One Short - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

and the old men that i've swindled really did believe i was the one

hope that anon who wanted me to write for Javi is still here cause this idea came to me while I was having my weekly Everything Shower and had evermore playing (she's defrosting guys). here's a peek at one of my many wips, this time based off of cowboy like me. I really like the idea of pre-movie Javi where he kind of doesn't care that he's chasing Riggs for money and is willing to do anything to get his business off the ground, which leads him to high society New York where he meets a girl who kind of doesn't care where the money she spends comes from either. trying not to spoil everything, but I really am enjoying writing this so far! I feel like a lot of my FMCs fall into either the grumpy or sunshine archetype, so this FMC is very fun to bring to life.

please let me know how yall feel about this, I feel like this might not have a great reception since this is pre-redemption arc javi with a morally gray FMC, but im really interested in everyones opinions, good or bad.

as always with my tip posts, unproofread. <3

The rain pattered on the tent above the tennis court where Robert Tomlinson IV’s wedding reception was being held. His wife was dressed in a beautiful silk wedding gown, outdoing all the other women in the venue, as to be expected. But from the moment Javi was introduced to her, he couldn’t even remember what the bride looked like.

A business partner of Riggs grabbed him by the elbow, one too many drinks in, and brought him to a standing table towards the center of the room. “Javier, I’d be delighted for you to meet my date for tonight! I think you two would get along wonderfully.”

The way he said his name, so whitely, irked him a bit. But Javi had no room to say no; insulting this man, no matter how drunk, could put an even deeper strain on his relationship with Riggs. And Javi needed his money. While Javi gathered that most of the men in this layer of society had married up (in the sense they married way down their age), he at least expected someone who matched the man in attractiveness. There was no outward signs that this man, who Javi eventually learned was stock broker Albert Hemingway VI and a distant relative to the Belgian royal crown, was a complete and utter creep, but the jokes he laughed at at the bar and the way his eyes lingered a moment too long on his date’s bust made it clear to Javi he was just like the other men in the room who told said jokes. This man, no matter how sleezy, had money and sway and, evidently, was a man Riggs wanted pinned to his lapels.

“Javier, this is my date, Violet.” That’s how Javi found himself eye to eye with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She wore a black silk, floor length gown that he wasn’t sure she’d be able to even sit in, paired with the reddest lipstick he’d ever seen. Her lips were wrapped around a cocktail straw, sipping lightly at the dirty martini in her hand. Her nails were a perfectly manicured nude. And she didn’t seem to care about Javi’s opinion of her at all, if anything, she was judging him. Which was fair in his eyes - he was dressed in his army dress uniform, and who in this walk of life joined the military? He was brushing shoulders with the same people who paid to dodge the Vietnam draft; these were the people whose names were on the buildings and tanks and weapons Javi interacted with every day on base. He had been mistaken as venue staff more than once, empty glasses held out to him by people who didn’t even bother to look away from their conversations.

So, he opted for a tight-lipped smile and nod of acknowledgement for the girl. Her crimson lips pulled into a small smirk. “Hello,” her voice was sultry, a note of an accent that Javi couldn’t place; he just knew that her vowels were wrong, an inkling that she was just as out of place as he was. She just played the part better.

The night proceeded on, Javi’s eyes following Violet the entire time. He had to swerve to avoid glasses and hors d’oeuvre plates being thrust at him. At one point, he accidentally took one as he fixated on the way Violet covered her mouth as she shook her shoulders and crinkled her eyes at one of Hemingway’s jokes; Javi saw the way her mouth stayed stoic behind her hand. Hemingway didn’t look at her long enough to care, instead turning his attention back to his friends. By this point, Violet had abandoned the cocktail straw and downed the rest of her glass when his hand found her waist.

The night continued. Violet was holding her liquor well; Hemingway was not. He was with other men Javi was with at the bar earlier in the night, his forehead connected to the bartop, the other men not far behind. He scanned the crowds, finding her standing outside the coverage of the tent, smoke billowing from her lips. He found himself making his way towards her, the perfectly manicured lawn of the Tomlinson’s Hamptons home squelching under his dress shoes until he made it to the small gazebo she was standing in, alone. It was clear she heard him with the noise his shoes made against the granite floor, but she didn’t turn to look at him. Under the stained glass gazebo, the rain pattered at a more comforting pitch, as though the raindrops were singing to them. A breeze tunneled through the small building. The bottom of her dress was muddied and damp.

