with how the impact of colorism as it intersects with racial prejudice via the contrast of alex’s experiences with racism and xenophobia vs. elena’s (because she is white passing). BONUS: when elena is annoyed that she ‘passes’ her family reminds her oppression isn’t aspirational or virtuous 

acknowledges that latinx people are not one shade/one race, that latinx can be white passing, black and brown and are still latinx

deals with racism within and between latinx ethnicities, generations, and races 

introduces, explains and utilizes preferred pronouns in a respectful way (elena’s gf is non-binary and consistently refered to as they/them)

elena alvarez, awkward lesbian latina queen embodies the Gay Struggle in finding a gf

but also we see her confront her father’s homophobic negligence and no he does not get redeemed, but elena gets closure 


represents the nuanced and traumatic impact of mental health stigma in ethnic communities when penelope goes off her meds so she doesn’t scare away her new partner. we see penelope break down without it being romanticized. we also see her mother, lydia, come to accept her daughter’s struggle with mental illness and support her and there’s a beautiful scene between pen and schneider too

showcased the flaws, bias and hypocrisies in the immigration office of the usa through lydia’s and schneider’s parallel journies to gaining american citizenship

donald trump is gonna get vitamin d deficiency from all the shade thrown at him this season tbh

represents the struggles in romantic relationships at different ages and stages in life through elena with syd, penelope and max and lydia with leslie

there’s a whole episode where this show takes a dump on the elitism of movie theatres when penelope teaches alex how to go to the movies without spending a fortune by smuggling food

elena and schneider learning spanish!

alex and elena’s super sweet sibling bond that grows and is so strong that alex was meeting up with their dad in secret to drag his cis-genered homophobic ass

deals with post 9/11 military movements


justina machado gives the most incredibly genuine, nuanced, amazing performance i have EVER seen in a sitcom. the episodes where she’s struggling with ptsd and the finale are STAGGERING and she’s also fkn hilarious

positive rep for latinx family on an internationally broadcast platform??? THATS A BIG YES 

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1 year ago

I rewatched all (meaning seasons 1-3) of One Day At A Time, because I finished The Horror Of Dolores Roach and needed more Justina Machado. Penelope and Victor's fight at the end of Hurricane Victor has such KCFH vibes in retrospect. Earlier in the episode (and in flashbacks in season 2) it shows how well they used to work by dialing up the corny sitcom antics. Like, the stalling for Alex's recital is corny even for ODAAT. Then when they get into a fight because Victor lied about being sober, Victor makes a corny little aside joke that would normally get a studio audience laugh. There's a serious moment in every episode but the little jokes still get a studio audience laugh. Even Schneider gets laughs when joking about his old failed attempts at sobriety. But while Schneider jokes in a more reflective way, Victor makes a joke to deflect, and both the studio audience and Penelope shut it down. There's no laughs in the entire scene, and the episode ends in silence.

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