Old Foresters Cottage - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Adjacent to the Historic site above Chapman’s Peak Drive is the old forester’s cottage which was constructed when Chapman’s Peak’s lower reaches were planted with Pines (Pinus Rediata) early in the 20th Century. Situated at the foot of Hangberg, off, 1 Chapmans Peak Dr, Hout Bay Harbour, Cape Town, 7806, South Africa. A result of the 2000 fire - building was totally destroyed. The House was a valuable asset to the site and could have underpinned the sensitive development of the site. However, although worthy of recognition as a listed heritage building, it is State owned and not in any way insured, thus it has been left as a total loss and a ruin.


Angrenzend an die historische Stätte oberhalb des Chapman's Peak Drive befindet sich das alte Forsthaus, das gebaut wurde, als der Unterlauf des Chapman's Peak Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts mit Kiefern (Pinus Rediata) bepflanzt wurde. Gelegen am Fuße des Hangbergs, 1 Chapmans Peak Dr, Hout Bay Harbour, Kapstadt, 7806, Südafrika. Infolge des Brandes im Jahr 2000 wurde das Gebäude vollständig zerstört. Das Haus war eine wertvolle Bereicherung für den Standort und hätte die sensible Entwicklung des Standorts untermauern können. Es sollte als denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude anerkannt werden, allerdings befindet es sich in staatlichem Besitz und ist in keiner Weise versichert, sodass es als vollkommen zerstörte Ruine zurückgelassen wurde.

Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed
Adjacent To The Historic Site Above Chapmans Peak Drive Is The Old Foresters Cottage Which Was Constructed

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