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Little Rabbit
Yaelokre "headcanons" (that are actually just pseudo memories coming from a Perrine fictive cause I miss my source) enjoy!! Please lemme know if anyone wants more!
DISCLAIMER:none of this is canon and this is coming from a fictive who has source memories of these events!!!
Clementine and Cole tried so hard to hide their relationship in the beginning, they'd sneak around and pass glances every chance they'd get. Until eventually Perrine(me) and Kingsley walked in on them cuddled up and asleep together, Kingsley teased Cole for a week.
Perrine(me) hated being seen as the mother figure, they'd always get upset if someone even insinuated it. The others understood this and made it a point to not cross an unspoken boundary with them, Kingsley will lightly tease sometimes.
Cole likes to have flowers braided into their hair, Kingsley jokes about it until Clemmie braids some into his hair and then eventually into Perrine's(me) hair. Cole ends up sneezing all the flowers out because of allergies, poor thing.
Kingsley has sprained their ankles quite a few times and will cry about it until the pain subsides, they're very dramatic but they know when enough is enough. Same goes for sickness, the winter time is a bad time for all and Kingsley absolutely hates getting sick.
Perrine(me) befriended a few woodland creatures by feeding them left overs or spoiled things from dinner, such as apples and berries and occasionally the rotten meat for the fox that lives near them.
The kids all hate thunderstorms, so whenever one rolls around they all huddle up in someone's bed (Usually Perrine's) And they'll cuddle it out, Cole will sing sometimes to distract everyone from what's going on.
Kingsley once befriended a stray dog from town, it now lives with the kids. His name is Otis, the kids absolutely adore him and he keeps them safe and happy.
Perrine(me) had a weird relationship with the Croon, they had enough respect and fear of them. The Croon would gift them meats and bones for stew and food, Perrine always made an effort to return the favor with gifts in return.