Own Actions Meet Consequences - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

that time Elon felt pissed and slighted because he got moderated for saying something hateful so he went into irreconcilable debt and leveraged his other companies and made a large deal with the Saudis and Putin sympathizers just to buy the one thing in his life that was moderating him and his hateful misogynist and racist and transphobe contemporaries (and not even that thoroughly) so that he could axe moderation and shit whatever thought he wanted on to the Internet only to have to hilariously overcompensate and become a dictator of moderation of things *he* didn’t like to blunt the consequences of his chaotically evil pack-of-m80s executive brainfarts but too late to stop losing more money and employees and summoning the exacting attention of the FTC and the undoubtedly molten ire of massive industries who lost billions of value in a single day, because Elon has never thought through the philosophies, sociology, and ethics of free speech or faced the consequences of his own actions that are about to smash him in the face and moderate him harder than he’s even been moderated before

“To take just one example, consider moderation. Without moderation, platforms become a cesspit of misogyny, racial hatred and antisemitism, without any conceivable benefit for society. Holocaust denial is not free speech — it is hate speech, and at least indirectly incites discrimination or violence. It is, at best, a shallow and uninformed interpretation of free speech to want to abolish moderation.”

— What’s behind Elon’s Twitter disaster? A fundamental misunderstanding of “free speech”

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2 years ago


just elon musk stroking his own ego during cross examination and in company wide memos


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2 years ago

Elon wants to replace himself as soon as he can find someone.

“We broke the wealthiest man in the world in 3 weeks.” — @BlackKnight10k

Lettuce outlasting Lonnie muskrat

Elon Wants To Replace Himself As Soon As He Can Find Someone.
Elon Wants To Replace Himself As Soon As He Can Find Someone.

Callou callais

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