“I think you’re in the clear, as far as sleeping with him goes.”

Violet looked at him from the side of her eyes before averting her gaze back to the front. Her voice was coated in that posh accent that he had a feeling wasn’t real. Her Gs weren’t polished and her As extended. “What if I wanted to?”

“Did you?”

She took a long drag before responding to him. “Would you?”

He let a puff of air out from his nose in a humorless laugh. “Would anyone?”

She mimicked him. “He has eight kids.”

Javi’s eyes widened and a real, shocked laugh fell from his lips. “Eight?”

“Yeah, I think he’s hopin’ I can round him out to double digits.” She laughed as well. “He and every other sad, lonely man with too much money on Wall Street.”

From the tent in the distance, a French love song began to play, the live string band increasing their volume, signaling the newlyweds were preparing to depart. A cheer went up by those who were still coherent. Javi repositioned himself, one hand behind his back. He bowed slightly to Violet. “Would you care to dance with me? Have a good moment to remember from this night?”

She tossed the cigarette onto the ground and extinguished it under the toe of her still-wet stiletto. “Dancin’ is a dangerous game, Javier.”

She departed from him, walking back to the tent, no doubt to collect the drunk Hemingway and put him in a limo back across Long Island Sound. He called after her, “It’s Javi.”

She looked back at him over her shoulder, a mischievous grin that Javi couldn’t exactly pinpoint the meaning of. “And it’s not Violet.”

She disappeared into the crowd of people as he gazed down at the extinguished cigarette drenched in red, trying to make out what was her lipstick and what was the moonlight seeping through the red, stained glass rose above him.

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3 years ago

Not just your Valentine (Finral x gn!reader)

Just a cute little one shot for a valentine's event for our BC server event! It's PG and fluffy, so no warnings!

"Ah, so you're already here, uuuh... I hope you weren't waiting for me too much..." The brown haired young man scratched his head as he saw you sitting on that one lonely bench with the exceptional view of the forest and the mountains.

He awkwardly sat next to you and slid closer, looking down. "How, How are you doing in this special day?!..." He shyly said and looked around him, with an awkward smile.

"What are you hiding?" You curiously peeked behind his back, and he jerked to the side.

"N- nothing, special..." He revealed a pretty box of slightly expensive chocolate and a colourful bouquet of roses and wild flowers. "These are for you..."

You took the gifts with a big smile, smelled the flowers and thanked him with a tender embrace. He was shaking, as he wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled your neck.

"Thank you so much, Finral! You didn't have to!" You opened the chocolates and ate one.

You looked at his embarrassed smile becoming relieved. You raised an eyebrow at his behaviour, but continued the date as planned, looking at the sun shining through the mountains and listening to the wind inside the leaves. Your hand slowly reached his and brushed his fingers.

He winced to the touch and you noticed a blush forming on his face. You held his hand and leaned on his shoulder. "You... You could relax, you know..."

What do you mean, I'm fine..." He sweetly said and rolled his eyes.

"Well, I see it..." You squinted with a bit of irony.

"Ah, fine..." He casually sighed with a grin. "Sometimes I just... You know... I sss-" He clenched his fist tightly and bowed his head as he was struggling to mouth something. "I suck at romance!"

He let out a muffled sob. "B- but! You're important to me... I have tried to date so many people before, I have gone to various mixers, bars, flirted on the streets, but I never was successful at this! I never cared this much other than the fact that my self esteem felt crushed, but now... Now I can't risk it! I just want to earn your heart, you know!..."

"... And you have!"

"I know, I'm so incapable of- Wait, really?!"

"Yes! You really try so hard, and that's so sweet of you, but you already have earned my heart long ago! You're a very sweet and caring guy. I appreciate trying to earn me but it won't necessarily happen if you are perfect by the dating standards." You put a gentle hand on his back and brushed some hair strands away from his face to look at his moved expression. "Just be yourself, Finral!"

Your hand reached one of the chocolates and put it in his mouth. He accepted it, but stayed silent for couple of minutes. Your expression turned worried and you called his name with a frown.

