Oops That Was More Like 3 Posts In One - Tumblr Posts
The rest of my posts about MD ep5 will be tonight (I'm busy today rip) but I can't wait that long to share this one soooo
In the scene where they discover the den of parts in the basement, we see some familiar faces:
On the floor, we can see a head with the teeth from the amalgamation (will be referred to as solver form from now on)

We can also see more solver form heads and a J head in this shot:

And finally, we can see N's entire body with his head next to it in this one:

So clearly, there are multiple of each drone (or at least the one's we're familiar with). This is further backed by Cyn saying that she has "backups" when Tessa says "If that little butler dies for your sake, I swear-"
Either Tessa REALLY likes N, J and V and dresses up multiple drones like them or...
The serial designations could be referring to the model type of each drone, or at the very least different model types exist.
We know there are different models of Disassembly Drones already (there are noticeable differences between N, J and V) so does their model type also determine what wig and clothes they wear?
It's also interesting to note that N, J and V have Worker Drone parts in this episode for the memory sections (V's got WD arms, J has WD legs, N wears a helmet etc). So clearly, they got modifications** before being sent out to disassemble the drones on Copper 9. I'm guessing butlers got recycled into Disassembly Drones rather than making a whole new line of drones.
Also, on the note of there being a dead N in the chair: later on in the episode, Cyn shoves N into the chair, picks up the dead N's head and says "let's reset these memories one more time". N has repetitively discovered something he's not supposed to see (Cyn's solver form*) and had his memories erased.
*Cyn also refers to herself as Solver of the Absolute Fabric (there were other words in there too but I forgot them lol)
We now have Cyn's official (by her standards anyway) title.
**Little note about the modifications that didn't fit elsewhere: they don't have DD headbands here!! Those are their eyes!!! If the digital eyes displayed on their visors are their "real" eyes here, why are they not their real eyes as DDs? Not criticism, just wondering how they see lol