Ok Ko Carol - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

So, I’ve been working on an OK K.O. vine comp for a while. I haven’t seen anyone making them, which I found disappointing, so I decided to make my own. I have nearly 2 minutes done, looking to be over 5 by the time it’s finished. Here I picked out a few of my favorites so far, in no particular order. There will definitely be more to come! (Credit to whoever all these vines came from, I have no idea. XD But if you want to use these in a compilation of your own, please credit me.)

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6 years ago
Doodling Because The 2ds Is Currently Dead, And Decided To Draw A Snippet From The Fic I'm Writing (which

Doodling because the 2ds is currently dead, and decided to draw a snippet from the fic I'm writing (which is almost done), Make Up. I won't give any context, but let's just say that Carol gets away with A LOT.

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6 years ago
@cyberbirdperson K.O., Carol, And Mr. Gar Family Fluff, Coming Right Up! Even Though It Took A Bit Longer

@cyberbirdperson K.O., Carol, and Mr. Gar family fluff, coming right up! Even though it took a bit longer than my drawings usually do, I really enjoyed making it, and am honestly proud of how it turned out. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did making it!

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6 years ago
Someone Asked Why No One Was Talking About CarolQuest. This Is Probably Why.

Someone asked why no one was talking about CarolQuest. This is probably why.

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6 years ago
Day 6: Drooling Phew, Almost Forgot To Post It!

Day 6: Drooling Phew, almost forgot to post it!

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6 years ago


I was browsing the Laserblast tag, and among the mess of variations of the same theories, I saw one say that Carol may have adopted K.O. While believable, I never really bought into it, but honestly, it's pretty dang likely. But I've come to realize that she may actually have a biological child. Who? Elodie. I don't have a whole lot of evidence, but here's what I got: First, they look alike. Blond hair, tan skin. I think they're the only two characters so far who can be described like this (besides Yellow Technique, which there are theories of a relation between Carol (Silver Spark) and the Hue Troop, but that's a conversation for another time). Second, their names have the same scheme. Carol makes me think of Christmas carols, while Elodie is similar to Melody; both carol and melody are song-related terms. I'm not sure what the deal is with these two, or if they have a relationship at all. But if Elodie is Carol's daughter, that doesn't mean K.O. isn't her son, right? (Shut up, I can dream.) K.O... may have a long-lost sister, yo!

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6 years ago
I Made A Cover For A Oneshot I Haven't Even Posted Yet. I Won't Give The Title Here Because It's A Seldom-used

I made a cover for a oneshot I haven't even posted yet. I won't give the title here because it's a seldom-used word that would kind of give away the big twist, and I don't want anyone looking it up. X3 This story won't be action-packed or anything, but it has a handful of important reveals (mostly headcanons, but I can guarantee that most of you either share them or see the sense in them). If you've been skipping the unimportant filler fluffy stories, don't skip this one! It should be out some time in the next few days or couple weeks. I wanted to do something similar to the cover for Corruption where I experimented with the color scheme. Instead of relying on adjustment layers to give me the effect I want, though, I tried coloring with the lighting and shading colors in mind. I think it kind of paid off. I'm pretty proud of it, considering it took me under an hour and a half.

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6 years ago

Part 8 is up!

Part 8 of the Perfect AU series has been posted, Genitor!



This one is big on AU character lore. Hope you enjoy!