But it turned out that he was just trying not to cry with his mouth full, but couldn't keep it together.

"Oh, what am I going to do with you..." He leaned into your embrace as you extended your hands towards him. He clung to you and wiped his eyes.

Two words escaped his lips. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being my Valentine..."

"Not just your Valentine, partner..."

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6 months ago
_Yuu X Lilia_~

°¶_Yuu X Lilia_¶°~


You know what’s the best feeling in the world? The feeling of the one you love sleeping beside you in perfect peace with their limbs tangled in your own, and their body flush with yours. That’s what Lilia Vonrouge was thinking right now, with his girlfriend all snuggled up beside him. Last night they had both stayed up late gaming, and because of that they had both fallen asleep together on the floor, blankets and pillows along with empty snack bags surrounding them and making up their strange yet cozy nest.

The fae smiled softly as he playfully but gently poked his girlfriend’s cheek where her dimple usually expressed itself when she smiled. The girl moaned and peaked open one eye.

“Oops. Did I wake you baby bat?” Lilia smiled, his raspberry red eyes shining in their usual playful Manor. Yuu's response was just a noise as she then cuddled deeper into the small fae.

“Mmm… you're warm.”

“Hehehe… you're so cute when you're half asleep like this…” He took a piece of her hair and twirled it between his fingers. “It makes me want to kiss you.” Yuu let out another sleepy noise and presented her forehead. Lilia smirked before kissing it lightly, earning a happy noise from his girl.

“Yay! I got kisses!” She softly sang, smiling widely into her boyfriend’s chest.

“If you’d present me with those lips of yours you’d get more!” Lilia smirked, still playing with her hair.

“You had your fun last night.” She said, referring to the several stolen kisses that had been taken last night.

“But your lips are so soft!” He said, grabbing her chin and running his thumb over her lips. “I could kiss them all day.” Yuu’s face turned red. Why does her boy have to be so small and cute, but sexy at the same time? Oh yeah. He’s lived for hundreds of years, that’s probably why.


“Yes baby bat?” He smirked, leaning in just a bit more, his playful eyes going to a more mischievous red color. Yuu narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips.

“Don’t get carried away, or I’ll have to be mean and smack you.” Lilia made small happy noises as he smiled and started to kiss his girlfriend’s face. He always started with her nose, his favorite. Yuu’s nose had a small flat spot on the tip, making it the most boopable nose ever, and Lilia's favorite place, besides her lips, to kiss her. He then moved to her cheeks and the forehead, finally ending with her full lips, kissing them the not surprisingly the longest. After he’d satisfied himself with her lips he rubbed his nose to hers. He had a huge smile on his pale face, so happy that he got her.

“I couldn’t live long enough to show you how much I love you Yuu.” His eyes stared right into hers, communicating things he couldn’t find the words for, or that words couldn’t describe.

“That’s a lot considering you could potentially live forever.” Yuu gave a small smile, before giving him a quick kiss on his thin glossy lips.

“Hey!! Stealing kisses is my job!!” Lilia whined, though he tried to kiss her back but she dogged by ducking her head into a blanket, giggling as she did so.

“Two can play at that game Vonrouge.” He could hear her smirking so plainly he rolled his eyes and ducked under the blankets too. They both then spent about thirty minutes playing hide and seek and tag in there, but in the end they decided to build a makeshift fort that they then snuggled up in. Lilia used his magic to create what appeared to be the night sky on their fort's roof, and the two just sat there, basking in each other’s presents and cuddles, occasionally talking about a great many things. School life, friends, siblings, Yuu’s home world, Lilia’s adventures in babysitting, and then finally about them as a whole.


“hm?” The boy turned towards the sweet siren voice that called him.

“Why did you choose me? Knowing full well that I’m human and can not live forever like you.” Her voice was muffled, due to the fact that she’d buried her head into his chest, but he could hear the distinctive sadness in her voice.

