Twitter Migration - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

i just came back to tumblr literally days before twitter-ites decided to seek refuge on another war ground. god bless them. 

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1 year ago

A few tips for new Tumblr users wanting to write here

Yo if you're here from Reddit or Twitter or some other site and just wanted to give this a shot you may have seen some blogs that are dedicated to writing headcanons or short fics or even original works for their own OCs and you may be thinking "hey I wanna give that a shot! I like to write!" then I have some tips to make it easier on you and people who see your content.

1. First off, if you're writing a pretty long piece the you should probably put it under a read more, it'll look like this on mobile

A Few Tips For New Tumblr Users Wanting To Write Here

and this on desktop

A Few Tips For New Tumblr Users Wanting To Write Here

or you can write :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter.

2. Now if you're gonna write for a whole bunch of different fandoms and you wanna make a master list then I suggest making an actual list with the fandoms you write for and then making more lists with the actual content as a you go along because you can only have 100 links in one post (I know that sounds like a lot but as someone who has around 300 Transformers things written trust me you fill up a post quicker than you expect, especially if you take requests from other people). The way I typically do it is like this

A Few Tips For New Tumblr Users Wanting To Write Here
A Few Tips For New Tumblr Users Wanting To Write Here

The first pic is the MASTER master list that lists everything I write for and when they're underlined like that it means they're links. The second pic is after clicking the G1 link, it's a separate post that has the actual fics and headcanon links. Note the 6/100 in the tags, this is how I keep up with how many things I've added. You can of course just use the numbers options from here

A Few Tips For New Tumblr Users Wanting To Write Here

or just number them manually from your keyboard like I'm doing with this post. Adding links has no barring on what else you add to the post so you can add yourself some fancy header or divider pics if you want.

3. Adding links! Links can look like this or like this depending on whether you're linking from mobile or desktop/browser Just highlight the text you wanna add a link to and a the little chain will move to the end, click it and paste your url you want to link to and press add link, then press post/save draft/save (whatever the blue button says)

A Few Tips For New Tumblr Users Wanting To Write Here

Now you've successfully linked a post to another post!

4. Tagging! To get your fics and headcanons seen to build an audience you usually wanna tag the stuff correctly. If you're posting a fic about Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney then you'll tag it with #Ace Attorney, #Miles Edgeworth, and #Phoenix Wright in the tags area. But it's also a good idea to mention if it's a ship or general fic in the tags too. If so then putting ship names and #Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and #Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright in the tags will help everyone know this is a ship fic. Tagging with characters or fandoms that aren't apart of the fic just clogs the tags for people looking for content of said characters and fandoms so it's very looked down on here and will likely get some of your stuff reported for spam so only use the relevant tags. Also tagging for triggers can be tricky here because of how fucky tumblr is but please don't tag censor tags. Tagging things like #a**** or #a*use or even #abu$e doesn't work here because people who have #abuse blacklisted will be able to see this content because it wasn't tagged properly. Also if you're writing for OCs or reader inserts it's common courtesy to tag those appropriately too. Someone looking for a reader insert may not want to read an OC and vice versa. Also many people filter those out so try to add tags like #x reader, #*fandom name* x reader, and #*character name* x reader for easier filtering. Also people cruise those tags too so it'll help people who fo want to read that content find your stuff!

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1 year ago

twitter users come in! we're completely fine and sane we promissssssse 😀.

reddit users welcome. the pit is over there have fund.

Well, Well, Well Look Who Came Running Back

Well, well, well look who came running back

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1 year ago

This is so.... poetic? romantic? One or the other. I love it

I honestly think that the migration to tumblr thing honestly has some really neat stuff. Like imagine that tumblr is that one guy who was never expected to do anything out of high-school. They got their lives together enough to lead a basic life on a farm. But then the apocalypse hits. It doesn't mean much to tumblr, their barely bothered, but they suddenly have refugees on their doorstep. Tumblr was bullied by Twitter in high-school and hates them accordingly but still refuses to abandon them. Meanwhile Reddit was supposed to be our high-school sweetheart but we ended up having a super bad break up. We can both respect the good times and we let then in as well. (Lovers to enemies to lovers anyone?)