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6 years ago

I just had a 20 minute conversation with my baby sister (from now on I will refer to them as Tiny J) that was purely OK K.O. theories. While some things they said are proven wrong in later episodes (they've seen up to Are You Ready For Some Megafootball), they made some pretty interesting cases. Here were my favorite thoughts of theirs, some speculation, some totally false. Laserblast isn't really a good guy. He's actually a spy, and the sandwich incident was how he made his escape. T.K.O. is a good guy, he just has anger issues. Venomous wants to kidnap him and convert him into a bad guy. The reason we don't see Rippy Roo in the present day is because she followed Laserblast into the sewers. Tiny doesn't know if she was in on it to begin with, or if she wanted to make sure he was okay and ended up getting turned into Fink. Laserblast's head was seen in Mr. Gar's fear because Laserblast and Carol are dating. (They said are, not were. I think they think Carol is pretending to like Gar.) Carol is evil. She was talking to Venomous on the microphone after the Steamborg fight. (Obviously we know she's part of P.O.I.N.T. by now, but we still can't rule that out, considering there's a possible relation between them and Venomous.) Laserblast, Venomous, and Shadowy Figure are all the same person. Venomous is Turbo Laserblast the same way T.K.O. is Turbo K.O., and Shadowy Figure is Turbo Venomous, though in this case using the glorb method like what Fink did. (Dang, what an observation. Not making this up, they pay really good attention guys. XD) They also think Boxman is somehow related to Shadowy Figure. On a related note, Laserblast is K.O.'s dad. If not him, then it would have to be Mr. Gar. If Rippy Roo isn't Fink, and isn't evil to begin with, she ends up trapped in Venomous's brain. Tiny has no idea how she would get there though, and I'm not entirely sure they weren't messing with me. We had been discussing whether or not Laserblast was trapped within Venomous's mind at the time. Remember how earlier they said Carol was talking to Venomous? Whatever their plans together are, Venomous is lying to her. His plans definitely involve T.K.O., and even if she was secretly a villain, she would never do anything that she thought would hurt her son. Well, those were the main topics we discussed. What are your thoughts?

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6 years ago
Tiny J Asked Me To Post This. She's Been Practicing Drawing OK K.O. Characters By Using References Because

Tiny J asked me to post this. She's been practicing drawing OK K.O. characters by using references because she wants to animate with them (I think my 2DS got her hooked y'all XD). Reference or no, this is a pretty dang good Carol. It's definitely more spot-on than my first Carol was. Seriously, I'm so proud of my little sis.

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6 years ago
I've Always Been So Intimidated By The Idea Of Drawing Silver Spark's Costume (mostly Her Hair), But

I've always been so intimidated by the idea of drawing Silver Spark's costume (mostly her hair), but tonight I decided to just go for it. Boy, was I worrying over nothing. She's actually super fun to draw!

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6 years ago


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6 years ago

CAROL: Good morning KO! It’s a little muggy outside today.

KO: Are all our mugs on the front lawn?


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5 years ago

Spoilers OK KO (big reveal) Fall from Grace why it happened

Do not read if you are not caught up with the show don’t read it 


Professor Venomous is Laserblast and is KO’s finally theory confirmed…though what I found interesting was his reason of turning evil.


As it was explained at the beginning of the episode while Laserblast was a great hero he was insecure about himself that he was never strong enough as a hero. Laserblasts’ strength was obtained by absorbing the power of his foes and he was entirely dependant on it. So much he would try to compensate by rushing in gun hoe into missions! He never felt like it was his own power and he wanted to be stronger; believing he wasn’t good enough on his own. Even though that was never the case his peers and fans all loved him…but that was never enough for him. Because to him, he was supposed to be an example, an icon everything a hero should be, he’s supposed to be the best. So much so he did illegal experimentation to obtain more power to be better. 


His fall from grace was attributed to the pressures of being a hero and I will argue that Lazerblast was probably considered the number 1 hero like Chip Damage. We can support this theory by looking at Chip Damage, why he was created and what ended him  (he was literally made to replace Lazerblast) so we can assume everyone saw Chip the same way as Lazerblast did… everybody loved and looked up to him. Though he was a robot and once he knew was and given free will decided to destroy himself because he didn’t think he was good enough as the hero they deserved…sound familiar? 