“Yuu look at me.” He said in a demanding yet soft and sweet tone. “I chose you because I fell in love with you. You and your quirkiness, sarcastic yet caring attitude, your beautiful hair, your intereging eyes that always show your emotions and see beauty in everything and everyone, your adorable nose,” He paused here to boop it before continuing. “Your cute ears, how your eyes light up when you hear or see something you like, your dainty slim fingers, your random noises you make, the way you walk and talk, heck I literally fell in love like a love sick school boy. I’ve been on deaths door numerous times, but the fact is I knew I was in trouble when I first heard your laugh and my heart danced to the sound and yet I didn’t fight it, nor ran away. I dived headlong into you, my sweet fluffy baby bat, my partner in crime. That’s why I chose you.”

“Lilia!! You're making me cry!!” Yuu hiccuped as she tried to hide the tears that were almost streaming down her face. Lilia chuckled as he took her face in both hands and gently wiped away the salt water with his thumbs, a smile alighted his lips as he again stared at her in the eye for the second time that day.

“Plus, I can’t help but think about how cute the kids would be!” His mischievous yet child like smile broke out as Yuu fell into a fit of laughter.

“Lilia, you already have kids, three to be exact.” Yuu said referring to Malleus, Sebek, and his literal adopted son Silver.

“Yes! I know technically, no, I did raise all three of them, but,” He paused, his smile fading, and took a breath, looking down, frowning slightly. “I want my own kids. You know? Ones that I helped bore, and that are from me, a-and hopefully…….. you.” Lilia’s face turned a slight red at this confession, not used to sharing these deep thoughts he had. It had been just him for so long after Maleanor. Saying these things aloud even in a whisper seemed to be shouting them to the whole world. No, he had just shouted it to the whole world. At least his world. Yuu blinked, then smiled as she nudged him to look up.

“I would gladly bore your children,” She quickly added. “As long as we are married, and have been for at least two years.”

“Yes, no voodoo stuff until wedding night!” He smiled, already thinking about it until she gave him a look and he immediately shooed all gutter lined thoughts out from his mind.

“Good. Now that we have that out of the way,” Yuu then flipped herself over onto her boy's chest, wrapping her arms and legs around him and cuddling her head into his chest. “Cuddles!”

“You're addicted to cuddles.” Lilia wrapped one arm around her waist and the other was free to play with her hair. Until-


“Get out of bed old man, you and Mom have been cuddling long enough.” Silver’s voice echoed in their ears, Lilia frowned for a split second before then smirking let out a really long moan. Silence followed for a moment, then the door shut very quickly, Lilia still smirking.

“That ought to teach him to interrupt a couple’s alone time.” Yuu gave him a look before they both burst into laughter.

“Poor Silver, you’ve probably just scared him for life.” Yuu sighed after calming down.

“Eh, he’s a tough boy, he’ll be perfectly fine.”

“You’ll need to apologize to him and make it clear that we weren’t doing anything.”

“I’ll apologize later but for now,” He flipped them over so he was now on top and Yuu underneath him. “You are my prisoner, and I forbid you to leave.”

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Expecting Miracles
Expecting Miracles
Expecting Miracles

Expecting Miracles

As the full moon bathed the streets of New Orleans in its ethereal glow, Klaus, paced anxiously in his opulent mansion. His mind was consumed with worry and anticipation as he awaited the return of his beloved, y/n, who was carrying their child.

Klaus had always been a complicated man, burdened by his past and the weight of his family's legacy. But the prospect of becoming a father awakened a softer side of him, a desire to protect and cherish his growing family.

Finally, the front door swung open, and there she was, a radiant glow enveloping her, accentuated by her blossoming belly. Klaus's eyes widened with awe and adoration as he rushed to her side, gently placing his hand on her abdomen to feel the life within.

"My love," Klaus murmured, his voice filled with tenderness and reverence. "You're carrying our child, a miracle born from our love."

Y/n smiled, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Yes, Klaus. Our love created something beautiful."

From that moment on, Klaus vowed to be the best partner and father he could be. He showered y/n with affection, ensuring her every need was met during her pregnancy. He learned about prenatal care, attended doctor's appointments, and even transformed a room in their mansion into a cozy nursery.

Klaus would often place his hand on y/n's belly, feeling the gentle kicks and movements of their unborn child. He would whisper words of love and encouragement, promising to protect and guide their little one through the challenges of life.

As the due date approached, Klaus's anxiety heightened. He wanted everything to be perfect for y/n and their child. On the day of the birth, Klaus stood by y/n's side, holding her hand and offering words of comfort.

