Oh Very Fun - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Honeslty this is my one of favorite thing about these stories, how those characters are mentioned and you can find them elsewhere. And sometimes they do stuff like Gaz or the slaver who's name I forgot, or sometimes they don't, their life just continues away from the protagonists, like Hav.

Fun stormlight easter egg!

You remember Hav? A minor character, Kaladin's mentor when he first enlists in the army?

a screenshot from The Way of Kings. The text reads "Many people were dying on the other side of the chasm, but Kaladin didn't feel a thing for them. No itch to heal them, no desire to help. Kaladin could thank Hav for that, for training him to think in terms of "us" and "them." In a..."

In Words of Radiance, when Kaladin meets Zahel and thinks about his past as an ex soldier (close but no cigar buddy), he wonders if Hav wound up in a monastery

A screenshot from Words of Radiance. The text reads, "“You’re a soldier,” Kaladin guessed. “Ex-soldier, I mean.” “Yeah,” the man said. “They call me Zahel.” Kaladin nodded, the irregularities clicking into place. Occasionally, a soldier retired to the ardentia, if he had no other life to return to. Kaladin would have expected them to require the man to at least shave his head. I wonder if Hav is in one of these monasteries somewhere, Kaladin thought idly. What would he think of me now? He’d probably be proud. He always had seen guard duty as the most respectable of a soldier’s assignments."

Hav is not in a monastery. When Shallan is out on her first foray for the ghostbloods, we learn he's only a couple warcamps over guarding Amaram's manor!

A screenshot from Words of Radiance. The text reads, "“Report at the guard posts from now on when you visit,” the man said, pointing toward a small, lit area in the distance behind them. “We’re going to start keeping a secure perimeter.” “Yes, Sergeant.” “Oh, stop harassing the lad, Hav,” the other soldier said. “You can’t expect him to know rules that half the soldiers don’t even know yet.” “On with you,” Hav said, waving Shallan through. She hastened to obey. A secure perimeter? She didn’t envy these men that task. Amaram didn’t have a wall to keep people out, just some striped posts."

And him and Kaladin never ended up seeing each other. Shame really.

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