Owning Animals - Tumblr Posts
Actually yes I do think you should need a standard qualification to own an animal, and that there needs to be heavier regulations on person-to-person animal sales and backyard breeding.
Owning an animal immediately becomes a lifelong commitment, just like having a child. The only difference is the animal can't use words to tell you how its feeling, what it needs and what's wrong with it. Getting an animal means you need to learn an entirely new language and need to learn to adjust your behavior and life, constantly, in order to communicate with your pet properly.
Yes, even dogs and cats. The two most available, unregulated type of pet after fish. Its not cute when you let your baby/toddler trample all over your pet and pull at them and chew on their ears. Its not cute when you try to snuggle your pet and it growls at you. Its not cute to have a pet that tries to attack you whenever you're in the same room. Its not cute to let your fish languish in a tiny bowl without the proper filtration, space, habitat stimuli and food.
The fact that at any one time I can just make a Facebook post saying I want a kitten and within 24 hours I can just get one, no home or background check necessary, no medical history or evaluation of the kitten, no proper knowledge of if its old enough to leave its mother or what it needs to eat, is actually fucking terrifying.
You need to learn the body language and sounds of your pet and what they're indicating to you. Animals have hundreds of ways of communicating. Some animals will specifically adapt to your means of communication or will invent entirely new forms of communication to try to engage with you.
You need to learn the proper methods of training your pet and which methods work best for you, your pet, and are over-all the clearest forms of communication and most beneficial. Including what methods are safe, which are outdated or harmful, ect.
You need to learn the proper nutrition your pet requires and ways you can enrich and vary their diet. You need to be capable of doing species/breed appropriate research and activity research to discern exactly what your pet needs out of its diet.
If and where necessary, you need to modify your home and your own behaviors within the home to make it safer for your pet. You may need to give up your essential oil candles or stop leaving the doors open where your pet can escape. You may need to remodel your backyard so its safe and appropriate for your pet to have freedom within.
You need to learn ways you can safely enrich your pet's day-to-day life and ways you can provide them with stimulation and entertainment. Especially for the hours you won't be there.
You need to have proper medical coverage for your pet and set aside money weekly or monthly to build an emergency savings fund for them, the exact way you would for other expenses.
You need to properly assert ownership of your pet. Paperwork, microchipping, an evidence file of ownership in case your pet gets lost or stolen, proper registration, ect.
You need to have contingency plans for emergencies and events where you need to navigate the stability and safety of your pet. If you went into hospital tomorrow, who can look after your pet? If there's a natural disaster, do you have the means to get your pet to safety?
And, yes. I realize this will inherently disadvantage poor people and people who don't have hours in a day free to pay attention to their pet, but unfortunately, that's the reality of choosing to be responsible for another living creature. Its the reality of just how much actual work goes into owning, raising and training an animal.
Pets are not inherent rights. They're essentially luxuries in a world where we no longer need to rely on animals the way we did hundreds of years ago. Pets are not just little accessories and fun little distractions and add-ons to your home. They are independent, sentient creatures that you are fully and solely responsible for in every single aspect of their lives.
Pets. Are. Not. Toys.
This is just a quick FYI, but if you want a dog, and you also want to start a family, but you're of the opinion that the dog 'has to go' the moment you have your child, you should not get a fucking dog.