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Oversimplified-ish Elvaria Lore- Part 2, Classical History(Age of the Cycelian Empires)
We cut back to Elvaria lore where we ended off last time, being there's now whole ass kingdoms that are quickly becoming empires Big 3 are Solaris, kingdom of the sun, Lunaris, kingdom of the moon, and Urthalis, kingdom of the sunrise and sunset There's a 4th smaller kingdom that is on the same continent as Lunaris called Estellis, which is the kingdom of the stars There's also a massive storm in the center point of where all the continents would meet Remember the Åkthora? Yeah they're the ones that are living on a small floating set of islands surrounded by extreme storms, and now they're known as Åsterlis but still isolated Miners quickly discover veins of Asurei which are the energies that course through the world Golden Age incoming with breakthroughs in magic and practical application of Asurei into inventions, turns the big 3 kingdoms into empires Golden Age would become known as The Prosperous Gold or Golden Age of the Prosperity Technologically, the world would hit something similar to the 1990s Estellis was particularly advanced but hid their hyperadvanced shit underground after they found out about something they weren't supposed to
Estellans hit a technological point equivalent to the not so distant human future Asurei experiments start early on in the Prosperous Gold and continue for thousands of years Estellis is absorbed into Lunaris via treaty somewhere at the 50,000 year mark An organization called the Accord of Oracles rises into prominence as trusted aides of royalty, and the people in it are blessed(or cursed?) by otherworldly beings with control over time to give them foresight -Roughly 490,000 years of experiments and prosperity pass by until the oracles warn the empires of the end of their glory through an event that will come to be known as The Fall They warned them of the folly of careless experimentation and complacency with the world with no cautions, but at the meeting of the empires, they were written off as madmen The Empress of Urthalis completely disregarded the warnings as she believed that Urthalisan technology was flawless, and the suggest otherwise was a slight on her kingdom's intelligence The King of Solaris believed that the oracles had begun speaking nonsense and had lost their gifts, only becoming doomsayers to sow chaos among the rulership of the empires The King of Lunaris briefly considered the possibility that the warnings were true, but decided to write off his worries and trust in the judgement of his fellow monarchs The representatives with Lunaris that represented the old kingdom of Estellis would side with the oracles, not doubting the truth of their warnings
These representatives held no true power though, and ended up being removed from their positions by the judgement of the 3 monarchs under the reason of doubting the prowess of the empire and conspiracy. The Accord of Oracles was then forcefully dissolved and the Asurei experiments continued as those 10,000 years slowly ran their course, until that fateful day where an oversight in Urthalisan storage chamber systems caused pure Asurei energy to leak and then explode. These chambers were each roughly the size of a lake and were spread across and around the capital city of Urthalis, and the detonation of one set off all the others, creating a massive blast that would decimate roughly 6,300 km of land from the force alone The rings of destruction around it brought debris that rained down on many more people and choked the sky with dust and rubble, but what would kill the most people would be the Asurei contamination itself There was a good reason why the most potent Asurei ran deep within the group in veins and the commonly used Asurei was impure and in less concentrated amounts in the air, and that was because pure Asurei was pure poison and acted similar to radiation This would mark the end of the Prosperous Gold, and thus the empires fell in under a week, them now realizing too late that their mistake to not heed the words of the oracles was fatal This event would become known as The Fall from then on- the fall of the Cycelian empires and all they had worked for, and the fall of the people as the world descended into darkness and chaos- But this is not the end of Elvaria's story.
In case you ever think logo oversimplification is bad nowadays, just remember what Electric Light Orchestra did to their logo in 1986.

Have an oversimplified version of a pangeal map showing the tribal disposition of a fantasy creature called O'dowa (oh-dow-wa)

Nawatu is the northern tribe, Leshi is the western tribe, Timbora is the southern tribe, and Pua is the eastern tribe. The heart is where they converge and sing in chorus with the wind. The supercontinent's full name is Gaia and is surrounded by sea

Fan art for Oversimplified
🛐 Napoleon, but he wears NAPOLEON HOODIE 🛐
Holy shit this is so cool I…😭✨