Basically, this pressure to be the perfect role-model to everyone got to Chip which is why he deactivated himself. As for Laserblast when he lost his powers it destroyed him, he went into hiding and wanted to die as a great hero inside of living on as a pathetic powerless man. What would everyone in Point say, heck what would Carol say he can’t come back not the way he is now. He would let everybody down, similar to the fall of Chip Damage but instead of destroying himself he decided to pretend to be dead he didn’t think he was worthy of being everyone’s hero. So he willingly made himself disappear… He hid himself to try to return back to his power but after experimenting on himself for months but he can’t turn back to normal. So he decided to not go back and became evil and transforming himself into Professor Venomous! The episode reveals his side but we don’t really explain why he came to this conclusion of just becoming a villain, going against everything he knew. He could have stayed in hiding instead of doing this over-correction.

WHY IS THAT? (yes I know for the money and stuff, but there’s more to this

I think deep down he resented hero society for putting all this pressure on him, always having to be perfect and be there, poster boy. Just being treated as a piece of meat never having the freedom as a normal guy. Trapped into society’s image of him as the perfect hero. And for what cost having to constantly worry about your image, what people think about you, always worrying about not being good enough? Hero society is competitive the people and have created this impossible expectation to be the best. Think about it everyone trying to be the best hero, being the most powerful comparing pow. cards and just look at how Point prep. was up until now it was a cesspool of toxic superiority. If you need proof look at Elodie, that’s what originally corrupted her to betray Enid. To be the best…(Kinda reminds me of BNA the anime). That’s probably why he despises hero’s so much because of there conformity and their standards which is why he became a villain. He lost his powers he didn’t need to try anymore, but it was the best thing that could a have ever happened to him. 


Becoming Professor Venomous was freedom for him! He can finally destroy the society he hated so much, which is why he doesn’t just attack KO he taunts his morales and beliefs because he use to think like that, “trapped” but only now being free as a villain.


“We deserve Freedom, freedom of the things we wanna do…”

Not only that but this gives us the reasoning and creation of TKO (if he is confirmed to be Shadowy figure as well). Think about it TKO is the opposite of KO and being free, doing whatever you want, not being trapped doing what your told which is why we got the episode of TKO Rules. He embodies that theme during the entire episode when he’s wrecking the house. The creation of TKO maybe Professor Venomous’ sick twisted way in freeing his son. But if that truly is that case then damn that’s dark.


This also explains his attraction to Lord Boxman (and yes for you nonshipper this can be put into a platonic sense too); I’ve already explained it here but this goes even deeper. Boxman although he’s seen as a lesser villain he doesn’t care about what others think about him and refuses to conform to their standards and stay true to himself. Basically, Boxman had the courage to do what PV could never do as Laserblast be himself in the hero society. He reminded him why he became a villain to have the freedom to do whatever he wanted. And can I just point out that Professor Venomous trusted Boxman with his darkest secret that he was Laserblast in the past… I mean come on that’s crazy? I know I’m shoehorning Voxman but that is the biggest secret in the entire show and he trusted Boxman with it. 


Well now we all now that he’s Laserblast Ok KO will never be the same… Hope you all enjoyed my post!

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5 years ago

Ok K.O spoilers, I warned you (´。•‿< 。`)ノ~ ☆

Everyone: T.K.O. fights like dad using that purple energy dome. Me: Yeah….but he also fights like his mom:”D

Just look at this moments, I think the parallel between them is obvious. T.K.O/Carol is impulsive, overflowing with feelings, he/she is trying to punch the enemy, while the Ko/PV is calm, focused, he can dodge all attacks of opponent, he is so focused that he don’t even have to look at T.K.O/Carol (in this screenshot, you can’t see it, but just a couple of seconds later, the PV looks away and and also evades the blow). It seems to me that this is an sign that T.K.O. and K.O. are not absolutely good or evil, they both have something from from each side (acctually, here are enough moments where you can track the similarities between parents and boys, but I wanted to draw attention to this similarity, heh)


And…. Idk, I think it’s cute that this grumpy boy has something from his mommy too( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞI guess that’s all I wanted write in this post. Thank you for reading my little thoughts about new episode (´,,•ω•,,)♡

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