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1 year ago

Yup! Have a great time here! Spam your blog if you want, break into other people's blogs and like+reblog+follow all their posts if you want!

Just block unpleasant content+people. No hard feelings!

im seriously surprised at how cozy and welcoming tumblr feels compared to other websites holy shit. its like, are you telling me i dont have to see dumb ppl picking up fights over the dumbest shit possible and trying to ratio each other or trying to get easy karma every day? are you telling me i can actually have dumb fun on social media and post about stuff i like?????

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*Aggresively reposting*

Quick tips for twitter & reddit migrants

Go into Settings -> Dashboard

Quick Tips For Twitter & Reddit Migrants

Turn endless scrolling off (it will turn your dash/feed into a paged one)

Quick Tips For Twitter & Reddit Migrants

Turn Best Stuff First and Include Stuff In Your Orbit off (it's the tumblr algorythm. Turning those off will make your dash chronological as god intended.)

Go into Settings -> Account

Quick Tips For Twitter & Reddit Migrants

This is where you blacklist shit.

Quick Tips For Twitter & Reddit Migrants

If you want to see "adult" content, go turn these on.

Go into Settings -> Blog

Quick Tips For Twitter & Reddit Migrants

Change your icon into something that isn't default. (Doesn't have to be fancy. Can be a pic of kirby.)

Change your header into something that isn't default. (Doesn't have to be fancy. Can be a simple "hi. New to this website.)

Tumblr has a huge bot problem; If you have a default avatar & header, people might assume you're a bot and block you.

Ok these are the basics. Have Fun.

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1 year ago

going back to taking tumblr seriously thank you very much. literally having to search for stuff here cuz of rate limit

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1 year ago

I've been on tumblr for less than a day yet I've liked 1000+ posts, guess I'm staying!

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1 year ago

how do u get people to ask u questions, i think i have it on but do you just tell people to ask u stuff??

idk how this works I'm from twitter

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1 year ago

i come from twitter because i was suspended for some reason (?)

But tumblr is too nice so I feel like I can't talk shit

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1 year ago

💀 tf?? I didn't even do anything, and now I can't DO anything on twitter

 Tf?? I Didn't Even Do Anything, And Now I Can't DO Anything On Twitter

oh I AM getting stuck with tumblr, fuck you elon shit

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8 months ago

You know how someone made a greek myth about twitter and tumblr when twitter migration happened? Well they should do it again with quotev and tumblr.

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1 year ago

we need to start euthanizing the twitter users they are damaging our fragile ecosystem

We Need To Start Euthanizing The Twitter Users They Are Damaging Our Fragile Ecosystem

see you fuckers at the hunting grounds. I for one will set up one of those rope-pull traps and put a fragile controversy inside the trap as bait. that will catch em.




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1 year ago

If you are from twitter do NOT censor words

Tag triggers such as self harm or death or rape or whatever but DO NOT FUCKING CENSOR them

If you censor words then folks who have them blacklisted will see your triggering content

Do not censor

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1 year ago

me: i don’t want to see jellyfish so i will blacklist the tag #jellyfish

people with no common sense: je11yf1sh, je11¥fi5h, j*llyf*sh, je//ÿf!sh, j3ï||yf¡sh, gel lee fisk

result: cannot account for the sheer amount of possible ways to alter the word jellyfish

conclusion: i have to see jellyfish now.

Once again, tumblr is not tiktok, tag properly.

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2 years ago

oh I see tumblr also has that incredible feature of refreshing the feed mid-scroll right when I stopped long enough to actually read something, and added a bunch more posts that weren’t there the first time through making it harder to find where I got bumped.

We aren’t so different, you and I

gif of a young girl standing in front of a full length mirror, holding a glass of water, and she appears to be arguing with herself. after a moment and some words exchanged with her reflection, she taps the mirror with her glass, as if to give "cheers"; she and her reflection seem to have come to an understanding, albeit with apparent antagonism

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