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thoughts on pastrami🎤🎤🎤❓❓

It’s one of my confort foods! and guessing by your username, you probably like it too :D

My mom used to make pastrami sandwiches for special occasions, such as birthdays and festivities, so as I grew up my mind associated them with happiness :).

I remember that on some nights I would get up and eat a slice straight out of the fridge in secret haha.

Now I usually eat them to celebrate or when I’m stressed and need something to cheer me up.

Thoughts On Pastrami

(especially during exam season, most of my meals consist on some type of pastrami sandwich lol).

If I had to choose my last meal on earth, it would be a simple pastrami and cheddar sandwich…

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5 months ago

An “I can see when people will die displayed above their heads” story but it is not the time of their death. It’s the order.

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9 months ago


A list of things that’s been on my mind, in no particular order:

Rice is technically a fruit.

Lamentation of warm weather hindering my ability to drink copious amounts of hot tea.

Convergence tests and thermodynamics.

Summer! Rest! Freedom!

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8 months ago

On my summer grind

Reblogs appreciated <3

[This is a digital painting, not a photo]

On My Summer Grind

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1 year ago

Theory I have about the DRA characters birth year.

I've elaborated this theory while I was bored. It's gonna hard for me to explain this, so if people don't understand, it's ok.

Theory I Have About The DRA Characters Birth Year.

The image above appears at the start of the game, (prologue) and it's a forum where people talk about the new set of students who are gonna be part of the 79th class.

Looking at the date of the messages of said forum, I see these were posted in August 21, 2011. Around this date, the students supposedly haven't started high school in Hope's Peak yet. Following the logic of when high school classes start in Japan, (had to look it up on Google cuz I don't know, I don't live there.) the most reasonable thing to say is that DRA characters would have started classes in Hope's Peak in April 2012.

However, in Chapter 6 it's revealed that the students have been classmates for a few months before some of their memories were erased and / or manipulated. And of course, when this forum is shown at the start of the game, their memories were already manipulated. With this, I come to the conclusion that the characters knew each other BEFORE August 21, 2011.

Knowing this, (unless the date of the messages was also manipulated which is something that remains unknown.) I assume that they have known each other since April 2011. (Again, according to google a school year in Japan starts in April.)

(Before someone says, 'but this fangame is Korean' let me say that the characters are Japanese and the place where this killing occurs is in Japan.)

Why is this information important? Because it means that when they were around 16 - 18, (the exact age of DRA characters is not confirmed, I headcanon them to be 18 though.) it was 2011. Considering all of them were born in the same year, it means that:

If the characters were 16 or about to turn 16 in 2011, it means that they were born in 1995.

If the characters were 17 or about to turn 17 in 2011, it means that they were born in 1994.

If the characters were 18 or about to turn 18 in 2011, it means that they were born in 1993.

(I seriously hope someone understand this, it took me so much time to type.

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7 months ago

once in a while obi wan gets into a nostalgic mood about how much anakin has grown. he digs up anakins old drawings and holopictures and a tunic he was supposed to fix but never did so it lies folded in the bottom of his drawer.

then there is a hollow tugging inside his chest because anakin used to be even smaller. anakin said his first words and walked his first steps and fixed his first droid and obi wan was not there to see it. no one can tell him what it felt like to hold a warm bundled anakin, small enough to fit in one arm. was anakin born with hair? did he like to be held like he does now?

obi wan thinks about anakins mother. is anakin anything like her? does he carry her eyes, her laugh, her heart? he never met her, he wonders what difference it wouldve made if he did.

in a sealed corner of his heart, perhaps he wishes that anakin carried a little of him too. theyll never be connected by blood. theyll never have the intrinsic connection tying them together. but like anakin has burrowed himself inside his bones, where all his blood originates, maybe there are pieces of himself in anakin hed forgotten to take out. they slipped without meaning and anakin kept them. even if its only in the way he ties his robes and curses when he stubs his toe.

then there is embarrassment. white blinding shame at his thoughts. he stops his mind from spinning further. these are strange things to desire, obi wan recognizes it. un jedi like, un obi wan like even. no one knows. no one will know. he feels stupid in front of himself.

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