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I can't believe all those reader-insert alleyway fanfics were canon.
boxman is boxboss Boxman is Boxboss BOXMAN IS BOXBOSS BOXMAN IS BOXB-

I haven't done a midnight comic in a while, so I figured what the hey.

Someone asked why no one was talking about CarolQuest. This is probably why.
With the four new episodes available on the app, people are starting to lose faith in the "Venomous is Shadowy Figure" theory because Venomous wouldn't be bored if he was running around in the shadows being a creep. What if... Now hear me out, but what if he was running around in the shadows being a creep BECAUSE he was bored? 😕

Oof, I forgot to post this the other day. I am so, so, so out of practice with drawing okko, but MY BOYS ARE BACK AND I AM THRIVING