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5 months ago

Bruce Fanart

now, how many of you actually know who Bruce is?? 💀 LOOK IT UP!! (basically, he was one of the OFA users🤩) Anyway, I saw this by @hotpotatopotat (🎉) and decided to draw Bruce haha, I need to learn to shade 😭

Bruce Fanart

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Random rant here, but anyway -

You know how in MHA genderbend fics they give Izuku Midoriya a different name, usually Izumi or something? I loathe that.

Why? Well, you know how he's the ninth user of One for All? The ku in his name is nine. Each of the One for All wielders has their number somewhere in their name.

But enter any genderbend fic? Goodbye number! I have yet to find a genderbend fic where they kept the ku in the name.

Another note that fic users should use sometime: when the OFA users call Izuku Nine they're probably calling him Ku, which is adorable as all get out.

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5 months ago

Izuku and ofa, but he's been able to hear and talk with the vestiges since he gained the quirk,,

Nana: I don't know,, I think izuku and endeavours kid make a good team

Banjo: no way! Him and that frog girl are like- perfect!

Yoichi, pinching his nosebridge: Izulu and Tsuyu look like the couples in every glmv ever, thay could be siblings, please don't.

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6 months ago

To be deep or silly in today's MHA thought, that is truly the question. I missed yesterday, and it's late, which usually makes me philosophical, but I can't get this thought about the OFA vestiges out of my head so maybe they'll end up combined, who knows?

Lizzy's MHA Ramble of the Eve: How long could the vestiges of OFA see what Deku saw??

Like we see as early as season two that they're boogieing creepily in the background during the sports festival arc, but we don't ACTUALLY meet them until around season five, I think? The way Yoichi talks to Deku in that episode with the first flashback, it makes it seem like they've been monitoring him for a while. Plus, when Banjo meets Izuku, he talks like he's been watching the fight. So it seems like they've been watching him for a bit at the very least.

All that to say, can you imagine how unsettling that must've been for him to come to the realization that seven people have been watching every single thing he's done for the past year. I don't know about y'all, but I appreciate my privacy. Obviously Izuku is not an introvert like me, but still, I don't think anyone would appreciate knowing seven people can/potentially have been watching them every moment of the day.

Anywho, I totally think at least a few of them took to yelling at him like a dad at a football game on TV. Do you think they like, placed bets on what he'd do in certain situations? Or whether or not like, Bakugo would use a particular insult on someone? I like to imagine it'd go something like this:

Banjo: Ten bucks says Bakugo calls him a shitty nerd today.

Shimura: We literally don't have money in here, why would anyone take you up on that?

Yoichi: (Playing magical mind-scape Uno or something, idk, with Kudo or Bruce) Besides, he's getting better! Izuku's said so himself.

En: Midoriya would still sing Bakugo's praises even if he set his own mom on fire and did it while screaming "Deku is a fucking moron!!" I don't think Midoriya's opinion is ever valid when it comes to him.

Hikage:...my money's on damn extras.

Shimura: Again, we don't have money, we don't even eat, what the hell are you betting with??

Banjo: Look, there's only so long we sit ominously on our fancy little thrones waiting for him to figure shit out before we start to loose our non-existent minds, let us have this.

I don't know what this is or where it came from, but I've been thinking about Yoichi a lot lately as I compile my thoughts/rambles about him and All for One for a later post, so I think it was born of the little threads that didn't fit in anywhere else.

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7 months ago

guys I think there’s a small chance of a mha reboot hear me out miydorya has just a few embers left inside him so if he wanted to he could continue ofa onto other people so because of that we can see in the future one of the new users of ofa on there journey to become the worlds greatest hero and some characters of there future self’s from the current show

Im praying right now guys

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