With every push and every breath, y/n brought new life into the world. And when the cries of their newborn baby girl filled the room, Klaus felt tears welling in his eyes. He witnessed a miracle, a tangible symbol of the love he and the reader shared.

In that moment, Klaus knew he had been blessed with a new purpose. He would protect his family at all costs, ensure their happiness, and strive to be the father he had always longed to have.

As Klaus held their newborn Daughter Hope in his arms, he whispered a promise. "I will love and protect you always, my little one. You are the greatest gift life has given me."

And so, the Mikaelson family grew, with Klaus, y/n, and Hope at the center.

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With Fire And With Blood.

With Fire And With Blood.

Warning: violence, killing, blood, gore, Daemon being possessive.


With Fire And With Blood.

Y/N stood frozen in fear as she watched her husband, Daemon Targaryen, approach her. He was covered in blood, his blond hair matted and his face splattered with the crimson liquid. His eyes were wild and filled with madness as he reached out to touch her face with his bloody hands.

“Lo nyke emagon naejot ossēnagon lī qilōni hog aōha undying jorrāelagon se attention syt issa pār sīr sagon ziry issa dāria,” he spoke in High Valyrian, his voice deep and almost inhuman.

Y/N didn't understand the words he spoke, but she could sense the intensity and desperation in his tone. She was afraid, not just for herself but for their unborn child as well. She had never seen her husband like this before, and it scared her.

She tried to back away, but he grabbed her gently, his touch surprisingly gentle despite being covered in blood. His dark eyes locked with hers, and she could see a glimmer of love and obsession in them.

Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to make sense of the situation. Daemon had always been possessive and protective of her, but this level of violence was something she never expected from him.

Looking down at her swollen stomach, she knew that she couldn't let anything happen to their baby. She wrapped her trembling hands around her belly and whispered words of protection, hoping that her husband would come back to his senses.

But instead, he leaned in closer to her, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke again.

“I will do anything to keep your attention and love. I have killed thousands for you, and I am not afraid to kill more. You are mine, and no one else's. You belong to me,” he said, his voice low and almost begging.

Y/N could feel his hot breath against her skin, and her mind was racing with fear and confusion. She never thought that her husband could be capable of such violence and obsession.

But deep down, she knew that his love for her was genuine, even if it came with a darker side. She couldn't help but feel a strange sense of gratitude for his protectiveness and possessiveness, even if it had led to bloodshed.

“Daemon, please,” she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. “I love you too, but this is not the way. Killing for my attention and love will only push me away.”

Daemon's grip on her tightened, and for a moment, Y/N was afraid that he might harm her. But instead, he leaned in and pressed his bloody forehead against hers, his eyes closing.

“I will do better,” he whispered. “I will show you that my love for you is greater than my need for your attention. Just please, don't leave me.”

Y/N could see the genuine sincerity in his eyes, and she felt her heart soften. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to work things out with her husband.

As he pulled away, she saw the remorse and regret in his eyes as he looked at his blood-stained hands. He knew that he had crossed a line, and he was willing to make it right.

Y/N reached out and took his hand, pulling him towards her and leading him towards their bedroom. As they stepped inside, she could see the destruction and chaos that her husband had caused in his desperate attempt to win her love.

Instead of being angry, she felt a deep sense of sadness and fear. She knew that she needed to help him overcome his need for violence and obsession in the name of love.

As she lay down on their bed, Daemon joined her, his eyes never leaving hers. They lay there in silence, his hand gently resting on her stomach. For the first time in a long time, Y/N felt at peace, knowing that her husband truly loved her and was willing to make amends for his mistakes.

In the days and weeks that followed, Y/N worked tirelessly to help Daemon overcome his dark desires. She showed him love and affection, and slowly but surely, he began to let go of his need for violence and bloodshed.

Their love grew stronger, and as their child was born, Daemon promised to be a better husband and father. With Y/N's love and support, he was able to become the man that she had always believed he could be.

From then on, their love was stronger than ever before, and Y/N knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always overcome them together.


Lo nyke emagon naejot ossēnagon lī qilōni hog aōha undying jorrāelagon se attention syt issa pār sīr sagon ziry issa dāria - If I have to kill those who hog your undying love and attention from me then so be it my queen.

With Fire And With Blood.

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